Seeing that Rukia took over the conversation, Renji's face immediately revealed a look of joy.

In the next second, the intense gossip in his eyes almost overflowed his sockets.

He lowered his voice and asked Lucia softly in a voice that was almost a whisper.

"Who do you think...Mr. Ise, Mr. Matsumoto, and the three seats of Toru just now, who is our future..."

Hearing this, Rukia didn't understand what Renji wanted to ask.

However, as if recalling something terrible, her body trembled slightly for no reason.

She didn't even wait for Renji to finish her words, she quickly covered the other's mouth, dragged him to the corner of the street, and scolded him softly.


"Do you want to die!?"

"This is something we can discuss!?"

Although they are already living under the same roof, Rukia is still a little apprehensive about Matsumoto Rangiku until now.

A while ago, just because she called "Sister Luanju" instead of "Mr. Matsumoto", she was punished by her for copying the school rules of Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Arts twenty times.

God is pitiful, she was an ordinary soul who grew up on Liuhun Street, not much better than a ronin, and it took her almost a day just to read the words on the school rules.

Can't finish copying, can't finish copying at all!

If Renji hadn't joined in midway and helped her share nearly half of the punishment, she would have fainted in the toilet from crying.

Seeing that Renji's words did not attract the attention of Nagasawa Masaru and others who were walking in front, Rukia secretly breathed a sigh of relief before continuing.

"Leaving aside Mr. Ise, Mr. Matsumoto's affection for Dad is so obvious that even a blind person can see it!"

"If she heard your question just now, it's not just as simple as copying school rules."

"If you want to die, don't pull me!"

"As for the three seats of Huche..."

Saying that, Rukia glanced at Renji with disgust.

A girl puts her whole heart and soul into the painting.

And as the person who wanted to confide, by chance, he saw the drawing paper scattered all over the floor.

Everyone can understand the relationship, so you have to specifically ask about it......

No matter how slow you are, there should be a limit!

Seeing the disgust in Rukia's eyes, Renji couldn't help scratching the back of his head embarrassingly.

However, just when he was about to say something, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from above his head.

"I said... what are you two mumbling about here?"

"The Seiling Court is very big. If you lose your way and are locked up by the Xingjun as spies sent by the rebels, you may never want to leave the maggot's nest for the rest of your life."

Listening to the voice ringing in their ears, Renji and Rukia suddenly felt like ghosts.

A fine layer of cold sweat seeped from the backs of the two of them in an instant.

Luan Ju didn't know when she had already stood on the low wall behind them, looking down at the two of them, her face full of concern.

However, the words that came out of her mouth did not touch the word "concern" at all.

Although they were from Liuhun Street, they had heard about the name of Xing Jun.

That's a group of murderous executioners!

Whether it's for civilians or God of Death.


Although Xing Jun was indeed scary, seeing the mischievous smile on Luan Ju's face, both of them heaved a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Rangiku didn't hear the conversation they just had.

There is help.

Seeing this, Rukia and Renji hurriedly cleared up their moods, and said to Luanju.

"Sorry, mess..."


However, probably because he was too involved in the conversation just now, he forgot to call Luanju for a moment, which immediately attracted Luanju's sharp gaze.

Seeing the other party seems to have an attack.

Renji and Rukia hurriedly bent at ninety degrees, and then spoke loudly with extremely sincere words.

"I'm sorry Matsumoto-san!"

"We were wrong!"

Looking at the two people who looked like Nagasawa Masaru, Rangiku finally nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, he just left a sentence of "follow up", jumped down from the low wall, and walked towards Nagasawa Ya and Nanao who were waiting not far away.

Looking at the back of Ranju, Renji and Rukia let out a long breath as if they had walked through the "Gate of Hell".

The whole person felt as if he had been fished out of the water, and his clothes were soaked.

Immediately, Rukia didn't say anything else, she just glared at Renji fiercely, and then strode towards Rangiku.

...... cut......

PS. I heard that new information about the second season of Thousand Years of Blood War will be announced on May 5, and the first episode of the second season will be released first for everyone to have a sneak peek.

Looking forward to it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So, have you made up your mind?"

"If Xiao Cang has any other opinions, I can help you intercede."

In the small courtyard, Nagasawa Ya was lying on the edge side, drinking the black wheat tangerine in her hand, enjoying the leisurely afternoon, while glanced at Kuchiki Byakuya in front of her with some surprise.

On the other hand, Byakuya Kuchiki, the basic etiquette of nobles prevents him from being as careless as Masa Nagasawa.

He always abides by the rules, sitting upright and kneeling on the edge.

However, after hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, he did not rush to answer the other party, but turned his head slightly, and glanced at the tea with light brown tea foam in his hand.

This was the "tea" that Nagasawa had just torn open and thrown aside casually, using the tiny particles poured out of it to brew for him.

Although he is the eldest son of the Kuchiki family, the head of the five great nobles, Kuchiki Byakuya has never felt that he is such an extravagant, obscene, or in other words, such a particular person.

As long as he was a guest at the Venerable Master's house, even if the other party served him rough tea from Liuhun Street, he could drink it calmly.

It's just that there is no tea, and there is no brewed tea. I just randomly added some cool things to some weird things and handed them over...

Is this your Nagasawa way of hospitality? ?

Isn't it a little too casual! ?

Thinking of this, Byakuya Kuchiki felt that his blood pressure was slightly high.

However, after noticing his expression, Nagasawa not only showed a nonchalant expression, but also drank up the black wheat orange in the cup in one gulp, showing an unfinished look.

"Ah, is that what you want to ask?"

"Don't worry about it. I brought this back when I sneaked away to the present world last time. It tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it?"

Listening to the words in his ears, Byakuya Kuchiki felt his blood pressure jump up slightly just now.

Is it possible to say things like sneaking away to the present world so openly?


It should be... If Nagasawa Masa, who is the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, doesn't follow the rules, who else will?

Byakuya Kuchiki felt that his way of thinking was about to be biased by Masa Nagasawa.

After taking a deep breath, he, who has gradually become accustomed to Nagasawa's style of acting, decided to selectively ignore one or two key words.

As long as I forget it, I don't hear it!

Seeing Nagasawa's expression of enjoyment, he raised his cup suspiciously, and took a sip of the light brown "tea".

The taste is slightly sweet, with the unique smell of licorice and platycodon, which is completely different from the tea he usually drinks.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but I always feel that after drinking this tea, the blood pressure that was just slightly raised by Nagasawa's Masaaki has inexplicably calmed down a lot.

Seeing this, it can be said that Kuchiki Byakuya, who has tasted many delicacies in the soul world, couldn't help but praise him softly.

"Good tea."

After putting down the teacup in his hand, he glanced at the plastic packaging that Nagasawa had just thrown aside and hadn't had time to clean up in the future.

Xuanmai Ganju granules?

If there are children in the family who go to the previous life, they can bring some back to the soul world, study the ingredients, and reproduce them.

Immediately, he calmed down a little, and continued to ask.

"Rukia...won't be back so early?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa suddenly showed a look of "Don't worry", and saw him wave his hand casually, not thinking it.

"Don't worry, she and Renji have already gone to school, and you are also a graduate of Mao, you should be the most clear when the get out of class is over."

"Lanju probably went somewhere to drink again, now there are only me and Qixu in the courtyard."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The reason why he came to find Nagasawa Ya today was to inform her that Kuchiki Feizhen had already moved out of the Kuchiki family's estate, brought her guards, and lived alone in the Kuchiki family's mansion in Runlin'an, District 1, Xiliuhun Street.


"My father has always been very supportive of my decisions, including when I married Hijin and entered the Kuchiki family. He was the one who fought against everyone's opinions to make it so smooth."

"I'm ashamed to say it, but if I'm serious about it, Feizhen moved out of the clan area. Although the elders in the clan were worried about being criticized, to them, it was out of sight, and they didn't encounter any troubles."

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's words, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help curling her lips.

Big families are trouble.

Immediately, he raised his eyes, stared at Kuchiki Byakuya for a moment, and then said in a playful tone.

"That's it, I understand."

For some reason, Kuchiki Byakuya always had a bad feeling when he heard Nagasawa Masaru's "I understand."

"What do you know?"

As he said that, an expression of hatred for iron that could not be transformed into steel suddenly appeared on Nagasawa's face.

"To put it bluntly, it's because you can't bear to part with your little wife."

"Young man, you are still too young."

"When you reach Old Man Shan's age, you will know that separate rooms, or even separation, are the protective colors between husband and wife."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

Listening to the words coming to his ears, Kuchiki Byakuya felt that his blood pressure was rising again.

But thinking about what he was going to say next, Kuchiki Byakuya decided to endure it.

He quickly picked up the black wheat tangerine at hand and took another sip.

Feel the anger in my heart slowly subside.

Immediately, he felt that it was imminent to introduce Xuanmai Ganju into the world of corpses and souls!

Immediately, he revealed the true intention of his trip.

"After Feizhen moves to Runlin'an, I will transfer the three teenagers who grew up with Lukia to work in the mansion."

"Finding Rukia has always been Feizhen's wish and knot. If possible, can you please let Rukia visit her as much as possible?"


Saying that, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was kneeling, moved his feet slightly, turned sideways, faced Masa Nagasawa, and bowed slightly.

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