...... cut......

PS. It's hard to calm down, old man Shan...

You Habach, damn you...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

100 years is a long time for human beings, almost a lifetime.

But for a god of death, it's quite short.

Take Yamamoto as an example. He was known as "the most powerful god of death in a thousand years" 1000 years ago, and he has been alive for at least a few thousand years.

It's not wrong for Nagasawa to call him "old stuff".


When he reprimanded Nagasawa, he just said that Nagasawa wanted to protect him, "100 years away."

This is because he really feels that Nagasawa Masa 100 years later will definitely have the strength to surpass him and even protect him.

Even when Chang Zeya said that he wanted to "temporarily take the position of chief captain", he almost couldn't hold back, and wanted to hand over the position of chief captain to his little disciple directly on the spot.

Fortunately, the reason in his heart made him quickly extinguish this thought.

He always felt that with Nagasawa's temperament, it was really possible... No, it was probably 100% that he would issue such an order.

If this is the case, he will definitely not rest in peace in hell.

Thinking about it this way, Jingle Shunsui doesn't seem so bad.

Taking a sip of the tea in the cup, the old god Yamamoto looked at Nagasawa and said slowly.

"Tell me, why are you so anxious to find me?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa scratched her nose, and began the polite manners of adults.

"Teacher, don't you also have something to ask me about? Why don't you tell me first?"

It's just that Yamamoto obviously doesn't like this.

He who has lived for thousands of years can't see Nagasawa Ya's small thoughts.

"It doesn't matter. The person who is supposed to come hasn't come yet, so you can speak first."

Nagasawa: "..."

Listening to the words coming to her ears, Nagasawa was speechless for a moment.

What does it mean that what is supposed to come has not come yet?

Grandpa, can you chat?

Does that mean I shouldn't be here?

I don't know if he has seen through Nagasawa Masa's thoughts, Yamamoto, who squinted his eyes, opened them slightly, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"If you tell me what you say, just say it, where is there so much nonsense!?"

Seeing that Yamamoto really didn't intend to be polite to him, Nagasawa Masa also said straightforwardly.

"Teacher, since the student returned to the Soul Soul World, in order to adapt to the current society as soon as possible and not become an old antique out of the modern society, I have traveled to the famous mountains and rivers of the Soul Soul World, traveled all over the world, and blended into the hearts of the people. In, I..."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's opening remarks, Yamamoto felt that his blood pressure was high for no reason.

What the hell are these things?

Didn't you, Nagasawa, just return to Soul Soul Realm for two days?

Why did you travel to famous mountains and great rivers, and traveled all over the world?


Seeing that Nagasawa was eloquent and his appearance was getting more and more outrageous, Yamamoto slammed the teacup in his hand and sat down on the tatami for a meal, directly interrupting the spellcasting.

"Say the point!"

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that Yamamoto had a tendency to touch the crutch aside, Masa Nagasawa hurriedly cleared her throat and got to the point.

"Residents of Liuhun Street, suffering!!!"

Listening to the wailing in his ears, Yamamoto, who had always been as steady as an old man... ah, no, as steady as a mountain, almost frightened Nagasawa Masaru.

But before he had time to attack, Nagasawa continued.

"The guarding range of the Thirteenth Guarding Team can only radiate to the first [-] blocks of Liuhun Street. If it exceeds the range of the [-]th block, we can only rely on patrols to maintain law and order."

"If it's just a fight between the residents of Liuhun Street, it's fine, even small fights won't kill people."

"But if there is an invasion by a Hollow, by the time the Gotei [-] patrol team arrives, in addition to avenging the residents who died in the Hollow mouth, they may not even have time to collect the corpses, and they will have already turned into spirit children, and they will be reincarnated. Return to the earth."

The purpose of Nagasawa Masa coming to Yamamoto is actually very simple.

Strengthen the surrounding defenses of the Soul Soul Realm to ensure that the fish that slipped through the net will not do things that endanger the Soul Soul Realm and expose the virtual circle.

However, after hearing his words, Yamamoto, who was about to explode, was slightly taken aback, and then he glanced at his closed disciple calmly, and replied softly with a flat tone.

"Why is this old man not clear about what you said?"

"Why do you think the thirteenth team of the court is called the court?"

"Compared to Ruhun Street, Seireitei is the foundation of Soul Soul World."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but nodded.

"I am aware of this, of course."

To be honest, it is different from Yamamoto who never learned how to negotiate in his whole life.

Nagasawa is actually quite good at persuading people.

He is very clear that if one person wants to accept his own point of view, he cannot deny the other party's point of view from the beginning.

It seems to be moved by the appearance of Nagasawa Yana "holding the wisdom pearl".

Or maybe it was recalling that 50 years ago, I, a closed disciple, won the reputation of "Wisdom General" by virtue of the means of strategizing and decisively winning thousands of miles away.

Yamamoto, who believed that Masa Nagasawa would not be aimless, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask.

"Since you took the initiative to find the old man, you must have already had a draft, right?"

"Tell me."

As the captain of the Gotei [-]th Team, although his job is to protect Seireitei, that's right.

But it was not his character, Yamamoto Shigekuni, to watch the residents of Rukongai die at the hands of Kyon.

This can be clearly seen from the original plot.

In the chapter of the thousand-year bloody battle, because the Quincy Division invaded the virtual circle and killed Da Xu on a large scale, it caused an imbalance in the balance between the soul world and the virtual circle.

Once this imbalance continues to expand, the barrier between the soul world and the virtual circle will collapse, leading to the collapse of the two worlds, and the results will be unimaginable.

However, knowing that there would be serious consequences, and only by reducing the number of souls in the soul world, the balance between the two worlds could be restored as soon as possible, Yamamoto did not give an order for a long time.

It wasn't until Niryuri killed first and then executed more than [-] residents of Rukongai secretly that the balance between the two worlds was restored.

At least from a certain point of view, Yamamoto did not regard the residents of Ruukon Street as weeds that could be pulled out and discarded at will.

Seeing that Yamamoto became interested in his own topic, the corners of Masa Nagasawa's mouth curled up slightly.

"I've done some research, and the space nodes bordering the ghost world and the virtual circle are very weak, especially in blocks other than No. [-], where invasions often occur."

"However, the weak space means that it is easier to bridge the space nodes between the two."

"We can completely arrange spiritual pressure detection devices and transmission devices in each block of Liuhun Street. Once a virtual invasion of Liuhun Street is found, the members of the Guarding Thirteenth Team can use the transmission device to rush to the scene as quickly as possible. .”

"Of course, if we are worried that someone with a heart will use the teleportation device to try to cross the soul-cloaking membrane and intrude into the Seiling Court in reverse, we can set up the teleportation device in the first block of the four major streams of souls in the east, west, north, south, and east. Soldiers reacted swiftly."

...... cut......

PS. At the beginning of the month, I went to cut a mole. I just found a white thread on the sutured wound, and I pulled it out with tweezers.

As a result, there was blood oozing, and suddenly I found that there was a section on the end of the thread...

It should be fine, right?

The wound shouldn't be damaged, right?

Do you have any big ones to let me know?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

To be honest, Masa Nagasawa's proposal is not that outstanding.

In terms of inspiration, he also came up with it by referring to the Sky Eye system in his previous world and the portal in the online game.

But this method really works if you can't stand it.

Especially in the future, after a thousand years of bloody battle, Nirvana Mayuri, who has achieved great success in man-made souls and turned his attention to the competition with Kisuke Urahara, has developed a series of black technologies.

Among them is the monitoring device that covers the entire Seireitei.

However, listening to Masa Nagasawa's eloquent talk, the expression on Yamamoto's face became more and more weird.

After all, it is an old antique that has lived for thousands of years. Not to mention that Yamamoto's acceptance of new things is relatively low, and in addition to managing such a large family business of the Gotei [-]th Team, he subconsciously stood on the side of the captain. Angle, Shen Sheng responded.

"Your suggestion sounds like it can indeed improve the safety of Liuhun Street to the greatest extent, but do you know how much manpower and material resources are needed to do this?"

"If you want to build such a complete security system, you must have at least the financial support of the five nobles. Even with the current situation of the Shiba family, I am afraid that they cannot afford it alone."

"I know that you have a very close relationship with the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family. The food empire of the Omaeda family also has your shares. During the time you disappeared, they were willing to do their best to support your few students."

"But do you think they will be willing to give everything for such a thing that has no interest?"

"Just to support your compassion?"

Obviously, Yamamoto regarded Nagasawa Masaru's proposal as sympathy for the residents of Rukongai.

What he didn't know was that when he raised this question, it meant that Nagasawa Ya's proposal had already been half-successful.

Because for Yamamoto at this moment, what he considers is no longer whether to agree to Nagasawa Masa's proposal, but thinking about the feasibility of this proposal.

Take advantage of... Ah no, Nagasawa Ya has already thought about the sponsorship thing.


However, just when Nagasawa was about to say something, there was a push and pull sound, and a clear voice suddenly entered the ears of the two of them.

"The Kuchiki family is willing to fully support Ya's decision."

Hearing the sound coming from beside her ear, Chang Zeya couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately turned his head and looked at the person coming.

However, they found that Kuchiki Sojun and Kuchiki Byakuya had already untied their straw sandals and walked into the house one after another.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Xiaocang? Byakuya? Why are you here?"

It was said that he was different from Byakuya Kuchiki with a poker face.

Kuchiki Ao was not in a hurry to answer his question, but just smiled at him, and then whispered to Yamamoto in a somewhat apologetic tone.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, Captain, I have no intention of eavesdropping on your conversation with Ya."

"Just before entering the door, I happened to hear something."

Seemingly not surprised by Kuchiki Aojun's appearance at all, Yamamoto just shook his head slightly.

"It's okay, it was the old man who called you over."

Hearing this, Nagasawa immediately frowned.

The "person who should come" that the old man dared to talk about refers to Kuchiki Cangchun?

But soon, Nagasawa recovered from the surprise.

He is not the kind of person who would cheat his brothers.

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