Coupled with the ground-cleaning bombing that poured down like a gust of wind and rain, it didn't give her any chance to breathe.

Looking at the imminent Void Flash, a serious expression almost instantly filled her eyes.

She could only stir up the Reiatsu all over her body, trying to rely on her steel skin to resist the ensuing attacks as much as possible, and fight for a little room for her to breathe.

However, just as she was getting ready for the coming crazy attack.

A high-energy reaction that was no less powerful than the mysterious man's "Virtual Flash·Infinite Refill" suddenly erupted behind her.

Flank back and forth! ?

Sensing the high-energy reaction erupting behind him, Harribel's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

She could feel that the burst of high-energy reaction behind her and the flashing barrage in front of her belonged to two different spiritual pressures.

Apparently, someone took advantage of her to attack the mysterious Vastord!

At this time, Harribel, facing the false flash combo in front of her, was still not sure whether she could take it all down.

Coupled with the attack behind...

This time, I'm afraid I'm going to die.

For a moment, a look of determination appeared in Helibel's eyes.

She wasn't sure who the person behind her was who made the sneak attack, nor was she sure when he started hiding nearby.

But what she knew was that if she survived the wave of attacks in front of her, she would definitely not let these two guys have a good time!

Even if you risk your life, you have to break a few bones of the opponent!

However, just when the false flashes shot by the mysterious Varstord were about to hit her, a scene that surprised Helibel happened.

The attack from behind her was actually in the form of "human body strokes".

Not only did he arrive behind her one step ahead of the others, but he even leaped past her body very cleverly.

The unexpected scene made Harribel, who was ready to accept the body, startled slightly.


However, just when she mistakenly thought that the attack behind her was because of her poor aim, she just passed by her side.

The fierce attacks that passed behind her one after another, under her surprised gaze, collided with the Void Flash that was about to bombard her with great precision!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

In just a few breaths of time, the attack from behind seemed to take her position as the midpoint, launching the craziest duel with the mysterious Vastod!

Gradually, Hribel, who was "sandwiched" between the two attacks, finally realized something.

That high energy reaction from behind her was actually protecting her! ?

Some unfamiliar fighting methods did not have any impact on Harribel's judgment.

On the contrary, in an instant, a figure gradually appeared in her mind.

The strong surprise made Harribel instantly forget that she was still in the middle of the battle.

As a seasoned warrior, she turned around abruptly and showed her back to her opponent.

This action is tantamount to putting all her wealth and life on the latecomer.

She believed that the guy who joined the battlefield last would never let her suffer any more harm.

There is no doubt that her judgment is correct.

What caught her eyes was a tall figure in red armor, wearing a cowboy hood, holding two pistols in his hands, and was crazily confronting Navarstord.

Although she was a bit unfamiliar, she was extremely sure that the person in front of her was Nagasawa who had just left the virtual circle the day before yesterday and returned to the soul world!

A faint smile gradually appeared on the corner of Harribel's mouth covered by a white mask.

She once thought that Nagasawa would return to Xuquan soon, but Dang never thought that it would be so soon.

There is no doubt that at this moment, a little joy overflowed in her heart that even she found a little inconceivable.

After the transformation, Nagasawa walked slowly towards her with two guns in hand, while constantly blocking the powerful false flashes that were coming towards her.

Although because of the facial armor, Helibel couldn't see Nagasawa Masa's expression at this time.

But judging from his stroll-like pace, it is not difficult to see his calmness.

On the other hand, the guy who saw the sudden appearance not only intercepted all his attacks and saved the opponent who was about to be defeated by him, but also had a fighting style and weapons very similar to his own.

For a moment, a look of surprise appeared in Stark's eyes.

Yes, the man in front of him who is constantly firing false flashes is none other than the future Tenth Blade, Keyatei Stark.

When Nagasawa saw him for the first time, she recognized his identity.

Obviously, Stark is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to adapt.

Realizing that his attack could not achieve the expected effect, he immediately started to move.

What is more terrifying than a shooter is a shooter who is good at positioning.

I saw Stark pedaling and turning, with Helibel as the center, constantly changing his position.

His goal has not changed because of the appearance of Masa Nagasawa, it is always Helibel.

In battle, giving priority to the weaker side is a habit carved into the bones of almost every warrior who has experienced many battles.

In an instant, the overwhelming false flashes, like mercury pouring down the ground, poured towards Helibel in an all-round way without any dead ends!

...... cut......

PS. Recently, I have been a little stuck, and the higher-level unit has to come to check. I am exhausted, and the writing is really slow. I can only write until this point every day.

It's so hard...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facing the pouring false flashes, Nagasawa Masa still seemed unhurried.

He just slightly accelerated his pace and arrived at a position less than three steps away from Harribel.

It seems to be to allow Masa Nagasawa to have a wider shooting angle, and it is also to reduce the burden on Masa Nagasawa.

Holding two shark-patterned swords, Helibel actually opened his arms, took two steps forward, and came to a position less than half a meter away from Nagasawa.

The two of them were facing each other, with a distance of less than half a meter, and they could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

However, now is obviously not the time to be distracted, the two of them just made eye contact for a moment...

Cough cough, maybe Helibel can read Nagasawa Ya's eyes through Nagasawa's head armor.

I saw Nagasawa Yana holding the arms of the two guns, passing through Helibel's armpit, and the two guns in his hands kept shooting false flashes from all directions.

What he is using at the moment is the form of Kamen Rider·Ghost·Billy the Kid.

This is a gunner form that uses offense as defense.

It is a form that gives up all defenses and ruthlessly crushes the enemy with the ultimate firepower output.

However, although this form gave up all defense and focused all his skill points on attack, Harribel perfectly made up for his lack of defense.

Helibel, who was close to him, was not slow at all in his movements.

The scorching water overflowed from the lines of the shark-pattern sword again, and it only took a moment to wrap the front end of its blade.

In the next second, a water cannon was fired, and it shot out from the shark-pattern sword again, intercepting the "fish that slipped through the net" under Nagasawa's gun.

Although it is the first time to cooperate, the cooperation between Helibel and Nagasawa seems to complement each other.

The two of them kept changing their positions and shooting wildly, as if they were dancing an elegant waltz, charming and dangerous.

The firepower of the two crossed, as if a large net had been intertwined in the air, not only intercepting all Stark's attacks, but even having spare power to launch a counterattack against Stark himself.

Gradually, the situation on the field began to reverse.

Stark, who is good at firepower, not only failed to suppress Nagasawa and Harribel, but was forced to dodge again and again by the combination of the two "gun fighting skills".

Seemingly feeling that the time was ripe, Masa Nagasawa, who had transformed into the form of Billy the Kid, no longer chose to continue shooting.

Instead, he dropped the two guns in his hand.

The next second, a ghost eye soul with the "∞" logo appeared in his hand.

Kamen Rider·Ghost·Infinite Soul Form, see !

Only this time, Masa Nagasawa did not choose to use the eye gun saber that came with the experience card, but liberated his Zanpakuto after transforming.

Thanks to the water cannons fired continuously by Helibel, the battlefield at this moment can be said to be filled with water vapor.

Plus field coverage of daffodils.

In an instant, all the water vapor on the battlefield was used for me!


Accompanied by a muffled yell, Nagasawa Ya, holding a long knife in her hand, slashed fiercely at the air in front of her.

Looking at Nagasawa's weird behavior, Stark, who was walking and fighting back, just showed a puzzled look on his face.

In the next second, a cloud of fresh blood suddenly burst into bright red flower buds on his chest.

A look of horror suddenly appeared in Stark's eyes.

He didn't even realize when he had been tricked.

However, Nagasawa Ya over there has no intention of giving up.

He had just slashed, and now he struck three fierce slashes into the void in front of him.




Three sounds like sharp knives cutting through cloth were heard instantly. In just a moment, three more scars appeared on Stark's body.

However, it seems that these attacks made Stark realize something.

Just when Nagasawa raised his hand and was about to continue attacking, he discovered that Stark, who was flying a kite just now, had suddenly disappeared from his sight.

And when Stark reappeared, the double guns in the opponent's hands had been put into the gun pouch at his waist at some point.

A wolf's blade that shone with azure blue light and was purely made of spirit particles slashed at him fiercely!

"A very keen sense of smell."

Lifting the Narcissus, and parrying Stark's slash, Nagasawa Yayu said softly with appreciation.

His "ROOM" requires a certain amount of space to slash, and close combat is the best way to defeat it.

It's just that Stark, as the person involved, didn't feel happy when he heard the approval from his ears.

Looking at the icy "eyes" of Infinite Soul, Stark's eyes were full of seriousness.

There is no doubt that Masa Nagasawa is the strongest opponent he has ever met since his birth.

Those few stabs just now had already taught him a bloody lesson.

If he didn't try his best to deal with the enemy carefully, I'm afraid he would have to break here today.

Thinking of this, a look of helplessness flashed in Stark's eyes.

To be honest, he is actually not a person who likes to fight, and even when facing the enemy, he will show mercy according to the situation.

But because of its pure and powerful spiritual pressure, it often made him fall into helpless struggles.

Walking alone in the virtual circle, he is like a piece of Tang monk's flesh walking, even if they know that they are invincible, all kinds of Daxu always want to find some oil and water from him.

For this reason, Stark is not less troubled.

He had also softened his heart.

Because the other party begged for mercy, he let the other party go.

However, after letting the other party go, what he faced was an even bigger pursuit and interception.

Past experience told him.

In a place like Xuquan, once you encounter a difficult opponent, you must be tough.

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