"Originally, I thought that the Technology Development Bureau was in the hands of Captain Nie, and it would definitely improve and step up to a new level. I didn't expect it to be so embarrassing. I didn't expect it."

For Nagasawa Masa's cynicism, Nirvana Yuri seemed indifferent, and the playful expression on his face became more intense.

Even in his heart, the evaluation of Nagasawa Ya has dropped a lot.

Hmph, to be reduced to using such a superficial provocative method, the legendary Nagasawa Masa is nothing more than...

However, just when this thought arose in Nirvana Yuri's mind.

On the other hand, Nagasawa Ya spoke in a tone as if recalling the past years, with a look of nostalgia, and said softly.

"I really miss it..."

"If Kisuke is still around, he must be able to do it with ease."

In an instant, Nie Yuri, who was still joking just now, suddenly looked like a dead horse, and his whole face became gloomy.

"What did you say!?"

...... cut......

PS. I woke up in the morning and saw that Manchester City 4-0 Real Madrid, I missed a wonderful game!

It’s not that I’m a fan, I just like to watch games with a lot of goals. It’s heartbreaking!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at Nirvana Mayuri who stood up immediately in a rage, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes immediately flashed a look of joy.

Sure enough, in terms of being angry, it had to be Masa Nagasawa.

In this regard, he has a great say.

Look at Nagasawa again.

When he saw the furious Nirvana Mayuri, he seemed to be completely unaware that he had stepped on a minefield of Nirvana Mayuri.

He quickly added with an apologetic face.

"Oh, Captain Nirvana, please don't get me wrong. I definitely didn't mean to say that you are inferior to Kisuke."

"Since you are so busy here, I will go back and reply to the teacher, saying that the Technology Development Bureau is short of manpower, with limited production capacity, and no time for others. I will find another way to see if I can buy some goods from a certain profiteer." .”

"After all, as long as things can be put in place, installation and so on, it's fine if you have hands."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Mayori felt that his blood pressure was high.

What does it mean to have a hand?

Science, is it such a random thing?

He immediately asked loudly.

"As long as you have hands!?"

"There should be a limit to looking down on people, right!?"

"Leaving aside the spiritual pressure detection device, let's take the transmission device as an example. If the two nodes cannot be accurately connected to establish a stable spiritual pressure transmission channel, the device will not only fail to start smoothly, and may even suddenly shut down halfway through the transmission. .”

"Do you know what that means!?"

The more excited Nirvana Mayuri frantically gave Nagasawa Masako some scientific common sense.

Even after asking a series of questions, he didn't listen to Nagasawa Ya's answer, and continued to ask and answer by himself.

"It means that through this device, it is truly possible to make a person's body appear in two places thousands of miles apart at the same time in just a short moment!"

"Don't underestimate science, bastard!"

Obviously, Nie Yuri, who was poked into the minefield, has gradually lost her composure.

However, looking at Nirvana Yuri's appearance, Nagasawa Masa felt that it was not enough.

Especially with the blessing of Marlon Brando's peak acting skills, he put on an expression of "I blamed you wrongly" on his face.


"So there is such a doorway here?"

"No wonder you are not sure even Captain Nie."

"Hey... It would be great if Kisuke was still there. If it was him, there must be a way."




Hearing this, Nirvana Yuri sucked in three breaths of cold air.

The swollen chest almost burst the deadly domineering outfit on the chest.

The blood pressure is too high, and there is no way to self-regulate, so I can only lower my blood pressure by constantly inhaling.

"You bastard......"

"Who said I'm not sure!?"

"As long as the funds are sufficient, I can spread these two devices all over Liuhun Street within five months!"

Seeing that Nirvana Yuri, who was gradually losing her composure, finally said what she wanted, Nagasawa Masa hurriedly slapped her thigh.

"it is good!"

"What I've been waiting for is what you said, Captain Nirvana!"

"You don't need to worry about the funds. It will be transferred to the account of the [-]th team before sunset tomorrow."

"Five months from now, I hope Captain Nie can keep his word and don't let others look down upon him!"

Masa Nagasawa's words were like a basin of cold water, instantly calming down Mayuri Nirvana.


Realizing that he had been fooled, he immediately opened his eyes wide, pointed at Nagasawa, and said "you" for a long time, but could not say another word.

A thin face was even more flushed.

If it weren't for the strange black and white mask on his face, he might not be able to cover his flushed face.

Although he doesn't feel that he is someone who keeps his promises, but for him to admit that he is not as good as Kisuke Urahara, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

In the end, Nirvana could only break his teeth and swallow it.

Nirvana Mayuri sat back on the executive chair with a little slump, and waved at Nagasawa Masa and Kuchiki Byakuya impatiently, telling them to leave immediately, which was a tacit consent to Nagasawa Masa's words.

Obviously, he suffered a great loss, and he didn't want to talk to Nagasawa any more in a short time.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Nagasawa Masa and Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but look at each other, both of them saw a gleam of joy in each other's eyes.

But soon, both sides concealed their joy very well.

Kuchiki Byakuya is because of idol baggage.

Nagasawa Masaru didn't want to continue to irritate others in Nirvana's territory.

After all, it's not good to be good if you get cheap.

Thinking of this, the two of them didn't intend to stay any longer, they got up and prepared to leave.

However, just as the two of them walked to the gate of Nir Mayuri's research room, Nir Mayuri's displeased voice sounded again behind him.

"Since you're here, give me all your things!"

"My Technology Development Bureau is not a warehouse for people to pile up sundries!"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but show a look of doubt on his face.



He couldn't help turning his head to look at Kuchiki Byakuya beside him, his eyes were full of questions.

However, after meeting Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes, he also saw a puzzled expression in the other's eyes.

Fortunately, when Nagasawa was about to say something, Nie Yinmeng, who had been standing quietly behind Nie Yuli, who had never spoken, walked slowly in front of the two of them and said softly.

"Come with me."

As he said that, he seemed to not care that he was almost traded as "goods" by his "father", and walked towards the research room first.

Seeing this, Nagasawa Masaru also became interested, and without waiting for Byakuya Kuchiki to ask, he followed Nirunemu's pace.

After 50 years of vicissitudes, the twelfth division team building... no, it should be said to be the Technology Development Bureau.

Compared with 50 years ago, a lot has really changed.

Following behind Nie Yinmeng all the way, Chang Zeya couldn't help looking curiously at the modern equipment that was incompatible with Sei Lingting.

However, although the technological sense of the Technology Development Bureau has improved, at most it has progressed from ancient times to modern standards.

Compared with cyber technology, there is still a big gap.

After glancing around for a while, Nagasawa lost interest and set her eyes on Nieyinmeng, the leader.

Nie Yinmeng is a rather taciturn girl, even if she is leading the way, she never said much.

As for Kuchiki Byakuya, don't even count on him.

Except for Kuchiki Feizhen, this guy probably won't be interested in other female creatures in his life.

Coupled with the burden of idols, he has always maintained that kind of aloof personality.

Along the way, the room among the three was surprisingly quiet.

Probably because she was really bored, Nagasawa Ya, who was walking slowly in the Technology Development Bureau, couldn't help but whispered to Nie Yinmeng in front of her.

"Speaking of which, wouldn't you feel angry if you were traded like a commodity?"

Nagasawa Masa had been secretly observing Nie Yinmeng's expression when Nirvana Yuri proposed the transaction plan earlier.

However, to his surprise, even when Nie Yuli said that he could do whatever he wanted to her, the expression on Nie Yinmeng's face still didn't change the slightest.

This couldn't help but make him very curious about Nieyinmeng.

Can artificial souls give up all their emotions for the sake of the belief in their hearts?

However, after hearing his words, Nieyin Meng kept walking and replied softly with words that were almost emotionless.

"Master Mayuri's orders are absolute."

"I just have to obey and execute."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Whether right or wrong?"

But this time, Nie Yinmeng answered him with a rare touch of emotion.

He only heard her soft voice full of firmness.

"Right or wrong."

Hearing this, Nagasawa curled her lips in disbelief.

What a good girl, only the perverted scientist Nirvana Yuri is on her mind.

Nirvana Yuri is a heinous crime!

Probably because three-none girls tend to induce the tenderness in people's hearts, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help but said.

"Even children, more or less have to have some space of their own."

"Of course, I don't want you to disobey Captain Nie's order."

"You know, I'm also a well-known scholar. The growth of self-emotion may be more conducive to his research. If you want, you can come to my house to play."

"My family is quite old, and Nanao and Rangiku are about the same age as you. I think you will like them, and maybe they can become good friends."

"If you're tired from playing, just take a rest at my house. It's okay. I'll help you talk to Captain Nie."

"You saw it just now, it's hard for him to refuse me."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Byakuya Kuchiki glanced at him with a strange expression.

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