...... cut......

PS. The cut was a mole on the face, but I suspect that the fever I had this time was due to the cold I caught while on duty at the company yesterday.

It was hot outside but cold in the company. I was only wearing a sweatshirt. When I entered the company and turned on the heater, I was covered in it for a day. It was caused by the alternation of hot and cold.

But what I have to say is that after Yangkang, my body is indeed much worse than before...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Oh, oh, look who's here?"

As the voice fell, a yellow-haired man in a dark green jacket, a white and green fisherman hat, and wooden clogs, and a muscular man wearing plain glasses appeared in front of the three of them. .

Looking at Nagasawa Masaru whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Urahara Kisuke rarely put away the slightly ungrateful expression on his face, and his eyes were full of emotion.

In the ten years before he defected from Soul Society, and even after his defection, what he had been thinking about was the spiritual pressure capture device he left in the Technology Development Bureau, which could capture even a little bit of Nagazawa Masaru's spiritual pressure. .

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. After 50 years, Masa Nagasawa really came back.

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions, and even Yoruichi and Yushiro beside him were affected by this touching atmosphere of reunion and couldn't help but sigh.

After sorting out his mood a little, the look on Urahara Kisuke's face gradually returned.

After all, he is no longer the little transparent of the second team in the past. After experiencing the ups and downs of his life, he immediately whispered to Nagasawa Ya with his usual expression.

"It's been a long time, Nagasawa...san?"

However, before he could finish his words, he noticed that Nagasawa Ya, who was opposite him, suddenly darkened his face the moment he saw him.

Immediately, he exerted force under his feet, and under Urahara Kisuke's exclamation that broke his voice due to excessive surprise, he rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed without saying a word.



The sudden change really caught Yoruichi and Yushiro off guard, and both of them had panic expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect Nagasawa to do it right away, without any warning at all.

When they reacted, Masa Nagasawa, who was moving like a thunder, had already rushed to Kisuke Urahara!

And let’s look at Urahara Kisuke, who is Nagasawa Masaru’s target.

When he saw Nagasawa Ya's actions, his eyes, which were full of emotion and nostalgia just now, instantly shrank to the size of a pinprick.

Mr. Nagasawa... Did you receive a mission from Seireitei to arrest me in this world? !

For a moment, Urahara Kisuke's mood was extremely complicated.

Is the first task of returning to Soul Society, after searching for and rescuing someone for many years, to arrest him?

But in his heart, he knew that it was Nagazeya who was to blame.

No matter which crime he was charged by Room 46 of the Central Committee, they were all serious crimes of treason, madness, and anger.

Except for Ye Yi who knew the inside story, it was a normal choice for Nagasawa Masa who didn't know the inside story to attack him.

However, despite what he said, he didn't intend to just catch him without a fight.

I have no choice but to find a way to put Mr. Nagasawa down first, and then explain to him.

Thinking of this, Kisuke Urahara's eyes couldn't help but a gleam flashed.

He has seen Nagasawa's strength. Even as the former captain of the twelfth division, he dare not say that he is sure of victory against Nagasawa.

Immediately, he didn't care that it was still daytime, first he winked at Gyo Ling Tesai next to him, and then directly pointed the handle of the Zanpakuto disguised as a cane at Nagasawa Masahiro who was rushing forward .

"The Shield of Xuexia!"

In an instant, a hexagonal blood-colored shield made of pure spiritual pressure appeared in front of him instantly.

And holding Ling Tiezhai on the side, his hand speed is not slow.

As the former Great Ghost Daoist, at the same time, he was also the Deputy Ghost Daoist when Monk Yixiu was the Great Ghost Daoist.

He even knows Nagasawa's strength better than Urahara Kisuke.

At the moment when Urahara Kisuke built the first fortification, the bound road in his hand was also ready to go, and the first move was one of his strongest housekeeping skills.

"99 Forbidden Road Binding!"

Accompanied by a low cry from Ling Tie Zhai, two black silk ribbons fell from the sky, and Dang even attacked Nagasawa Ya who was rushing towards them with the force of thunder.


Facing two captain-level experts, Nagasawa's expression was as calm as a pool of deep water.

He just shouted softly in the calmest tone while rushing towards the two of them.


The next second, the brilliance shines, and the infinite soul form returns!

Whether it was Urahara Kisuke or Yoruichi, even Yushiro who had been in Soul Society had missed Nagasawa's return yesterday and saw Nagasawa's form for the first time.

Feeling the strong coercion emanating from the infinite soul form, Urahara Kisuke's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

"Hey, this level of spiritual pressure is no joke..."

Masa Nagasawa, who completed her transformation in an instant, also had a Japanese-style long knife full of technological sense in her hand.

The next second, when he came to the Bloody Shield, he slammed the Ghost driver on his waist, and a powerful crimson energy wrapped around the Japanese long sword in his hand in an instant.

Facing the Blood Cloud Shield, he didn't hesitate at all and slashed down hard with the long knife in his hand!

"Ikari Slash!"

Accompanied by a soft shout, the long knife wrapped in a strong coercion slashed fiercely on the blood shield and the black ribbon that quickly attacked him.



The indestructible Xuexia shield instantly shattered.

The powerful Dao Binding with a size as high as 99, also failed to survive under his hands!

Seeing that their own defenses were so easily breached by Nagasawa Masaru, Urahara Kisuke and Gribi Tessai were immediately horrified.

And Ye Yi, who came back to his senses, also hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Wait a minute Yami, that's not the case..."

However, before she could finish her words, she discovered that Nagasawa Masaru, who had rushed towards Urahara Kisuke, suddenly abandoned the long sword that contained supreme power in his hand.

Immediately, at a speed that was even faster than when he had just charged, he instantly circled behind Urahara Kisuke with a single step.

With such lightning-like speed, even Yoruichi, known as the "Shunshin God", could only see a faint afterimage!

Look at Nagasawa Masaru who came around behind Urahara Kisuke.

At this time, his arms wrapped around Urahara Kisuke's neck like two pythons, and quickly formed a strong cross in front of his throat.

An extremely vicious naked twist was completed in an instant!

In just an instant, Kisuke Urahara, the former captain of the [-]th Division of the Gotei [-]th Division, was restrained by him in an instant!

Then, a voice mixed with resentment and resentment reached everyone's ears through the head armor that exuded colorful light.

"Kisuke Urahara, you traitor!"

"Where's the promised game console!?"

"Did you eat me, bastard!?"

...... cut......

PS. Today is the 13th year that my wife and I have been together, so I am a little late, sorry for that.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Well~~~That's the general story."

In the Urahara store, Kisuke Urahara with a black eye was scratching the back of his head while talking about the ins and outs of why he escaped from the world of souls.

And Nagasawa Ya, who forgave the other party's revenge, nodded slightly while holding the tea from Lingtiezhai.

Urahara Kisuke's narration is basically the same as the plot he knows, but it lacks a lot of Aizen's perspective.

Apart from Honyu's existence, Urahara Kisuke didn't hide much from him.

Seeing this, Nagasawa considered her words a little, and then asked.

"So, Hirako Mako and the others have solved their own problems now, so they are no longer troubled by virtualization?"

"If that's the case, don't they consider going back to the Soul Realm to be rehabilitated?"

"After all, the person who harmed them is not only still at large, but has even taken the position that he and Liu Che Quanxi once occupied. You will always feel a little bit unhappy, right?"

He did not directly ask Hirako where Mako and others were.

Unlike Kisuke Urahara, before he was involved in the rift of the broken world, members of the Masked Legion were either the captain or the vice-captain.

The gap in rank meant that they rarely interacted with each other, and the only one they knew well was Lisa Yatomaru, a former comrade in arms.

Simply put, it is unfamiliar.

Since they were wanted, it would have been good if they didn't have any grudge against him, who was a member of the Gotei [-].

And compared to the silently dormant Masked Legion, Bengyu was obviously more useful to him.

Taking Hirako Mako and others as the entry point, I still want to see Kisuke Urahara's attitude towards this matter.

Hearing this, a wry smile flashed across Urahara Kisuke's face.

"Well, although it is true to say so, we are wearing the body of guilt after all. Once we return to the world of corpses and souls, I am afraid that the central room 46 will not even give us a chance to speak up, let alone the body of witnesses. For the captain's blue dye."

"For us now, the only way is to wait quietly for the moment when Aizen reveals his disguise."

"Until that day comes, there are very limited things we can do."

Speaking of this, Urahara Kisuke paused slightly, and then his eyes fell on Nagasawa Masa.

"Mr. Nagasawa, you don't seem to be surprised at all by what I said. This trust really touches me, ahaha, ahahahaha!"

Hearing Urahara Kisuke's tentatively casual probing, Nagasawa Masa seemed not to care.

If it were him, in this situation, he would be vigilant about everything.

"You don't need to test me. Rather than trusting your words, it's better to trust this guy's judgment."

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa stretched out her hand, pointed to Yeichi who was teasing Yushiro next to her, and then continued.

"But speaking of it, you were able to prevent Hirako and the others from switching to Xu, which means that you also have a method similar to Aizen's in your hands, right?"

As she said that, a gleam flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

This is the question he has always wanted to ask, and it is also the biggest crime that Room 46 of the Central Committee has set against Urahara Kisuke.

An evil experiment against Reaper.

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara's face was obviously stunned, and then he opened the folding fan in his hand, covering most of his face with the gap of the fan wind, while laughing.

"Well, don't look at me like this. After all, I am also the former director of the Technology Development Bureau. I still have some means of self-protection."

Hearing this, the corners of Nagasawa Ya's mouth couldn't help but twitched slightly.

Although what Urahara Kisuke said was somewhat vague, he didn't mention any information related to Bengyu.

But for Nagasawa Ya, speaking of this level, it is more than enough.

I saw him continuing to talk to Urahara Kisuke.

"Since this is the case, I think it may be a better way to take the initiative than to sit and wait for death."

Listening to the words that came to his ears, Urahara Ki's assistant subconsciously paused slightly. Even Yoruichi, who was teasing his brother whom he had not seen for a long time, stopped what he was doing and turned his attention to Chang. On Zeya's body.

Obviously, both of them had a certain interest in the "active attack" mentioned by Nagasawa Masaru.

After simply looking at each other, Kisuke Urahara asked.


"Mr. Nagasawa, do you have any good ideas?"

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