Kuchiki Byakuya is a very proud person, he doesn't bother to lie, or make small moves behind his back, and he never asks for help.

However, for Kuchiki Hima, he gave everything he could do as a husband.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa, who was lying on her side, put away her laziness, sat up and said.

"If this is the case, I advise you to arrange as many children of the servants in the mansion as possible into the mansion."

"If you only transfer those three children, the intention is too obvious. If there is an adverse effect, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Although Kuchiki Byakuya is willing to give everything for Kuchiki Hima, but he is somewhat unskilled in doing such a thing.

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya's expression was obviously taken aback.

Immediately, he savored the meaning of Nagasawa's elegant words, and his heart shuddered.

Dang even realized the problem.

The reason why Rukia didn't recognize Kuchiki Hime on the spot was because she couldn't get over the "abandoned" hurdle in her heart.

If Kuchiki Hima arranged for Rukia's three companions to make up for the relationship between the sisters, it would easily give Rukia a sense of "all your partners are in my hands".

In Rukia's heart, there was even a little grudge, and everything she had done before would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Kuchiki Byakuya's back immediately burst into a thin layer of cold sweat.

He quickly looked at Nagasawa Ya with somewhat grateful eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I didn't expect that this guy is usually not a good type, but when he is reliable, he is quite reliable.

It seems that Usual really misunderstood him...

However, the idea had just popped into his mind, and he hadn't even had time to finish it.

Over there, Nagasawa spread her hands, shook her head, and spoke softly to him in the tone of an elder who likes to teach the younger generation during festivals.

"You don't have to be too grateful to me. As elders, it is our bounden duty to help the younger ones to check for gaps."

"It's Bai Zai, you are obviously already a husband, but you are still so lacking in thinking about things."

"It's really not easy for Xiao Cang to feed you with feces and piss. You have to grow up as soon as possible, so that you can share his worries."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

Hearing the words that came from his ears, the thoughts that had just arisen in his heart were instantly dismissed by him.

Also, what does it mean to feed a lot of shit and piss! ?

If you can't speak, you don't have to!

He hurriedly picked up the black wheat tangerine in his hand, drank it down, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart with the coolness, and kept comforting himself.

Eat grapes without spitting up grape skins, eat grapes without spitting up grape skins, eat grapes without spitting up grape skins!

Obviously, Kuchiki Byakuya has already regarded the tea in his hand as his blood pressure medicine.

After taking a deep breath again, seeing that the purpose of this visit had been achieved, he obviously relaxed a lot.

Afterwards, Kuchiki Byakuya raised his head as if he suddenly remembered something, and asked softly to Nagasawa Masa.

"By the way, on the way here just now, I ran into the vice-captain of Nozomi Omaeda of the second team. He heard that I joined your special operations team, so he wanted to ask me to ask if his son Nozomi Omaeda would also Practice with you."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing surprise on her face.


"Why didn't he ask himself?"

"Is it so strange?"

During the nearly 50 years of his disappearance, Nozomi Ohmaeda not only never stopped supporting the Brotherhood of Death for a moment, but even the dividends that should be distributed to him every year are stored in the treasury for him.

That was an incredible astronomical sum. He could now lie flat without worrying about food and clothing, largely thanks to the other party's blessing.

Although the relationship between the two has not been verified by the system, it is not inferior to Kuchiki Aojun at all.

Such a trivial matter, do you still need to ask Kuchiki Byakuya?

Immediately, Kuchiki Byakuya continued to speak.

"What he means is that his son Xi Chiyo is average in talent and a bit arrogant in character, and inheriting his mantle, he can barely make do as the vice-captain of the second team, but he will stop there in his life."

"He's a bit reconciled, and wants to send it to your subordinates for sharpening, but he doesn't know how to say it. After all, the captain only gave 20 places, and he doesn't want you to make it difficult."

"So... what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa plucked her ears lazily.

He knew about Omaeda Nozomi's son, Omaeda Nozomi who was nicknamed "Omaeda God".

Although Omaeda Nozomi was concentrating on developing his gourmet empire, he started training his son early and planned to let him take over his class and become the new vice-captain of the second team.

But no matter in character or talent, Nozomi Omaeda can only be regarded as the bottom of the vice-captain.

If you want to recruit him into your own hands...

Tsk, lazy people, he is enough!

Fortunately, Omaeda Nozomi can also understand his embarrassment.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said.

"Ah, it's better to avoid it. You are enough for the self-righteous young master who has never been in the world. I can't bear any more."

"However, if Xi Zhijin wants me to help polish the child, I'm still happy to help, just let him come to me directly in his spare time."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya understood what Masa Nagasawa meant.


What do you mean by an unworldly, self-righteous young master?

High blood pressure!

My buck...ahem, where's my tea?

However, Kuchiki Byakuya, who had just picked up the teacup in his hand, suddenly found sadly that the black wheat tangerine in the cup had already been swallowed up by him in the process of lowering his blood pressure again and again.

At this time, it was already empty.

For a moment, he was so sad that he couldn't control the force on his palm subconsciously.

A tiny crack on the teacup split open along his fingertips in an instant.

...... cut......

PS. If I have a headache, I start to sleep when I get home, and I don’t get up until 11 o’clock to code, and then take a short rest, and I should be able to catch a chapter before the deadline at 6 o’clock.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Spring is coming and autumn is coming, and the May period agreed by Nagasawa Masa and Nirvana Yuri will soon come as promised.

Even Nagasawa has to admit that although Nirvana Yuri is more than a little perverted, if he is on his side, he is quite reliable.

The construction of Liuhun Street's defense system, said five months is five months, not to mention one day, and even completed the installation of related equipment a week in advance.

What's interesting is that I don't know where Urahara Kisuke learned about the installation plan of the [-]th Division. Before the system was completed, he bypassed the Reiatsu monitoring device developed by Mayori Nie and placed it on Seiryuhun Street. On the outskirts of the city, another stronghold has been opened up that can directly lead to Xuye Palace.

To be honest, when Nagasawa saw that stronghold, he was also taken aback.

Kisuke Urahara is really good at being the sixth son, and he did such a big job quietly.

It will be much more convenient to go to Xuquan in the future.

And from Urahara Kisuke, Nagasawa Masa also learned a pretty good news.

Thanks to the presence of Stark and Ulquiola, two self-defeating Valstords, plus the fact that they have solved the problem of "blurring" by Mako Hirako and others.

Kisuke Urahara's research on "Pomen" is progressing quite gratifyingly. According to him, it will soon reach the final stage.

But to be honest, when Aizen doesn't do anything, and Kurosaki Ichigo, the son of destiny, has not yet been born, the world of ghosts and souls is really too peaceful.

Even if Youxu broke through the boundary occasionally, because of the timely discovery of the spiritual pressure monitoring device, before causing too much damage, he was chopped into pieces by the thirteenth guarding team who arrived in time with the transmission device.

The happiness index of residents in Liuhun Street has grown exponentially.

This point is fully reflected in Nagasawa Masa's fate value panel.

In just four or five months, he once again received 1442 points of destiny reward.

This made his "deposit" reach an astonishing 195919 points.

It's just a pity that as his strength grows stronger, the products refreshed in the Destiny Shop have shown a state of being tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

The commodities he can afford cannot bring much improvement to his strength.

Commodities that can bring him qualitative changes, but he can't afford them.

Take a product he refreshed for the second time, [King's Treasure (Zanpakuto Version)] as an example.

Just by looking at the name and the price of 180 million destiny points, he can roughly guess it.

In this version of King's Treasure, I am afraid that all Zanpakuto are placed.

Just take out a handful and you can use an initial solution to solve it or something.

The only thing he is looking forward to is that he will be able to get Yamamoto or Aizen's template one day.

After all, the talent currently shown by his body is more reflected in the super fast absorption of spiritual pressure.

When it comes to the four basic tactics of Zhanquan Zougui, in addition to the little residual power brought to him by the experience card, more of it is the result of his own hard work.

If you can buy Yamamoto or Aizen's talent template, it will definitely be even more powerful.

And worth mentioning.

During these five months, it's not that he didn't want to trouble the Tsunayashiro family in the past.

However, what is interesting is that since he returned to the world of corpses and souls, all the core members of the Tsunayashiro family, including the current patriarch, have retreated back to the clan land in Noble Street.

Even though he continued to suppress the Tsunayashiro family's family business through the business model, he did not get even the slightest counterattack.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

This abnormal phenomenon really made Nagasawa Ya, who was unable to figure out what the other party was thinking, while secretly raising her own vigilance, while focusing more on the improvement of her strength.

On this day, Masa Nagasawa, who came back from her training in Yamamoto, happened to run into Rukia and Renji who were wearing Mao's school uniform and coming home from school.

However, not only his two adoptive sons came back this time, but also an old acquaintance of his.

Seeing the other party approaching with a smile on his face, Nagasawa immediately became interested.

"Hey, why is Principal Sarutobi so free to visit the humble house today?"

"Are you here for a home visit?"


"Who is the object? Male or female?"

"Could it be... German orthopedics?"

Listening to the words in their ears, Renji and Rukia couldn't help showing a question mark expression on their faces.

Even Sarutobi Musashi, who was just about to say hello, couldn't help but froze.

puppy love?Beat up classmates?

Although this kind of thing happens from time to time in Mao, it is not to the extent that he, the vice-principal, needs to be dispatched.


Aren't Rukia and Renji your children?

Sure enough, after so many years, I'm still not very good at dealing with Nagasawa-kun...

As an old partner, Sarutobi Musashi sighed in his heart, remembering the purpose of this trip, and finally pulled himself together, and responded in a slightly embarrassing tone.

"Um... Brother Nagasawa is still so humorous, haha... hahahahaha!"

After hearing this, Nagasawa Ya realized that he had guessed wrong, and immediately showed a disappointed look.

However, he was a visitor from afar, since Sarutobi Musashi came to visit, he naturally didn't want to leave him outside.

Introduce him into the house, pour a cup of black wheat tangerine for him, and prepare to throw the cup as a sign, so that three hundred knives and axes from outside the house rush into the house, and take away his vice-principal... cough cough cough !

The above part is purely Nagasawa's imagination.

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