"All... all female officers!?"

Nagasawa: "It's all of them!"

Sakurai Nishikiwa: "..."

To be honest, Sakurai Nishiki was already a little bit confused about what was real and what was illusory.

Nagasawa Masa's order was so mysterious that he couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while.

But considering the identity of the other party Yamamoto's direct disciple and the other party's reputation, these words do not seem to be lying.

For a moment, Sakurai Nishikazu was hesitant, as if clean concrete had been poured under his feet, and he was at a loss.

Fortunately, the reality didn't embarrass him for too long.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go to the Liting team and spread this order to the entire Guarding [-]th team, a light cough suddenly sounded behind them.

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya, who was facing them, took the lead in reacting.

Seeing the other party's stern face just now, it suddenly seemed like the solid ice melting in the spring of March, and a bright smile appeared in an instant.

"Teacher, are you back?"

Hearing this, Sakurai Nishiki and my wife Taoist hurriedly turned around to look.

Instead, he saw Yamamoto and Sparrow Minister Jiro, and at some point, they had already appeared not far behind them.

Seeing this, for some reason, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Probably seeing the look in the eyes of the two, Yamamoto didn't talk to Nagasawa, but waved to them first.

"It's okay, you go down first."

"Just pretend that you didn't hear anything about what happened just now."

Hearing this, Sakurai Nishikiwa was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a look of amnesty.

It's different from my wife Taoist who just joined the team and doesn't know much about anything.

As the heir of the mid-level nobleman Sakurai family, the world he can come into contact with is much wider than my wife Michizane.

If Captain Yamamoto really suffers from dementia.

This kind of shocking news is definitely enough to be listed as the top secret in the world of corpses and souls.

It's not that the two of them ordinary players are qualified to know.

Although Yamamoto looks like a kind little old man now, a thousand years ago, his nickname was "Sword Demon"!

In order to avoid the leak of news, it is not impossible to silence them on the spot.

This is undoubtedly the best result.

Thinking of this, Sakurai Nishiki hurriedly pulled my wife, Daozhang, quickly bowed to the two of Yamamoto and Nagasawa Masa, and then walked away quickly without looking back.

...... cut......

PS. Today I recommend a book by a friend. The following is the introduction.

After maliciously gaining merit, Su Changge activated the [Infinite Merit System]. In order to atone for his sins, he must do good deeds and repay his merits to avoid falling into the endless hell.

When he found out that the [Evil Full System] was also activated, what he did changed.

Lie to Gan Yu that she is Ke Qing's fiancé, lie to Ke Qing that she is Gan Yu's fiancé, and lie to Liu Yun that she is Gan Yu and Ke Qing's fiancé.

In Liyue, we are promoting the collection of five blessings to distribute [-] million molas, and everyone can get a mola.

Pinduoduo is bargaining to give free holy relics, if it is a brother, come and chop it for me.

The performance of Xiangshengtang is not good?I directly pretended to be dead for Hu Tao's performance, and then cheated on the corpse when it was cremated, and jumped up to scare her.

Shen He has a lot of fate and a miserable childhood?Then recognize her as her father and let her feel the warmth of fatherly love.

Tivat, your Sun Xiaochuan is back!

Interested friends can take a look, the link is here↓↓↓↓↓

The third and second chapters, the little apprentice really likes the master the most

Looking at the two who had gone away, Masa Nagasawa also stood up from the stone steps in front of Yamamoto House, scratched her head, looked at her teacher with a simple and honest face, and said with a simple smile.

"Teacher, you are back, and the students have been looking for you for a long time."

"Look, you don't say hello when you come back."

"Speaking of... when did you come back?"

However, the moment Nagasawa Masa's voice just fell, a faint voice came from Yamamoto's mouth lightly.

"Since you said you were going to act as the captain temporarily."

"Oh, by the way, besides wanting all female officers to wear short skirts and black stockings, do you have any other orders?"

"Seeing as you care about me so much, it's not like I can't satisfy you."

Hearing this, Yana Nagasawa was scratching the hand on the back of her head, and first subconsciously froze slightly.

Then he showed a look of great joy.

It is said that the young apprentice is the master's favorite, the ancients never deceived me!

Still the teacher treats me well!

He immediately followed Yamamoto's words and subconsciously said.

"Then order all the female death gods to change their deadly costumes into short skirts no longer than the knees, and then wear black silk in one, three, five, white silk in two, four, and six, and wear nets every day..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Yamamoto, who was still calm just now, burst out with supreme majesty like an erupting volcano.

"Let me tell you that you really dare to say it!?"

"It seems that the old man really indulged you too much on weekdays, causing you to forget what it's like to be ruthless!"

Hearing the violent drinking in her ear, Chang Zeya couldn't help shrinking her neck, and muttered in a slightly aggrieved voice.

"Obviously the teacher told me to tell you..."

"Besides, I haven't eaten your old slick sword..."

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa dared to argue, Yamamoto, who was wide-eyed, immediately frowned and let out a heavy snort.


“Red Bean Simi Marseille!”

Seeing that Yamamoto seemed to be really angry, Nagasawa Masa, who was able to bend, bowed down decisively to apologize.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa showed a wave of craftsmanship without hesitation, Yamamoto, who was about to have a seizure, suddenly felt that his blood pressure was high.

As a little disciple, I am good at everything, I have nothing to choose from knowledge, character, resourcefulness, courage, strength and strategy.

It's just a pity that he has a mouth.

With a faint sigh in his heart, Yamamoto decided not to be as knowledgeable as Nagasawa Masa for the time being.

Seeing that the other party had arrived outside his house, he simply did not return to the butler's office.

He walked straight past Nagasawa, opened the door, paused slightly when he was about to enter the house, and then said softly without turning his head.

"It just so happens that the old man also has something to ask for you, so come in."

Saying that, Yamamoto walked into the house first.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but thumped in her heart.

Instead of discussing in the executive room, he led himself into the house.

Could it be that my business...is out?

Seeing that my wings are growing, the old man prepared three hundred knives and axes in the house, ready to take the head of someone like me?

For a while, Nagasawa's face became cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa changed her face while performing Sichuan opera, she landed behind the mountain itself, but stopped in front of the house door, Jiro Sparrow, who was planning to "guard the gate", coughed lightly and reminded him aloud.

"Cough cough!"

"Nagaze-kun, let's go in quickly. Your Excellency, the captain, really has something important to discuss."

Hearing this, Masa Nagasawa, who was seen through by Sparrow Minister Jiro, was also a bachelor, and immediately strode into the wooden house in front of him with a normal expression.

Accompanied by Nagasawa Masa's entry, Sparrow Minister Jiro closed the door very considerately, and also set up a shielding barrier outside the house to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping.

Seeing Minister Sparrow Jiro being so cautious, Masa Nagasawa involuntarily frowned slightly.

It's just that soon after he came back to his senses, he focused on the inside of the house.

Yamamoto's room, just like him, is simple and plain, without any exaggerated decorations, only a low table, a pair of cabinets, a hanging pot, and a light box, nothing more.

The only thing that can attract people's attention is probably the picture scroll hanging on the low table.

It is a picture that people will be deeply attracted to at first glance.

Under the dark clouds, blazing flames engulfed a figure who was half bald and could only be concealed by Yuedai's head.

However, the figure in the painting is not facing the person like an ordinary portrait, but reveals a somewhat desolate back.

That appearance is like the scene recorded from behind by the person being drawn when he is fighting someone.

Undoubtedly, Nagasawa Ya, who was fortunate enough to experience Liujin Jiaka, immediately recognized the bald man in the flame coat in the picture scroll as his teacher.

As for the target of his battle, Masa Nagasawa, who is familiar with the plot, naturally knows it well.

However, before he could say anything, Yamamoto dug out an iron pot from somewhere, took down the hanging pot, lit a fire, hung the pot above the flames, and said slowly.

"That's a monster that appeared in Soul Soul Realm a long time ago."

"He appeared when the world of corpses and souls was very chaotic, and caused chaos in the world of corpses and souls."

"But...he won't show up again."

"If it appears again, at that time..."

When he said this, Yamamoto, who was fiddling with the tea set, couldn't help but pause slightly.

It wasn't until the kettle on top of the flame made a "woo-woo" sound that he continued in a slow voice.

"At that time, I am afraid that the old man will never be able to come back here again."

Saying that, Yamamoto didn't care about the flame burning under the kettle, and took off the kettle hanging in the air with his arm, and while making tea, he motioned for Masa Nagasawa to sit down in front of him.

On the other hand, Nagasawa Ya, when he finished listening to Yamamoto's words, he didn't sit down, but froze in place in a daze.

His memory seemed to return to that hot summer.

Fine raindrops fell from the sky in a patter.

The old man who was once known as "the most powerful god of death in a thousand years", even if he has died, will never let the enemy take a step forward before he is shattered into pieces...

At that time, he could still sigh with emotion.

Sure enough, like Whitebeard, Yilong and Nitro, the strongest people in the world are all used for plot killing.

But at this moment, he couldn't say such words at all.

Even after hearing Yamamoto's words, a huge killing intent burst out from his body instantly.

Even Jiro Sparrow, who was outside the house, was startled into a fine cold sweat by the huge killing intent.

If he hadn't known that the person in the house was "The Strongest Grim Reaper in the Millennium" Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, he would have rushed in with a knife in his hand.

I saw Masa Nagasawa looking at Yamamoto in front of me with determination, and said slowly word by word.

"With me here, you don't have to think about other ways to die, old man Shan, other than dying."

Hearing this, Yamamoto's expression was slightly startled, which was rare.

In the next second, he, who had been squinting his eyes, opened them slightly, looked at Nagasawa and snorted coldly.

"Huh, I really dare to say that."

"If you want to protect this old man, you are still 100 years away!"

Only this time, Yamamoto, who has always paid attention to etiquette, has no intention of correcting Nagasawa's address at all.

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