To be honest, in Nagasawa's opinion, this is either bad or stupid.

Moreover, no matter whether it was his previous life or the present life after rebirth, Nagasawa has always been a person who attaches great importance to his family and companions.

Although he could understand the behavior of Kuchiki Hima, a weak woman who was forced to survive and abandon her sister, but he disagreed with it from the bottom of his heart.

And seriously.

During the month of returning to the world of corpses and souls, he once read the information of Brother Kamikawa Rennosuke.

After a big battle with him, Kamikawa Rennosuke's background information was almost uncovered by the angry Yoruichi.

In those files, the life of Kamikawa Rennosuke is recorded in detail.

They are also twin brothers, and they are also assigned to regions numbered after seventy.

But as the elder brother, Kamigawa Rennosuke never thought of abandoning his younger brother.

Instead, he gritted his teeth and tried his best, even if he did everything he could, he still had to bring his younger brother to live in this cruel world.

In comparison of the two, Kuchiki Hime's actions are completely contrary to his values.

This is also one of the reasons why he doesn't like Kuchiki Hime so much.

Today, the reason why he brought Rukia to Kuchiki's house.

For one thing, since she has adopted Rukia as her adoptive son, she has the right to know her own background.

Secondly, this can be regarded as a disguised form of bondage. Rukia, who lacks talent, needs such motivation to drive herself to grow.

As for whether to forgive Kuchiki Hijin, this is not something that Nagasawa Masaru can decide.

At this moment, Rukia is no longer the homeless girl who is struggling in Ruhun Street just to make a living.

The moment he, Chang Zeya, accepted her as his adoptive son, he was her strongest backing!

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa didn't make too many detours with Hima Kuchiki, and said directly.

"Although it's the first time we meet, don't you plan to say something?"

As he spoke, he pointed to Rukia in front of him.

Nagasawa Masa's words were very light, but they hit Kuchiki Feizhen's heart directly.

She didn't know why, even though it was just their first meeting, Kuchiki Hijin felt like the other party understood her very well.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but put a bitter smile on her face.


However, just when she was about to say something, there was an anxious sound, followed by the sound of breaking through the air.

Kuchiki Byakuya's handsome figure came to Kuchiki Hiuma's side in an instant, and while supporting his frail wife, he said quickly.

"As soon as I heard my servant say that you had something extremely important to tell me, I rushed back without stopping. What on earth..."

However, Kuchiki Byakuya hadn't had time to finish his mouth, he realized that Nagasawa Masa was still in the room, and subconsciously looked towards her.

Just this one glance directly caused the pupils in his eyes to shrink, causing him to tremble violently.

I saw his head constantly swinging back and forth between Nagasawa Ya and Rukia, the calmness of the past seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

"Ya, you...she...this is?"

As if seeing the doubt in Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes, a playful look suddenly appeared in Nagasawa Masa's eyes.

"Bai Zai, you might really want to call me 'uncle' this time."

"I forgot to introduce, she is my adopted son, Rukia."

"You can also call her...Rukia Nagasawa if she wants."

"Of course, the adopted son doesn't need to change his surname. In this regard, I respect Rukia's choice."

As he spoke, he shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, with a relaxed and freehand look.

On the other hand, Bai Zai, the dead wood in front of him, had a stern expression on his face and slightly trembling lips, which perfectly reflected his state of mind at the moment.

Kuchiki Byakuya naturally knew about his wife's obsession.

Seeing Rukia who is [-]% like Kuchiki Hime at this time, he still doesn't understand the other party's identity.

His wife's younger sister is Masa Nagasawa's adopted son.

His own father is Nagasawa Ya's life and death acquaintance, and his brothers are considered brothers.

If it's just one of them, he can still barely discuss friendship with Masa Nagasawa on their own terms.

But when you add the two together...

Although the education he received since he was a child, Kuchiki Byakuya clearly knew that he should keep his elders in order and respect his elders.

But he couldn't say the word "uncle".

It seemed that he had noticed the embarrassment on his husband's face and Rukia's anxious eyes.

After sighing softly, Kuchiki Haizhen gently held Kuchiki Byakuya's hand, and then told his past without any concealment.

Listening to Kuchiki Hime's narration, Nanao and Rukia also showed different expressions in their eyes.

After years of study, Nanao has learned how to put herself in her shoes and think about a problem.

Although she was shocked by Kuchiki Feizhen's decision, when she put herself into Kuchiki Feizhen's situation at that time, she had to admit it helplessly.

For Kuchiki Hime, who can't even solve food and clothing, and doesn't have the talent to become a god of death.

Abandoning Rukia is indeed the most correct choice.

However, Nanao may be able to truly understand Kuchiki Fei, but as the "abandoned" party, Rukia's eyes are full of collapse.

This answer was too cruel for her.

At first, when she saw Kuchiki Hime, who was [-]% similar to her and was about to be much older, she had some unrealistic fantasies about whether she was one of the daughters left behind by the other party on Liuhun Street. Category.

However, the cruel reality is that the other party abandoned him who was still in his infancy in order to survive.

It turns out...I am not a lonely person without father and mother, but a lonely ghost abandoned by my biological sister on Liuhun Street...

For a moment, Rukia was like a puppet whose soul had been taken away, and she sat there in a daze, not even noticing the hot tears falling from her eyes.

Seeing that Rukia was in a bad mood, Kuchiki Hime became anxious on the spot.

She didn't care about Kuchiki Byakuya's obstruction, she hurriedly got up and hugged Rukia who was devastated, as if her soul had been emptied, and kept muttering.

"sorry Sorry sorry......"

"I am not qualified to be your sister for abandoning you, but even so, I don't want to see you like this..."

"I'm sorry Rukia, please, don't be like this..."

Regarding Kuchiki Hime's words, Rukia, who was sitting in the same place, seemed to have not heard at all, and let the other party hug her body.

However, at this moment, a warm and familiar big hand gently landed on the top of her head.

At this moment, Rukia, who seemed to have lost everything, was like a drowning man grabbing the last straw. She raised her head in a daze, and stared blankly at the standing woman with her eyes full of tears. Behind him is Masahiro Nagasawa.

"Tears are a good thing that can wash away the bitterness and sadness when shed."

"But when you grow up, you will understand that there are still many great sorrows in life that cannot be washed away by tears, and great pain that is so unforgettable that you can't cry even if you want to cry."

"So... really strong people, the more they want to cry, the louder they laugh, they carry pain and sorrow in their hearts, even so, they have to carry them forward with a smile."

"Cry as much as you want now."

"But one day, you will definitely become a strong death god."

Saying that, Nagasawa Masa looked at Rukia with tenderness on her face, and said softly.

"My adopted son of Masa Nagasawa is not such a weak person, you are right, Rukia."

Nagasawa Masa's words were still very gentle.

But at this moment, a dazzling light burst out from Lucia's eyes.

...... cut......

PS. For the sake of full attendance and continuous updates on 28 and 29, I started to explode.

It’s another 6000+ day. My liver, hold on, help me another hundred million times!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Listening to the voice from the ear, Masa Nagasawa seemed to be the only light in Rukia's eyes at this moment.

After a short thought, Rukia turned her head and gently pushed Kuchiki Hima away in front of her.

Her gaze was flat, without the joy of finding a long-lost relative, nor the pain of being abandoned by a loved one.

She just looked at Kuchiki Feizhen indifferently, and whispered in an extremely calm tone.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kuchiki, I think you may have misunderstood the person."

"Although we do look very similar, I think you must have misunderstood. I am not your sister."

Rukia's voice was very soft, and her way of speaking was very decent, but when Kuchiki Feizhen heard her words, her heart was shocked.

Although I have already prepared myself mentally and know that I have abandoned Rukia, I am not qualified to be called "sister" anymore.

But after hearing such resolute words, Kuchiki Feizhen's eyes still showed a strong color of pain.

In addition, her body was already weak, and she couldn't bear the stimulation, and she was on the verge of falling.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya hurriedly supported Kuchiki Hime, his eyes were full of distress.

Why can't he understand the meaning of Rukia's words.

Although he said polite words, the meaning of rejection was unparalleled and firm.

Of course, he didn't mean to blame Rukia.

Kuchiki Byakuya is a very rational person, except when facing his father, Nagasawa Masa, and Kuchiki Hime, he rarely acts emotionally.

Even in some respects, his views are highly consistent with those of Masa Nagasawa.

Take the case of Rukia refusing to be with Kuchiki Hijin.

When Nagasawa heard Rukia's "answer", he didn't show any surprise.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

He is the most annoying person to persuade him to be generous.

If Rukia is willing to recognize Kuchiki Hijin as her sister, then everyone will be happy.

If he didn't want to recognize each other, he naturally wouldn't try to persuade Rukia to be generous.

Acceptance and forgiveness are two different things.

As Rukia's father, as long as he gives the other party the greatest support, that's enough.

The scene turned awkward for a while.

As the heir of the Kuchiki family and also the master of the family, Byakuya Kuchiki stepped forward at the right time.

"Fei Zhen, go back and rest first, I'll take care of the rest."

Kuchiki Fei is really a very traditional woman. Although her heart is in a mess at the moment, after hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's words, she still pulls herself together and tries to smile.

Then he turned his head and whispered to everyone.

"Sorry, I was rude just now, and made everyone laugh."

"Wa Daxi is feeling unwell, and Lord Bai Zai has come back, so I will cough cough cough cough..."

As the wife of the heir to the Kuchiki family, Hijin Kuchiki is really good at teaching etiquette.

Even if he suffered a serious mental injury, he still did not lose his identity as the Kuchiki family.

However, it was probably because of his frailty and sickness, and the fact that he had just been given a strong medicine.

Before Kuchiki Hima could finish the words, he couldn't help but coughed violently.

The face that was only a little bloody turned pale in an instant.

At this moment, the closest to Kuchiki Feizhen is undoubtedly Kuchiki Byakuya beside her.

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