That feeling is like when I was a student, peeping in class...

Well, this idea just came up, and it was quickly suppressed in the bud by Nagasawa Ya.

However, although Aizen noticed her gaze, Nagasawa Ya's eyes did not have any intention of escaping.

For a moment, the eyes of the two met in the air, as if they both wanted to see through each other's thoughts from the other's eyes.

But very quickly, after the brief intertwined eyes of the two, Aizen showed his trademark harmless smile again.

On the contrary, Ichimaru Gin, who was sitting behind him, took a deep look at Nagasawa Masa with a playful look.

However, before Nagasawa could respond, Nanao, who had completed all the discussions over there, suddenly turned her head and asked softly to Nagasawa.

"Ya, everyone is very happy about your return. Next, can you say a few words?"

As soon as Qi Xu's voice fell, Nagasawa Ya didn't even have time to answer, all the surprised eyes gathered on the two of them.

As I said before, in the world of corpses and souls, respecting teachers and respecting Tao is very important.

Facing Nagasawa Ya, Nanao not only called her by her first name intimately, but even omitted the honorifics.

This is an extremely surprising thing for these people, even for Aizen.

Especially the elder in charge of business operation of the Sifeng Courtyard's family, his old face instantly darkened.

What is this for?

Do you want to rob the son-in-law of my Sifeng courtyard family! ?

But facing everyone's surprised gazes, Qi Xu's expression was very calm.

In her opinion, this is just the only way she has to go, and she will have to face it sooner or later.

Instead of hiding it, it is better to show it openly.

Anyway, it was Masa Nagasawa who first proposed it, didn't it?

Thinking of this, a slight arc could not help but hang on the corner of Nanao's mouth.

...... cut......

PS. I feel that the biological clock really needs to be adjusted.

I was busy this morning. I took the time to watch football for half an hour at noon, slept for an hour, and started a meeting when I got up. It lasted until almost 6 o'clock.

While there is basically no time to code during the day, he has to be dragged down by long-winded meetings. After returning home and eating, he falls asleep and sleeps until 9 o'clock before getting up to code.

I feel like doing this is really not a good idea. Fortunately, May [-]st is coming soon. If I persist for another day tomorrow, I have to restore the Yangjian update...

Chapter 293 A New Power

No matter what other people look at, Nagasawa only feels a little numb now.

Qixu is giving others a chance to show her holiness!

But...Looking at those expectant eyes, he didn't know what to say at all.

The longer the delay, the easier it is to be unfavorable, so hurry up and say something!

Finally, driven by her heart, Nagasawa couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Last night, I read "Ya Lun" edited by Nanao."

"Honestly speaking, I never thought that my ideas would be recognized by so many people. What you need to know is that many of the words in this are casually said by me to educate my disciples, and many words are not even remembered by myself. Did you say it yourself?"

Nagasawa was very eloquent and had pretty good acting skills. After hearing his opening remarks, everyone couldn't help but smile knowingly.

He didn't talk about great principles or make chicken soup.

All the people present at least had lived for hundreds of years, and they were able to get together. Although there was a common idea, it was impossible to say that they didn't have any other ideas.

If you feel that these people are so foolish just because they share a common ideal, then it will be Nagasawa Ya who will be ashamed.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa could only send out his nirvana.

"In order to rescue me, Nanao established the Death Brotherhood with everyone's help."

"I'm ashamed, I haven't experienced those difficult years, and I can't say anything that empathizes with me, but I think it must have been very difficult for everyone at the beginning of the foundation."

Masa Nagasawa's speed of speech was well controlled, coupled with Marlon Brando's acting skills, and Naruto Uzumaki's mouth-speaking, it was almost just a few short sentences, which brought back the memories of some people present.

Looking at the faces that fell into silence, Nagasawa tried hard to remember all of them in her mind.

These people must be "veterans" who followed Nanao all the way from those difficult years.

"I have to admit that the Death Brotherhood is now a very large force, big enough to scare some people."

"But this doesn't mean that Brotherhood of Death will become a sharp knife in my or someone's hands."

"Everyone here, there are commoners who came from Liuhun Street, and there are also meritorious dignitaries from Noble Street. Because everyone shares the same goals, they are brothers to each other."

"I have no intention of using the Brotherhood of Death to do anything, or to overthrow anything. I am just an ordinary Death, with average chopping skills, average Shunpo, and ordinary strikes. The only one that is notable, It’s probably a ghost way that’s still alive.”

"It is precisely because of this that I know very well that there is a limit to the power of an individual, and it is precisely because of this that we need brothers."

"To me, brother is not just a word, brother is a feeling, someone who can be trusted unconditionally."

"I know that the original intention of the Death Brotherhood was to rescue me."

"In fact, with everyone's unremitting efforts, I really found me who was lost in the virtual circle from the crack in the boundary."

"So, since I'm back, please let me be your reliance, because one day, I will still need to rely on you."

Masa Nagasawa's words were extremely sincere and full of sincerity.

After everyone listened to Masa Nagasawa's eloquent speech, some of the more emotional gods of death even secretly wiped their tears.

At the same time, some gods of death who were born in noble families also quietly let go of the hanging heart in their chests.

Although they adore Nagasawa's ideas and want to create a better world with her, they joined the Brotherhood of Death.

But the origin of the nobility has always been a concern in their hearts.

One side is ideal, the other side is family.

If they are really allowed to hurt their family members for the sake of ideals, this is what they don't want to see.

Fortunately, Masa Nagasawa did not put them in a dilemma.

Nagasawa didn't say much just now, but she was sending a friendly signal to the outside world.

This undoubtedly made them feel excited.

Even the representatives of the Kuchiki family and the Omaeda family, who are their hardcore members, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Masa Nagasawa's words.

There is no way, the two of them have withstood too much pressure in order to support the Brotherhood of Death all these years.

If the Kuchiki family was not the head of the five nobles, they would have been attacked by other nobles long ago.

Only Aizen, after hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, looked at her with a strange expression.

An ordinary Shinigami with average chopping skills, average Shunpo, and ordinary strikes?

Is this a little bit of Versailles?

Immediately, he turned his eyes to Kenpachi Saragi who was sitting in the corner, staring at Masa Nagasawa with fanaticism on his face, and kept saying "This is my opponent", and his face couldn't help twitching slightly pumped.

Captain Saraki, isn't your mind too simple?

It's just that soon, there seemed to be something more in his gaze towards Nagasawa Ya.

It turns out... is this your truest thought?

People who are good at disguising are also good at seeing through disguising.

Aizen could tell that what Masa Nagasawa said just now, although there were elements of acting in it, every word he said was sincere.

Look at the excited people around you.

This is a person who can gather his companions around him...

For some reason, at this moment, deep in Aizen's heart, there was a hint of envy towards Masa Nagasawa, no, more precisely, it was jealousy.

But very quickly, Aizen who was taken aback by the emotions emerging in his heart quickly stifled this thought.

This path is not suitable for him.

In his view, the weak follow the strong, and the strong follow the stronger, and finally decide the unique king who stands in the sky.

The person on the throne is absolutely alone.

Those who rely on crowds to keep warm cannot become kings.

Seeing the excited look in everyone's eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

He knew that this hurdle was over.

Sure enough, it's okay to use the mouthpiece as a single attack occasionally, but it's really embarrassing for him to use AOE in front of so many people.

However, just as soon as this idea fell into his mind, the system's prompt sounded in his mind very abruptly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission "New Power", the reward is being calculated...]

...... cut......

PS. Sorry for the late update, this morning I was thinking that there was a five-day break for May Day, so I took advantage of the lunch break to go to the hospital to have two moles cut.

But maybe it’s because I’ve been staying up too late lately, and my physical condition is not very good. After returning to work for more than an hour, I felt a severe headache, and then I asked for leave and went home embarrassingly.

After arriving home, I simply took a shower, couldn't even eat, fell asleep at 5:3 pm, and slept until [-]:[-] am.

Then I thought about saying that I haven’t coded the words today, and I just got up to the recommended position, so I hurriedly got up and coded, so I’m so sorry to update at this point.

However, I probably have time to update this chapter today. It is really in a bad state. I will add it later, sorry and sorry.

Chapter 294 How Can You Open the Treasure Chest Without Washing Your Hands?

When Nagasawa heard the system beep, he was almost powerless to complain.

Hidden missions?

It’s almost 70 words before it pops up?

There is one thing to say, although this system has brought him a lot of benefits, and even rescued him from danger time and time again.

But as far as the "task system" is concerned, the difficulty is really too high.

Leaving aside the period of time he was in the cut-off space, he was full of calculations after crossing, which can be regarded as a year.

But in this year's time, he only completed two tasks.

This is already very good at explaining the problem.

Not to mention the items in the mall that often cost six figures of luck to buy.

Seeing this, he subconsciously looked forward to how much reward this hidden mission would bring him.

After all, in my previous life, I have been influenced by my ears and eyes since I was a child, but anything with the word "hidden" is basically a good thing.

Especially when the rewards are settled, even the system needs to take some time to calculate, which is even more representative of its extraordinary.

Picking up the teacup at the side, Nagasawa quietly waited for the calculation of the system while sipping the tea in her hand.

It has to be said that the Kuchiki family, as the head of the five nobles in Soul Society, uses top-quality tea for entertaining guests.

Even Nagasawa's two lifetimes combined, the biggest research on tea culture is only limited to those who can tell that X color is better to drink, and they have to say that it tastes good.

Probably because of the upgrade to the deluxe version, the calculation speed of the system has increased a lot.

After just a short while, the system's notification sounded in his mind again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission "New Forces", gaining 187488 destiny points, random quality treasure chest*1]

What the hell! ?

187488 points of destiny! ?


Listening to the system prompt in his ear, Nagasawa Yahoo was shocked directly.

The fragrant tea in his mouth was mixed with his saliva, and he couldn't help but spray it on the person in charge of the Sifengyuan family sitting opposite him!

There was a lot of commotion on Nagasawa's side. Just after his speech, the people who were eagerly communicating with each other immediately focused their attention on him and the person in charge of the Sifengyuan family.

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