"Hush! Stop talking, stop talking, run quickly, even Balegang is no match for them. If you don't run, it will be too late!"


Even Ulquiola, who has always been indifferent to emotions, has a calm and cold personality, and rarely changes his expression, stared blankly at Nagasawa Masa in the distance, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear. language.

"Obviously there is a huge gap between each other, but they did everything possible to achieve a strong lore with a probability close to zero...Is this what you call 'the power of the heart'?"

Astonishment, shock, ecstasy, panic, horror!

Countless complicated emotions all turned into a look called "disbelief".

Looking at Nagasawa Ya who was bathed in a little bit of golden light in the distance.

At this moment, it was like banishing an immortal!

Unlike Apache Luo Jia and others who were the winners, Bailegang's side was directly in chaos.

Some of the Yachukas who were not so loyal to Balegon, but were forced to submit to his power under his power, even stopped calling "Your Majesty" in their mouths, and prepared a retreat for themselves .

However, at this time, the mutation happened in vain.

I saw that Bailegang, who had fallen to the ground with only his upper body left, was strangely floating into the air.

The soft fine sand slowly slid down his skeleton without leaving any stains on his body.

A strange squirm gushed out from the fractured wound, repairing his broken half body.

With just one breath, Bailegang, who had just been chopped into two pieces, recovered instantly.

If it weren't for the half-destroyed skeleton frame on the white sand beside it, it would be impossible to tell that Bailegang at this time had just experienced a life-and-death bloody battle.

This is Daxu's super-speed regeneration.

In the future, when Daxu people face off, they will usually abandon the ability of super-speed regeneration in order to obtain more powerful power.

But before breaking the surface, a small number of Daxu all have this ability, it's just that the speed of recovery is faster or slower.

However, after repairing his body, Bailegang's face did not show any joy, instead it looked like a stretch of dark clouds, so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Humiliation, unparalleled humiliation!

Since his birth, he has never been so humiliated as today.

In his memory, the humiliation he felt today actually exceeded his entire life!

The majestic spiritual pressure surged out of his body instantly.

And unlike Nagasawa Masaru's golden spiritual pressure, which symbolizes light, his spiritual pressure is pitch black with an ominous atmosphere.

"You...damn it!!!"

Looking at Bailegang, who erupted with a powerful spiritual pressure, Nagasawa Ya, who had just cast the most powerful sword, seemed to have entered the time of the sage, and felt a sense of emptiness in his body for no reason.

In the next second, a helpless smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, it seems that my limit has almost come to an end..."

However, after hearing his words, Harribel looked at him with a complicated expression.

He and Nagasawa have not known each other for a long time, but during this short time together, the other party has broken through her inherent cognition time and time again.

Although she has made up her mind to follow Nagasawa Ya and realize their common dream with him, to be honest, deep down in her heart, she is actually very unsure.

Because their goals were so ambitious that she didn't even know where to start.

However, when she saw that Nagasawa defeated Bailegang who could only flee under his subordinates with her own strength and a mere Yachukas-level Reiatsu, her mentality was like that of Luo in the distance. In general, a fundamental change has taken place.

She has never believed more in her future with Nagasawa than now.

We must not let Bailegang hurt a single hair of Nagasawa!

The moment this thought appeared in her mind, her cold eyes became softer, she looked at Nagasawa and said softly.

"No, you've done a great job."

"Even I, in the past hundreds of years, have never caused such a tragic injury to Balegon."

"Moreover, although he repaired his damaged body through super-speed regeneration, even Varstord cannot survive for a long time if his internal organs are damaged."

"The current him is just at the end of his strength, trying his best to die with us."

"The you now are much weaker than me. Let me deal with this last madness."

However, just when Heribel raised the shark-patterned sword in her hand and was about to risk her life, she did not allow Bailegang to hurt Nagasawa Ya in the slightest.

Nagasawa Yana has remained unchanged for thousands of years, as if everything is under control, and the words that give people an extremely reassuring feeling are passed into her ears again.

"I just said that this is my limit, but it doesn't mean it's the limit of my 'Zanpakuto'."

"This battle has gone on long enough, let me draw the final rest of it."

The next second, under Harribel's surprised gaze, a belt appeared out of thin air between Nagazeya's waist and abdomen.

...... cut......

PS. Recently, in order to catch up on the perfect attendance award and save manuscripts at the same time, I really stayed up too late. Last night, I fell asleep sitting in a chair while writing. When I woke up, it was already past three o'clock.

I was really sleepy, and I didn't have much energy to write, so I simply climbed on the bed and went to sleep.

This chapter is 4000 words, and I will try to code another chapter for 3000 tonight, which is considered to make up for yesterday's update, sorry, sorry.

Chapter 276 Henshin!

Seeing the belt appearing out of nowhere around Nagasawa's waist, Helibel couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

It was a belt that looked unpretentious and even a little weird.

When the belt appeared between Nagasawa's waist and abdomen, an orange belt matched Nagasawa's figure.

With an unbelievable degree of fit, it bypasses Masa Nagasawa's waist and forms a closure on the "eyeball"-shaped belt buckle at the lower abdomen.

For some reason, when this belt appeared, Helibel felt that Nagasawa's temperament had changed.

A feeling of oppression that seemed to come from instinct even gave her a vague feeling of difficulty breathing.

While stunned, she couldn't help but wonder how many tricks Nagasawa had yet to reveal to her.

And looking at Chang Zeya again, there was a smile of "wisdom in hand" on his face as usual.

He is not a person who likes to put himself in danger. The moment he rescued Ulquiorra, he had already started the long-lost expectation draw.

The result of the lottery will determine what tactics he should adopt when facing Bailegang.

Fortunately, he got a pretty good experience card.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a three-day experience card of "Kamen Rider Ghost" Tenku Temple in 2015 AD. 】

However, although he drew the Kamen Rider Ghost experience card, he did not choose to transform immediately.

In the previous battle with Saar Apollo, he won too cleverly.

Bailegang was the strongest opponent he had encountered after "waking up". He wanted to try and see how far he could fight with his own strength!

Although after the experience card is drawn, the experience card will be activated immediately.

But before his transformation, Sky Temple Venerable was an ordinary person's combat power.

After all, the Kamen Riders of the Heisei era were different from the genetically modified macho men of the Showa era. Almost half of the twenty main riders were human.

Although Sky Temple Lord is a bit special, in essence, his combat power is not much different from that of ordinary humans without transformation.

It will not have any impact on his own combat power at all.

The result is undoubtedly gratifying.

Facing the No.20 blade in the future, the king of the virtual circle at the moment, Masa Nagasawa achieved a real victory by relying on her own strength instead of relying on the power of the experience card!

If it wasn't because the timing wasn't right and Harribel was still by his side, he really wanted to do a knee-slide, and make three slip marks on the fine white sand!

It's just obvious that at this moment, he is no longer allowed to continue to be "willful".

Although he defeated Balegon and gave him a fatal blow, the most powerful "Excalibur" also consumed almost all of his spiritual power, making it impossible for him to break through Balegon's flame coat and death again. breath.

At this moment, Bailegang, just like the big boss in the game, has entered the final berserk stage, with the mentality of killing one for money, killing two for small profits, and killing three for blood.

Bailegang will definitely use all his resources to launch the craziest attack on their group.

Obviously, Harribel, who was aware of this as well as him, was ready to sacrifice after he just said those last words.

If he kept hiding it, he was really afraid that something would happen that he would regret.

After all, reality is not a novel. If he can crush the enemy to death in one breath, he will never give the opponent the slightest chance to come back!

Thinking of this, he activated the eye-soul driver on his waist without hesitation.

The moment he raised his right hand, a ghostly eye with the "∞" logo suddenly appeared in his hand.

As if it were a memory engraved in DNA, Nagasawa, who held the infinite ghost eye soul, skillfully pressed the switch on the eye soul and stuffed it into the card slot of the drive.


After hearing a burst of passionate BGM, it suddenly rang from the eye-soul driver at his waist.

Because Helibel was beside her, Masa Nagasawa really didn't have the nerve to do the slightly shameful transformation, she simply pulled the wrench on the driver and chanted softly.


【Super eye-opening! Unlimited!】

A white spirit with a hooded cloak and an orange border on a white background suddenly flew out of the driver, surrounded him, and kept circling in the air.

In the next second, a burst of dazzling light suddenly burst out from the driver, gradually covering his body, a pair of white armor exuding colorful rays of light slowly emerged from his body surface, slamming his entire body It was packed tightly.



The BGM in the driver seems to be matching the white soul flying all over the sky.

When the passionate soundtrack reached its climax, the white soul flying in the air seemed to see the white armor floating on Nagasawa Ya's body, and it actually swooped down from the top of his head at an extremely fast speed. It covered Nagasawa Ya's back.

Along with the "∞" sign that symbolizes infinity lit up at the same time on the hands, feet, waist and abdomen, the two orange eyes that occupy most of the face and the will-o'-the-wisp edges on his forehead suddenly appeared on the white armor on his face.

It is not only Reaper who can eliminate Xu.

Masa Nagasawa, who doesn't know what a "wave" is, directly opened the final form of the experience card at the beginning.

Kamen Rider·Ghost·Infinite Soul, check out!

If we say that the moment he saw the eye-soul driver, Helibel just felt a sense of oppression from instinct.

Then when her eyes met the orange eyes of Infinite Soul, it made her feel a kind of trembling from the depths of her soul.

Seeing the shock in Helibel's eyes, Nagasawa subconsciously showed a kind smile on her face.

Just thinking of him at this time, his face has been covered by Ghost's head armor, and outsiders can't see the expression on his face at all.

Nagasawa, who wasted her expression, didn't explain too much, just whispered something to Helibel, and then walked slowly towards the location of Bailegang with big strides.

"Although you and I are no longer human, we still have unlimited possibilities."

"In order to create our ideal world, let's start with this corrupt king of virtual circles."

With that said, in the face of the breath of death erupting from Balegon with all his strength, Nagasawa did not dodge at all, nor did he attack and attack like he swung "Excalibur" before.

He was just as simple as an old man taking a morning walk, facing the spreading aura of death, walking slowly towards Bailegang step by step!

...... cut......

PS.1. Sorry, I tried to write 3000 words, but this chapter is only 2000 words.

It's just that although it's only past 10 o'clock, I really can't bear it anymore.

In addition, because of the yang, the pre-pregnancy check-up has been postponed until now. I have to go to the pre-pregnancy check-up with my wife tomorrow. I really can't stay up late today.

But the good thing is that I have asked for leave from the company tomorrow, and will come back to code after finishing the work, and strive to continue to explode.

Really thank you for your support!

PS.2. Thanks to "a certain purple-haired old woman" for the dog food, thank you!

Chapter 277 It's easy to shake mountains, but hard to shake Nagasawa!

Facing the turbulent breath of death, Nagasawa Ya, who transformed into an infinite soul, seemed to be crossing the road in the early morning.

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