The second squad...captain...?

It was probably the "old man" whom she hadn't seen in 50 years, which reminded her of the adult she had crazily admired.

For a while, the scolding that just came to her lips was swallowed back by her.

Looking at Suifeng, whose face was cloudy and uncertain, changing colors constantly in just two or three seconds, Nagasawa Ya's face was full of doubts.

This girl, when did she become so full of inner drama?

Fortunately, after taking over from Yoruichi and becoming the captain of the second team, Suifeng hated Kisuke Urahara and people related to Kisuke Urahara very much.

But obviously, this does not include Nagasawa Ya.

Facing Nagasawa Ya, her former savior, comrade-in-arms and competitor, she was still able to restrain her emotions a little bit.

Not to mention that before Nagasawa disappeared, the relationship between Ye Yi and Nagasawa was barely on the table.

The only thing that made her feel a little annoyed was that this guy couldn't be by Ye Yi's side when Master Ye needed Nagasawa the most.

Thinking of this, Sui Feng became more and more angry, and immediately pushed away Nagasawa Ya in front of him, walked into the second division team building with a cold face, without saying a word.

Seeing Suifeng's leaving figure, Nagasawa scratched her head involuntarily.

He didn't seem to say anything offensive, did he?

Why are you ignoring people?

However, if you let him know what Sapphire is thinking at the moment, he will definitely be greatly moved.

Indeed, I am not familiar with a certain person and a certain treacherous yellow-haired man!

...... cut......

PS. Today, the old buddies in the author group are all talking about Xingqiong Railway, and I feel that I can't get in their mouths at all...

2 Chapter Ninety I love to listen, shout again!

Looking at the broken bee going away, Chang Zeya couldn't help Mosuo raised her chin, and whispered to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"Could it be...a rebellion in adolescence?"

Unable to figure it out, he looked at the broken bee that had disappeared in the second team's dormitory, but didn't think much about it.

However, just when he was about to leave, he didn't know whether it was because of the situation or what, he suddenly wanted to visit Yeyi's secret base.

To be honest, although he knew that Urahara Kisuke, Yoruichi, and the group of Masked Army had been hiding in the heavy spirit land "Karakuza Town" after they escaped from Soul Society.

But presumably with Urahara Kisuke's means, if the other party is unwilling, he probably won't even be able to find the door of Urahara's store.

Otherwise, as the most wanted criminals in the soul world, it is impossible for them to hide in this world for hundreds of years without being discovered by the soul world.

And Yeyi's secret base was the last place they stayed before leaving Soul Soul Realm, so it might not be certain that there would be some clues left behind.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and disappeared in place in a flash.

I have to say that after his abnormal state disappeared, he couldn't be too happy.

In the past, it would have taken at least an hour or two for him to walk all the way from the Second Division to Yeyi's secret base.

This is on the premise of his amazing physical fitness.

It's different now. After he didn't need to consider using Reiatsu to increase the injury rate, he came to the secret base after only one or two hundred Shunpo.

Just stepping into the cave where the base is located, Nagasawa Ya frowned subconsciously.

Immediately, he pressed his spiritual pressure with vigilance, and walked as lightly as possible, slowly groping into the cave.

He remembered that Ye Yi had told him earlier that not many people knew about this secret base.

Leaving aside the master of Yeyi, there are only three people who are doing everything they can, Urahara Kisuke, the former great ghost priest who is in charge of building the base, Hishitsusai, and him, Nagasawa Masahiro.

The former two, including the master Ye Yi, are hiding in this world at the moment, and it is impossible to appear here.

But when he entered the base, he noticed that the hut outside the base was used as a cover, which had been used recently.

This made him have to deal with it carefully.

If someone ambushes in the base in advance, just wait for Ye Yi's "partners" to go quietly, so as to catch a turtle in the urn...

Then you can't blame him, someone, for hacking!

However, when he stepped into the base, he found that in the lingering water vapor of the healing hot spring, a figure with a nimble figure, short purple hair, and a wheat-colored healthy complexion was soaking in the hot spring with his eyes closed and rested.

Seeing that familiar figure, Nagasawa couldn't believe her eyes.

He even forgot to hide his figure for a moment, and could not help but whisper softly.

"Night one?"

It's just that his voice just fell, the figure who was soaking in the hot spring with closed eyes seemed to be startled by his sudden voice, and started to search in a hurry, regardless of the fact that he was still soaking in the hot spring. Clothes on the shore.

It was at this time that both sides saw each other clearly at the same time.



I saw a boy who looked sixty percent like Ye Yi, under Nagasawa Ya's weird gaze, he covered his body with his clothes, and screamed in embarrassment.

I have met Yoruichi's younger brother, Nagasawa Masaru.

It's just that Xishiro Sifengyuan was still young at that time, even younger than Xiubing.

Apart from following him and Yeyi like a follower, he didn't look like a nobleman at all.

Just hearing Yushiro addressing herself, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but ask a little strangely.

"What did you call me?"

Hey, I, a certain person, haven't decided whether or not to marry into Sifengyuan's family.

The title "brother-in-law" is too early!

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's inquiry, Yushiro did not look like the current Patriarch of the Sifengyuan family at all.

He just scratched his head subtly, and immediately stood up from the hot spring, ignoring the wetness on his body, and after he hurriedly put on his clothes, he scratched his nose and spoke.


"Isn't it because the eldest sister always talked with me about Yami's long and short ones every time she went home?"

"I was still young at that time, so I thought you must be my brother-in-law who didn't run away, so I subconsciously shouted out in front of my eldest sister."

"My eldest sister didn't deny it at the time, and I kept shouting like that."

"Besides, the elders in the family were quite optimistic about you at that time. I heard that they even approached His Excellency Yuan Liuzhe in private."

Listening to the secrets told by Yushiro, the weird expression on Nagasawa Masa's face involuntarily intensified.

"Although I haven't agreed to join your family in Sifengyuan, but I have to say, you are still very discerning, just like your sister."

But very quickly, he figured out the key.

At that time, although he offended the central room 46, but as the direct disciple of Yamamoto, the "strongest god of death in the millennium", the reserve captain of the eleventh team, and the closest comrade-in-arms of the heir of the Kuchiki family.

Undoubtedly, if Ye Yi got involved with him, it would be equivalent to a strategic alliance between the Shifeng family and the Yamamoto and Kuchiki families, a proper top-level political marriage.

One more blunt word.

He Nagasawa, although he was still a weak chicken at the time, but judging from the strength he showed, he was definitely a young hero who would not appear in the world of corpses and souls for a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

As long as the elders of the Sifengyuan family are not blind, not only will they not stop Ye Yi, they will even try their best to facilitate this marriage.

However, when Xishiro said this, the expression on his face could not help but darken.

"It's just that shortly after you disappeared, the elders in the clan no longer allowed me to call you that."

"He even reprimanded me, saying that the patriarch of the majestic Sifengyuan family has not yet left the cabinet, and I, as a younger brother, cannot tarnish my sister's reputation, so I have only dared to shout that in front of my eldest sister..."

Nagasawa: "..."

Elders of the Sifengyuan family, do you want to be so realistic?

How long since I have just disappeared, I have no use value at all! This is it!

However, it seemed that he was afraid that Masa Nagasawa might misunderstand something, but Yushiro hurriedly added.

"It's just that I know that the elder sister actually cares about you very, very much in her heart."

"After you disappeared, she frantically searched for your traces. In the ten years before she left Soul Soul Realm, even after finishing her work in the team, she led her subordinates day and night. Stopping and going back and forth between the broken world, the virtual circle, and the present world..."

"Even once, I saw my sister secretly wiping tears by herself..."

"If eldest sister knows that you have returned safely, she will be very happy."

When he said this, Xishiro couldn't help flashing a distressed look on his face.

Ye Yi and Xi Shiro's parents died early, which is also the reason why Ye Yi took over as the Patriarch of the Sifeng Courtyard at a young age.

It can be said that Xishiro, the younger brother, was raised by her alone.

Although Yushiro shouted one sister at a time, in fact, Yoruichi, the sister, took on more of the responsibilities of a mother when Yushiro was growing up.

Under such circumstances, the relationship between their siblings is undoubtedly excellent.

It is impossible for Kuanmu Jinshi and Kuimu Yinling to fight for the position of Patriarch and not hesitate to kill each other. It is impossible for them to happen.

Probably because she didn't want to immerse herself in the sad atmosphere for too long, Nagasawa hurriedly changed the topic.

"But then again, you seem surprised to see me here?"

"Didn't you hear that I'm coming back today?"

To be honest, the battle when he came back was unprecedented, not to mention grand.

There are always crowds.

As the current Patriarch of the Sifeng Academy, Xishiro has no reason not to know.

However, after hearing his words, the expression on Yushiro's face suddenly became more embarrassing.


"After my eldest sister left Soul Society, I took over as the head of the Shifengyuan family."

"To be honest, the pressure is really great. I never thought that my eldest sister would be able to carry this pressure as if nothing had happened and keep going."

"Because the eldest sister left suddenly, and I was still young at the time, in order to quickly improve my strength, I would come here every once in a while and use the hot spring to practice for a period of time, so..."

Listening to Yushiro's words, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Through the system's record panel earlier, he clearly knew that after his disappearance, it was the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family that supported Nanao and the Brotherhood of Death all the time.

It was only after Yoruichi assisted Urahara Kisuke to defect from Soul Society that the Sifengin family reduced their support.

But it's just a reduction, it doesn't stop there.

Presumably, it should be Yushiro who took over as the head of the family and withstood the pressure from the clan.

It's just that Xishiro didn't tell him all of this.

This gentle child, after his elder sister left, still tried his best to fulfill Yeyi's unfulfilled wish.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help wrapping his arms around Yushiro's neck, and said softly with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, since I'm back, leave the rest to me."

"I will definitely let Ye Yi return to the Soul Realm in a dignified manner!"

Listen to the words that come from your ears.

He clearly knew that this was an extremely difficult task, even as the Patriarch of the Sifeng Courtyard, he couldn't do it.

But for some reason, Xishiro was extremely sure that Masa Nagasawa would fulfill her promise to him.

He was a little excited, and immediately swept away the haze on his face, and said quickly in a somewhat excited tone.

"Well! I believe you can do it, brother-in-law!"

"Very good, I love to hear it, shout again!"

Yushiro: "???"

...... cut......

PS. Unknowingly, I wrote two more points, it’s too bad, I try to take advantage of the five-day holiday on May [-]st to adjust it back...

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