But Masa Nagasawa could hear the hardships involved.

When Aizen conducted virtualization experiments on Mako Hirako and others, his technique was not yet perfect.

The more unstable the technology, the more difficult it is to find a solution.

Presumably, the difficulties Hirako Mako and others encountered when they mastered the virtualization were dozens of times more difficult than the future Kurosaki Ichigo.

Not to mention the comparison with him who is a prostitute who has the ability to blur.

It's just that they are different from the two people who have different thoughts.

As soon as Ye stepped into the virtual circle and the black cavity behind her closed, she looked at the endless white sand sea with no reference except Xuanyue in the sky, she couldn't help raising her brows, and asked suspiciously.

"So, where do we go next?"

However, after hearing her words, Nagasawa's answer was far beyond their expectations, "I don't know."

"do not know!?"

"do not know!?"

Listening to the answers coming from their ears, no matter whether it was Urahara Kisuke who had a relaxed face just now, or Yoruichi who asked the question, both of them had incredible expressions on their faces and whispered in unison.

Ye Yi asked with a look of astonishment.

"Didn't you send us here?"

"Could it be...you are actually an undercover agent who broke into the soul circle from Xuquan, intending to trick us into Xuquan, and then..."

As she said that, she turned her head and looked at the black cavity behind her that had just been closed, as if she wanted to go back the same way.

Hearing Ye Yi's increasingly outrageous guesses, Nagasawa immediately interrupted the spellcasting.

He tapped Ye Yi's head lightly, and asked back with a look of disdain.

"What do you think?"

"I just don't know the way."

"Besides, what's the use of me cheating you two into betrayal?"

"Are there still two figures of yours in the corpse soul world?"

Hearing the heart-wrenching remarks in his ears, even Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Looking at Yeyi who was interrupted by Nagasawa Ya, he stuck out his tongue lightly.

She didn't ask what "betrayal and forbearance" meant, but she just put away her jokes.

"What now?"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya seemed very calm and said bluntly.

"Just find someone to ask if it's okay."

"I just don't know the way, but I still know where the destination is."

As he spoke, he tapped a sand dune in the distance with his finger, and shouted softly.

"The Way of Binding 63: Locking with Bars!"

Accompanied by the sound of the words, nine strands of spiritual light that looked like an oriental dragon shot out towards the sand dune.

In less than a second, the three Yachukas who were lurking under the sand dunes were wrapped around each other by three dragon-shaped spirit beams, and were pulled out of the sea of ​​sand abruptly. !

Looking at the three-headed Achukas who fell on the ground and struggled fiercely, both Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi showed surprise in their eyes.

To be honest, from the moment they stepped out of the black cavity, they were not aware of the three Daxu lurking in the sand dunes at all.

What surprised them even more was Masa Nagasawa's knowledge of ghosts.

Although Yeyi is not very good at binding dao, she knows it, except for the defensive type binding dao.

Like Nagasawa Ya just cast [Bindao 63. Lock bar lock], or [Bindao 62. Baibu Langgan], [Bindao 61. Six-stick light prison], [Bindao 79] Nine Luminaries Binding] These middle and high-level bindings are all directional skills.

In other words, only one "unit" can be "cast".

However, Masa Nagasawa's Bind Dao can break its original effect and realize refined operation.

This can't help but make Yoichi and Urahara Kisuke feel emotional.

He really deserves to be a man who can teach the way of ghosts in Maou. This level of attainments in the way of ghosts may not be as good as that of the former chief ghost master, Lingtiezhai.

On the other hand, Nagazawa, who had captured three Achucas, pulled the spirit sonor cord in his hand with a nonchalant expression.

In the next second, Yachukas, who was entangled tightly and tied a few beautiful knots on his body, was dragged to him all of a sudden.

Those were three Yachukas that looked like pangolins, gophers, and crocodiles.

When they came to Nagazeya, they did not give up their struggle even though they were entangled in the spiritual light cords, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky.

Among them, the crocodile-like Yachukas opened its bloody mouth and bit hard at the tiny creature in front of them that was pulling them like a dog!

However, his two rows of sharp sawtooth had not yet touched Nagasawa Ya's body.

But he suddenly felt the three strands of spiritual light wrapped around his body shrank suddenly.

In the next second, the intense pressure caused by the sharp contraction was instantly transmitted from the outside of his body to the inside.

In just an instant, the crocodile-shaped Yachukas who was rushing towards Nagasawa Masa fiercely, was twisted into a twist by the light strings on his body!


As if the strength of his whole body had been emptied, the crocodile-shaped Achukas limp on the ground, losing all his breath.

His body, also after losing the breath of life, slowly turned into the Mantian Lingzi.

Watching his companion die in an instant, the two Yachukas who were struggling violently just now stopped struggling in an instant.

Then, he just lay quietly on the ground, looked at Nagasawa Ya in front of him with somewhat frightened eyes, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Why did the Shinigami appear in Hueco Mundo?"

"You... what do you want to do?"

Yachukas, who had stopped struggling, knew very well that the god of death in front of him could take their lives at any time, and the meaningless struggle was just speeding up their death process.

Instead of following in the footsteps of your companions, it is better to think about how to save your life.

The virtual circle is like this, the weak eat the strong.

...... cut......

PS. I didn't expect to be brainwashed by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss after many years.

After watching the first stage of Sister Lang 4, this song is all in my mind now.

Then after thinking about it, I would lose to pineapple and jackfruit. I was so angry that I immediately opened the app and started voting.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the white sand sea, three figures looked like shooting stars, flying at high speed on the sand sea as if there was no one around.

In the process of moving forward, Ye Yi couldn't help but turned around curiously and asked.

"Speaking of which, aren't you worried that those two Yachukas are lying to you?"

Speaking of which, it's not surprising that Yoruichi asked this question.

After the captured two Yachukas witnessed the death of their companions, their cooperation was surprisingly high.

Especially when she learned that Nagasawa just wanted to ask them for directions to Xuye Palace, she showed a look of extreme astonishment.

With that expression, the words "My brother's death is wronged" were almost engraved on his face.

Immediately, the two Yachukas pointed out the direction for the three of them almost without hesitation.

Out of distrust towards Xu, after seeing the other party give such a decisive answer, Ye Yi is still a little uneasy until now.

However, after hearing her question, Nagasawa chuckled softly.

"The Xuye Palace, whether it was before or now, is not an easy place."

"Those two guys heard that we were going to Xuye Palace, and guessed that we would go there to seek death, so how could they lie to us?"

Hearing Nagasawa Masa's answer, Yeyi's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

As the former head of the secret mobile unit, she naturally knew that the Void Night Palace was the territory of the Void Circle King Bailegang.

And through Nagasawa's previous narration, she also knew the news of Bailegang's death.

I'm afraid that the Void Night Palace at this time has already been occupied by Helibel and his party.

Thinking of this, a complex look suddenly appeared in Ye Yi's pair of golden eyes.

Going to meet that guy named Hribel?

I don't know what kind of person it is...

The footsteps of the three were not slow, but within a few hours, the three arrived at the outer edge of Xuye Palace.

However, the scene in front of him is completely different from the Xuye Palace in Nagasawa Ya's impression.

There are no huge and magnificent buildings, and there is no security system responsible for guarding the perimeter.

What was presented to him was nothing more than a primitive tribe formed when primitive humans lived together.

Looking at the primitive tribes in front of them, which are extremely simple and have nothing to do with the word "gong".

Masa Nagasawa had to sigh again, what Aizen brought to the wild land of Xuquan was not only an improvement in strength, but also injected "civilization" into Xuquan.

It's a pity that the virtual circle at this moment has not yet ushered in Lan Ran, the infrastructure madman.

It seems that the task of ZTE virtual circle still has to fall on his head.

There are raw benefits to being raw, though.

In the endless white sand sea, there is almost no place for people to hide their whereabouts.

But only for a short while, the arrival of the three of them attracted the attention of those who cared.

Accompanied by the sound of three breaking winds, three figures immediately appeared in front of the three of them with vigilant expressions.

It is the three beast gods under Helibel.

Looking at the big white snake with its broken arm repaired, the golden lioness, and the brown elk baring their teeth, they stared at Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi with vigilance.

Nagasawa couldn't help taking a step forward and said softly.

"Don't be nervous, they are my friends."

I have to say that Nagasawa Masa's words are still very useful.

Even the Three Beast Gods, who are fearless and fearless, still feel lingering fear when recalling the scene when Nagasawa killed Bailegang in seconds, and secretly rejoiced that the opponent was his comrade-in-arms.

In addition, it is only a mere day since the day when Chang Zeya showed his power, and the remaining prestige is still under him. The three of Apache dare not give him face.

Seeing that the three beast gods put down their guard, Nagasawa first glanced around a few times, and then asked in confusion.

"What about Harribel and Ulquiorra?"

Hearing this, the three of Apache first glanced at each other, and then heard the grandson of the White Snake answer softly with a mix of fear and respect.

"After you killed Balegon, Lord Harribel led us to occupy this Void Night Palace."

"However, although we have occupied the Void Night Palace and have a more general goal, we don't know where to start for a while."

"Lord Helibel and Lord Ulquiola had a brief discussion, and then decided to conquer the surrounding Daxu first, and ensure that the Daxu within the radiation range of Xuye Palace can stop fighting."

"It just so happened that shortly before you arrived, Lord Harribel and Lord Ulquiorra went out to suppress the surrounding Achucas."

Listening to Sun Sun's narration, Chang Zeya couldn't help being stunned.

To be honest, the method that Hribel came up with can only be called a method that is not a method.

If a creature like Da Xu could suppress his desire to kill and his desire for evolution just by escaping with his mouth or beating him up, the Xu circle would have achieved unity and great happiness long ago.

When not driven by a greater good, the Yachukas will only act according to their own instincts.

Even if it was because of a momentary show of weakness that he succumbed to Harribel's powerful force and briefly agreed to her conditions.

The vast majority of Achukas will only think about how to devour more voids and evolve to a higher dimension after Helibel leaves, so as to defeat Helibel who humiliated him.

To put it bluntly, Harribel, who harbored such thoughts, was still too naive.

But very quickly, Nagasawa felt that this was not actually Hribel's fault.

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