"No, I just did what I could. This is the result of everyone's concerted efforts."

"Besides, as Luan Ju said, most of the Shinigami of the Guarding Team Thirteen are from Liuhun Street."

"Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the members of the [-]th squad worked so hard to install these devices."

"After all, in the world of corpses and souls, no one knows whether the accident or tomorrow will come sooner."

"The installation of these devices can also better protect their families."

Listening to Nanao's words, Masa Nagasawa nodded in agreement.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"The Shinigami-samas of Seireitei seem to be installing some kind of teleportation device in Xudiao."

"I heard that as long as the teleportation device is installed, once it is found that there is a ghost invading the block, the gods of death from far away in Seireitei will come to rescue us in an instant!"

"Really? Then I can also use this device to reach Seireitei in one go?"

"I really want to see what Seireitei looks like, it must be very magnificent."

"Well, don't worry about Seireitei for now, there are quite a few gods of death gathered there, and the adults in the village are all running to help, let's go and have a look too."

"Maybe those gods of death saw my great talent, crying and begging me to be god of death, hahahahahaha!"

Just as Nagasawa and the three of them were walking on the street and chatting, a noisy child's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of several people along the street corner.

Then, with the sound of noisy footsteps, five children in burlap bathrobes rushed out of the alley next to the three of them.

Probably because he was too complacent to chat with his companions, the young man who rushed to the front didn't look at the road ahead at all, and just turned out of the alley, he bumped headfirst into Nagasawa Ya.

What does it mean to shake mountains easily, but shake Changze elegantly?

Bailegang probably had the most say.

Let alone a boy from Liuhun Street who has never practiced before.

When he collided head-on with Nagasawa, it was as if he had hit an indestructible wall, and was knocked down to the ground by the huge rebound force.

"it hurts!"

Under the pain, the boy immediately let out a cry of pain, and then asked loudly without raising his head.

"You bastard! Don't you know how to look at the road when you walk!?"

However, the moment his voice fell, he suddenly found that the companions behind him, as if someone had pressed the mute button, suddenly fell silent.

Immediately, he turned his head to look curiously, only to find that the faces of his companions were full of horror.

What's more, even two Zhan Zhan, unable to even stand up, slumped on the ground.

Seeing this situation, the boy didn't know that he hit the iron plate.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, but found that the figure that he bumped into just now had squatted in front of him at some point, and said with a smile on his face.

"It's not a good habit for the wicked to sue first, boy."

At this moment, the young man saw the man's appearance clearly.

Although he failed to recognize Nagasawa Masa Shinigami's identity because of the special death costume.

But the two women standing behind him were dressed in serious attire.

When he saw the outfits of Luanju and Qixu clearly, he felt a "click" in his heart, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

It's over, you will be killed! ?

Although he was yelling something like "the god of death will cry and beg him to be the god of death when he sees him".

But in the heart of the young man, there is also the fear of death.

Xudiao, District 78, has been a lawless place in Liuhun Street for thousands of years. According to the older generation, it has only improved in recent decades.


The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Some villagers often fight over drinking water. Whenever this happens, the god of death will come to suppress it.

At the beginning, the gods of death will still say something to stop it, but if you insist on not changing, or even get worse, those gods of death will never show mercy.

He saw with his own eyes that one of the village tyrants who once dominated the area and was domineering in Xudiao District was directly beheaded by a god of death, without even a chance to resist.

At that moment, he was both longing for and fearful of death.

However, at this moment, he actually spoke out and reprimanded Death's companion...

It's fine if the god of death you meet has a good temper, but if...

In an instant, a cold feeling climbed up his whole body, and the strong sense of fear made him forget how to speak.

However, at this moment, a voice that sounded timid but extremely firm spoke in a trembling voice.

"Yes... sorry, we offended you adults."

"As long as you are willing to forgive Ah Sanjing, I will do anything for you!"

Listening to the sound coming from his ear, Nagasawa followed the prestige.

It was a petite black-haired girl in a printed yukata with short curly hair.

It can be seen that the girl is the same as the boy named A Sanjing in front of her, the fear in her eyes can hardly be concealed.

However, even so, she still suppressed the fear in her heart, bit her lower lip, and used the pain to dispel that fear as much as possible, so that she would not slump on the ground like a companion.

As if stimulated by the girl's words, a flustered look flashed across the face of Asanjing who fell to the ground.

"Hey, Rukia!"

"what are you talking about!?"

Not knowing where the power came from, he quickly stood up and stood in front of the girl named Rukia.

Even though his legs were shaking like chaff, he still stared at Nagasawa squatting on the ground with stubborn eyes, and said quickly.

"The mistake was made by me, it has nothing to do with her!"

"Reaper, you can punish me any way you want, you can kill me or cut me up, if I frown, my surname is not A Sanjing!"

"I just ask you to spare my companions and don't take your anger out on them!"

As he spoke, there was a look of pleading in his eyes.

He looked at the red-haired boy with braids in front of him, and then at Rukia who was blocked by him and tried to push him away before saying something.

A playful look appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

"Who said... I'm going to punish you?"

Hearing this, the boy named Asanjing and the girl named Rukia couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

However, before they could say anything, Nagasawa stood up slowly, stretched out her hand to them, and said softly.

"You two are very good, be my son."

...... cut......

PS. Today I was bored watching dramas and watched "Houlang" for a while. I really hope that when I was 18 years old, I could also be brought back to the teacher's school by a big boss, be regarded as the uncle of the teacher, and become a successor ==

What web articles are unfolding!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


When Asai Renji and Rukia heard Nagasawa Masa's words, the expressions on their faces couldn't help being stunned.

After the souls come to Liuhun Street, in order to survive better, they often hug each other and gather together to form a new family.

But to be honest, in the extremely barren Xudiao area, children like them who eat a lot and are unable to engage in physical labor, unless they meet a merciful family, no family is willing to take them in.

This led to them having been in Xudiao District for so many years. They were often caught stealing buns and steamed buns, and had to clean them up. However, they had never encountered such a request.

In the next second, a look of vigilance appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

Once, the village tyrant in the village was drunk, and they had heard the village tyrant talk about it.

Some aristocratic gentlemen from Seireitei like to go to Liuhun Street to adopt some children who are still in grade, regardless of gender.

At the beginning, they thought that those nobles from Seireitei were really kind-hearted, and imagined that if they were adopted, they would definitely be able to leave this poor village and live a life of luxury and wealth.

Even becoming a god of death is not too difficult.

However, when they uttered this unrealistic fantasy, what they got was the tyrant's snort.

Immediately afterwards, they learned a cruel fact.

The reason why those noble gentlemen adopted those children from Liuhun Street was not out of any kindness at all.

Some are to train dead soldiers for their own families.

This is actually pretty good, except for the hard training and the possibility of losing one's life at any time, it can be regarded as having no worries about food and clothing.

The rest are more perverted.

Probably because they are tired of playing with the girls in the veranda, those aristocratic gentlemen with special hobbies only pick on the young children in Liuhun Street.

As long as it can satisfy their preferences, men and women who are also special mothers are not taboo.

Thinking of this, Renji Asai and Rukia couldn't help raising their heads, and looked at Rangiku and Nanao who were standing behind Masa Nagasawa, who had very different styles but were extremely stunning.

They have already subconsciously regarded Nagasawa Ya, who is not wearing a domineering outfit, as the kind of aristocratic master with special hobbies.

In an instant, the two of them felt cold all over their bodies, and the fear in their hearts was even worse than before. They covered their buttocks one after another and looked at Nagasawa Masa with a stern look on their faces.

In the end, Rukia, who was still the spiritual leader of the team, took the lead in breaking the silence.

"That... just adopt it, it's our fault first."

"If we are adopted by you, we will take advantage of it. Let's talk about how to compensate you."

Rukia's answer is already considered decent, if it were an ordinary family, it probably wouldn't make things too difficult for these children.

In the past, when they were caught stealing water because of hunger, it was also thanks to Rukia's evidence that they were spared a severe beating.

It's a pity that Nagasawa Ya doesn't follow this at all.

I saw him looking down at Rukia with some playful eyes, teasing.

"Oh, I see?"

"But that's not what you said just now."

"Didn't you say that you would do anything as long as you could let this little guy go? Are you regretting it now?"

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa didn't intend to let go, Renji Asanjing suddenly became anxious, and hurried to speak.

"That's why I said it all, it's none of her business!"

"One person is doing things and the other is responsible. If something happens, come to me!"

His words were fierce and his tone was decisive, as if he would dedicate everything to this and protect Rukia.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help Mosuo raised her chin, revealing a pensive look.

"Is that so..."

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa seemed to be really thinking about it, Renji Asai showed a miserable look on his face, and even began to fantasize about his miserable life in the future.

Maybe one day in the future, I'll be thrown back to Liuhun Street like a dilapidated doll...

That's fine, as long as Rukia and the others are safe and sound, that's enough...

However, just as he was thinking wildly, Nagasawa's next move made him stunned.

Nagasawa raised her arm, and immediately tore the sleeve of her left wrist with her right hand.


With the sound of cloth being torn, a huge gash suddenly appeared on the cuff of his left hand.

Immediately, he pointed to Ranju and Nanao behind him with his thumb, and then whispered to Asai Renji.

"Even though my clothes are different from what they wear, they are serious and domineering clothes, and they are specially customized."

"If you talk about the price, you can't afford to sell the whole Xudiao District. How do you want to compensate me?"

"And ah... attacking the god of death is a serious crime, and it can't be solved by death, jie jie jie jie!"

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