The distance between the black cavity is not long or short.

Coupled with the fact that the three of them walked very fast, it took almost less than an hour to return to the huge training ground under the Urahara store.

Seeing the three people walking out of the world-shattering instrument, Yushiro, who was fighting against the Yoshinori of Nagasawa Masa and others under the control of Yoshikonmaru, immediately let go of his opponent and rushed to Nagasawa Masa, as if he was just being killed Like a puppy abandoned by the owner, he said with aggrieved eyes.

"Brother-in-law, you are back!"

Looking at the tears flickering in Yushiro's eyes, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help rubbing his head.

Although he didn't know why 50 years later, Yushiro still looked like this, but it didn't stop him from doting on his brother-in-law.

However, just when he was about to say something, Ye Yi, who followed him out of the boundary-breaking instrument, folded his arms, turned his pretty face aside, and spat softly with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, brother-in-law is long and brother-in-law is short all day long, your eldest sister and I are not married yet!"

Hearing the words in his ears, Yushiro couldn't help being slightly startled, and then looked at Nagasawa Masa in front of him with some doubts, and asked suspiciously.

"Brother-in-law, eldest sister, she..."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but chuckled, then put her arms around Yushiro's shoulders, and said with a smile.

"Well, maybe it's her menstrual period. Don't worry about her. Your sister has this temper. She can shout whatever she wants."


Hearing this, Xishiro didn't doubt him, and the teacher quickly responded bluntly.

"Yes, brother-in-law!"

Listening to my younger brother and my old love...cough cough!

Hearing his younger brother and Nagasawa Masa's chorus, Ye Yi was really stuck in Bengbu, turned his head and said to Xi Shiro in a tone of hatred for iron and steel.

"Xishiro, are you still my brother!?"

"You don't listen to what Eldest Sister says!?"

Hearing this, Yushiro couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"But... but my brother-in-law didn't say anything wrong, sister, you really have such a temper..."

As he said that, he was probably frightened by Ye Yi's unfriendly eyes.

Xishiro hurriedly hid behind Nagasawa Masa, and even his voice became smaller and smaller.

Night One: "..."

Seeing this, Ye Yi was speechless.

He is obviously his younger brother, why did he turn his elbow outward?

I haven't been married yet...ahh!Nagasawa hasn't married into her Sifengyuan family yet!

Thinking about it, Ye Yi couldn't help thinking more and more, and his body began to emit lightning involuntarily.

Seeing this, Nagasawa suddenly felt some stomachache.

As if a distant memory had been recalled, he hurriedly walked up to Yeichi, as if he had rehearsed countless times, using movements more proficient than Sakata Gintoki, facing Yeichi bow deeply.

“Red Bean Simi Marseille!”

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

Seeing Masa Nagasawa apologizing proficiently just like 50 years ago, Yoichi felt his fist harden again.

Only this time, she didn't swing her fist as she did 50 years ago.

Not because of the difference in the degree of anger.

Mainly Kisuke Urahara, Hishitsusai, including his own brother are still watching.

Outside, you always have to give your man... ahh!

Always give Nagasawa some face.

Next time when no one is looking for, teach this guy a lesson!

Taking a sneak peek at Ye Yi who seemed to be a little discouraged, Nagasawa could not help but quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

However, play is play, trouble is trouble, business is still to be done.

Nagasawa Masa, who returned to Yikui, tidied up her wrinkled clothes a little, and then prepared to return to Soul Soul Realm with Yushiro.

He and Xishiro didn't get the "passport to the present world" issued by the first team, they sneaked into the present world through the world-transmitting gate of Sifengyuan's house.

The two of them are the patriarchs of the Sifengyuan family, one of the five great nobles.

Although the other has no real power, he is regarded as a spiritual leader by countless residents of Reaper and Liuhun Street.

The two of them disappeared for a day and a half, and they didn't attract the attention of others.

If you leave for a long time, you will eventually be noticed by someone with a heart.

Coupled with what he is doing now, to put it bluntly, it is called "benefiting the enemy".

If the old guys in Central Room 46 find out, they will definitely not let him go.

He doesn't want to brush the [Central Room 46] dungeon just yet.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa, who had just reunited, was about to leave again, even Yeyi, who was still angry just now, asked almost exactly the same question as Helibel with a somewhat complicated expression.

"Is this going?"

Hearing the voice in his ear, Nagasawa grinned.

He stretched out his hand, and carefully helped Ye Yi tidy up his somewhat messy hair after returning to Yikui, before speaking in a slow voice.

"I'm sorry, it was so hard to meet again..."

"Honestly speaking, if I can, I really want to just hang out in the sixth team and be an ordinary god of death waiting to die."

"Cang Chun and Bai Zai wouldn't mind having an extra pair of chopsticks."

"Even I once thought about it, it's not a big deal to just join the family of Sifengyuan like this."

Feeling the touch from the hair tip, Yeyi didn't have any intention of dodging, she just quietly looked at Nagasawa Ya in front of her.

Immediately, the complex expression in his eyes gradually changed into a soft light like autumn water.

She raised her hand and lightly hammered Nagasawa on the chest, her old smile reappeared on her face.

"The Yami I know is not this kind of mother-in-law. Now that I have made up my mind about what to do, I have to do it beautifully!"

"I support your decision unconditionally!"

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Nagasawa couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

Still a caring old lover...

After hearing Ye Yi's words, Xi Shiro, who had been hiding far away just now, rushed to Nagasawa Masa at a faster speed than when he was escaping, raised his hand, and shouted eagerly .

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, me and me!"

And looking at Yushiro who seemed to be afraid that she would forget him, Nagasawa Masa immediately showed a gratified smile on her face.

Since those old guys from the Sifengyuan family want to take the opportunity to repair their relationship with themselves,'s time for them to bleed some blood.

...... cut......

PS. There has been a shortage of dramas recently. Apart from waiting for the update of Jihu, I feel that there is nothing to watch at all. Do you have any recommendations?

TV dramas, fan dramas will do.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Masa Nagasawa, who suddenly pushed open the door of the executive room of the first team, called Yamamoto with a smile on her face.

What surprised him was that Yamamoto, who was diligent and diligent on weekdays and would handle team affairs in the office almost every day, not only did he not see the other party in the office for the first time today, but even his right-hand man, Sparrow Minister Jiro Never seen.

Scratching her head in confusion, Nagasawa didn't care too much, and turned around and ran to the training ground of the first team.


However, when he opened the gate of the training ground, let alone Yamamoto, there was no one.

A strange expression gradually climbed into his eyes.

He casually grabbed a few members of the first team to inquire, but no one knew where Yamamoto was.

Immediately, he did not let go of the kitchen, the team building, the meeting hall, even the place where Yamamoto secretly roasted sweet potatoes on weekdays.


"Old Man Shan?"

"old man?"

As if in his own home, the first team was almost turned upside down by him.

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's gradually presumptuous address, the members of the first team passing by were sweating coldly, and they didn't dare to pick up the quarrel at all, so they could only speed up their steps and quickly move away from Nagasawa Ya.

In the end, I searched almost the entire first team, but couldn't find Yamamoto, or Nagasawa Masa, who was Chojiro Sparrow, so she couldn't help but sat outside Yamamoto's room, propped her chin, and muttered softly.

"Tsk...that's weird, where did the old guy go, and no one in the team knows where he is..."

"Could it be..."

Nagasawa Ya, who had been looking for it for a long time, couldn't help but speculate maliciously.

However, just as he was thinking, a somewhat familiar voice sounded not far from him.

"Morning, Nagasawa-kun, are you here to train with the captain again?"

Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound, only to find that Nishiki Sakurai, whom he had met in the first team last time, was standing beside him with my wife Daozhang. He greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Oh, it's Sakurai and Niu Niu, you guys know my hometown... Cough! Where did the teacher go?"

Because she didn't like to call other men "my wife", Masa Nagasawa simply gave my wife Daozhang a nickname.

The other party also seemed to like Nagasawa Ya's so close address, and had no intention of rejecting it.

Hearing Nagasawa Ya's question, the two couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then looked at the executive room halfway up the mountain, and said without thinking.

"Uh... isn't the captain in the executive room?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa shook her head involuntarily.

"I've searched all over the first team, but I haven't seen the shadow of the teacher. I suspect..."

"Sakurai, Niuniu, can I trust you?"

Seeing Masa Nagasawa's serious look suddenly changed, Nishiki Sakurai and my wife Daozhang were slightly taken aback for a moment, then quickly straightened their faces and said seriously.

"Nagasawa-kun, don't worry, I, Sakurai Nishiki, am no longer the same me I used to be. If there is anything you can use me for, just speak up!"

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya was immediately relieved.

"Ah, very good!"

"This matter is related to the future of the soul world, so it must not be careless!"

Listening to the words in their ears, Sakurai Nishiki and the two couldn't help swallowing nervously.

They didn't expect that when they just passed by this place while cleaning the courtyard, they would encounter a major event related to the future of Soul Society.

But after thinking about it, Nagasawa Ya was actually willing to entrust such important matters to the two of them.

For a moment, a raging fire rose in the chests of the two of them, and they showed a look of "we will go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate to do so".

Seeing the two nodded solemnly, Nagasawa finally expressed her conjecture.

"I suspect that the teacher should have suffered from dementia and got lost accidentally."

"As the captain of the Thirteenth Team of the Court Guard, the disappearance of the teacher will inevitably cause a major earthquake in the world of corpses and souls."

"Brother Quebu must have been worried about causing unnecessary commotion, so he went to look for it alone."

Speaking of this, Nagasawa could not help but change her voice.

"The Thirteenth Team of the Guarding Court can't be without a master for a day. Now, I will temporarily take the position of the commander-in-chief. Immediately help me call all the female death gods above the chairman to come over and wear black silk and short skirts!"

Probably because he was shocked by the amazing news from Nagasawa Masa.

My wife Daochang, who had just joined the team, immediately turned pale, and repeated Nagasawa Ya's order in an unbelievable tone.

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