I saw the elder from Sifengyuan's family looking at Nagasawa Ya with an embarrassed expression, a tea stalk was even stuck to his cheek.

To be honest, if someone else dared to do such a disrespectful thing to him, he would definitely shoot the case and let the other party know that the majesty of the Sifengyuan family cannot be provoked!

But the person who did this was Masa Nagasawa.

Leaving aside the identity of the opponent Yamamoto's direct disciple, it is also not to say that the opponent controls the Death Brotherhood, a big killer.

Just Nagasawa Ya's strength enough to instantly kill Saraki Kenpachi is not something that a mere business leader can compete with.

In addition, the current patriarch of the Sifengyuan family, Sifengin Yushiro, was young, and if the declining Zhibo family had not firmly occupied the bottom position, his Sifengyuan family would have been ranked last among the five nobles.

Seeing the gloating expression of the person in charge of the Kuchiki family, and the expression of the person in charge of the Omaeda family next to him who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, the elders of the Sifengin family really felt that Komamura was in trouble!

Could it be that he is beating me?

Thinking back on the attitude of my family over the past 50 years, if Yushiro, the head of the family, hadn't insisted, their Sifengyuan family would have cut off their robes with the Death Brotherhood long ago.

Thinking of this, the faces of the elders of the Sifeng courtyard couldn't help turning red and white.

The expression on his face was neither smiling nor angry, so he could only look at Nagasawa Ya awkwardly, expecting the other party to express his position first.

However, it doesn't matter what the elders of Sifengyuan's family or other spectators think.

God testifies, Nagasawa Ya really didn't mean that.

As a five-good young man with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, he rarely embarrasses people face to face.

After all, if you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, Ye Yi and Xi Shiro's face will not make him taunt the elders of the Sifengyuan family in public.

Realizing that what he did was wrong, he hurriedly got up, apologizing, while wiping the big face of the elder of Sifeng Courtyard with his sleeve, and took off the tea stem along the way.

Seeing that Nagasawa had no intention of further "humiliating", the elders of the Sifeng courtyard were also slightly relieved.

I hurriedly borrowed the slope to get down the donkey, and while generously expressing that I would not mind, I walked down the steps.

At the same time, I secretly decided in my heart that after returning to the family, I must hold a meeting to study how to make up the relationship between the two parties.

It's a pity that Nagasawa at this moment doesn't have the heart to care about what he is thinking at all.

After wiping the faces of the elders of the Sifeng Hospital very casually, Nagasawa Yadang even pleaded guilty, and disappeared into the meeting room in a flash under the surprised eyes of everyone by urinating.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa's back, Aizen who was holding a teacup seemed to recall some unbearable memories, the teacup he was about to put into his mouth subconsciously paused.

He didn't even notice that the tea in the cup had splashed on his collar, and then silently put down the teacup in his hand, and didn't take another sip.

And the same is true for Ichimaru Gin behind him...

On the other hand, Masa Nagasawa, who rushed into the luxurious toilet of Kuchiki's house, didn't even bother to complain about the extravagance and lust of Kukiki's house. Even the toilet was decorated so luxuriously, so she immersed all her emotions in the system.

Tens of millions of tens of thousands...

Count again!

Tens of millions of thousands!

It's really nearly 19 destiny points!

When Nagasawa counted in single digits and confirmed that he was not dazzled and missed the decimal point, he was stunned on the toilet.

He immediately checked the task progress acquisition panel.

[As your disciple, Ise Nanao inherited your thoughts and will, and founded the death brotherhood of "like-minded, brothers". Spread your glory to every corner of the soul world. 】

The introduction to the task progress acquisition panel is very short, but after it, there is a long list.

[Kui Xiaojiro, a young academy boy from Liuyan, District 37, Dongliuhun Street, after listening to your thoughts and will, worked hard and practiced hard, and was successfully admitted to the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art, with a destiny value of +18. 】

【Gintoki Sakamoto, a down-and-out young man from Caolu, District 79, Xiliuhun Street, was about to return to the earth because of starvation. With the help of Nanao Ise, he was not only saved from the fate of death, but also because of his With outstanding talent, he was exceptionally admitted to the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art, with a destiny value of +31. 】

[The rogue Sakura Mudou from Lifu Mountain in the 3rd district of Xiliuhun Street, because of a coincidence, he listened to Ise Nanao's lecture, was attracted by her temperament, and decided not to waste his life anymore, aiming at death, and constantly sharpening himself, After 25 failures and never giving up, he was finally admitted to Class 12, Grade [-], Shinyang Academy of Spiritual Art, with a destiny value of +[-]. 】

[Ou Mu Suzaku, the son of a merchant from Baiye, District 11, Beiliuhun Street, is extremely talented. He has learned outstanding white-strike and chopping skills before entering Mao's training. He is deeply impressed by your thoughts and dreams of following him. Your steps, together with you, create a world where there is no oppression, no famine, and everyone is equal.Although the partial subjects are serious, but still successfully admitted to Mao, and joined the 68th team, ranked fourth, fate value +[-]. 】

[Ilaku Nanxiong from Konoha, District 68, Nanliuhun Street, with the help of the Death Brotherhood, opened his own ramen shop. Although the business is not booming, thanks to the growing popularity of Konoha District The improved public security environment and living standards can also be regarded as living and working in peace and contentment, happiness and well-being, and destiny value +4. 】


Looking at the progress bars of gaining destiny points, Nagasawa fell silent.

Although the dream of the guy named Oki Suzaku looked a bit intrusive, it reminded him of a "reliable subordinate" involuntarily.

But it still couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

So, is this the correct way to open the mission system?

Previously, he thought that teaching in Mao had already opened the door to a new world and obtained a stable channel for obtaining destiny points.

Unexpectedly, Nanao's "walking through the elegant gate" is the key to truly opening the door to the new world!

After 50 years of accumulation, after he returned and officially joined the Brotherhood of Death, nearly 19 destiny points were credited almost instantly.

If it wasn't inappropriate, he really wanted to confess Nanao!

What kind of acting teacher is teaching here? It's simply a top leveling agent!

This nearly 19 destiny points, plus his original 6989 destiny points, are not enough for him to buy Hirinwan, or a powerful Zanpakuto like Liuren Ruuohuo, but it is not bad to exchange for one. , the Zanpakuto that can be superimposed on his Narcissus is more than enough.

Even if he gets the [Super Saiyan Bloodline (Growable)] that "only" needs 10 Destiny Points again, he can not only buy the full amount, but also keep more than half of it!

It's a pity that the products in the [Fate Store] this month are not very good, which made him feel for the first time that he has money and no land to spend.

After taking a deep breath, Masa Nagasawa's eyes fell on the treasure chest of random quality.

This is the first time something like a "treasure box" has been opened since he owned the system.

A little curious, he immediately fixed his eyes on the treasure chest, trying to find some useful information.

However, the treasure chest lying in his inventory has no other useful information other than the sentence "This is a treasure chest that can produce random quality and random items".

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa prepared to "click" to open the treasure chest.

However, just as he was about to "click" to open the treasure chest in his mind, he suddenly stopped his "movement".

Afterwards, Masa Nagasawa suddenly stood up from the luxurious toilet in Kuchiki's house, muttering in a low voice while washing her hands.

"How can you open the treasure chest without washing your hands..."

...... cut......

PS. Because the cut mole is on the face, I dare not smile all day today, for fear that the line will split, it is really difficult...

Chapter 295 Yan Mo

Even though she knew that the "click" system did not need to use her own hands, Nagasawa turned on the faucet and cleaned it meticulously.

He could guarantee that he had never washed his hands so seriously.

Of course, it was another matter in the tenth company in the previous life.

After cleaning her hands carefully, not letting go of even the seams of her nails, the calm Nagasawa finally immersed her mind in the system again, and fiercely "clicked" the opening button. box.

There are no cool and gorgeous special effects, nor a 999 crit.

The treasure chest in the system was just opened in a normal manner, and then, a katana-like weapon was displayed in front of his eyes in a normal way.

This is a weapon with a length of about 1.3 meters and a blade length of about 90 centimeters, which is between a sword and a sword.

The handle of the knife has a complex infinity symbol-shaped golden pattern design, the shape of the collar is a pair of hexagons, the white handle roll and the black thread.

On the top of the handle, the eyes of a golden oriental dragon are located under the collar, the scabbard is completely black, and the bell below it is printed with three golden dots.

When Nagasawa saw the name of this knife, he was stunned for a moment, and then overjoyed.

Fuck!Yan Mo Dao! ?

Although he has never played Devil May Cry, as a senior secondary player... ahem!

But he was very sure that this was not the one in Sauron's hands.

However, before he could take a closer look, the system popped up a prompt again.

[Do you want to fuse Yan Modao with the host Zanpakuto? 】


Seeing this reminder, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

It seems that although this Enma Sword was opened from a treasure chest, its properties are similar to those of the Zanpakutō sold in the [Destiny Shop], and they can be superimposed and fused to one's own Zanpakutō.

Thinking about it carefully, his system inventory can only be used temporarily, and once taken out, it can never be put back.

It's okay to say one or two, the big deal is to be a two-sword swordsman like his two cheap brothers.

Three swords are also acceptable, after all, as long as the mouth is good enough, the three swords style is not a problem.

But no matter how much, he can't play anymore.

If he can't merge, he will really go out to kill people like Fang Shiyu in the future with a dozen knives on his back.

Almost without thinking, Nagasawa chose to merge.

That is, the moment he chose [Yes], Yan Modao, which was still floating in the system just now, disappeared into his mind out of thin air.

Then, he felt the Narcissus hanging on his waist sink slightly, and in the next second, the information about how to use Yan Mo Dao's ability came into his mind like a blessing.

After digesting it carefully, even the well-informed Nagasawa Masa had to say "Monkey Sailei"!

Yan Modao's ability is very simple.

It can be roughly divided into the following categories.

First, unparalleled sharpness.

There is nothing to introduce. For Shinigami, whether Zanpakuto can cut through the enemy's defense depends largely on his spiritual pressure level.

No matter how blunt a knife is, for Aizen to use it, the instant kill is still the one that should be killed.

But very quickly, Nagasawa suddenly remembered a knife.

Sheath V.

It is a Zanpakuto with extremely high sharpness and smoothness, no matter how you swing it, it will not be damaged, and even blood cannot be stained.

When the knife holder holds the knife handle tightly and straightens the knife body, even the high-density spiritual bullets will be split when they hit the knife, which is a real sense of hair breaking.

However, due to the nature of the blade, it is impossible to make a suitable scabbard, and the blade is too sharp and cannot be fixed well on the handle.

Even its forger, one of the members of the Zero Division, who created the Zanpakuto, and Ermei Yawangyue, known as the "Sword God", regarded it as a failure and packed it in a frozen liquid box, and left it in the Lingwang Palace.

The description of the system is generally extremely accurate.

Although Yan Mo Dao is a magic sword that can be put into a "sheath", Masa Nagasawa is still a little curious. Which one is better, Yan Mo Dao or Sheath Fu, which is known as "unparalleled sharpness"?

The second is a skill called "Dimensional Slash".

When he slashes the sharp blade in his hand towards the target, he can form a small-scale space distortion around the target and strike it continuously.

Simply put, it can be understood as a bankrupt version of "Broken Way: Ninety Black Coffin".

It's just that unlike the large amount of spiritual pressure that the black coffin needs to consume, Yan Modao's "dimension cut" hardly consumes any spiritual pressure, and it is purely a special effect of the weapon.

What's interesting is that after merging with Narcissus, he, the master, can choose whether to use "Dimensional Slash" in the attack, which is quite flexible.

As for the third ability, it is also the one that Nagasawa Masa feels the most weirdly - separation.

This Yan Mo knife can not only cut space and create a channel for movement, but also can separate the two sides of a person into two different individuals.

The former is easy to understand, and it is very similar to Kamikawa Rennosuke's Zanpakuto "Breakout".

As for the latter...

To be honest, he kind of didn't understand what that meant.

Meaning, if he stabbed himself with the power of Void with Yan Mo Dao, would he be able to separate himself into a Death God and a Void?

Then if you stabbed a god of death, what would separate the other party?

For a while, he was somewhat confused.

Fortunately, like "Dimensional Slash", this ability is also due to fusion, so he can choose whether to use it or not.

If you have a chance, you can try it in the future.

Overall, this wave is equivalent to an epic buff.

His Narcissus actually has a weakness that is not considered a weakness.

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