But what's interesting is that after hearing his words, a rare look of curiosity appeared on the face of Nieyin Meng, who was leading the way.


The word, she knew, but did not understand its meaning.

This is an emotion she has never experienced since the day she was born.

Especially after hearing the words "research that is beneficial to Nirvana", the word "friend" quickly took root in her heart like a seed buried in the soil. .

After thinking for a moment, Niyinmeng responded softly with some hesitation.

"I will think about it."

The twelfth team's team building is not big or small, but fortunately, all three of them have the strength of at least the vice captain level.

After just a short while, the three of them came to a Japanese room that seemed a bit out of place with the modern style of the surroundings.

Looking at the Japanese room in front of him, for some reason, Masa Nagasawa and Byakuya Kuchiki always felt familiar.

The next second, Nie Yinmeng casually sketched several spiritual arcs in the air.

Afterwards, the Japanese room door in front of me, like a combination lock with a password entered, suddenly opened.

As the three of them walked slowly into the Japanese room, a set of suits that looked like a domineering outfit, neatly worn on the dummy, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

...... cut......

A day of PS.6000+, at the end of the month, I will start to sprint!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The spacious room and interior were glowing with dim candlelight.

A set of well-dressed dolls stood quietly in the Japanese room, and the dim candlelight reflected on the dolls, which brought an inexplicable sense of weirdness to people.

But when Nagasawa saw these scattered puppets, a warm current surged into her heart instantly.

He couldn't help lowering his head, and glanced at the trouser legs that showed half of his ankles.

In the next second, a figure as dignified and elegant as Yamato Nadeko, but with an unreasonable mouth, slowly appeared in his mind.

Senjumaru, this guy, talks about being free and easy, but he still thinks about the Sa family in his heart.

The deathly domineering outfit on him was tailor-made by Shutara Senshoumaru for his special physique, and it could slow down the absorption speed of spirit particles to a certain extent, thereby reducing the risk of physical collapse.

During the time when he was haunted by DEBUFF, it really helped a lot.

However, as his strength increased, his spiritual absorption speed also became faster and faster.

In order to prevent his body from collapsing due to the excessive speed of spiritual energy absorption, Senjumaru tailors a suitable Death Domination suit for him based on his physical condition every year.

Of course, these are all the "futures" he saw in the panel for acquiring fate points.

In fact, before Senjumaru had time to measure the second Death Overlord outfit for him, he was sent into the rift by Kamikawa Rennosuke.

Although he had seen Senjumaru's name several times in the expectation panel when he was floating in the rift.

But what he didn't expect was that during the nearly 50 years of his disappearance, not only did the other party not give up hope for his survival because of his disappearance, but they also cut new deadly costumes for him year after year.

Looking at the deadly costumes of different styles that looked a little weird under the dim candlelight, not only did he not feel any discomfort, but he felt warm in his heart.

It was at this time that Nie Yinmeng, who was standing aside, spoke.

"During the period of your disappearance, although you have not been examined or measured, Mr. Shutara still sent you a special deadly costume every year according to the natural growth rate of your body."

Saying that, Nie Yinmeng pointed to a black suit in the farthest corner.

"There are a total of 49 sets here. Starting from that set, they are arranged from far to near."

Then, she pointed to a black linen double-breasted suit that was closest to everyone.

"This set was just delivered last year. In terms of fit, it should be the best set for you."

"Calculating the time, in another month, this year's Shiba costume should be sent over. If it's convenient for you, I can do a detailed inspection and body measurement for you right now."

Nie Yinmeng's introduction was extremely detailed, like a conscientious tour guide, she introduced the one in front of her.

The only shortcoming is probably that when speaking, there are not too many emotional fluctuations.

However, Masa Nagasawa, who was caressing the black linen suit, couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard the voice in her ear.

Immediately, as if recalling something, he asked softly with a strange expression.

"Now, is it here?"

"Yes, Master Shutara once explained that you must measure it accurately and check the damage of your body, so that she can cut out the most suitable death suit for you according to the actual situation."

The one who answered him was Nieyinmeng's affirmative answer.

However, after receiving Nie Yinmeng's answer, the expressions on the faces of Nagasawa Masa and Kuchiki Byakuya were different.

Byakuya Kuchiki, who always showed off his iceberg face, had a rare expression of ridicule on his face.

On the other hand, Masa Nagasawa put away her strange look, and asked softly with a calm expression.

"Like when Senjumaru measured his body?"

"Yes, just like when Senjumaru-sama was measured."

This time, the answer was still affirmative.

"I understand."

Masa Nagasawa's answer was also very indifferent, as if she didn't see Kuchiki Byakuya's playful eyes at all, and after only a short while, she stood naked in front of the two.

However, it seemed that she didn't care about being honest with each other at all. When Nagasawa stood there naked with one hand on her hip, without any sense of shame, it was the faces of Nie Yinmeng and Kuchiki Byakuya that showed a clear expression. different looks.

Kuchiki Byakuya knew the rules of Shutara Senjumaru.

Fifty years ago, in the same room, he and Nagasawa encountered almost the same situation.


What amazed him was what kind of body this was!

When Kuchiki Byakuya saw Nagasawa Yana's perfect body like a chisel, he couldn't connect it with the skinny bamboo pole 50 years ago, which seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

Although the battle of the Shinigami is the battle of spiritual pressure, this does not mean that the tempering of the body can be ignored.

The perfect body that appeared in front of Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes at this moment seemed as if every muscle contained explosive power, capable of erupting at any time with enough power to destroy everything.

He had only seen such a physique in one person.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi, the heavy country!

No wonder he can fight Daxu at the Vastord level.

No wonder he can instantly kill Saraki Kenpachi, who is known as "the strongest Kenpachi".

For a moment, Kuchiki Byakuya felt ashamed of himself.

Byakuya Kuchiki, Byakuya Kuchiki, you have really lived like a dog for the past 50 years!

Not only failed to narrow the gap with Nagasawa Masaru, but it actually got wider and wider!

How can I inherit the Kuchiki family?

How can I share my worries with my father! ?

For a moment, Kuchiki Byakuya fell into deep self-blame, and there was no trace of joking in his eyes.

On the other hand, look at the Nirvana dream.

When she saw Nagazeya's body, it was as if she had undergone strict training, but her eyes did not show any emotion.

Immediately, she pulled out a soft ruler about two meters long from the collar of her chest, and went straight to Nagasawa's side.

Unlike Senshou Maru, which can rely on prosthetic bones for precise measurements, Nieyinmeng uses a relatively primitive method of body measurement.

Use a soft ruler to measure Nagasawa Ya's neck circumference, bust circumference, shoulder width, waist circumference, hip circumference, etc.

By repeatedly measuring various parts of the body, the most detailed data is recorded.

However, it is probably because he has grown taller.

Nagasawa Masaru, who was originally nearly 1.8 meters tall, now has a height similar to Kotetsu Yuine.

Coupled with the wide shoulders and long arms, even Nie Yinmeng, who is nearly 1.7 meters tall, has to get very close to pass the tape measure around his body.

Eyes drooping, Nagasawa looked around her, so close that she seemed to be able to count the eyelashes under her eyebrows, and so close that she could feel the warm breath spraying on her neck. On top of it, it was so close that Nirvana could kiss those plump pink lips just by bowing her head.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

...... cut......

PS. I started to have a fever on the 2nd. After the fever subsided, I started to catch a cold. I haven't recovered much until now.

I have been coughing for a long time. I felt a little short of breath yesterday when I was smiling. I kept coughing. In addition, after Yangkang at the end of last year, I would have a fever every one or two months.

Today, taking advantage of the opportunity to accompany my mother-in-law to see a doctor, I took a lung CT by the way, I hope everything is fine...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

To be honest, the fact that this kind of plot develops at the first meeting is really beyond Nagasawa Masa's expectation.

Even thinking in a more malicious direction, Nagasawa even wondered if Nirvana was trying to get his Zanpakuto, so he deliberately arranged for Nirvana to get close to him and created this opportunity.

Just very quickly, I saw that Niyinmeng's face was calm, but there was a faint look of seriousness.

He still put aside this thought in his mind for the time being.

It seems that he is not very interested in the tedious work of measuring the body. After seeing Nagasawa Yana's long-tempered physique, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was a little bit out of his mind, suddenly became less interested.

"I'll wait for you outside."

He just said a word casually, walked straight out of the house, and closed the door thoughtfully.

For a moment, only Nagazeya and Niyinmeng, a man and a woman, were left in the huge Japanese room.

Coupled with the fact that Nagasawa Masaru was naked at this time, the scene was actually indescribably charming.

However, although the work of body measurement requires sufficient patience to carry out accurate measurements, in the final analysis, it does not take too much time.

Especially as a god of death that transcends human existence, Nirvana completed the measurement of Nagazawa Masa's upper body at an extremely efficient speed.

Then, Niyinmeng slowly squatted down, and under Nagasawa's somewhat surprised gaze, she knelt down in front of him.

Because it was a face-to-face measurement, when Niyinmeng knelt down and sat down, he happened to be aiming at an indescribable part.

To be honest, as a passionate young man of the right age, it was hard for Nagasawa Masa not to react to this scene.

It seems that because she did not expect such a situation to happen, Nie Yinmeng, who rarely changed her expression, actually had a faint blush on her face.

To be honest, as Nirvana Mayuri's assistant, she has done eight hundred if not one thousand biological experiments.

It has long been commonplace for human organs, even internal organs.

In her opinion, body measurement is no different from anatomy.

But when she saw the sleeping giant suddenly awakening, even though she was used to it, she subconsciously covered her pink lips with a look of surprise on her face.

After all, this was the first time she had seen one alive.

But very quickly, as an excellent assistant, Nieyin Meng quickly adjusted her emotions, her face returned to normal, and her hand movements were not slow.

I saw her body leaning forward slightly, her head tilted slightly, she turned away from the high-spirited man, and wrapped the soft ruler in her hand along Chang Zeya's thigh to the back of her buttocks, connecting it an inch below her abdomen.

After accurately measuring the hip circumference and registering it, she turned to Nagasawa Ya's side to measure her leg length.

Nieyinmeng's measurement work was done in a very detailed and fast manner.

It took only half a cup of tea to complete the final registration.

However, just when Masa Nagasawa thought it was over, when she came to the double-breasted deadly outfit worn on top of the doll, Nie Yinmeng who put down the book slightly lowered her head and pointed Nagasawa asked softly.

"Need to help you?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa Masaru, who was unbuttoning his suit, couldn't help but be slightly startled.

And this good thing?

However, before he could say anything, Nieyinmeng continued.

"I've read it in the book, it is said that the appropriate speed is helpful for throwing hidden weapons."

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