He just pushed open the door, but he was stunned for a moment as if he had been enchanted by petrification magic.

I saw a tall girl with short silver-gray hair sitting at the table, scribbling and correcting something seriously.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the door being pushed that he stood up in a panic and looked in the direction of the door.

But it was this glance that met Nagasawa Ya's gaze.


Seemingly surprised by Nagasawa Masa's arrival, Hucheru Yuone's golden eyes widened instantly.

Then, instead of asking about Nagasawa's purpose, she turned around in a panic and quickly stacked the papers on the table together.

It wasn't until after pushing the stack of very messy papers aside that he turned his head, stroked the ends of his hair that fell to his forehead, and asked Nagasawa Ya in a low voice, in a somewhat timid tone.

"Ya, I heard that the commander-in-chief established a special operations team and appointed you as the commander-in-chief. You must be very busy, right?"

"Come to the fourth team today, what's the matter?"

Listening to the sound coming from her ear, Nagaze Ya finally came to her senses under Luan Ju's narrow gaze.

November 49 and 11 days, he will never forget this string of numbers.

This is a series of numbers that Unozhihualie told him after seeing him in Xuquan.

Every day when he was involved in the rift, the girl in front of him cared about him in her own way.

However, after returning to Soul Soul World, except for the reunion scene on the first day, he never visited Yong Yin once.

Although Yongyin has a slender figure of nearly 1.9 meters, and usually speaks like a boy, she is actually a rather timid and introverted girl.

Usually not good at communicating with people, let alone take the initiative to say something.

Probably except for Unohana Retsu and her younger sister Kotetsu Kiyone, what she and everyone in the Fourth Division combined might not be able to say as well as the two people in front of them.

Sometimes, Nagasawa herself doubts whether she is too scumbag.

Finally, I did a big self-examination in my heart and forgave myself.

Then, after making a severe cut with the self-condemning self just now, Nagasawa immediately puffed up his chest.

He just wants to give all the girls a home, what's wrong with that?

Immediately, a soft smile appeared on Nagazeya's face, and she spoke softly.

"Hey, long time no see, Xiao Yongyin."

...... cut......

PS. I finally got home, and I’m sleepy. Let’s make 5000+ today. Let’s continue to work hard tomorrow. Let’s go to sleep.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay... Long time no see, Ya!"

Hearing the sound coming from his ear, Yong Yin couldn't help but blushed pretty, and replied softly, somewhat timidly.

However, just after finishing speaking, Yong Yin felt a little regretful.

She knows her character.

Indecisive, never take the initiative to fight for something for yourself.

Obviously miss Nagasawa as much as anyone, but after seeing Nagasawa returned safely, he never took the initiative to find her.

Her younger sister Kotetsu Kiyone was also very angry with her "unsatisfactory" look, and had complained about her countless times.

Thinking of this, Yong Yin suddenly felt wronged again.

She can't help it, she just doesn't dare!

Every time she met Nagasawa's gaze, she felt her heartbeat speed up and she couldn't even look him in the eyes, let alone say clearly what she wanted to say.

Seeing that all these years have passed, Yong Yin's character is still as introverted as ever, Nagasawa Ya also sighed faintly in his heart.

Yong Yin is the third seat in the fourth team, it is not that he has not considered poaching Yong Yin into his special operations team.

After all, nurses are very important in a team.

However, Yong Yin's personality is as if she was born for the fourth team. If she is asked to do logistics support work, her professional ability is definitely first-class.

But if she were to charge to the front line, it would be too embarrassing for this girl.

He could only cancel his original plan.

Fortunately, as the high-ranking officer of the Fourth Division, Yongyin is still perfectly qualified for various tasks, no matter how introverted his personality is.

After Masa Nagasawa explained her intentions, Yune hurriedly pulled Rukia and Renji together for a physical examination.

The physical examination room of the fourth squad is not too big, and with the fact that Nagasawa Ya and his group Ulala have rushed into the fifth and sixth people, after Yongyin gets busy, it seems that there is not enough space, and it will be enough.

I don't know if it's for Yong Yin to work better, or for some other reason.

Nanao standing by the door tugged the sleeves of Luanju who was watching with relish, as if recalling her youthful years.

Immediately, under Luan Ju's puzzled gaze, he was pulled out of the medical examination room, leaving Chang Zeya alone in the room to accompany her.

Yunon's efficiency is very high, and Mao's physical examination is mainly to confirm that the newly admitted students have no hidden diseases, and it is not an overly complicated procedure.

In just a short while, Renji and Rukia completed their physical examinations one after another.

Gently asking the two to wait for a while, Yong Yin Dang even returned to the table and wrote the medical report.

Seeing Yongyin's writing in a straight line, as the "parent" of the two, Nagasawa Masari moved closer as he should, and asked softly while looking at the content written in Yongyin's hand.

"These two children look healthy to me. They should be fine, right?"


Yong Yin, who was seriously writing the medical examination report, seemed completely unaware of Nagasawa Masa's approach.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a sound coming from her ear, and she jumped up from the chair like a frightened deer.


Excessive movements, coupled with long legs of 1.8 meters.

Standing up abruptly, Yong Yin's thigh hit the lower edge of the table.

For Yongyin, who is already a high-ranking official, this small impact will naturally not cause any harm to her, and even the pain can be said to be minimal.

But the table in front of her didn't think so.

Under the violent impact, the stack of papers that were stacked by Yong Yin and pushed to the corner of the table just now lost their balance in an instant under the impact, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Seeing this, Yong Yin, who was a little frightened just now, immediately screamed, and with unparalleled speed, flew to the pile of white papers scattered on the ground, and quickly picked it up.

At first, Masa Nagasawa didn't care about it, and was going to greet Rukia and Renji who were on the side, and help clean up together.

However, when Rukia picked up a piece of white paper that had fallen at her feet, and saw clearly the person drawn on the white paper, she couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on her face.

"This is... Daddy?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa's expression froze slightly.

Immediately, he walked slowly to Yongyin's side, squatted down, and picked up a piece of white paper scattered on the ground.

Then, a handsome face with plump and handsome face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, more handsome than Pan An, appeared vividly on the paper.

This is a portrait.

Yongyin's painting skills are very good, even Nagasawa, who often looks in the mirror, can't help but frown slightly when she looks at the portrait in her hand, and her eyes are full of intoxication.

It wasn't until a while later that he recovered from his prosperous beauty and looked at Yongyin beside him.

It's just that Yong Yin's pretty face at this moment already looks like an overcooked crab, it's too red.

It was too late to reach out to cover his flushed face, let alone look at Nagasawa Masaru who was standing aside.

Looking at Yong Yin's cute appearance, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help but flash a soft light in her eyes.

The drawing papers scattered all over the floor, some are portraits, some are full-body portraits, and so on.

But it can be seen that these paintings were not painted continuously in a short period of time.

From the degree of yellowing of the paper, as well as the newness and oldness of the ink, it can be clearly seen that the first few sheets of drawing paper may be quite old.

Although Yong Yin is not good at expressing his true emotions, he uses another way to pin them on the drawing paper.

Nagasawa couldn't help but said.

"The painting is really good, can you send me a picture?"

Hearing this, she covered her cheeks, and because of the shyness in her heart, Yuyin did not dare to look directly at Nagasawa Masa. Subconsciously, she opened her fingers slightly, and through the gap between her fingers, she stole a glance at the woman who was squatting beside her. Nagasawa Ya.

It was just that her somewhat evasive gaze had just looked through her fingers at Nagasawa Ya who was aside, but she suddenly met the pair of eyes that had been staring at her with a gentle expression.

The moment their eyes met, Yong Yin suddenly felt his heart jumping up and down very quickly.

Almost within a second of her eye contact with Nagasawa Ya, she quickly closed her fingers, and whispered in a voice like a mosquito.


After receiving Yongyin's affirmative reply, Nagasawa's lips curved slightly.

Immediately, he didn't pick it, but he carefully folded the drawing paper in his hand, and only said softly after putting it into the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Thanks, I'll keep it safe."

Hearing the voice in his ear, Yong Yin, who was covering his face, couldn't help but startled slightly.

Although she was a bit slow and introverted, but for some reason, she heard many meanings from Nagasawa Ya's short "thank you".

The minds between the two seemed to blend with each other at this moment.

...... cut......

PS. It's so hard, people around me are constantly having Eryang, and I don't know if I have already passed Eryang at the beginning of the month.

The good news is that the lung CT scan last week showed no problems.

Strong body, yes!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaving the fourth division, walking on the streets returning to Noble Street.

As if he wanted to say something, Renji, who was following Nagasawa and Ya three, gently pulled La Lucia's sleeve, and deliberately slowed down his pace.

Seeing her companion's sneaky look, Rukia's eyes immediately showed a look of doubt.

However, due to the friendship she had grown up with since she was a child, after hesitating for a moment, she still slowed down her pace and fell far behind Nagasawa and the three of them.

It wasn't until some distance away from the three of them that he covered his mouth and asked softly in a very small voice.

"Renji, what are you doing?"

"Is there anything that needs to be said to avoid daddy?"

Although she had not known Nagasawa for a long time, the warmth that Nagasawa gave her and the unhesitating support he showed in the Kuchiki family were the most important things in her short life of more than ten years. Something that was never given.

Even after the other party accepted her as his adopted son, he didn't treat her around because of his identity. Instead, he gave her the greatest respect and truly treated her as a "son".

This also completely won her respect and respect.

However, at this moment, Renji, who had been dependent on her since childhood and was also adopted as an adopted son by Nagasawa Masaru, actually wanted to discuss things with her alone behind Nagasawa Masa's back.

This made her frown.

However, perhaps Renji's character is relatively slow.

He didn't notice anything strange on Lucia's face. Instead, he looked around with a guilty conscience. He stretched his neck again, and after confirming that Nagazeya and the others were some distance away from him, he asked softly in a sneaky tone.

"Lukia, to be honest, this problem has troubled me for a long time, and today it has reached its peak!"

"If you don't ask, I feel like I'm going to suffocate!"

"You have been smart since you were a child, why don't you analyze it?"

Listening to the words in her ears, Rukia's frowning brows could not help but relax a little.

Immediately, she looked at Renji with a somewhat suspicious expression, puzzled.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

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