"Oh, it's Sakurai-kun, long time no see."

Hearing the voice in his ears, Sakurai Nishiki and the narrow expression on his face couldn't help but froze on the spot.

He...recognizes me?

A somewhat unbelievable thought instantly appeared in Sakurai Nishiki's mind.

However, when he turned his eyes and met Nagasawa Yana's face full of kindness and smiles, and his younger generation's adoring eyes, he suddenly understood.

Nagasawa, this is cooperating with him so that he won't lose face in front of the younger generation.

For a moment, Sakurai Nishiki only felt a little sore nose, and mixed feelings in his heart.

Is this... the man he has been jealous of?

Not only the strength, but also the strength, has opened up the gap like a gap with him.

Sakurai Nishikiwa, who has always been reluctant to admit Nagasawa Masa, has reached a reconciliation with his past self at this moment.

Immediately, I saw him, who was standing behind my wife Daochang just now, staggered his feet one after the other, and slightly bent his knees.

Then leaning on his left thigh with his left hand, stretching out his right hand, with the palm facing up, he said in a deep voice with a solemn expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry for the previous faux pas."

"Please allow me to introduce myself again."

"I was born in a subordinate family of the Tsunayashiro family, one of the five great nobles. I am the eldest son of the Sakurai family, the middle-level noble, Sakurai Nishikiwa. My life has been smooth and smooth, and I have no worries about food and clothing."

"But I'm ashamed to say that because of the jealousy in my chest, I ignored the facts and did those dirty things."

"Thanks to my master's enlightenment, I finally woke up."

"I, Nishiki Sakurai, swear here that for the rest of my life, I will definitely do that upright thing, so that I will live up to the kindness of my master's enlightenment today."

Seeing Sakurai Nishikihe's sudden movement, whether it's Nagasawa Masa, or my wife Daozhang who is on the side, there is a look of astonishment in the eyes of both of them.

My wife Daochang, who didn't know why, even looked at Sakurai Nishiki for a while, and Nagasawa Masa in front of her for a while. She didn't know what charades the two sides were playing, so she could only introduce herself in a similar manner.

On the other hand, Chang Zeya, after experiencing a short period of astonishment, the look in his eyes gradually became weird.

Is this... an epiphany?

Originally, I just wanted to cooperate with the other party so that the other party would not be too embarrassed in front of the younger generation, but I never thought that the other party would directly understand the "heart of light"?

What kind of child of light is this?

It was only very soon that he suddenly realized, did the other party just say something remarkable in a very heavy tone?

A subsidiary family of the Tsunayashiro family...?

Thinking of this, a gleam flashed in Nagasawa's eyes.

He didn't forget the Tsunayashiro family's scheme against him.

Although in the beginning, it was true that he sabotaged the other party's assassination plan against Kuchiki's family several times, that's why he received the other party's resentment, but this was not the reason for the other party to plot against him.

He is long Zeya, but he is very careful!

It's just that the son of light in front of him...ah no, the son of the Sakurai family in front of him, he has no intention of taking advantage of him.

If it is only an affiliated family at the middle-level noble level, not only is it difficult to get access to the core information of the Tsunayashiro family, but even the core members of the family may not be able to have any in-depth contact.

Instead of thinking about how to use others, it is better to think about how to lure King Tsunayashiro to show his fox tail, so as to create a chance for him to strike fatally.

Immediately, looking at the motionless Sakurai Nishiki who kept introducing himself, Masa Nagasawa hurriedly helped him up, and chatted casually with the two of them.

It's just that, although he said some innocuous and polite words, in his heart, he had already secretly calculated.

It's just that before that, he has some other things to deal with.

The good thing is, as Sakurai Nishikiwa said, they really just came to Nagasawa Masa to get acquainted. If they had a mobile phone, they would at most be at the level of asking for a group photo.

The three of them exchanged simple greetings for a while, and then they said goodbye.

And after leaving the team building of the first team, Masa Nagasawa kept her goal unchanged and ran straight to where Yeyi's secret base was located.

There, Sifengin Yushiro had been waiting for him for a long time.

...... cut......

PS. This is the end of April, and it is still a month of completing 15 words of full attendance, which can be regarded as hard work.

It will be May soon, and I will continue to work hard towards the 15-word perfect attendance.

Here, as usual, I would like to ask for the guaranteed blades that are refreshed every month. Thank you for your support!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because of the abnormal state and the fact that she has never dared to practice sword Zen, Masa Nagasawa has imagined the scene when she and Zanpakuto met for the first time in fantasy countless times.

But what he never expected was that such a scene would happen.

When he entered his spiritual world according to the sword Zen method taught by Yamamoto, the first thing he saw was a magnificent sea shining with golden light.

As his gaze moved, a girl with snow-white long hair stood with her back to him, as if she had chakra attached to her feet, standing straight above the sea level, looking like a master.

The girl's height is not considered tall, even half a head shorter than Broken Bee.

When Nagasawa saw the girl, she recognized her identity almost immediately.

Is this... my Narcissus?

And just after he appeared in his spiritual world, the girl seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and said softly with a somewhat immature voice.

"You came."

Hearing the inexplicably familiar opening remarks, Nagasawa couldn't help but twitch, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Immediately, he responded almost instinctively.

"I am coming."

It seemed that because her words were echoed, the girl's indifferent words seemed to be injected with some kind of vitality, but she restrained the excitement in her chest, and continued to speak in a very strange tone.

"You shouldn't have come."


Nagasawa: "..."

To be honest, Nagasawa is a person who likes to act aggressively, but he rarely allows others to act aggressively in front of him.

In this regard, he and Yamamoto are quite similar. Both master and apprentice are the type who only allow state officials to set fires, but not the common people to light lamps.

Seeing that her Zanpakuto was installed, Nagasawa only felt that the way he opened it must be wrong.

He turned his head immediately, preparing to come in in a different posture after a while.

"Then I'll go."

However, upon hearing the movement behind her, the girl who had just looked like a master suddenly panicked.

She turned around quickly and said anxiously.

"Hey, don't go, I'll just talk casually, get active..."

However, the moment she turned around, she met a pair of playful eyes.

For a moment, the girl still didn't understand that she was played by Nagasawa Ya.

She immediately turned around angrily, sat cross-legged on the sea water casually, put her head aside, folded her arms, and looked like she didn't want to talk to Nagasawa anymore.

Seeing that the other party was angry, he was not in a hurry to leave the spiritual world while singing.

He came to the other side, squatted down, poked the other's bulging face, and asked softly.


Who would have thought that it would be alright if he didn't ask, as soon as he opened his mouth, the knife spirit facing the wall seemed to have found an outlet to vent his dissatisfaction, stood up abruptly, pointed at Nagasawa Ya, and scolded him all the time.

"I said you are a man!"

"Obviously a god of death, it's okay to barely use the Zanpakuto in battle, and tell people everywhere that those are messy, and the ability I don't know where I got it is my power!"

"You've made me lose face by doing this, you know!?"

Saying that, that green finger almost poked Nagasawa Ya's nose.

Hearing this, Nagasawa scratched her nose in embarrassment.

Others don't know his details, but as his Zanpakuto, Narcissus knows it all too well.

However, listening to the meaning of the conversation, it seems that the other party does not know the existence of the system.

This is very interesting.

What you need to know is that Zanpakuto is built based on the soul of Reaper himself. Generally speaking, Zanpakuto has no secrets about Zanpakuto.

As his Zanpakuto, he didn't even know the existence of the system?

In other words, is the system independent of the soul and only exists on my "life body"?

For a while, Nagasawa once again became curious about the system whose name sounded so vulgar.

Seemingly aware of Nagasawa Ya's absent-mindedness, Dao Ling, who was in a better mood just after scolding, became even more angry.

A finger directly poked Nagasawa Ya's face like Nagasawa just poked her cheek, and said softly with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you are too rude, I'm talking to you, can you be distracted?"

Listening to the words that came from her ear, Nagasawa regained her senses from her own thoughts.

I saw that he first looked up and down at Dao Ling in front of him, then slapped away the other's fingers poking his face, squatted down, and asked curiously while pinching the other's fair and tender face.

"Speaking of which, the so-called Saber Zen is a means to allow Death God to enter his own spiritual world, communicate, synchronize, run-in, and exercise with Zanpakuto, so that Death God can more fully grasp the power of Zanpakuto?"

"You guy, are you really strong?"

Nagasawa Ya's almost provocative words and actions immediately caused an angry cross to appear on Dao Ling's forehead.

Almost at the moment when Nagasawa Ya's voice fell, she stretched out her hands and pinched both sides of Nagasawa Ya's cheeks, gnashing her teeth like a bad girl.

"Ah, I'm strong!"

"Don't underestimate the knife, you bastard!"

Listening to the words that came from her ear, Nagasawa showed a noncommittal look on her face.

Seeing this, the sword spirit in front of him became even more angry.

She let go of the hands that were holding Nagasawa Ya's cheeks, and then, a Zanpakudao that looked exactly like Nagasawa Ya's Narcissus appeared in her palm very abruptly.


Like a sharp blade with water waves constantly flowing, it slid a silver-white arc in the air, bringing up a little bit of blood.

On the other hand, look at Nagasawa Masaru.

He who was still in front of Dao Ling just now has already distanced himself from the other party.

I saw that he lowered his head first, glanced at the sword mark on his chest, then raised his head, looked at the sword spirit in the distance, and raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Hey, it's very dangerous for children to play with such a big 'toy'."

I saw Dao Ling not far away, obviously just a girl who was not as tall as Suifeng, and even the Zanpakuto in his hand was about to catch up with her height.

But inexplicably, when the Narcissus appeared in her hands, the proportions were obviously extremely uncoordinated, but in Nagasawa Ya's heart, there was a feeling that was more suitable than holding it in his hands.

Then look at the sword spirit who just cut a beautiful upward pick, as if wanting to take the life of Nagasawa Ya, but said softly to Nagasawa Ya with a smile on his face.

"Beheading is also a way of exchanging feelings, isn't it?"

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself again."

"It's the first time we meet, my name is... Narcissus."

...... cut......

PS.1. On the first day of May, please guarantee the bottom blade, thank you for your support!

By the way, the unit of "ten, hundred, thousand" is removed from the number of chapters.

Because of the display problem in the background, as the number of chapters in front of the chapter name is getting longer and longer, I can hardly see the chapter name when I check it, which is really inconvenient.

PS.2. I designed the image design of the Water Fairy Dao Ling with reference to Bai Lai, with pictures at the end of the article.

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