Seeing this, he hastened to speak.

"Injustice... Don't worry about the sponsor."

"I think...the family of Sifengyuan will be happy to pay this money."

"Teacher, you just need to give me a construction permit and ask the Technology Development Bureau to provide technical support."

"I'll solve the money problem."

It wasn't until this time that Nagasawa Masakata expressed his ultimate goal.

If you want to improve the security system of the soul world, without the support of the Technology Development Bureau, it is impossible to do it without the support of Urahara Kisuke.

And if you want to drive this guy Nirvana Mayori, you must have the approval of the captain Yamamoto.

It can be said that there is a link in it, without any one environment, his plan cannot go forward.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa had already spoken to this point, Yamamoto just pondered for a moment, then called for Sparrow Minister Jiro who was guarding outside the house.

After simply explaining a few words, Sparrow Minister Jiro stepped on Shunpo and quickly ran towards the executive room.

Obviously, the other party should have received Yamamoto's order and went to the executive office to write a permit.

But the moment Sparrow Minister Jiro got up and left and closed the door, Yamamoto's eyes returned to Masa Nagasawa and Kuchiki Sosumi sitting next to him.

"Before returning to the team, the old man went to the central room 46."

Compared with Nagasawa Yana's unnutritious opening, Yamamoto's opening is obviously much more attractive.

After hearing the words Central Room 46, not to mention Masa Nagasawa, even Kuchiki Aojun and his son on the side showed a curious look.

I saw Yamamoto continued to speak.

"Originally, the old man planned to let you take over the vacant position of captain of the third team."

"After all, with your strength, it's too wasteful to just be an ordinary soldier."

"It's just a pity, your death brotherhood is really too tricky, if you can't handle one, even this old man will have a headache."

"Under such circumstances, those sages in the central room 46 will not allow you to hold the power of a team."

Listening to Yamamoto's narration, Masa Nagasawa also nodded slightly.

The existence of the Brotherhood of Death is already an open secret in the world of corpses and souls.

Coupled with its complex personnel composition, even the Central Room 46 can only acquiesce in its existence.

However, after the return of Nagasawa Ya, the "contemporary sage", the situation has changed again.

Masa Nagasawa, who holds the sharp weapon of the Death Brotherhood, if there are no special circumstances, even the captain Yamamoto has the power to appoint all positions in the Gotei [-]th Team.

Under the obstruction of the central room 46, I am afraid that he can only be an ordinary soldier for the rest of his life, and he will not even be given the position of a low-ranking officer.

However, after hearing Yamamoto's words, Kuchiki Sojun's gentle face frowned slightly.

"Your Excellency, Captain, please forgive me for speaking frankly."

"Ya joined the sixth team, you personally agreed in front of all the captains of the thirteenth team of the court."

"If you want to transfer him from the sixth division, besides his personal wishes, at least you have to seek the consent of me, the captain of the sixth division, right?"

Listening to the words that came from her ear, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a surprised look on her face.

In his impression, Kuchiki Canojun should be that kind of virtuous and virtuous...ah no, it's that kind of gentle and approachable personality.

Unexpectedly, one day, he could actually see the scene where the other party confronted Yamamoto.

This immediately makes Nagasawa amused.

Although one side is my life-and-death friend, the other side is my excellent teacher.

But if it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he really wanted to move a small horse and become a melon-eating crowd.

...... cut......

PS. It’s only Monday, and I’m thinking about the weekend, and I’m still thinking about how many words I’ve owed this month to get full attendance......

I leave it to you at the end of the month!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kuchiki Aojun's unusually tough attitude really exceeded Nagasawa Masa's expectation.

Even Kuchiki Byakuya, who was his own son, had a look of surprise on his stern face.

His father was a very gentle man.

Elegant, humble, and gentle, he rarely argues with others.

The last time he saw Kuchiki Canojun so tough was the last time.

At that time, his grandfather Kuchiki Ginling once implicitly expressed the hope that Kuchiki Canojun could stop, or reduce his investment in the Brotherhood of Death and the search for Masa Nagasawa.

That was the first time he saw his father "disobeying" his grandfather, Kuchiki Canojun was so furious that he almost shouted the word "separation" on the spot.

In the end, Kuchiki Yinling compromised.

That was also the first time that Kuchiki Aojun showed his toughness after becoming the head of the Kuchiki family.

What he didn't expect was that his father not only dared to toughen Yinling, the dead wood, but also refused to give face to the captain when it came to Nagasawa Ya.

But very quickly, this look of astonishment turned into a firm look of the same style as Kuchiki Aojun.

Although he was surprised by Kuchiki Canojun's performance, it didn't mean he disapproved.

He showed his attitude with his actions.

He straightened his back and said in a deep voice.

"Since Nagasawa-kun has returned, I am not qualified to occupy the seat of vice-captain."

"I came here with the captain today, just to give up the seat of the vice-captain of the Sixth Division, and please agree with the chief captain."

Saying that, Byakuya Kuchiki, who was kneeling on the tatami, bowed slightly towards Yamamoto.

Hearing this, Chang Zeya, who was eating melon, couldn't help being shocked.

Kuchiki Byakuya is trying to kill me! ?

To be honest, he didn't want to be a captain at all.

Not to mention many things and responsibilities, the subordinates still have to manage a large number of people to eat and drink.

When the old man said earlier that his proposal was rejected by Central Room 46, he was really happy in his heart.

Before he could make it to eat a melon, he actually ate the melon on his own head.

He was about to say something.

However, before he opened his mouth to speak, Kuchiki Cangjun over there probably misunderstood what he meant.

After giving him a calm look, he immediately took over Kuchiki Byakuya's words.

"I know that Yiya's ability and talent are enough to serve as the captain of the first team. The position of vice captain is really overkill for him."

"On the contrary, with my personality and physical condition, I'm not really suitable to be the captain."

"So...after he gets a little familiar with the team affairs of the sixth division, I will give up the position of the sixth division captain and concentrate on assisting him."

"The decision of Room 46 of the Central Committee may affect the appointment and dismissal of the captain of the third team, but the matter of the sixth's not their turn to intervene!"

Listening to Kuchiki Canojun's words, Nagasawa Masa's eyes widened immediately.

The father and son of the Kuchiki family are simply off the original spectrum, off the spectrum!

But soon, Nagasawa suddenly realized that now is not the time to care about these things.

The position of captain of the Gotei [-] is not something you can give up just because you want to.

Just like it does not have a withdrawal system, unless it is due to non-subjective reasons such as fault, injury, old age and frailty.

Otherwise, once appointed as the captain, it is basically the rhythm of working to death.

Especially with the "evil experiment incident of the evil Urahara Kisuke" taking place.

Yoichi Sifengin, Hōjuro Louhashi, Mako Hirako, Luowu Aikawa, Kensei Liuche, Kisuke Urahara.

Nearly half of the team captain's seats were vacant in the Thirteenth Guarding Team.

Even though 50 years have passed, the position of captain of the third squad is still vacant.

Not to mention the captains like Suifeng, Komamura Zuojin, and Dongsenyao who barely mastered the Swastika and were barely promoted.

Take a look at Shiba Yuma and Ukitake Toshiro.

Yamamoto would rather these two guys be seriously ill than let them go, because the current Gotei [-]th team is really short of people!

If it wasn't for Kuanmu Yinling's old age and infirmity, coupled with his unmentionable illness, he wouldn't even let the old man Kuanmu Yinling go.

Now Kuchiki Canojun actually offered to cede the captaincy of the Sixth Division to Masa Nagasawa. This is undoubtedly playing on the old man's minefield.

Moreover, don't think that if Masa Nagasawa becomes the captain of the sixth team, and then transfer Kuchiki Sojun to the third team as the captain, everything will be fine.

Division [-], a noble team, was originally the exclusive domain of the Kuchiki family.

This is the result of the tacit understanding between Yamamoto and the dignitaries of Seireitei.

However, if Sojun Kuchiki is transferred to the third division as captain, then the situation of Seireitei will suddenly change.

The Kuchiki family is equivalent to mastering two divisions of the Gotei Thirteen Division at once.

In addition, the second division of the Shifeng family, which is an ally with the Kuchiki family, and the tenth division of the Shiba family.

Except for the family who focused on hell and didn't care about the battles in the soul world, the Tsunayashiro family could be called a ghost if they had no objections!

As the captain, it is impossible for Yamamoto not to think about these things.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa first took a look at Kuchiki Cangjun who straightened up again and looked straight at the old man without fear.

Immediately, he took a peek at Yamamoto, who was sitting on the futon, neither happy nor sad, and could not tell whether he was happy or angry.

After pondering for a moment, he spoke slowly.

"I really can't do anything about you. Sometimes, I often feel annoyed because I am too good."

Hearing Masa Nagasawa, who was the center of the storm, speak suddenly, Kuchiki Canojun probably because of that layer of fetters, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Masa Nagasawa's words.

But Kuchiki Byakuya and Yamamoto are different.

Listening to Nagazawa Masaru's somewhat unbeatable opening, Kuchiki Byakuya, who had a cold face, immediately had a cross on his forehead.

Even Yamamoto, who has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai without waves in Gujing, raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, he was more or less embarrassed by Nagasawa's brazenness.

If Kuchiki Cangchun and his son were not here, due to the majesty of the captain, he would have already drawn his sword.

Seeing that the crowd didn't intend to interrupt him, Nagasawa Ya was also a bachelor and continued.

"I know you're all for my own good, but..."

"Whether it's the captain of the third team or the captain of the sixth team, do I really need the position of captain to prove myself?"

Saying that, he turned his head to look at Kuchiki Byakuya.

"Bai Zai, will you disrespect me just because I'm not the captain?"

Kuchiki Byakuya shook his head.

He looked at Kuchiki Sojun again.

"Xiao Cang, will you call me around because I'm just a mere soldier?"

Kuchiki Aojun also shook his head.

Finally, Masa Nagasawa turned her head again and looked at Yamamoto.

"My hometown..."


Seeing that Masa Nagasawa was getting more and more drifting, and even dared to question himself, Yamamoto suddenly felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

The eyes that had been squinting opened a slit, and with a warning look, he gave Nagasawa a hard look, and the palm of his hand involuntarily touched his Liujin Jiaka again!

...... cut......

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