"If you are really short of cash, Miss, I have other ways to help you."

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, although I am a scout stationed in Kuza Town, I still have a little say in the office, as long as you are willing to make a small sacrifice..."

As he spoke, he actually stretched out his hand towards the girl's shoulder.

Seeing this, a look of disgust flashed instinctively in the girl's eyes.

However, just when she was about to show some color to the seductive guy in front of her, a big hand grabbed the other's wrist before Nakano's palm touched her shoulder.

Immediately, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice penetrated into her cochlea.

"I'm sorry, but this beautiful lady is already famous. If you are a celebrity, please find someone else."

Seeing Yu'er who was about to get his hands, Nakano who was suddenly stabbed horizontally and grabbed his wrist immediately frowned, showing a displeased expression.

"Famous flowers have their own masters? Are you this lady's boyfriend?"

"Let me tell you, I've seen a lot of guys like you. If you're really good for this lady, I advise you to be the best..."

However, just when he turned his head and looked up the palm holding his wrist.

This glance made the displeasure on his face instantly change into a look of extreme astonishment.

I saw a man who combined all the advantages of Yanzu, Yuyan, Takuya, and Chengwu in one body, standing beside him, holding his wrist with a smile on his face, and just quietly watching he.

When he saw this face, he was astonished.

His intuition as a scout made him instantly realize a very critical issue.

This son will definitely become the top among all the stars!

He even thought of a stage name for him, which is Hidetoshi Ukiyo.

The so-called Ukiyo means "the ever-changing floating world".

The Japanese transliteration of the English word "ACE" is Yingshou's katakana!

He... is the strongest trump card in this floating world!

In an instant, he directly gave up the nasty thoughts that had just been born in his heart, and even gave up on the girl in front of him. He turned his head and prepared to attack the man in front of him.

As long as I have him, Star Times... no, I can even leave Star Times immediately and set up an independent entertainment agency!

As long as he has this, given time, even the three major entertainment giants will eventually be stepped on by him.

He, Hayato Nakano, is the entertainment godfather of the neon new era!

We must dig him under our banner!

However, just when Nakano was about to open his mouth again and use his three-inch tongue, he was horrified to find that his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't even utter a word. Dots of sound.

He was gesticulating, as if he wanted to express something through his body language, his face was full of eagerness.

However, looking at his movements, the man seemed to have no comprehension at all. He just patted his shoulder lightly and said softly with the same smile on his face.

"Yes, for the hospital, there will be one at the next intersection."

"If you want to go to a hospital with more comprehensive medical facilities, you can also go to the Mihua Central Hospital in Mihua Town next door."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Nakano almost panicked.

He is not sick!

Although the sudden inability to speak made him a little worried, but compared to this, he was more unwilling to let go of the almost perfect man in front of him.

He quickly reached into his suit lining pocket, tried to take out his cell phone, and exchanged contact information with the man in front of him.

At least, at least make sure you don't get lost.

This is his long-term meal ticket for the rest of his life, he must not be allowed to run away!

However, just as he stretched out his hand to his suit, a pleasant voice penetrated into his ear extremely softly.

"Let me tell you, what you need to do now is to go to the hospital to see a doctor."

Just a second after the words were spoken, Nakano was horrified to find out.

His hands and feet were unable to lie on the ground by himself, and then he quickly "crawled" out of the eel shop in an extremely embarrassing posture, under the amazed gaze of many diners, like a strange species.

Seeing that the person who got in the way finally left, a faint smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

He looked at the black-skinned girl in front of him who had been in a daze since he appeared, and said softly with gentle words that seemed to have remained unchanged for a hundred years.

"Hey, long time no see, beautiful lady."

...... cut......

PS. Hey!

The floating general appears for a limited time, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

In addition, I feel like I really have a fever once a month now.

Today, the fever reached 38 for no reason. I don’t know if it was caused by the inflammation of the wound after the mole was cut. I’m really speechless. I’m used to it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Familiar smiles and familiar figures, but a little strange, they are reunited after 50 years of separation.

When Yoruichi saw Nagasawa Masaru standing in front of her, even though the other party had just performed a "hero saves the beauty", he drove away the annoying "flies" for her.

There was an unbelievable expression on her face.

That appearance, as if he was questioning whether he was dreaming, was unbelievable.

Hearing the sound coming from his ear, Ye subconsciously stretched out his hand, and reached towards Nagasawa Ya's face with lightning speed.

She wanted to pinch Nagasawa Ya's face to make sure she wasn't really dreaming.

However, just when her hand was about to touch Nagazeya's cheek.

An immature face with a coffee-like complexion, almost in line with her complexion, suddenly appeared under her palm.

"Ninja Art Substitution Technique!"

A teasing voice sounded from behind Yushiro.

Yushiro, whose cheek was pinched by Ye Yi, immediately had tears in his eyes, and said with an aggrieved face.

"Sister, what are you pinching me for?"

Looking at his own younger brother who appeared under his hands at some unknown time, Ye Yi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously squeezed the tenderness in his hand, and after confirming that the feeling of the hand was very real, he let go of his hand and responded softly .

"It's nothing, I just want to confirm whether I'm dreaming, or just suffering from an illusion."

Listening to the words in his ears, Xishiro, whose cheeks were slightly flushed from being pinched, immediately became more aggrieved.

Facing this sister he hadn't seen for a long time, he seemed to have turned back into the follower behind her, opening his mouth and mumbling in a low voice.

"Then can't you pinch your own?"

Hearing Yushiro's rebuttal, Yeyi raised his eyebrows immediately, staring at a pair of golden eyes like cat's eyes.

"What? I haven't seen you for a while, do you know how to argue with eldest sister?"

Both of his parents died when he was young, and Yushiro, who was raised by his eldest sister, Yoruichi, could be said to be eaten to death by Yoruichi.

Seeing that the other party was angry, he immediately shrank his neck.

He didn't dare to refute, so he could only quickly walk around behind Nagasawa Ya, as if he had found a backer, while timidly poking his head out from behind Nagasawa Ya to look at Yeyi, while tugging on the hem of Nagasawa Ya's clothes softly Said.

"Brother-in-law, you should take care of eldest sister!"

Seeing her brother-in-law looking like a doormat, Nagasawa couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, I can't control your sister."

Seeing Masa Nagasawa's helpless expression, Yushiro suddenly showed a mournful expression.

Seeing Nagasawa standing in front of him so genuinely, Yeyi finally couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart, and asked softly in an extremely rare soft tone.

"Is it really you? Yami..."

"Am I really not dreaming?"

Listening to Ye Yi's soft words, Nagasawa couldn't help but smile.

"If it's fake..."

However, the word "change" in his mouth didn't have time to finish...

"You kid..."

"It's been hard for me to find it, you know, Hundan!!!???"

Should it be said that "Shunshen Yeyi" deserves to be "Shunshen Yeyi"?

The moment he finished speaking, Yoruichi didn't care that there were still many ordinary people watching around him.

It was a Shunbu who walked around behind Nagasawa Ya, and immediately clamped his neck with his big arm.

The long-lost facial cleanser... Ah no, "Guillotine", it's done in an instant!


"Facing an old lover whom I haven't seen for a long time, are you treating me like this!?"

"Give it up! Let it go! It's about to end, it's about to end!"

"No...can't breathe, hey!"

Feeling the strength from the neck and the softness from the cheeks, as if she wanted to crush him into the softness, Nagasawa immediately raised her hand and surrendered.

Probably because he had vented enough of his inner emotions, and he also seemed to realize that this is the real world, not the world of corpses and souls.

Seeing more and more diners around cast surprised glances at them, Ye Yi didn't care about the unfinished eel rice on the table, so he took two [-] yuan bills, and dragged Masa Nagasawa and Yushiro quickly left the restaurant.

Walking on the streets of Karakura Town, Masa Nagasawa looked around curiously.

Seriously, it's no wonder he wasn't curious.

As far as the level of modernization is concerned, there is almost no difference between this world and the era in which he lived in his previous life.

But in terms of the development trajectory of this world, it was at least tens of thousands of years ago that the Spirit King divided the world into three worlds: the real world, the virtual world, and the world of corpses and souls.

After tens of thousands of years of development, human beings have only achieved the same level of technology as his previous life in the 21st century.

Although it is not very scientific to find science in the Two-dimensional world, no matter how you think about it, it feels a little unreasonable.

The footsteps of the three were not slow, and because the city of Karaza Town was not big, it didn't take much time for the three of them to come to a grocery store with a signboard with the words "Urahara Store".

Looking at the shops that are named after their own names openly and without the slightest secretive intentions.

The expression on Nagasawa's face gradually became weird.

Although in the original plot, the Urahara store was open on the main road like this, Nagasawa Masa always felt that based on his understanding of Urahara Kisuke, the other party would come up with some high-end gadgets such as enchantments.

Seeing this, he couldn't help pointing to the shop in front of him, and asked softly to Ye Yi beside him.

"I thought Urahara would do it more secretly, but I didn't expect..."

"Kuza Town is a land of heavy spirits. It is almost equivalent to being under the nose of the soul world. How many of you wanted criminals have been here for nearly 50 years so blatantly?"

In Nagasawa Ya's words, there is obviously some incredible taste.

Hearing this, Ye Yi just waved his hands carelessly.

"Hey, what about wanted criminals, don't make it so ugly."

"Obviously I was the one who acted bravely. I couldn't get used to those old things in Room 46 of the Central Committee oppressing kindness. I didn't bother to collude with them. That's why I drew my sword to help and left angrily."

"As for the Chongling Land..."

"You don't want to think about which division is in charge of Karakura Town. Do you understand now?"

Hearing the words in his ear, Nagasawa was taken aback for a moment.

So that's the case, it's Senior Brother Fuzhu......

Immediately, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and looked at the other party with a rather strange look.

I haven't seen him in 50 years, Ye Yi's face is getting more and more like his elegant demeanor.

However, just when he was about to say something, he seemed to sense the arrival of several people, and a voice that sounded a little frivolous, but mixed with some surprises, suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

"Oh, oh, look who's here?"

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