-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah, I'm really exhausted..."

In Yeyi's secret base, Nagasawa Ya, who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed and placed the Zanpakuto on her knees, suddenly opened her eyes and lay on the ground sprawled out, revealing her face Hollowed out expression.

I am ashamed to say that just now, in his spiritual world, he was chased and hacked by a girl who was not as tall as Suifeng, carrying a Zanpakudao that was almost as tall as Suifeng.

The more he fought, the more courageous he became, the expression on his face even gradually turned into a ghostly knife spirit. When chasing him down, he looked like he was killing his father and enemy.


Wait a minute, when did broken bees become a unit of measurement?

Well, it doesn't matter.

In the process of being chased, if he hadn't beaten him until the end, dropped the Zanpakuto in his hand, turned on the suit thug mode and started punching, he would have been almost deflated.

However, it was probably annoyed at his abandonment of the knife and his fist. The angry knife spirit just kicked him out of the spiritual world and refused to communicate with him again in a short time.

He's really a hot-tempered guy, like me.

He curled his lips and sat up suddenly.

Although it was just a knife meditation, for him, it was no less than a high-intensity training.

In addition, before coming here, Nagasawa Masa, who had already been trained hard by Yamamoto, felt a little sticky on her body, so she simply took off her domineering outfit and lay down in the recuperating hot spring.


Sure enough, no matter how many times he soaked his whole body in the healing hot spring, it would always bring him joy all over his body.

And the most important thing is that it is probably due to the addition of too much water.

Although this recuperating hot spring does not have the strong healing effect of the red and white hot spring of Kirin Temple Tianshiro.

But in terms of security, it is much better.

There is no need to worry about the body festering due to excessive recovery.

Just soaking and soaking, a trace of doubt flashed in Nagasawaya's mind.

"Strange, why hasn't Yushiro come yet?"

Speaking of it, the reason why he came to this secret base today, apart from wanting to try sword Zen and meet his own Zanpakuto, is largely because of the agreement with Yushiro Sifengin.

A little puzzled, he walked out of the hot spring, wiped his body, and put on the dead bully outfit that had been cleaned himself.

However, when he was about to put on his coat, looking at the clothes and pants he had just put on, Nagasawa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This set of somewhat different death domineering outfits was tailor-made for him by Senshoumaru back then in order to restrain his excessively fast spiritual energy absorption speed and prevent his frail body from being exploded by the full spiritual power.

Even if it is damaged during the battle, it will be restored to its original shape with the recovery of his spiritual pressure, and there will be no shortage of weight or lack of fit.

However, when he took off his coat and looked at the shirt he was wearing inside, he could clearly feel that it was a bit shorter.

Looking at the trousers worn on the legs, it has become casual trousers between the cropped trousers and the cropped trousers, revealing half of the ankle.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then rubbed her chin, thinking of it.

Could it be that he has grown taller because he has been wandering in the rift for too long?

After leaving the boundary space, in the virtual circle full of dangers, he basically didn't have time to focus on himself, and it was only at this time that he realized it.

But very quickly, Nagasawa put this idea behind her for the time being.

Although he really likes this thug-style death tyrant outfit in a suit, it is not very useful to him now that he is aware of the abnormal state.

On the contrary, it may even have a suppressive effect.

He is not Saraki Kenpachi, but there is no need to suppress his own power.

If given the chance, he still hopes to change into a more normal dead bully outfit.

However, just when he was thinking about whether to go back to Division [-] to change clothes today, a figure as agile as a cheetah suddenly broke into the base.

"Sorry brother-in-law, I kept you waiting!"

Before anyone can hear the prophet, it has to be said that Xishiro has initially possessed the basic qualities of a successful Shinigami.

Looking at Yushiro who was slightly out of breath, Masa Nagasawa put on her coat nonchalantly, and asked softly.

"What's wrong? You look furious?"

Hearing this, Yushiro straightened up quickly with his legs propped up, and replied softly with an obviously embarrassed expression on his face.

"It's...it's nothing. The elder in charge of business operations in the family, after attending the Death Brotherhood meeting and returning to the clan, he hurriedly summoned his uncles in the clan and started an emergency meeting. Meeting."

I don't know if it's a guilty conscience or what, facing Nagasawa Masa's doubtful gaze, Yushiro's voice became smaller and smaller.

"He...they said, let me do everything I can to ease the relationship between the Sifengyuan family and your brother-in-law, saying that this is my responsibility as the head of the Sifengyuan family... "

When it came to the end, Yushiro even lowered his head, not daring to look into Nagasawa's eyes.

Listening to the words in her ear, Masa Nagasawa was really a little annoyed.

Those old guys from the Sifengyuan family knew that they couldn't get any favors from them, so they used the "responsibility of the family head" to morally kidnap their young brother-in-law. They really used the word "shameless" to the fullest.

He felt that it was necessary to help the other party establish the majesty of the Patriarch.

just before that...

He looked helplessly at Yushiro who was rubbing the hem of his clothes in front of him, who was at a loss.

"You child, you are really honest enough."

"Can you tell the 'target person' directly about this kind of thing?"

Hearing this, Yushiro couldn't help but show a panicked look on his face.

Although he was young, it was only a few years ago that he formally took over the position of Patriarch, but at least he had been named Patriarch for nearly 50 years.

Realizing that directly telling Nagasawa Masaru these things might not only fail to ease the relationship between the two parties, but also cause Nagasawa Masaru to feel even greater resentment towards the Shifengyuan family.

In desperation, his eyes, which were [-]% similar to Ye Yi's, burst into tears on the spot.

However, just when he was about to raise his head and say something, a thick palm landed on his head, and he rubbed his frizzy short purple hair fiercely.

In the next second, a gentle voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Fool, you call me brother-in-law, there is no reason not to help you."

For a moment, Yushiro's tear-filled eyes instantly glowed with a brilliance called "touching".

...... cut......

PS. I really cracked up. The militia training I mentioned earlier, I only needed to go to check it on the 5th, and I could go back and forth on the same day, so I gave up on drafting.

As a result, I received a notification in the evening. After completing the inspection on the 5th, I directly joined the training for two days...

This is very embarrassing, I have to take advantage of the few days of May [-]st to ensure normal updates and at the same time save his update amount for two days, otherwise I will have to stop for two days and use two leave notes... ..

Hedgehog cat’s leave slips are purchased with points, except for the first one of each month, which is free.

My points are only enough to buy another one a month. If I use the leave slip, it will explode in May. I can’t have a headache one day. It’s really hard...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In this world, Karakura Town, a peaceful and comfortable city.

Different from the bustling and hustle and bustle of big cities, people in Karaza enjoy this leisurely living atmosphere.

For example, a fashionable girl in a t-shirt with a navel exposed and a pair of light blue jeans is sitting in a restaurant specializing in eel rice.

And beside her, there were already five empty bowls with only a little leftovers left.


After quickly showing off the sixth bowl of eel rice in her hand, the girl's eyes were full of unfinished expressions, and she spoke vigorously to the general standing behind the oven with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Boss, two more bowls!"

The customer's love is the recognition of his own craftsmanship. After hearing the girl's call, the general accepted it after a short moment of astonishment.

The waiting time is always extremely long.

However, just as the girl was waiting for her seventh and eighth bowls of eel rice, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who looked about in his early forties sat beside her with his buttocks. With a smile on his face, he spoke softly in a somewhat cautious tone.

"That...may I excuse you? This beautiful lady."

"Tell me, may I ask, are you interested in becoming an actress?"

Hearing the sound coming from her ear, she was resting her chin, while waiting for the food, while emptying her mind, like a girl who was thinking about something, as if she hadn't thought about it at all, she refused quite casually road.

"Sorry, not interested at all."

However, the middle-aged man did not show any frustration at all because of the girl's rejection.

He took out a business card from the lining pocket of his suit, handed it to the girl, and continued.

"Well, don't refuse in a hurry."

"I'm a scout from the Star Times Entertainment Agency stationed in Karaza Town. You can call me Nakano. This is my business card."

At the same time, the two bowls of eel rice ordered by the girl were presented to her with the general's "please enjoy".

Facing the business card and eel rice that were handed over at the same time, it was as if the temptation of becoming a star was completely inferior to the delicious food in front of her. The girl didn't even look at the business card Nakano handed over, and picked up the eel rice on the table Just dazzled.

Seeing that the girl didn't accept the business card he handed over, Nakano didn't show any disappointment, he just pushed the business card to a position less than 10 centimeters away from his hand before continuing.

"I have to say, miss, your temperament is really, really outstanding."

"I just took a rough glance in the crowd, and I was instantly attracted by the dazzling light emanating from you."

"I see a huge potential in you."

"I believe that as long as you are willing to join our company, under the establishment of the company, you will definitely become the most dazzling star of tomorrow in Neon!"

As he said that, it was an extravagant compliment.

What I have to say is that as a scout, Nakano's eloquence is very good.

From the initial praise, to the introduction of the strength of the entertainment agency, and then to the depiction of the colorful flowers after becoming a star, everyone is empty.

After one pass of output, there is no duplicate sample for 10 minutes.

Listening to the words that came from her ear, the girl seemed to be moved, but actually stopped the movement of cooking in her hands, and let out a light sigh.


Seeing that the girl seemed to be moving under his tongue, Nakano couldn't help but reveal a proud smile in his heart.

He has seen too many girls like this.

At the beginning, they all looked unmoved, but as long as he painted the bright prospect and the scene of being adored by thousands of people, few girls could resist such a temptation.

Seeing this, he hurriedly increased his horsepower, and replied with a positive expression.

"Of course!"

"Although our Star Era is not as good as the traditional three major giants, it is also a well-known large-scale entertainment company in Neon, and its artists are not lacking in top stars!"

"If you are willing to join, we will definitely do our best to make you the next star of tomorrow!"

Nakano's voice was impassioned. I don't know if it was because he was tired of the other party's entanglement, or because he was really interested, but the girl asked in a rare way.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch, what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, Nakano couldn't help but draw a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, cultivating celebrities also consumes a lot of resources. We are not a charity organization, and we will not cultivate a person who has no stake for no reason."

Hearing that there was something in the other party's words, the girl simply put down the eel rice in her hand, and continued to ask in a curious tone.


Seeing that the other party was already "hooked", the curvature of the corner of Nakano's mouth became even worse.

I saw him stretch out his hand, rubbing his right thumb and index finger, and said with some embarrassment.

"Cultivating a star naturally requires a little expense. The company will provide you with opportunities to debut and channels to increase your fame, but the upfront expenses... have to be prepared by yourself, miss."

However, it seemed that he was afraid that the fish he got would run away, and before the girl could say anything, Nakano hurriedly added.

"But, there is no other way."

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