Otherwise, there will only be more trouble.

Thinking of this, a blue light instantly entangled Stark who was holding the sword and was in a stalemate with Nagasawa Ya.

In the next second, a big bad wolf covered in gray fur and exuding azure blue light like Stark appeared behind him in an instant.

Looking at the wolves that appeared in a blink of an eye, Nagasawa couldn't help but have a flash of light in his eyes.

This is Stark's most powerful move, Soul Split.

He divided his soul into many pieces, and each piece could turn into a ferocious gray wolf.

And every gray wolf, like his compatriots, is an independent weapon.

These gray wolves will explode violently after biting the enemy, and when the wolves encounter physical attacks, they will pass through the physical attacks like flames, just like wolf-shaped missiles. will disappear.

However, just when Stark was about to order the wolves to launch a general attack on Nagasawa Ya, Nagasawa Ya's voice sounded at the right time.

"Is this really good?"

"If it's just this level of soul fragments, they won't be able to hurt me."

"Unless...you are willing to sacrifice that girl in order to kill me."

...... cut......

PS. Fortunately, I asked for leave on Thursday, thinking about making up for sleep, otherwise I will die suddenly, otherwise I will write at 4 o'clock today, I will really die...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to the sound in his ears, Stark, who had only had two expressions of "helpless" and "trouble" on his face since the beginning of the battle, showed a solemn expression for the first time.

I saw his thick eyebrows twitched, and he replied in a heavy voice.

"Did you see it..."

However, unlike Stark who had a dignified face, a voice that sounded a little immature came out of his holster rather angrily.

"Don't mind me Stark!"

"Do your best!"

"Fuck him!"

The immature voice seemed unusually abrupt under the scene of hand-to-hand combat.

But when he listened carefully, he found that the direction of the sound was the musket that Stark had been holding in his hand just now, and then put it in the holster.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the words coming from my ears, no matter whether it was Nagasawa or Stark, the two people who were fighting had a look of embarrassment flashing across their faces.

Stark even lowered his head slightly, and scolded softly.

"Hey, Lilinette!"

"It's a fight, be serious!"

Fortunately, Nagasawa, who was wearing head armor, perfectly covered the embarrassment on his face.

As long as no one sees me embarrassed, it's not me who is embarrassed!

However, despite this, Nagasawa Masa did not show any surprise in her eyes when she saw the bizarre situation where the musket opened its mouth.

The girl Stark had been carrying with her was Lilinette Kinkback.

In the original work, Stark's own spiritual pressure is too strong, and the weaker Hollow, even Achiukas, will have his soul drained away due to the invisible pressure once he gets close to him. Death by force.

Therefore, he has never had a companion, and he always travels alone in the virtual circle, looking for a powerful companion who can act with him without being weakened by his spiritual pressure and dying.

It's just that as time went by, Stark's heart became more and more disappointed.

No, there is no such guy.

His own strength made him feel lonely. During the aimless and long journey, not only did he fail to meet a partner who could go forward together, but it aggravated the loneliness in his heart.

Until later, in order to get rid of the loneliness in his heart, he split his soul into two individuals, Stark in front of him, and Lilinette who turned into a musket and was inserted into the holster by him.

Then Stark and Lilinite met Aizen who was looking for a strong partner everywhere in the desert. After he was collected as Ten Blades alone, he just found a "partner" who could get along with him normally, and let him be so This lonely heart has a little sense of belonging.

Of course, these are all for later.

As a walking spiritual pressure releaser, in terms of setting, Stark's strength is absolutely overwhelmingly high in "BLEACH", and it is most in line with Kubo's original setting for Valstord's level. Certainly.

Although in the original work, the strength he showed does not match his identity as the tenth blade.

Many Grim Reaper fans even questioned that his position as the tenth blade is not worthy of the name, thinking that not only the second-ranked Skeleton Emperor Balegon, but also Ulquiorra, who is ranked fourth, as long as he returns to the second stage Blade, also has a stronger strength than him.

But judging from the brief fight just now, Masa Nagasawa can clearly feel that Ulquiola is not at the same level as Stark, no matter in terms of spiritual pressure or combat experience.

Take Reiatsu as an example.

Aizen once said that the battle of Death God is the battle of Reiatsu.

Whether it's Reaper or Void, the battle between the two sides is based on their respective spiritual powers.

If one compares spiritual power to pressure and spiritual pressure to pressure, the pressure will increase with the increase of the pressure when the force receiving area is constant, and the greater the pressure, the greater the pressure.

And there is a certain limit to the pressure that any object can withstand. When the pressure exceeds this limit, the object will be damaged, and the same is true for the soul.

Take Kuchiki Byakuya's wife in the original plot as an example, Kuchiki Hime really couldn't bear the spiritual power of Seireitei and Kuchiki Byakuya, so she gradually became seriously ill, and finally died as a spirit child.

The spiritual power of Seireitei has been accumulated for thousands of years, coupled with the spiritual pressure of Kuchiki Byakuya, a captain-level powerhouse, it only took five years for Kuchiki Hime to slowly contract the disease and die.

And Stark was able to kill all the Daxu who approached him just by relying on his own spiritual pressure. How weak would such a guy be?

If it weren't for his lack of fighting spirit, coupled with the fact that he has encountered Reiatsu, his combat experience is not weaker than him, and his Zanpakuto ability is extremely paradoxical, he can be called the king of killing for the first time.

I'm afraid that among the people present at that time, except for Old Man Shan, no one could deal with him at all.

But then again, the lack of soul often means that the strength is greatly reduced.

This is the same as the neighbor's pupil technique. With a pair of healthy eyes, it is definitely better than being a one-eyed dragon.

After returning to the blade, Stark did not take the split Lilinite back into his body, but turned it into a weapon and fought side by side with her.

In an essential sense, this is not much different from the original.

It was even because when the "soul splitting" technique was launched, the soul fragments extracted were drawn from him and Lilinette in equal proportions.

Once he exerts all his strength, Lilinite, whose soul strength is much lower than his, will dissipate into nothingness because her soul power is drained.

This is something Stark is unwilling to face.

It was also the reason why he would rather die than open fire.

The companions he created to alleviate his loneliness actually became shackles that limited his strength.

Masa Nagasawa couldn't tell whether it was stupidity or naivety.

Perhaps for Stark, compared to powerful strength, he hopes to have a group of companions who can laugh and play together and solve problems.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto, Kuchiki Sojun, Yoruichi, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ohmaeda Nozomi, Urahara Kisuke, Nanao, Rangiku, Shuhei...

Faces appeared in his mind instantly.

To be honest, why is he not like this.

Without the support of the bonds between his companions, he would have given up his desire to survive long before he was drifting in the rift.

For a moment, he actually felt a little sympathetic to Stark.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened suddenly.

I saw that the infinite soul armor on his body shone with colorful lights when he had not activated any abilities.

Faced with the sudden change, Stark's face showed a look of vigilance compared to Nagasawa Masaru's shock.

He could feel Nagasawa's strength.

For him, everything that happened to Nagasawa at this moment was enough to make him more vigilant.

It's just that in the next second, the vigilance on his face slowly turned into a look of astonishment, and even the strength from the wolf blade in his hand couldn't help but weaken by half.

The colorful rays of light that bloomed from Nagasawa's body did not cause any substantial harm to him. On the contrary, it was like a pervasive light that silently shone into his "heart" along the gap above his soul. "Among them.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and Stark seemed to understand something, and a look of envy appeared in his stunned eyes.

Looking at the complicated emotional changes on Stark's face, Nagasawa seemed to understand something for a moment, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The glossy cloak in the form of an infinite soul, in addition to producing phantoms to disrupt the enemy's perception, can also produce a special aura that conveys one's own feelings, invigorating the hearts of partners.

If you encounter a weak-willed enemy, you will be able to break through the gap in your heart and force it to reform.

Although Stark is powerful, as a Hollow, he has great flaws in his heart.

In particular, the longing for companions allowed the light of the infinite soul to enter his inner world almost without encountering any obstacles.

In just the blink of an eye, Stark actually reached an understanding of the behavior of Nagasawa and Harribel in his heart, and even retreated three points with his fighting spirit.

Needless to say, Kamen Rider·Ghost·Infinite Soul Form really deserves to be the strongest spiritualist knight.

At this point, there is no point in continuing to fight.

Under the erosion of the light of the infinite soul, Stark's fighting spirit dropped at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

As long as he doesn't do too extreme things, such as threatening Stark's life, the other party should not continue to entangle.

Just thinking of this, in Nagasawa's heart, there was a thought for no reason.

To be honest, although he didn't know how Harribel fought with Stark, but judging from the look on Harribel's face, there was no hatred in it.

Coupled with Stark's mercy to Apache, the two sides can't talk about any unresolved hatred.

Obviously, the two only got into a fight because of "conflicts of interest" on certain matters.

Right now, Stark has come to an understanding of them.

If possible, Nagasawa Ya would not want to let this great power slip away in vain.

What he lacks the most in his virtual circle civilization plan is manpower.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask.

"Would you like to consider joining us?"

"Can I join you?"

What surprised him was that the moment he opened his mouth, Stark in front of him asked a similar question in unison with him.

...... cut......

PS. Colleagues in the company have caught a cold and have a fever one after another. My cough has not recovered for almost 10 days, which is really outrageous.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to the voice coming from their ears, whether it was Nagasawa or Stark, both of them were startled.

In the next second, the two of them put away their weapons in an extremely tacit understanding.

Stark, who had swung away the Wolf Blade, was released from the returning state. Lilinite also changed back to her original appearance, holding her head and kicking the gravel on the ground out of boredom while looking at the situation in front of her with furtive eyes. Nagasawa Masaru.

And Masa Nagasawa also took out the infinite soul in the eye-soul driver and released the transformation.

This is the first time Stark and Lilinite see Nagazawa.

What surprised them was that the one hiding under the cold mask was actually a god of death.

What surprised them even more was that the guy who had a wild fighting style just now, like a god of war galloping on the battlefield, was actually a young man with such an outstanding appearance.

But soon, Stark came back to his senses.

It doesn't make any difference to him whether it's a god of death or a ghost.

Now that Masa Nagasawa has sent him an invitation, it proves that in the eyes of the other party, he no longer holds the inherent hostile concept.

If he still didn't say anything under such circumstances, it would appear too insincere.

I saw him stretching out his hand slowly, although there was still a little laziness in his eyes, it seemed much more sincere.

"Kyatei Stark, this is my companion, Lilinette Kinchback."

As he said that, he also gestured with his eyes to Lilinette who was standing beside him, peeking at Nagasawa Ya, which drew a soft hum from the other party.

Seeing this, Nagasawa didn't care too much.

His eyes fell on Stark again.

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