But the moment she coughed, the one who supported her first was the Rukia sitting in front of her who hadn't started to cultivate, she was just like her, just an ordinary soul.

"Sister... Mrs. Kuchiki!?"

Seeing the flash of concern in Rukia's eyes, but quickly covered up by it, Nagasawa immediately understood.

Although it was very painful in my heart, and I refused to admit Kuchiki Feizhen, but after all, the bones were broken and the tendons were still connected.

If you want to say that you don't care about your only family member at all, you absolutely can't.

The only thing I can't get over is probably the hurdle in my heart that was once abandoned by my closest relatives.

Looking at Rukia who was supporting her, Kuchiki Hime, who was still a little pale just now, seemed to be "returning to the light", and a joyful brilliance burst out on his face instantly.

She still cares about me, Lucia, she still cares about me!

For a moment, Kuchiki Hime was ecstatic as if he had grasped the last straw in a desperate situation.

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa still doesn't understand Rukia's true intentions.

This adopted son of his is really not frank enough.

However, no matter how Rukia chooses, he respects the other party's decision.

Seeing this, he simply pushed the boat along and spoke softly.

"Lukia, since my eldest niece and daughter-in-law are not feeling well, you can help her go back to rest first, I have some business to explain to Bai Zai."

Listening to the words coming to her ears, a complicated look flashed in Lucia's eyes.

I don't know if it's due to the order of the old man Nagasawa, or because of my true inner thoughts.

After hesitating for a moment, Rukia nodded.

"Yes, Dad."

As she said that, she supported Kuchiki Feizhen, and followed Kuchiki Feizhen like a model. After bowing to everyone, she supported him and walked towards the backyard of Kuchiki's house.

Watching them walk away slowly, until the sound of Rukia's two footsteps gradually disappeared in their ears, Masa Nagasawa spoke in a teasing tone to Byakuya Kuchiki, who was sitting at the tea table in a serious manner and pretended to be cold. joked.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are so good at kung fu. My eldest nephew, your reflexes have actually declined to such an extent that you can't even help your wife who is about to collapse. You still need my incompetent adopted son to do it for you."

"It seems that I need to consider whether to keep you in my special operations team."

"After all, as an independent team that is independent from the thirteenth team of the court, it deals with serious and important cases, and there is no room for people who fish in troubled waters."

Looking at Nagasawa Ya's narrow eyes, Kuchiki Byakuya seemed to be enduring it extremely hard, his iceberg-like face looked distorted and hideous.

In the end, it seemed that after a long psychological struggle, he finally suppressed the evil fire in his heart, glanced at Nagasawa Ya indifferently, and then responded softly.

"I did it on purpose, just tell me what you're going to do to me, right?"

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's broken jar-like response, even Nagasawa Masa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This is not something that Kuchiki Byakuya could say.

On the contrary, it was more like the answer that Nagasawa would give.

What's the matter, Master Kuchiki is laughing at Nagasawa Masa, understanding Nagasawa Masa, not as good as Nagasawa Masa.

Finally turned into someone like me?

For a moment, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help feeling mixed feelings, she patted Byakuya Kuchiki's shoulder lightly, and said softly in an old comforting tone.

"Bai Zai, you have finally grown up..."

"Uncle, I am very pleased."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

Listening to Nagasawa Yana's tone like an elder teaching a junior, she looked at Nanao who covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

This time, Kuchiki Byakuya was completely stunned.

Sure enough, in terms of being angry, it has to be you, Nagasawa.

High blood pressure!

Trying to calm down his mood, Kuchiki Byakuya still asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"How did you find...uh...Rukia's?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face, and then looked at Byakuya Kuchiki with a strange expression and responded softly.

"Different from the leisurely young master like your eldest nephew, we are very busy."

"Not only do we have to supervise the research and development progress of Division [-], but we also supervise their installation progress. We are in a tense working state all the time."

Listening to the words in his ear, Byakuya Kuchiki felt that his blood pressure, which had been suppressed not long ago, suddenly rose again.

Listen, listen, is this human?

Supervise the progress of research and development and the progress of installation.

Those who dare to do things are all in the [-]th division. You, Nagasawa Ya, are too busy to talk about it, right?

If it hadn't been for the fact that the special operations team hadn't received any missions for a month after its establishment, would Byakuya Kuchiki have returned to the Sixth Division to take care of his father's worries?

I can't think about it, my blood pressure is high again!

However, before he had an attack, Nagasawa continued to speak.

"What a coincidence. When Nanao, Rangiku and I went to Rukongai to check the installation progress, we happened to meet Rukia and another child with good talent."

With that said, Masa Nagasawa briefly described the process of his encounter with Rukia and others.

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's narration, Byakuya Kuchiki's face was obviously taken aback.

A few days ago, he did receive a written report from the person in charge of the family business, saying that Kuchiki's headquarters in Runlin'an, District 1, West Liuhun Street, had recruited three new children from Liuhun Street as assistants. .

Originally, this kind of trivial matter would not be sent to him at all, but because the person who sent the three children was Masa Nagasawa, the son of the family in charge of business took advantage of the opportunity to mention it.

At that time, Kuchiki Byakuya didn't take it seriously, just glanced at it casually, and put it aside.

Unexpectedly, since then, his sister-in-law has been found by Nagasawa Ya.

But soon, a flash of light flashed across his mind, as if he had realized something, a pensive look appeared on his face.

However, Nagasawa Masaru on the side seemed not to realize what Byakuya Kuchiki was thinking about, and continued to speak in a somewhat casual tone as he was minding his own business.

"Well, speaking of it, my niece and daughter-in-law are really pitiful."

"It's obviously just an ordinary soul, but in order to satisfy someone's selfish desires, not to mention staying in a place with a high concentration of spirit particles like Jinglingting all day long, it has to bear someone's increasingly powerful spiritual pressure."

"This love is too heavy."

"If it were me, I would have to let her move to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live for a while, relax and make new friends."

What Nagasawa said was very offensive.

But this time, Kuchiki Byakuya's face didn't reveal the slightest bit of anger.

On the contrary, it was like turning the clouds to see the moon, and it became clear in an instant.

...... cut......

PS. The mother-in-law is positive, and I just sent her to the hospital with my wife to hang a bottle. This chapter was coded at the hospital.

First post, if there are any typos or something, I will change it tomorrow, and there will be another chapter in a while.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kuchiki Byakuya is not a dull person, although Masa Nagasawa's words sounded really unbearable, but he grasped the key point in an instant.

"You mean..."

He asked tentatively.

"I did not say anything."

It's just that before he even had time to finish the question, Masa Nagasawa rolled her eyes, floated directly to Nanao's side, and stuffed the peeled orange into her mouth under the smiling gaze of the other party. .

Seeing Nagasawa's attitude even more corrupt than that of a great noble like him, Byakuya Kuchiki suddenly became furious.

But soon, a look of reluctance flashed in his eyes again.

He and Kuchiki Hiuma had just been married for less than a year. They were newlyweds and were in the honeymoon stage.

But as a god of death, why didn't he know that his spiritual pressure would cause serious damage to Kuchiki Feizhen, let alone his father, who was also a captain with a spiritual power level of three.

In order to protect Kuchiki Hima, the daughter-in-law, from her own Reiatsu, unless necessary, Kuchiki Aojun, the head of the Kuchiki family, seldom went home for the past year.

For this, Kuchiki Byakuya has always felt guilty.

After thinking for a long time, Kuchiki Byakuya seemed to have made some decision, the color in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a steadfast look.

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa, who had been sizing up Byakuya Kuchiki secretly, nodded inwardly.

In the original plot, Kuchiki Hime, as the head of the Kuchiki family, is absolutely impossible to move out of the Kuchiki family for her own safety after she gets married.

This will not only embarrass Byakuya Kuchiki, who has withstood the pressure from the clan and insisted on marrying him into the Kuchiki family, but will also make the Kuchiki family a joke among nobles.

For whatever reason, she couldn't do that.

But it's different now.

With Kuchiki Canojun standing on top of it, and Kuchiki Byakuya still bears the name of an heir, but Kuchiki Hima has a lot of room for maneuver.

Whether he is sent to Rukongai as a business manager, or he stays at home raising his husband and raising children, no one can make a mistake.

Even if he did a good job, he would praise him for being virtuous and capable.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Kuchiki Feizhen moved to Runlin'an just to nourish his body and restore his vitality.

Don't forget, in Runlin'an's Kuchiki's store, there are still three companions who grew up with Rukia and depended on each other.

Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Fei really have no reason not to understand the principle of saving the country by curves.

The only thing that troubled Kuchiki Byakuya was probably being separated from the person he loves, and the pain of separation could not be concealed in his heart.

However, Masa Nagasawa, who vaguely guessed Kuchiki Byakuya's thoughts, sneered at it.

As for Kuchiki Byakuya, this weak chicken...... Heh.

In his fate value panel, he saw the words Kuchiki Byakuya "drained" more than once.

He was thinking about the body of his eldest nephew, who looked like a graceful school!

Sex is a bone-scraping knife, young people should not be too obsessed with beauty!

Not everyone can be as bold and persistent as he is.

Rukia went fast and came back fast.

Looking at the other party's hurried expression, Nagasawa guessed that probably she ran away in a hurry just after sending Kuchiki Feizhen back to the house.

He even suspected that if Kuchiki's house was smaller, the other party might be able to come back faster.

After once again lamenting the corruption and extravagance of the great nobles, Nagasawa got up to leave.


After taking Rukia away from the Kuchiki family's mansion, the three of them did not return to their small courtyard, but turned to the fourth division team building some distance away from Noble Street.

"Daddy~! Mr. Ise~! Rukia~!"

"Here, here~!"

Before he reached the door of the fourth division team building, he heard Renji's sonorous voice from a long distance away.

Seen from a distance, Renji and Ranju, who was leaning against the gate of the fourth division team building, looked like they had been waiting for a long time.

Speaking of which, Masa Nagasawa only found out about this after she arranged for Rukia and Renji to enroll in Mao.

Mao's official students have to go to the fourth team for a full physical examination before entering school, in addition to the entrance exam.

Because he was a teacher who became a monk on the way, and Xiu Bing was just an auditor at the school, so he really didn't know about it.

It wasn't until Qixu reminded him that he didn't know that there was still such a stubble.

Waiting to walk outside the fourth team's house, looking at the familiar door in front of him, Nagasawa couldn't help but think back to the days when he was hospitalized in the past.

Speaking of which, before he was involved in the rift, he was a frequent visitor to the fourth team.

He is even more familiar with the team building of the fourth team than the team building of the sixth team.

Under the somewhat surprised gazes of Luan Ju and Qi Xu, he drove the crowd with ease to the medical examination room.

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