Walking in the courtyard, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the power of aging wrapped in the breath of death, and stared directly at the people who were watching in the distance.

And when Nagasawa's right foot stepped into the breath of death wrapped in the power of aging, everyone's eyes were shocked.

The power of aging that can corrupt everything, even spirits can turn into nothingness, under Nagasawa Masaru's feet, seems to be a special effect smoke created to set off the atmosphere.

Set against the extreme blackness, Nagasawa Masaru shines with seven colors of brilliance, just like the knight of light from hell, breaking through the darkness and breaking through the illusion.

Seeing this scene, even Bailegang, whose life was approaching the final countdown and had fallen into complete madness, regained a moment of clarity at this moment.

"Impossible...absolutely impossible!"

"Everything will age and die from my side. Time is the strongest, most decisive, and invincible ability to die. No one can resist the erosion of time!"


"Why are you still alive!"

His deep and empty eyes were full of disbelief.

To be honest, he can accept that his aging power is broken by someone using a powerful spiritual pressure.

After all, there is no ability in this world that is absolutely invincible. If the difference in spiritual pressure between them is ignored due to a bug in the power of aging, then he, the King of Hueco Mundo, is too naive.

But what he can't accept is that a guy who was just like an ant in his eyes a second ago, tried his best to slash the sky-shattering knife and defeat him.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into an existence that could ignore his strongest ability.

That kind of feeling is like the son-in-law who was bullied and humiliated wantonly by him, turned into the crooked dragon king who scolded Fang Qiu and raised his hand.

The huge gap between strength and weakness, as if the battle just now, was just a performance to match him, which made him feel a stronger sense of humiliation.

He felt like he was being played... ugh!

Been teased!

Looking at the aging power ignoring the breath of death, she walked slowly step by step, and only stopped when she came to him, and Nagasawa silently watched him.

It was obvious that the other party stood in front of him, looking so short.

But for some reason, when he lowered his head and looked down at Nagasawa, he felt like he was looking down at a mountain, as if he was being looked down upon by a god standing in the clouds.

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, the little bit of rationality in Bailegang's heart was completely ignited.

Bailegang, who was so angry to the extreme, seemed to vent the anger in his heart. The death battle ax in his hand wrapped all the spiritual power in his body, and angrily slashed at Nagasawa Ya with all his strength.



Whether it's the indestructible sharpness, or the aging power that corrupts all things.

When the pitch-black battle ax slashed on Nagasawa Ya's shoulder armor, it was as if a blunt knife had slashed a towering mountain.

Not only failed to cause any damage to Nagasawa Masa, but the pitch-black battle ax was bounced high by the huge reaction force.

The death blow with all his strength, at the moment when it hit Nagasawa Ya, the knife actually bounced!

At this moment, Bailegang felt a feeling in his heart for the first time since he was born.

It is easy to shake the mountains, but difficult to shake the elegance of Changze!

The bright coat of the infinite soul, with its thick and soft shape, can withstand extremely strong physical attacks.

The special particles coated on the surface can invalidate almost all energy attacks.

Facing Masa Nagasawa who has transformed into an infinite soul state, whether it is the power of aging, or a fierce slash with hatred.

At this moment, Bailegang has lost all means of harming him!

At the same time, Nagasawa did not intend to give Bailegang a second chance to swing the axe.

The colorful light quickly gathered behind him, and in just the blink of an eye, a ray of light flowed and turned into a colorful light wing in the shape of "∞", which appeared behind him impressively.

Money, start burning!

Facing Bailegang who was in a state of rigidity due to the flick of a knife, under the background of colorful light wings, Nagasawa Yagao, who had transformed into an infinite soul form, leaped high.

The lens rotates 360 degrees.

Nagasawa jumped into the air, concentrated all his strength on his right leg, and then kicked it out with all his strength!

[Super eye-opening!unlimited! 】

[God Omega Drive Mugen! 】

Although it was not a knight's kick, Nagasawa, who was somewhat superstitious, still adjusted her angle as much as possible, and kicked this blow that contained infinite power from the right side of Bailegang.

Nagasawa, who swooped down, under the blessing of the acceleration of gravity, gathered her whole body's strength in a blow that directly penetrated the flame coat protecting Bailegang, and passed through her body!


When Masa Nagasawa landed on the ground, it was equipped with the Shining Shocker Knee Armor that completely absorbed the damage caused by the impact, and absorbed all the aftermath generated after the knight kicked and released, protecting Nagasawa Masa's body from any damage.

When he stood up, the aura of death, which represented decay, was gradually dissipating.

And Bailegang, which passed by it, exploded into a sky full of spirits in an instant.

If it wasn't for the split, the pitch-black battle ax with only half of the ax blade left whirled and fell powerlessly on the white sand not far away. With its broken body, it proved the existence of Balegon. if.

The mighty King of the Void Circle completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth without leaving a single word.

Nagasawa, who turned her back to Bailegang, seemed to have foreseen this result.

He, who didn't even deserve to look back, slowly came to Harribel.

Looking at the absolute crushing momentum, Nagasawa Masa who fell into a berserk state was easily ended.

I don't know why, but there was a nervous feeling in Helibel's heart.

Not that it was because of fear.

It's just that Nagasawa's strength is beyond her imagination.

It even made her feel a little strange.

However, perhaps he sensed the tension in her eyes.

Nagasawa scratched her head involuntarily, and asked softly in a three-point lazy, three-point familiar, and four-point careless tone.

"Speaking of which, is there really nothing to eat in Xuquan?"

"After fighting for so long, I'm a little hungry."

Ever since he escaped from the isolated space and came out of the place of birth, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't eaten such a thing as "food".

At this moment, he really misses the taste of A5 grade Wagyu beef slices with a texture like marble when Nozomi Ohmaeda and him were cooking hot pot together in Noble Street.

Although the author has never eaten it and cannot describe the taste in detail, Masa Nagasawa thinks it is delicious.

Thinking of this, his saliva almost flowed down.

Hearing the familiar voice coming from his ear, as if some memory had been awakened, Helibel, who had a cold face, actually let out a chuckle.

She remembered that on the way here, the bored Nagasawa also asked her this question.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling her body lighten, and even the tension just now seemed to disappear in an instant. She replied softly with the same answer.

"You won't want to eat it."

It's just different from the perfunctory tone at that time, when Harribel answered him, he seemed to think of something interesting.

The coldness and indifference in his eyes was unexpectedly mixed with a touch of playfulness, and he continued to speak in a somewhat joking tone.

"But speaking of it, your current appearance is more like a ghost than a god of death."

"Perhaps, you can try Xu's food?"

Masa Nagasawa, who was falling into fond memories, as if the A5 Wagyu beef was about to enter her mouth, was like a bolt from the blue after hearing Harribel's words.

imaginary food?

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly shot from Nagasawa's tailbone to the top of his head, causing him to wake up immediately.

Hastily shook his head, signaling "surrender."

However, probably because of the first transformation, Masa Nagasawa, who was not used to wearing armor, suddenly realized that she had made so many expressions that seemed to be covered by the head armor on her face.

He looked at the Balegon army scattered not far away, and Ulquiorra, Roja and others approaching him.

Nagasawa didn't intend to hunt down the defeated remnants of Bailegang.

Whether it was him, Ulquiola or Harribel, none of them were bloodthirsty.

It's just Yachukas, just run away, it's just a little Karami who doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, he was ready to undo the transformation.

However, just when he was about to take out the infinite eye soul on his belt to release the transformation.

A pitch-black crack suddenly appeared less than 100 meters away from him.

The sudden change made the relaxed atmosphere just now disappear in an instant.

Sensing the abnormal fluctuations in the surrounding space, Nagasawa Ya's brows hidden under the armor on her head couldn't help but frowned slightly, and the movement of releasing the transformation in her hand also stopped involuntarily at this moment.

His own spiritual power was basically exhausted in the battle with Bailegang just now. Once the transformation is lifted, he might not be able to defeat Luojia.

Instead of putting yourself in danger, it's better to just keep transforming.

And Helibel beside them, as well as Ulquiola and the others who just came to their side, also stared at the weird black gap with vigilance.

However, in the next second, Nagasawa, who was frowning just now and looking wary, had a strange look on his face.

Because behind the dark gap, he felt several "familiar" spiritual pressure fluctuations.

...... cut......

PS. There is no charge for the number of words below, it is purely out of breath.

After going for the eugenics checkup this morning, while I still had time, I went to watch the Slam Dunk movie...

How should I put it, I'm really a little disappointed, I feel that my feelings have been consumed (spoilers are involved here, you can skip it if you mind).

Regardless of feelings and the last minute of offensive and defensive battles, I can only give two points. I really don't know how a certain flap scored 1 points.

In order to make the whole movie not too boring because there is only one game, it may also be to supplement the time. After all, one national competition is too short and two are too many.

The film adopts Miyagi's perspective, takes him as the protagonist, and uses the method of killing memories to describe his growth experience from childhood to adulthood. It is no exaggeration to say that it is "the legend of Miyagi's good land".

The shock of the opening alley-oop is gone, the bond and regret between Uozumi and Akagi is gone, Sakuragi’s growth against Ogawada is gone, the portrayal of Sabita and Rukawa is gone, a game of passion and youth is cut apart by memories. of fragmentation.

The combined roles of Rukawa and Sakuragi are not even as many as Miyagi's dead brother, let alone Akagi Haruko who has been hiding and adding passers-by throughout the whole process.

In the end, Zebei and Miyagi were the ones who made it to the NBA...

I really would rather watch Fengyu+Shanwang for three hours, and I don’t want my youth to be ruined like this, it’s too uncomfortable.

Chapter 278: The capricious Zanpakutō is really useful.

Undoubtedly, the pitch-black rift is an existence similar to a black cavity, and it is a space channel connecting another dimension.

Unlike the Thirteenth Guarding Team in the Soul Realm, after the defeat of Bailegang, there was no powerful force in the virtual circle.

Almost all the Daxus are lone rangers. For everyone present, the probability that the person behind the space passage is an enemy rather than a friend is extremely high.

In fact, it is exactly so.

Under Nagasawa's somewhat complicated gaze, six figures slowly walked out of the space passage.

When everyone saw the appearance of the six people clearly, the emotions of the three beast gods under Helibel appeared the most intense.

Even though the three Apaches had already lost an arm, they were still grinning at the moment, or spitting out the snake letter in their mouths, looking at the six figures fiercely.

It's just because the six figures are all wearing uniform costumes, deadly costumes.

The ones that made them feel the most pressure were undoubtedly the three figures standing in the front row, wearing a pure white haori over the Shiba outfit, and a silver-haired, smiling squint-eyed man.

It's just that unlike the vigilant people, when Chang Zeya saw these six people, the expressions on her face were quite wonderful.

Surprise, joy, embarrassment, weirdness, and deep doubt, the list goes on.

If it weren't for him at this moment, who has not yet lifted his transformation, and still wears the head armor of the infinite soul on his head, his extremely beautiful and complex expression can already challenge Master Xing a little.

And when the six gods of death stepped out of the space passage and saw the formation in front of them, they couldn't help being stunned.

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