But very quickly, another thought quickly appeared in her mind.

How did Nagasawa see it?

The virtual circle is very cruel.

In Hueco Mundo, a place where the weak prey on the strong, once a Daxu is injured and its combat power is reduced, the surrounding Daxu will swarm in like sharks smelling blood and devour them all.

Before meeting the three Apaches, Harribel was a well-known lone ranger in Hueco Mundo, and she was already accustomed to showing her powerful side.

Even if you are seriously injured, you will try your best to keep yourself calm and make yourself look like a normal person.

This method, as long as there is no too fierce battle, ordinary people will not be able to detect it.

Harribel has relied on this method more than once to scare away her opponents.

However, Nagasawa, whose Lingwei level was at least two levels weaker than her, saw through her reality at a glance, which made her feel a sense of surprise in her heart.

But before she could say anything, Nagasawa continued on by herself.

"And your three companions were seriously injured. If you take them to evacuate, you will definitely be delayed."

"That guy on the other side has already entered a berserk state, let alone you who are still injured, even in your prime, you are not his opponent?"

"Once you are here, we still have to face his endless pursuit. The situation has not changed, and it may even develop in a worse direction."

Hearing this, Harribel, who was about to say something, fell silent again.

She and Ulquiola had just killed more than half of Balegon's subordinates, and the two sides had already formed a death feud.

Bailegang, who was in a state of anger, would not let them go.

Her silence can be regarded as affirmation of Nagasawa Ya's rhetoric.

Just looking at the approaching death aura, she knew she couldn't continue chatting here.

"Listen to you, it seems that you have a better way?"

"If there is, I advise you to hurry up!"

Saying that, Harribel, who frowned slightly, hurriedly turned his head and urged.

However, the moment she turned her head, she suddenly met Nagazawa's proud eyes.

I saw Nagasawa standing with her hands behind her back, her chin raised slightly, like a suit jacket welded to her shoulders, and it even swayed gently with the breeze, looking like a peerless master.

Immediately, as if noticing her suspicious gaze, a lonely arc appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

I saw him slowly pulling out his Zanpakuto from his waist, as if drawing an arc in the air. He raised it high and assumed the posture of ascending the dragon sword, while facing Harribel, using Yun Dan Feng Qing said softly.

"I have a sword fairy kneeling, maybe I can give it a try."

Harribel: "???"

To be honest, although I feel a little out of place, but Masa Nagasawa's upright figure, coupled with the blessing of Marlon Brando's acting skills, there is a feeling of "this guy is pretty handsome" in Herribel's heart Feel.

But very quickly, she quickly waved away the inexplicable thought in her mind.

Harribel, Harribel, what are you thinking?

Wake up, this is a battlefield!

Not a place for you to indulge in masculinity!

However, before she could urge Nagasawa to be serious and stop playing tricks.

She suddenly found herself feeling light.

The oppressive feeling that enveloped her whole body and was so sticky that she was having trouble breathing, actually disappeared mostly out of thin air.

Has Nagasawa's domain become weaker?

Knowing that this was Nagasawa Ya's first understanding, she immediately looked at Nagasawa Ya beside her with somewhat puzzled eyes.

However, at the scene in front of her, even she, who was Varstord, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

I saw countless dazzling lights, all converging on Nagasawa Masa's raised Zanpakutō at this moment.

It is the purest power of spirits formed by the condensed lingering tragedies of all the powerful who have passed through the past, present, and future and returned to the embrace of the earth after fighting in the virtual circle.

A mid-spirited roar suddenly sounded, and Masa Nagasawa, who held the Zanpakuto high, took a step forward.

The next second, with the sharp blade in his hand swung down, the dazzling golden light seemed to cut through the night!

“EX Curry Stick!!!”

...... cut......

PS. Gouzi has come to his aunt, and it has been half a month since he came, and he was put on diapers every day, and he kept biting out the aunt's towel, and he died...

Chapter 274 is like banishing an immortal

Under Heliber's astonished gaze, the shining golden light of the sword ruthlessly collided with the rapidly spreading breath of death.

Looking at the almost head-to-head scene in front of him, Harribel resisted the desire to roll his eyes, and looked at Nagasawa beside him with a strange look in his eyes.

Is this the method you're talking about?

But soon, the strange look in her eyes turned into a look of contemplation.

As an old rival of Balegang, she naturally has some understanding of Balegang's abilities.

Coupled with the previous description of Ulquiola, she also did not believe that Nagasawa would do useless work that wasted spiritual energy.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she refocused her gaze on the golden sword light that collided with Bailegang's death breath.

However, this glance allowed her to see the clues.

The sword glow that Nagasawa cut out did not turn into nothingness after touching the aging power of Bailegang.

On the contrary, the moment the two came into contact, they formed a situation of wrestling with each other.

When Harribel saw this scene, she was really shocked.

The invincible aging power of Bailegang has actually failed?

She has fought against Balegon for hundreds of years, and this is the first time she has seen... no, it is even the first time she has heard that someone can fight against the aging power of Balegon!

However, after just a short period of shock, Harribel discovered that she seemed to have made a mistake.

When she looked intently, she discovered that it was not Bailegang's aging power that had lost its effect.

But at the moment when the golden sword light hit the aura of death, a steady stream of spiritual power, like countless reserve armies, continued to fill the vacancy in front that was turned into nothingness!

"Are you crazy!?"

When she saw this scene, she really screamed out.

Really Nima is head-to-head! ?

She originally thought that Nagasawa Ya would have some strange tricks.

As a result, you are a Reaper who is only at the level of Yachukas, and you dare to face the king of the hard and rigid circle, Bailegang! ?

Even she, Harribel, after suffering a defeat, only dared to use roundabout guerrillas in the battle with Bailegang.

Yes, Nagasawa is indeed going head-to-head with Bailegang.

But this is not a reckless move.

All of his confidence comes from his Zanpakutō.

The ability of Narcissus is actually very simple. To put it bluntly, it can help him store the excess spiritual power absorbed by his body through [Super Speed ​​Absorption], and accumulate it in the spiritual world of Zanpakutō for future use. need.

But as far as the application method is concerned, there are two different derivative applications.

One is an effect similar to the expansion of the domain, releasing the spiritual power stored in the Zanpakuto according to his needs at one time.

In a specific area with him as the center, through the way of spiritual power coverage, an unexpected, 100% hit, and an "invisible slash" that cannot be dodged is formed.

This kind of power is affectionately called "ROOM" by him.

This move has many advantages. As long as he swings the knife fast enough, he can form an endless series of slashes with 100% hit.

The key is to consume less.

But the disadvantage is equally obvious, that is, it cannot do damage.

It doesn't matter if you beat players of the same level. It's no problem if you jump a level or two.

But if you meet an opponent with a strong spiritual pressure like Mr. Yamamoto and Aizen Soyousuke, or an opponent with paradoxical powers like Bailegang.

Because the spiritual power floating in the air is too scattered, it is difficult to condense enough power to break through its protection in a short period of time.

At this time, it was his turn for another kind of due.

That is the sword he just cut out.

In less than a second, he can concentrate all the scattered spirits in the field on his own Zanpakutao, and cut out the strongest sword.

And the most important thing is that the spiritual power stored by Narcissus can be continuously replenished as if flowing water at the moment of swiping and slashing, so that its power will not be reduced in the slightest.

But relatively, the consumption of stored spiritual energy is also very huge.

As if to commemorate his previous life, this move was very similar to a certain idiot king, which he affectionately called "Excalibur".

When he swung this sword that condensed almost all his spiritual power, at this moment, since the creation of the world, the virtual circle of eternal night seemed to have finally ushered in its own light.

The golden sword light came from top to bottom, like a huge opening in the curtain made of night, connecting the sky and the earth.

One cut and two paragraphs!

After a brief stalemate, the aura of death in Bailegan was like a slowly advancing infantry phalanx hitting a ferocious heavy cavalry. In just one round, a huge gap was torn open from the middle. Gap!

Charge, nothingness, replenish, charge again!

The endless stream of spirits, seemingly inexhaustible, constantly replenishes the "companion" that has been turned into nothingness.

Finally, at this moment, the black breath of death was forcibly divided into two sections as if splitting the mountain and breaking the sea.

And the dazzling slash in Nagasawa Ya's hand finally came to Bailegang!

The two people were obviously very far apart, but after breaking through the smoke screen of the death aura, the two people's eyes suddenly collided in the air, but they seemed so close.

Harribel no longer knew what words to use to describe her shock.

Only Nagazawa, who is at the Achucas level, can really do what even she, as Vastod, can't do!

And just when she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say, the sword light held in Nagazeya's hand like a torch had already hit Bailegang's flame coat hard!

Just like the breath of death that had been cut in half, the flame coat that had never been broken through, which had brought Bailegang an infinite sense of security in the past, suddenly fell apart under his horrified gaze.

The stark white bones were exposed to the air defenselessly at the moment the flame coat was torn apart.

Bailegang, who never thought that his flame coat would miss, was not even prepared to deal with this situation in "PLANB".

In a hurry, he could only turn his body as much as possible to avoid his vital parts.


The crisp sound of bones breaking suddenly resounded.

Compared with the scene where the special effects are full and the funds are crazily burned, this crisp sound seems so insignificant, even if you don't distinguish it carefully, it is insignificant at all.

However, for Harribel, as well as Luojia and others who were standing in the distance, eagerly anticipating the final result of this duel, this subtle crisp sound was so sweet and moving.

After the golden sword light broke through the flame coat, it was wrapped with unparalleled power and stood fiercely on Bailegang's shoulders.

Without the protection of the flame coat, Balegon looked so vulnerable as if his strong coat had been stripped off.

The golden sword light cut down from his left shoulder blade, cutting down obliquely with such force as to smash through a bamboo.

It's the cassock cut!

The clean and sharp slash actually split Bailegang's body in two from the left shoulder down to the right hip bone!

As Bailegang's upper body, which had been cut in half, fell to the ground weakly, different expressions appeared on the faces of every onlooker.


"That god of death, actually killed the mighty Bailegang!?"

"Bailegan, who was no match even for Lady Harribel, actually died like this?"

"As expected of a gentleman, with the power of Yachukas level, he defeated the King of the Void Night who ruled the Void Circle. Maybe... the world he described in his mouth is really possible to come true!"

"Impossible, impossible, impossible! How could His Majesty Balegon lose to this guy so easily!?"

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