To be honest, after the Narcissus failed to infiltrate, he didn't feel that Luojia's black juice could penetrate the aging power of Balegon.

Instead of wasting the opportunity to let Bailegang be vigilant early, it is better to choose the safest way from the beginning.

Looking at the army of clones gathered around her, Nagasawa stared at the distant Balegon, and whispered to Ulquiola and Helibel behind her without turning her head.

"Hribel, you and Xiaowu protect Luojia, go get your companion out first, and I will buy some time for you here."

Listening to Chang Zeya's instructions, a cold light flashed in Bailegang's eyes.

To gain time?

Is this looking down on him?

Unlike his group of fussy subordinates, he didn't pay attention to the replicas in front of him at all.

Bailegang casually put down the pitch-black battle ax on his shoulder, and said in a deep voice to Nagasawa.

"You don't think you can hold me back with these counterfeit goods?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but smile slightly.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

As he said that, without waiting for Helibel and the others to agree, accompanied by the surge of his thoughts, the army of thirty clones linked to the Narcissus' domain immediately launched an offensive under his control.

It's just that it's different from the swarming in the "automatic attack mode".

After taking over the control, Masa Nagasawa organized the "formation" according to the abilities of the three of them.

Although Ulquiola and Harribel are similar in strength, they are good at fighting in different ways.

Don't look at the fact that Harribel once had a mage duel between water and ice with Toshiro Hitsugaya in the original plot.

But in her bones, she advocates close combat even more.

A pair of shark-patterned swords are in her hands, and this is also the strongest reliance on her ability to escape from Bailegang every time.

On the contrary, Ulquiola preferred to be a javelin thrower.

The moonlight sword condensed from high-concentration spiritual particles has become the sharpest long-distance lethal weapon in his hands.

Compared to the two captain-level Vastods, Masa Nagasawa's Kidō, which can handle various types of battles, makes up for their shortcomings in functional attacks.

To this end, he organized [-] clones into a team, with two Herribels, two Ulquioras, and one clone of himself, making a total of five teams.

Then the remaining five copies of him form a ghost class.

Under his control, the five-team composite team immediately launched a strangulation against Bailegang like a wheel battle with crossfire.

Facing the clone of Helibel rushing forward, Balegon's face was full of disdain.

Even the battle ax in his hand was swung at will like swat a fly.

However, the clone of Helibel, who was wielding the two shark-patterned swords, seemed to be transformed into a Valkyrie on the battlefield at this moment.

Relying on his agility, he avoided the fatal blow before Bailegang's tomahawk wrapped in the power of aging was about to touch his body.

However, a clone is a clone after all, and it is a fluke to escape an attack from Bailegang. He wants to escape from Bailegang's men, and even use this to attack Bailegang's head that was not covered by the flame coat. Department, is tantamount to daydreaming.

Seeing that the clone he despised unexpectedly escaped his attack, Bailegang, who was a little surprised, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Immediately, as if he finally woke up from sleep, he cheered up.

The battle ax in his hand seemed to be infused with spirituality at this moment.

The tomahawk that fell in the air actually drew a strange arc in the air, and by virtue of the inertia generated when it was swung, it slashed towards the Helibel clone that had just dodged past at a faster speed.

Looking at the inevitable replica in front of him, even though Bailegang knew that he was not Helibel himself.

But having already made up his mind to keep Helibel on this land, he showed a ferocious smile as if the ax had slashed on Helibel's body.

However, just as his battle ax was about to land on the duplicate body in front of him, three water cannons wrapped in strong winds and two moonlight swords glowing with emerald green fluorescence were aimed at his head respectively. As well as the exposed palms and soles of the feet, they shot rapidly.

Can you imagine that feeling?

When I wanted to kill a mosquito, two mosquitoes flew past my ears and then stopped on my neck, sucking a mouthful of blood.

At the moment, Bailegang is generally feeling like this.

Although even if the water cannon and lightsaber fell on him, it might not be able to cause too much damage to him.

But he is really annoying.

He waved his palm a little irritably to block the water cannon lightsaber, and the tomahawk he swung in his hand slowed down half a beat involuntarily.

But in this half a beat of effort, a strand of spiritual light suddenly entangled the ankle of the Helibel clone that was about to fall under his axe.

Then, with just a gentle tug, he was pulled out of hell with the help of teamwork!


The tomahawk, which had lost its target, slashed fiercely on the white sand, setting off waves of smoke and dust.

However, the attack of the clone army did not stop because of the failure of Bailegang's attack.

Crash Wheel Change, Chiyan Dun, Six-Stick Light Prison, Hundred-Step Railing, Nine Luminaries Binding!

Even if he knew that Bailegang had the power of aging to protect his body, and spiritual attacks couldn't get close to him at all, countless Dao Binding and Moonlight Swords still sprinkled on Bailegang as if they didn't need money.

And under the cover of Binding Dao and the Moonlight Sword, Helibel's duplicate body seemed to be transformed into a dancer dancing on the tip of the knife, constantly wandering around Bailegang.

Although there is a gap in quality, but in terms of quantity to make up for it, Bailegang was suppressed in place by Nagasawa Ya's army of clones!

Bailegang didn't understand. What he was facing was obviously just some impostors. Why could they slow down his progress?

However, if Nagasawa heard his thoughts at this time, he would definitely laugh out loud.

After all, Nagazeya felt that with Bailegang's IQ, even if he explained it to him, he would not understand it.

This is the best tactic he deduced based on his individual conditions, combined with the panacea tactic.

As for the irritable Bailegang, except for waving the battle ax in his hand again and again, using the power of aging to turn the white sand on the ground into nothingness layer by layer, it can be said that he has achieved nothing!

Anger builds up gradually.

At this moment, Bailegang was extremely aggrieved.

He is the king who rules the virtual circle!

Could it be that he is really old?

However, before he could shake off the distracting thoughts in his mind, Herribel's cold voice came into his ears again.

"Nagaze, the people have been rescued and can evacuate!"

Harribel's voice seemed to have poured cold water on him.

Anxious, he was instantly brought back to reality by this cold voice.

When he looked towards Apache and the others, that is, the direction where his subordinates were, the scene in front of him made him burn with anger instantly.

He has many subordinates, but this time, only the most elite group was brought out, about forty Yachukas.

However, during the short period of time when he was controlled by Nagasawa Ya's army of clones, forty Yachukas under him were killed in pieces.

Facing Helibel and Ulquiorra, the two Valstords, without a unified command, the forty Yachukas who rushed forward with their blood and bravery were not their opponents at all. .

Even Luojia, who was the weakest, defeated a Yachukas of the same level with the help of Anti-Membrane.

Seeing that more than half of them had been damaged, only a small half of the subordinates were left, gathered together and formed a defensive formation.

Bailegang was really angry.

Lao Tzu is the king of virtual circles!

On weekdays, only Lao Tzu bullies others. When can any chicken or dog shit on Lao Tzu's head?

The strong sense of humiliation, and the anger generated when his subordinates died, were constantly intertwined in Bailegang's mind.

He has had enough of the endless harassment of these replicas, and he wants to get rid of these annoying flies in one go, including Nagasawa Ya who controls these flies!

"Pay for pissing me off."

"Sigh of death!"

Accompanied by a low growl from his throat, the thick black smoke engulfed the breath of death, spreading in all directions like a flood breaking a bank.

Its spreading speed is so fast and its range is so wide that even the clones with 20% combat power of Helibel and Ulquiola have no time to escape before the breath of death arrives.

One, two, and three!

Responsible for close harassment, the Helibel clone closest to Balegon was the first to die!

...... cut......

PS. Another 6K day, sleep and sleep.

Chapter 273 I Have a Sword Immortal Kneeling

Watching it quickly decay under the corrosion of the breath of death, turn back into black ink, and then turn into a copy of nothingness.

On Nagasawa Ya's face, there was a calm and indifferent look on her face.

To be honest, he didn't expect to be able to kill Bailegang with an army of clones at all.

Being able to buy time for Harribel and the others and rescue the three besieged Apaches is already fulfilling his strategic goal.

As for defeating Balegon...

Just by relying on his supernatural skills, he was able to arouse Bai Legang's emotions and make him lose his sense of control. He already felt that he had earned his blood.

It was at this moment that Helibel, who was in the distance, came to him in a flash, staring at the spreading death breath with a serious face, and said in a deep voice without turning his head.

"Nagasawa, we know that you are very upset that Bailegang treated you with contempt. You have done enough."

"It's just that this guy is not something you can handle now. Leave the work after the break to me."

Listening to Helibel's words, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of surprise in her eyes.

Isn't it madom?

Have you seen through Marlon Brando's peak acting skills?

As a commander-in-chief who uses Aizen as a reference object, Masa Nagasawa has always felt that she is a person who can't show emotions.

In the end, everyone seemed to be able to see that I was very angry from the meaning of Helibel's words?

If you are like this, I, Ya, will lose face!

But before he could say anything, Herribel's tone softened, as if answering the question in his heart, he said softly.

"Bailegang despised you so much, anyone would be angry, right?"

"Don't tell me it's you. Seeing how he looks down on you makes me want to chop him."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Fortunately, it's not that he's not good at acting.

It's just a reasonable calculation from his actions.


"Your injury...hasn't fully recovered yet?"

Nagasawa admitted that he is a bastard who likes to lie flat, never stand if he can sit, never sit if he can lie down, and never do it himself if he can let the old man do it.

But right.

But he didn't allow himself to hide behind the woman, and just sit back and watch his companion beat him to death.

Especially when this companion is still injured.

Hearing this, Herribel's green pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly, and fell silent.

Bailegang is one of the oldest big ghosts in the virtual circle, and its strength can be described as unfathomable.

Previously, although she managed to escape in the battle with Bailegang, she was also seriously injured.

Coupled with the fierce battle with Killian's army in the forest of Daxu, it caused old injuries in the body.

Until now, her Reiatsu has not been restored to its best condition.

She thought she had hidden it well.

Unexpectedly, it was still seen through by Nagasawa Ya.

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