Ordinary deadly costumes are indeed not expensive, but Senshoumaru's craftsmanship is another matter.

If you take it seriously, the words "priceless treasure" are considered light.

But after witnessing Nagasawa Masa's series of operations, Asai Renji, who came back to his senses, was instantly rushed into his brain by a burst of anger.

He also ignored the disparity in their identities, and immediately shouted angrily.

"You...are you kidding me!?"

"There are so many pairs of eyes here. I just bumped into you. Even if I cause trouble to the Seireitei, it's not enough to attack!"

"Also, you obviously tore this up yourself!"

"Did you say so!?"

Listening to Asai Renji's accusation like a cuckoo dripping blood, a villainous smile suddenly appeared on Nagasawa Masa's face.

"Yes, I said yes. You see, the judge believes you or me, young man."


A Sanjing Renji was suddenly out of breath, and his bull's eyes were wide open, "You" for a long time, but he couldn't hold back the last half of the word.

However, just when he was about to put his life on the line and never allow the abominable nobleman in front of him to succeed, a somewhat abrupt voice broke into their conversation.


A heroic laughter like a barbell came out of Luanju's mouth behind Nagasawa Masa very abruptly.

I saw her laughing forward and backward, looking like she couldn't help herself, patting Nagazeya on the shoulder and laughing.

"No, no, no, I can't help it."

"Ya, please stop teasing him. You'll scare this child."

"I'm speechless."

It seems that because of Luan Ju's gag, Nagasawa Ya, who had a villainous smile just now, seemed to be a different person, and a spring-like smile suddenly appeared on her face.

I saw him looking at Asai Renji and Rukia, and said softly with an extremely kind smile.


"Nagaze Ya, an ordinary god of death, nothing more."

Hearing the sound coming from his ear, and seeing the sudden change in front of him, Asai Renji couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Nagazawa...I seem to have heard this name somewhere..."

It's just that he hasn't had time to recall exactly where he heard the name.

Rukia standing behind him patted him on the shoulder excitedly, and said quickly with reverence in her eyes.

"Hey, A Sanjing, it's "Elegance"!!!"

"It's "Elegance"!!!"

"I felt a little familiar just now, because I was all focused on him, and I didn't react for a while."

"The one behind him...the one behind him is Mr. Ise!!!"

In an instant, Asai Renji, whose mind was in a down state, woke up instantly as if enlightened.

Maybe Nagasawa Masaru, who had never shown up before, might have lied, but Nanao, who often came to Rukongai to give lectures, couldn't do it.

They even had a glimpse of Qixu standing in the podium from a distance through the crowd.

Immediately, he raised his hand, pointed at Nagasawa Ya tremblingly, and asked tremblingly with an incredulous look on his face.

"You...you are the great virtuous teacher Zeya!!??"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and a strange look appeared on her face.

Great virtuous teacher?

What Zhangjiao?

Next, do you want to say "Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand"?

But then, Renji Abarai, who secretly glanced at Nagasawa Masa's sleeves, had a hint of suspicion in his eyes again.

Why did the legendary Nagasawa want to blackmail them?

This is quite different from the legendary image.

As if noticing Renji Abarai's gaze, Nagasawa raised her hand and pointed at her sleeve.

"You want to ask this?"

"It's a little test for you guys."

"Family, friendship, and partners often become extremely fragile when faced with life and death decisions."

"You two have good talents, but if you only have talents, you won't be able to catch the eyes of someone like me."

"In general, your performance is not bad, and you have not let me down."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's answer, Renji Asai and Rukia couldn't help but look at each other, and both of them could see a look of relief in each other's eyes.

But even so, Asai Renji pointed to Nagasawa Masa's sleeve nervously, and asked softly in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Then... Then I shouldn't have to pay for this, right?"

"I...I really can't afford to pay..."

The test is the test, but Nagasawa Ya's clothes are really torn.

If it is true as Nagasawa Ya said, this is a set of clothes that can buy the Xudiao area, and he can't afford it if he sells it for eight pieces.

Hearing this, Nagasawa also had a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Unexpectedly, this red-haired kid was quite interesting.

Immediately, with a light swipe of his finger, the tear on the sleeve instantly returned to its original appearance with the replenishment of spirit seeds.

Looking at Asai Renji and Rukia who were greatly relieved, Nagasawa Masa once again asked her own question.

Only this time, the smile on his face was extremely pure.

"So... what's your answer?"

...... cut......

On a day when PS.1.6000+ was reached, at the end of the month, I went for it!

PS.2. I feel that "Houlang" seems to be pretty good in general except for the lightning strike at the beginning. Watch two more episodes and try!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It has to be said that fame is a good thing.

After learning the identities of Masa Nagasawa and others, Renji and Rukia's doubts disappeared, and they all showed excited expressions.

This is Ya Nagasawa!

Not to mention the identity of the other party's god of death, just the identity of "great virtuous teacher" is enough to make them flourish, and they are completely liberated from the quagmire of Liuhun Street.

However, just when Renji and Rukia were about to agree, a look of hesitation flashed in their eyes again.

Immediately, the two turned their heads at the same time and looked at their three companions.

What came oncoming were three pairs of eyes full of envy.

That was the only "family" they had after coming to Rukongai.

No matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles they encountered, the five young children supported all the way, gritted their teeth, and survived all the way.

The opportunity in front of them is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but if they are allowed to abandon their families who have always supported each other...

Thinking of this, Renji couldn't help but gritted his teeth, turned his head, and said quickly to Nagasawa Masa as if mustering all his courage.

"Then... that, can you take them with you?"

"We're good guys..."

However, before he could finish his words, Nagasawa interrupted without hesitation.

"that's not allowed."

"They don't have any spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies, and they can't absorb the spirit particles scattered in the air. If they practice forcefully, not only will they not be able to become stronger, but they will also accelerate the consumption of their little soul power."

"Once the power of the soul in the body is exhausted, I don't need to say more about what will happen."

Masa Nagasawa understands and agrees with Renji's desire to share hardships and share blessings.

But the reality is often cruel.

In the world of Grim Reaper, not having talent is original sin.

Not everyone can get as much help as Kurosaki Ichigo.

After hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Renji and Rukia fell silent, and the eyes of their three companions also showed disappointment.

But when he said this, Nagasawa changed the subject and continued.

"However, although you can't practice, you can still improve your life. My friends have some businesses in various blocks of Liuhun Street. If they want, I can arrange them to do it in Runlin'an's shop. some work."

"At least, there is nothing wrong with living comfortably."

Masa Nagasawa is not a bad person, she won't make arrangements for Renji and Rukia's life just because of Renji's and Rukia's talents.

To find a means for him to make a living is to be extremely benevolent and righteous.

However, for Nagasawa Ya, this may be just "teaching a man how to fish", but in the eyes of Lianci and others, this is a great kindness.

In an instant, Renji and Rukia, as well as their three companions, all had expressions of joy on their faces.

That's Run Lin'an!

Among the 320 blocks of Liuhun Street, it is the most affluent block.

What you need to know is that after the souls come to the world of corpses and souls, they will be distributed "sorting coupons" by the god of death, and they will be distributed to the 320 blocks in the southeast, northwest, according to the order of death.

This "collation coupon" is the ancient "road guide".

Although Liuhun Street's inspection of "Collection Tickets" is not so strict, it is generally no big deal if it is not discovered.

But unless you are going to Zhenyang to apply for the exam, otherwise, ordinary souls are not allowed to leave their neighborhoods at will.

This is one of the reasons why they are so poor that they can only make a living by stealing and giving out to well-wishers, and they still haven't moved to a block with a higher number.

And the appearance of Nagasawa directly brought them from the poorest Xudiao District to the affluent Runlin'an. How could this not make them overjoyed?

Looking at the five people with excited faces, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

However, just when he was about to say something more, Renji, who was standing in front of him just now, suddenly knelt down on his knees, knocked his head down heavily, and shouted loudly.


"Your great kindness, I, Asai Renji, will spend my whole life repaying it!"

"I heard that you have no children, and I have no father or mother. If you don't dislike it, I want to give you a pension!"

"Please accept me!"

Saying that, Renji raised his head, and knocked it down again.

Looking at Renji whose words are full of sincerity, listening to the sincere words in his ears.

For some reason, Nagasawa suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling.

There is one thing to say, he said at the beginning that he made Renji and Rukia his "sons", just to play tricks.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually took it seriously.

After all, he was twenty-nine years old, in the prime of his youth, not to mention unmarried and without children, and he didn't even have a firm partner.

If people know that he has such a half-grown child, how can he create his own Nagasawa Paradise?

Thinking of this, he was ready to correct Renji's address, he just needed to call him "teacher".

Unexpectedly, before he had time to speak, Rukia on the other side saw Renji not hesitate to bow his head without hesitation, and immediately knelt down on his knees imitating the example.

"Thank you for not giving up, Lucia is willing to be your adoptive father."


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