Listening to Kisuke Urahara's answer, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but give him a meaningful look.

Finished product...?

It seems that Kisuke Urahara has also been in the virtual circle a lot.

However, he didn't say much, everyone has their own little secret, there's no need to expose it, he just responded softly.

"Now that you're ready, let's go."

As he spoke, he took out a small blue pill from his pocket.

This is Gihun Pill, a pill that can force the soul out of the body, developed based on Hikifune Kiryu's "Yihun Technology".

In order to facilitate his activities in this world, he asked Yushiro to ask for a set of Yiku and Yihunwan.

When Nagasawa swallowed the Yihun Pill, his soul was immediately separated from Yiku, and reappeared in the eyes of everyone.

...... cut......

PS. After two days of practice, I am really tired.

To be honest, it's not that the intensity is too high, it's just that I don't exercise too much at ordinary times, and I suddenly started military training with increased intensity, and I didn't slow down a bit.

I'll update it first today. I'll shamelessly ask for half a day off. I'm really sleepy. I'll make it up later. Sorry...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Nagasawa Masaru's actions, Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi also took out the small blue pills from their arms and swallowed them, separating their souls from their bones.

Although Kisuke Urahara's Boundary Striking Device comes with a spirit particle conversion device, which can transform the body into a spirit particle, and freely move in the virtual circle or the soul world.

But for them who are gods of death, the soul form is more convenient.

However, just when Xishiro was about to swallow the Yihun pill, a big generous hand slapped his mouth.


Nagasawa Miyabi made some rough moves and dropped the Yihun Pill that Yushiro was about to put into his mouth, causing his speech to become somewhat slurred.

Ignoring Yushiro's protest, Masa Nagasawa interrupted directly.

"Yushiro Yu, don't go. Although with our lineup, unless Mr. Shan comes in person, it will be difficult to please even my two senior brothers. But if you don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst."

"Different from our three rotten lives, you are the real nobleman of the Sifengyuan family, if something happens to you..."

"Although I don't really care about the opinions of those old people from the Sifengyuan family, but your sister will definitely not spare me."

Seeing how "sensible" Nagasawa Ya was, Yoruichi on the side also showed a happy smile.

But very quickly, she suddenly figured out something was wrong from Nagasawa Ya's words.

"Hey, although those old guys are really not human, they are still my elders anyway, so you should show some face."

Hearing this, Nagasawa pouted noncommittally.

And listening to Masa Nagasawa's remarks, and seeing that his elder sister also looked like "you are right, but pay attention to your attitude", like a "husband sings and women follow", Xishiro immediately became anxious.

Ming Ming's brother-in-law's "Ya Lun" promotes the ideas of equality, democracy, and freedom. How did he become hegemony when it came to him?

This is a blatant double standard behavior!

He tried to break free from Nagasawa's shackles, and argued for his freedom.

However, he was surprised to find that he had no power to resist under Nagasawa Ya's subordinates.

Although he knows very well that with his current strength, he is definitely not Nagasawa's opponent.

But what you need to know is that he is known as the Sifengyuan Chihiro who is known as "the strongest Patriarch of the Sifengyuan family" among the previous generations of Patriarchs of the Sifengyuan family. Young genius!

In addition, after becoming the head of the family, it is always possible to break free from the palm of Masa Nagasawa after practicing hard day and night.

It turned out to be good now, he was good at beating in vain, not to mention breaking free from Chang Zeya's shackles, he couldn't even break the palm of Chang Zeya's covering his mouth.

Could it be that I haven't practiced hard enough?

For a while, Xishiro was so wronged that he was about to cry, and even had self-doubt about himself.

Speaking of which, it's really not to blame Yushiro for not working hard in cultivation.

As far as the level of spiritual pressure is concerned, Xishiro's spiritual pressure level, a proper fifth-class spiritual power, is definitely worthy of the word "genius" at his age.

Even the current Nagasawa Ya is nothing more than half a catty with him.

But this couldn't stand up to Nagasawa Ya's abnormal physical fitness.

Nagasawa Masa, who repeated the process of tearing her body, repairing it, tearing it again, and repairing it again in the place of birth, has a body that is like steel that has been tempered hundreds of times, which is by no means comparable to that of an ordinary god of death.

Seeing his brother-in-law's aggrieved look, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted and let go of his palm.

Feeling the slack in Nagasawa's strength, Yushiro, who found an opportunity, immediately broke free from the opponent's shackles.

However, just when he was about to say something, he saw Nagasawa beckoning to him with a gentle face, signaling him to come over.

Seeing this, Yushiro only hesitated for a moment, then ran towards Nagasawa Masaru in small steps.

But just as he ran in front of Nagazeya, he saw Nagazeya stretched out two fingers, lightly tapped his forehead, and then said with an apologetic look.

"Forgive me, Yushiro, and make it up to you next time."

Yushiro, who had a slight pain in his forehead, couldn't help pursing his mouth.

It's just that Nagasawa Masahiro has already mentioned this point, and his elder sister also thinks the same way. In the end, Yushiro had to succumb to the lustful power of the two.

Seeing Nagasawa Masahiro and Yoruichi convince Yushiro, Urahara Kisuke also had a smile on his face.

He didn't say much, but said softly to Nagasawa, "Now that we're ready, let's go."

Immediately, he nodded to Ling Tiezhai who was still standing on the giant tree.

The former Oki Dojo who received the signal from Kisuke Urahara was also unambiguous.

I saw him squatting down, stroking the square giant tree under his feet with both hands, and whispering the ancient speech spirit in his mouth.

"My right hand holds the stone that connects the boundaries, my left hand holds the blade that binds existence, the black-haired shepherd, the chair of hanging, the clouds come down, we hunt Zhu!"

With the end of the chant, a powerful spiritual pressure flowed into the giant tree along his palm.


The spiritual pressure followed the giant tree and resonated with the giant tree inserted on the rock wall on the other side.

In the next second, with a violent fluctuation, a huge black crack appeared between the two huge rock walls like doors, like a torn curtain!

There is endless darkness inside the huge black cavity, as if all the light has been swallowed up by the darkness, and it is impossible to see the slightest thing inside.

Although it was not the first time she had been in and out of the black cavity, looking at the scene in front of her, Nagasawa still rubbed her chin and asked curiously.

"This black cavity... Doesn't seem to be any different from the world-transmitting gate?"

It was said that Kisuke Urahara was more than happy to do science popularization for his idol, seeing that his major was involved.

"There are still some differences."

"The broken world is the rift between the real world and the Soul Society. In addition to the ultra-high time density, there are also turbulence and turbulence. Without the guidance of the Hell Butterfly, it is a very dangerous existence."

"And the black cavity is the gap between the world and the virtual circle, but compared to the dangerous boundary, the risk factor of the black cavity is relatively small."

"The only thing I need to worry about is probably getting lost and going to some inexplicable place."

Listening to Urahara Kisuke's popular science, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but nodded.

But soon, a flash of light, as if Conan had grasped the key to the case, flashed across Nagasawa Ya's mind suddenly, and he suddenly realized a problem.

The eyes in his eyes froze slightly, then he looked at Kisuke Urahara and asked suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, according to what you're the broken boundary not actually connected to the virtual circle?"

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke also opened his mouth to explain.

"That's true. The current world, the virtual circle, and the soul world are actually three worlds that are connected to each other, but they stand side by side. As far as I know, the broken world and the black cavity have no interconnected nodes."

Just listening to Nagasawa Ya's question, he couldn't help being a little curious. "Mr. Nagasawa, why do you ask such a question?"

"When I fought against Rennosuke Kamikawa, according to what he said, his Zanpakuto can jump through space because it can connect to many faults in the world, and use the world as a springboard to jump through space. "

"Similarly, it was also because of this ability that I was drawn into the rift of the boundary, and floated in that endless space of isolation for nearly 50 years."

"But...if Rennosuke Kamikawa didn't lie to me, and your statement is true, then why did I fall from the broken world into Hueco Mundo instead of Soul Society or the present world?"

Hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, everyone present couldn't help being stunned.

This is indeed a blind spot that everyone has overlooked. Even Kisuke Urahara, the former director of the Technology Development Bureau, was a little confused for a while.

After pondering for a moment, he could only tentatively infer.

"The broken world and the black cavity have existed since the creation of the Three Realms, but few people have studied the cognition of the two."

"Perhaps... some kind of wormhole-like existence was created during the process of space overlapping, so it dragged you into the virtual circle."

Listening to Kisuke Urahara's explanation, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help frowning slightly.

He always felt that Kisuke Urahara's explanation didn't make sense, but he couldn't think of a reasonable reason to refute it.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he looked at the black cavity in front of him.

Nagasawa decided to put these aside for the time being.

After all, he has successfully returned to Soul Society. Instead of worrying about the process, the result is obviously more important.

Maybe, just like Kisuke Urahara said, it is not necessarily true that he is a lucky person with his own celestial appearance.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but loosen his slightly frowning brows, shrugged, and responded softly, noncommittal.


Immediately, he pointed at the black accent, and said softly to Urahara Kisuke, somewhat self-deprecating.

"Just in case, I'd like to help you go ahead."

"Looking at this black cavity, I'm about to commit PTSD."

"I don't want to get lost in that endless darkness anymore."

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, Masa Nagasawa, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth on weekdays, and only Yamamoto can control her, has such a side.

He was also unambiguous, he just gave a few simple instructions to the holding Ling Tiezhai who was opening the black cavity, and stepped into the black cavity first.

"Sister, brother-in-law, be careful!"

"Next time you must not leave me behind!"

Nagasawa Masaru and Yoruichi also followed Urahara Kisuke's pace under Yushiro's words mixed with reluctance and expectation.

...... cut......

PS. Because I took a day and a half off, in order to meet the full attendance of 15 words this month without losing the average order.

In the remaining 20 days of this month, nearly half of the time will be spent on the updated version of 3000 words per chapter.

Hey, sure enough, what I owed in the front, I have to make up for it in the future, and my life is too short...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah~~~ It's really nostalgic, this place is still as desolate as before."

As soon as he stepped into the empty circle, looking at the barren land full of white sand in front of him, Kisuke Urahara, the leader, gently pressed the brim of his hat, and said with emotion full of nostalgia.

In Soul Society, although the Gotei [-] would send Shinigami to the real world to garrison, few Shinigami would attack Hueco Mundo except for those from Acedo.

As for the reason, it is simple. Not to mention that it is unprofitable, and it also loses manpower in vain, and the gain outweighs the loss.

At this time, seeing Urahara Kisuke not caring at all that he had been to Hueco Mundo, Nagasawa Masaru who followed closely behind him also became interested and spoke.

"I hear what you mean, you used to come here often?"

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but have a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

"This is not to help Mr. Hirako and the others solve the problem of virtual reality, so I came to Hueco Mundo to study the characteristics of the virtual world."

"Speaking of which, that time was really hard."

Urahara Kisuke's words were very soft, and it sounded no different from his usual speech, as if what he was solving was not a great problem.

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