Chapter 291 Aizen: Masa Nagasawa is a Gentleman

In District 1 of Beiliuhun Street, Xinlangting is still the mansion of the Kuchiki family.

As the largest stronghold of the Brotherhood of Death on Liuhun Street, today can be described as extraordinarily lively.

It can be said unceremoniously that all the backbones of the Death Brotherhood have gathered in this mansion at this moment.

If there are any unscrupulous people who intend to wipe out the Death Brotherhood, today is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

But even so, no force would dare to stroke its beard today.

See what kind of people gather here.

The high-ranking officers of each division, the person in charge of the four main blocks of Ruhun Street, the deputy captains of the thirteenth division of Gotei, and even Kenpachi Zaraki, the captain of the eleventh division, all rarely appeared here. .

If you want to win this lineup, unless Yamamoto personally takes action, you must have at least three divisions to ensure that everything is foolproof.

However, it is such a place where elites gather, and everyone's face is full of excitement, longing, and anticipation.

After everyone here comes to this mansion, they will all look expectantly at the door of the mansion from time to time.

Just because today, the person who has always been regarded as the spiritual pillar by them, and even regarded as the bright light in their life, will truly appear in front of their eyes.

That feeling is probably...

Wife, come out to see God!

But at this moment, a commotion suddenly sounded at the gate of the mansion.

Then, the louder and louder noise not only attracted the attention of everyone in the courtyard, but even Saragi Kenpachi, who had been sitting quietly on the edge, leaning on the pillar with his eyes closed, turned his eyes to the courtyard. door.

I saw a man dressed in the captain's haori, leading a young man with short silver-white hair, slowly stepping into the courtyard.

"It's Captain Aizan!"

"Captain Aizen, why are you here today!?"

"Long time no see Captain Aizan!"

Aizen's arrival greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

As the backbone of the Shinigami Brotherhood, although they knew very well that Saraki Kenpachi and Aizen were their robes and companions, as the captain of Gotei [-], the two did not appear in every gathering.

There is no doubt that Saraki Kenpachi and Aizan came here for Masa Nagasawa.

Sure enough, when Aizen stepped into the courtyard, he briefly greeted everyone and then chuckled with his usual gentle smile.

"You don't have to pay too much attention to me."

"Today, I'm not the protagonist."

Saying that, Aizen smiled and stepped aside with Ichimaru Gin, turning his gaze to the courtyard gate he had just passed by.

Seeing this, everyone passed through the spacious courtyard door and cast their curious eyes outside the courtyard.

On the street not far away, two figures, one tall and one short, were slowly walking towards the courtyard.

Xinlangting is the most affluent block on Beiliuhun Street.

And the courtyard of Kuchiki's house is located in the center of the city center.

However, when those two figures walked slowly, no matter whether they were vendors setting up stalls along the street or pedestrians walking in a hurry, they all stopped their steps unconsciously.

They couldn't be more familiar with Qi Xu's appearance.

In the past, whether it was giving lectures or going to Kuchiki's garden, Nanao was basically alone.

But today, Nanao, who always acted alone, unexpectedly followed a handsome young man like a humble student.

For a moment, everyone looked at Nagasawa Ya who was half a step ahead of Nanao with a kind of surprised gaze.

However, there are always some quick-witted, or well-informed people who instantly realized something.

In an instant, the pupils in their eyes shrank to the size of a needle point, and the surprised look gradually disappeared.

Instead, it was incomparable shock.

"It's Mr. Nagasawa!"

I don't know who yelled first.

The exclamations one after another, like a virus, quickly spread among the crowd.

Slowly, pedestrians on the road began to consciously give way to both sides of the road.

In just a short while, in front of Nagasawa Masa and Nanao, a broad avenue leading to Kuchimu's courtyard was formed.

Some pedestrians on both sides of the road even bowed slightly while watching the two walking slowly forward.

Looking at the pedestrians paying respects on both sides of the street, Nagasawa felt a little numb.

He could tell that it was not an action made out of fear and awe when facing the god of death or the nobles.

But respect from the heart.

At the same time, a wave of shame also surfaced in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't feel that he had done such a great thing as to deserve such respect from these people.

If I insisted on saying something, it would probably just be that Nanao was an excellent student.

For a moment, Nagasawa, who felt like a light on her back, subconsciously wanted to speed up the pace of her feet.

However, when his eyes met Aizen who was looking at him with a smile on his face in the Kuchiki family courtyard, he gave up this plan.

Although it was said that Bilian was a bit embarrassed by doing so, he didn't want to, and couldn't show his timidity in front of Aizen.

He didn't know what Aizen's purpose in joining the Death Brotherhood was.

But there is no doubt that Aizen who joined the Brotherhood of Death is like a tiger lying beside his couch.

Once he reveals any flaw, or is even the slightest bit lax, the other party will definitely launch a fatal blow to him without hesitation.

Just like it treats Urahara Kisuke and Heiko Mako.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya not only did not quicken her pace, but even put a kind smile on her face, and saluted those pedestrians who bowed to him in return.

Just like everyone's demeanor.

Looking at Nagasawa's performance, Aizen standing in the courtyard couldn't help but secretly nodded in his heart.

Unfazed by favor or humiliation, with an extraordinary bearing, if he is not a person who is extremely good at disguising, he can indeed be regarded as the eight words "fair and aboveboard, a teacher of all ages".

He truly deserves to be a man who can teach an outstanding disciple like Ise Nanao.

It seems that Yin and I really took the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman in the Tea Hundred Opera back then.

It was also when Aizen reached a reconciliation with himself back then.

Nagasawa, whose face was almost numb with laughter, finally finished walking the not very long street, but it made him feel extremely tormented, and stepped into this courtyard.

...... cut......

PS. I watched the Heat VS Bucks game at noon today. Jimmy Butler is just like his name. He is really hard!

Chapter 292 Is this going to snatch my son-in-law from Sifengyuan's family?

"The above is the entire content of my report on this meeting."

Nagasawa Ya, who was sitting in the main seat, listened to the exchanges and discussions between Nanao and the people in the major neighborhoods of the Death Brotherhood, and generally had a more intuitive understanding of the operation of the Death Brotherhood.

To put it bluntly, the organizational structure of the Death Brotherhood is actually very simple.

Rather than saying that this is an organization, it is more like a non-profit mutual aid association.

To give a more intuitive example, it can be understood as an organization that has appeared in many online novels in his previous life, and has almost become a rotten organization.

Bright Holy See.

Of course, it was the kind that was very positive when the web was just emerging.

Instead of being reduced to a sinister and dark experience monster that gives the protagonist experience in the novels of different worlds after rapid development.

While spreading their theoretical ideas, the members of the Brotherhood are determined to relieve refugees, so that more residents of the lower-numbered blocks can survive better.

At the same time, send children who have the potential to become gods of death into Mao, so that they can have a better future.

As for the event expenses...

Thinking of this, Nagasawa glanced calmly at the three men who wore a layer of luxurious clothes in addition to the deadly domineering clothes.

These three people are the Kuchiki family, the Omaeda family, and the Sifengin family who are in charge of business operations.

As the number one chaebol in the soul world, the Omaeda family owns a gourmet empire, and they have innumerable wealth.

Coupled with the support from the Kuchiki family, the Brotherhood doesn't need to worry about funding at all.

Not to mention that when helping refugees, Nanao gave full play to the spirit of "teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish" he once taught.

Cultivate farmland and establish businesses in lower numbered areas.

Although because of the richness of spiritual power and the desolate location, it is difficult to develop any valuable crops in those areas with lower numbers.

But after forming an economic ecological system, under the premise of ensuring self-sufficiency, the operating profits of the four Liuhun Streets and 320 blocks are enough to support the Brotherhood's activities.

Of course, even so, life in the fraternity has been pretty tight.

Without him, it would be too resource-intensive to search for Nagasawa's work.

Even the Si Fengyuan family, who are also among the four nobles, feel the pain at the cost.

After Ye Yi left the world of souls, the family of Si Feng Yuan almost wanted to stop funding the Brotherhood.

If it hadn't been for Yushiro's insistence, he might not have been able to do even the most basic mutual assistance.

What's interesting is that after Nagasawa successfully returned to the world of corpses and souls, the head of the Sifengyuan family who hadn't been to the brotherhood gathering for a long time, unexpectedly appeared here today for the first time.

Looking at the person in charge of the Sifengyuan family who was as calm and composed as if nothing had happened, Nagasawa couldn't help but curled his lips secretly and shouted "Old fox" in his heart.

As Xishiro said, the elders of the Sifengyuan family should not be too careful in their calculations.

For one thing, after Chang Zeya came back, the biggest expense of the Brotherhood would be gone.

Although it is a non-profit organization, but the accumulation of sand into a tower, the family of Sifeng family joining the brotherhood can be said to be harmful but not beneficial.


Fifty years ago, Nagasawa Masa was born like a comet, but his powerful means, powerful strength, and terrifying background.

Even after 50 years, it is still fresh in my memory.

Not to mention that he now holds the "weapon" of the Brotherhood of Death in his hand.

If there is no way to repair the relationship with them at this time, the family of Sifengyuan will become the five nobles in vain.

It's just a pity that Masa Nagasawa didn't see the Shiba family in the brotherhood.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling sad.

50 years is a long time, but also a short time.

Short enough for a once powerful family to fall like a meteor.

At this time, the Shiba family is full of plans, even with Shiba Yuma's branch family, it may not be enough to count in two palms.

I'm already a little too busy to take care of myself, so it's understandable that I can't show up here.

And from Nanao's mouth, he also learned that although the Shiba family has had a very difficult time these years, they have never given up their support for the Brotherhood.

Just because he is long Zeya, Yu Zhibo's family has great kindness, and Zhibo's family will not do that ungrateful thing when he is in trouble.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa looked at Aizen, but his eyes gradually became weird again.

Aizen, why did he join the brotherhood?

It is not difficult to see from Nanao's report just now that, apart from Nanao himself, Aizen is the most outstanding gold medal lecturer in the Brotherhood.

After completing the work in the team, he was still leisurely giving lectures in Rukongai, just like a disciple of the "Yamen".

This almost weird behavior, it is hard not to arouse Nagasawa's suspicion.

Seemingly noticing Nagasawa Ya's gaze, Aizen who was listening to the report suddenly turned his head.

Aizen's sudden movement caught Nagasawa Ya by surprise.

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