PS. Meiyi Liya sang Blue Bird live, love love! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that the ferocity in the old man's eyes did not seem to be fake, Nagasawa was also shocked.

Immediately, a look of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Please, I'm looking for a step down for you! ?

Don't listen to what you say! ?

Draw your sword at every turn, do you really think that someone from Xiamen University belongs to me?

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya was willing to go all out, and she didn't want the character design, so she hugged her chest with both hands, and said very bachelor.

"Anyway, I'm not the captain, whoever wants to be the captain."

Hearing Nagasawa's resolute refusal, all three present were startled.

Immediately, Kuchiki Cangjun showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and scratched his nose in embarrassment.

Recently, he has read too much "Ya Lun", but he has forgotten Nagasawa Ya's lazy character.

What surprised Nagasawa was that after he refused so flatly, Yamamoto, who was glaring at him angrily just now, seemed extraordinarily calm.

It looked as if he had expected his answer long ago.

Sure enough, shortly after his words fell, Yamamoto closed his eyes again, and the old god said slowly.

"Who said...I want you to be the captain of the Gotei [-]?"


Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her brows. He always felt that there was something in Yamamoto's words?

Immediately, without waiting for him to ask any more questions, Yamamoto continued.

"Central Room 46 just objected to you being the captain of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, but it never said that you are not allowed to form a team of your own."

"Nagazawa listens to the order!"

Accompanied by Yamamoto's soft drink, Masa Nagasawa straightened her back instinctively.

Afterwards, Yamamoto said in a deep voice.

"From now on, the old man appoints you as the commander-in-chief of the special operations team. Although you are affiliated with the sixth team, you are not under the command of any team including the first team, and you are not controlled by the central room 46. You are directly responsible to the old man, the commander-in-chief. .”

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This is... to build the West Factory! ?

Immediately, he followed Yamamoto's words in disbelief, and asked quickly in an unbelievable tone.

"I will kill those who are not dared to be killed by the Guarding Thirteenth Team?"

"I will take care of things that the thirteenth team of the guarding court dare not take care of?"

"If the Guarding Thirteenth Team can manage it, I will take care of it?"

"I have to take care of what the Guarding Thirteen Team can't do?"

"Cut first and play later, the special operations team authorized by the captain?"

Listening to Nagasawa Masaru's words, not to mention Yamamoto's blood pressure became high again.

Kuchiki Byakuya at the side suddenly showed horror in his eyes.

Chief... This is to create a special team outside the thirteenth team of the Gotei to monitor the thirteenth team of the Gotei?

However, unlike Kuchiki Byakuya's horror, there was a hint of worry faintly flashing in Kuchiki's pure eyes.

However, the shock in their minds had not had time to last for more than a second.

I saw Yamamoto slapped the tatami in front of him suddenly, and he couldn't hold back the anger on his face, and he scolded Nagasawa Ya for a while.

"Bastard boy!"

"What spring and autumn dream are you doing!?"

"Otherwise, will the old man be the chief captain for you!?"

As if he didn't realize that Yamamoto was talking ironically, Nagasawa immediately responded with excitement on the spot when he heard that there was still such a good thing.

"One, three, five, black silk, two, four, six..."

"Flowing gold plus..."

This time, Yamamoto was really not polite to Nagasawa Masa, and directly held the crutch beside him with his palm.

Seeing that Yamamoto was really angry, and feeling the rapidly rising temperature in the room, Nagasawa got up quickly, pressed the old man's hand, and said quickly with a full face.

"Wrong, wrong, don't dare, don't dare!"

After finally comforting Yamamoto, Masa Nagasawa, who secretly exhaled deeply, also asked in confusion.

"Your old man always wants to tell me what the purpose of this special operations team is?"

Nagasawa Masaru was somewhat impressed by the Special Operations Team.

He remembered that Kuchiki Yinling's son-in-law, that is, Kuchiki Cangchun's brother-in-law, the phantom god of civil war Kuchiki Xianghe, had once served as the captain of the special operations team.

It's just that at that time, the special operations team was affiliated with the first team.

But in essence, it seems that there is no difference with him.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa finally became serious, he put down the fluent Yamamoto again, tidied up his somewhat messy sleeves, and then said in a slow voice.

"In the thirteenth team of the court, each team has its own responsibilities, but among these responsibilities, there is a middle ground that no one can touch."

"Although what you just said is outrageous, at least one sentence is correct."

"As the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, you can take care of the things that the Guarding Thirteenth Team can't control!"

"Correspondingly, it is not impossible for the old man to give you some convenience and freedom."

Saying that, a sharp light flashed in Yamamoto's eyes.

The reason why he appointed Nagasawa Ya as the commander-in-chief of this special operations team was not because he really wanted to use Nagasawa Ya as a swordsman.

The people in Room 46 of the Central Committee stared at Masa Nagasawa too much. The Thirteenth Team of the Court, the most violent organization in the East End Bureau of the Soul World, will definitely not have a place for Masa Nagasawa.

If he wants to train Nagasawa to succeed him, he must prepare a team for Nagasawa.

The current Guarding Thirteen Team is not as good as it was when it was just established.

Even though Nagasawa holds the killer weapon of the Brotherhood of Death in his hand, he doesn't have a legitimate name, which is not conducive to Nagasawa's future development.

This special operations team is his opportunity to prepare for Nagasawa.


To be honest, in the 50 years since Nagasawa disappeared, he has seen the changes in the world of souls.

A large number of residents of Liuhun Street with lower numbers no longer return to the earth because of lack of food.

Countless gifted children followed in the footsteps of Masa Nagasawa and entered the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts.

Even the nobles whose eyes are higher than the top on weekdays and who don't take common people seriously, although it is only a small part of them, it is the first time in the tens of thousands of years of the soul world's history that they are facing those wandering souls squarely. The commoners of the street.

The changes in the corpse soul world in the past 50 years are greater than the thousands of years he has lived.

Masa Nagasawa's thinking is really changing the status quo of the soul world.

Just like what he said to Kyoraku Shunsui.

How could he allow someone in this world to be more optimistic about Nagasawa's future than him?

He really wanted to see how far his little disciple could go.

Listening to Yamamoto's order, Masa Nagasawa did not agree immediately, but asked back after thinking for a moment.

"And... the members of the special operations team?"

"I can't be the only commander, can I?"

As if he had anticipated his question, Yamamoto responded very simply.

"In the Guarding Thirteen Team, below the vice-captain, including high-ranking officers, you can randomly select [-] team members as members of the special operations team. This is the maximum amount I can get for you."

"Of course, you can also choose from Zhenyang. All in all, there are only twenty places, and you can control it yourself."

However, at the moment when Yamamoto's voice fell, Kuchiki Sojun and Kuchiki Byakuya and his son made eye contact in a very short time.

Immediately, Kuchiki Byakuya straightened his waist, and then said in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, Captain, please allow me to join this special operations team!"

...... cut......

PS. I feel that the subject of death is really too difficult, and my grades are so low that it is not even as good as my first book, Wangtian!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kuchiki Byakuya's request was really beyond Masa Nagasawa's expectation.

Is there such a good thing?

When he was the third seat back then, he had personally experienced the domestic affairs capabilities of Kuchiki and his son.

The level is quite high.

Coupled with the strength of Byakuya Kuchiki who is about to break through to captain level.

If he joins, he's going to shake his hand... ahem!He, the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, couldn't be too comfortable doing it!


Masa Nagasawa's eyes subconsciously aimed at Yamamoto.

The vice-captain is the mainstay of a team, and it's rare to see a Reaper with a spiritual power level above five.

If Kuchiki Byakuya, who is the vice-captain, made the mistake and directly gave up his status as the vice-captain of the sixth division to join Masa Nagasawa's special operations team...

Don't forget, his other two disciples, Hisagi Shuhei and Kazan Tetsuzaemon, are already vice-captains.

Lost three vice-captain-level gods of death at once...

Although it is possible to barely promote some high-ranking officers who are less capable to come up to the top, other teams will definitely have opinions.

Even as overbearing as Yamamoto, he still has some concerns.

Sure enough, as soon as Kuchiki Byakuya finished speaking, Yamamoto spoke.

"The old man should have said that, right?"

"Those who can join the special operations team are limited to the team members below the deputy captain."

Yamamoto's words are very soft, but it seems that every word hits everyone's heart.

Especially Kuchiki Byakuya who faced Yamamoto directly.

Don't look at him at this time, with an unyielding appearance, but from his knuckles that are faintly white due to excessive force, Nagasawa Ya can easily see the tension in his heart.

Fortunately, 50 years have not only made Kuchiki Byakuya a qualified warrior and husband, but also made Kuchiki Aojun more mature and reliable.

I saw Kuchiki Canojun's signature soft arc hanging on the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Captain, you did say so."

"However, the captain of the Thirteenth Guarding Team also has the power to appoint and remove the vice-captain. This is the rule set by Room 46 of the Central Committee."

"Before you ordered the establishment of the special operations team, captain, I had already demoted Bai Zai to the third seat, but I hadn't had time to submit a written report to the first team."

"So strictly speaking, this does not violate the rules you set."

Kuchiki Aojun looked very calm, and after saying this, he looked at Yamamoto with a smile on his face.

On the other hand, Nagasawa Ya has a look of "three days away from Shibai".

Yamamoto is a person who values ​​rules the most.

Talk to him about favors and flexibility, the old man 90.00% of the time, the backhand is a big trick.

But if you bring up the rules and regulations, tell him the facts and reason.

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