After handing the opened Xuanmai Ganju to Sarutobi Musashi, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help asking in a slightly joking tone.

"Tell me, what are you looking for?"

"It's just our friendship, don't hide it."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Musashi did not answer immediately, but carefully looked at the tea cup handed over by Masa Nagasawa.

He had heard a long time ago that the young master of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Byakuya, had introduced a top-quality tea from the present world, called "Xuanmai Ganju".

Just by listening to the name, you can tell how much this tea is cherished.

It's a pity that because the raw materials have just been planted not long ago, they have not been able to circulate widely in the world of corpses and souls, and only a few big nobles who have good relations with the Kuchiki family have the leeway.

Even he, Mao's vice-principal, just got three bags of "tea" from the students' parents during the Chinese New Year.

It's not like he hasn't thought about asking the God of Death, who is on duty to come to this world, to bring some back for him.

What surprised him was that those gods of death had traveled all over the world's major tea shops, but they had never seen any merchants selling black wheat tangerines.

This further convinced him of the preciousness of this tea.

Unexpectedly, when he came to visit Nagasawa Ya today, the other party actually entertained him with this top-level "tea".

For a moment, Sarutobi Musashi was so moved that he couldn't help himself, and he even said in his heart that he had such a good friend, what more could he ask for!

In the past, he really misunderstood Chang Zeya.

Immediately, after he took a sip of the tea in the cup as if it were a treasure, he whispered to Nagasawa Ya with an intoxicated face.

"Nagasawa-kun, I'm here this time because I actually want to invite you to teach Mao as a special lecturer."

...... cut......

PS. Today, my biological clock is really messed up. I got up at 11 o'clock and started typing. After finishing Chapter 1, I slept for 20 minutes, and then continued to write Chapter 2. It was 5 o'clock when I finished writing.

Because I have to go to militia training on Sunday and Monday, I have to write out the update for Sunday on Saturday...

Really broke down...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Going to Mao to teach?

Hearing the invitation from Sarutobi Musashi, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Although this is his old line of business and he can earn some extra destiny points, but with his current situation, he can no longer go to work on time as before.

It's not that he's making excuses. In case the old man Yishan gives him a mission to go out for more than ten or twenty days, won't this delay the children's studies?

But just when he was about to refuse, Sarutobi Musashi seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, I also know that your Excellency the captain appointed you to be the commander-in-chief of the special operations team."

"This time I invite you out of the mountain, I don't want you to lead the class like before, but in the name of a special lecturer, just come to Mao to take an open class once a month."

Listening to Sarutobi Musashi's explanation, Nagasawa Masa instantly understood what the other party meant.

He had taken open classes more than once before.

It’s not that I intend to take public classes.

Mainly because it is too popular, there is no way.

An ordinary class was stunned because too many students came to observe it, so it was abruptly turned into an open class.

In the end, we simply stopped teaching in the classroom and directly dragged people to the auditorium, where they were served a pot of rice and no one was refused.

If it was like what Sarutobi Musashi said, and he only went to class once a month, he wouldn't be incapable of it.

After the construction of the "Liuhun Street Defense System" was completed, it was probably because the system attributed the changed fate of those rescued residents to him, the initiator.

Even though it was the members of the Guarding Thirteenth Team who actually rescued those residents, the residents of the 320th block of Liuhun Street alone have been able to slowly provide him with extremely considerable destiny points.

Coupled with the influence brought by his new study, compared to the fate value that 320 Liuhun Street blocks can provide him, the fate value that attending classes can bring him is really not much up.

Judging from the increase in Fate Points in the past week, every day he has 30 to 50 points of Fate Points in his account.

According to this progress, saving him around [-] Destiny Points in a year is simply a matter of grasping.

The current him is no longer the little Karami who works hard for a mere one or two hundred points of destiny.

This is the pattern.

It's just that he changed his mind.

Although mosquitoes are small, they are also meat.

In case when the time comes to brush up a template of Yamamoto or Aizen, and the difference is tens of points, then it is really less regrettable when the time is allocated.

And taking a step back, the reason why the Death Brotherhood was able to quickly recruit a group of people back then was largely because the team at its inception were those students who had been in Mao and listened to his lectures.

This invisible benefit can sometimes even play a greater role than destiny points.

And most importantly, the reason why he was willing to agree to Sarutobi Musashi's invitation was actually Sarutobi Musashi.

Although the other party begged him all the time, he didn't take the fact that he had helped him, went through the back door for Rukia and Renji, and made up the recording of Mao as an excuse.

Although in the world of "BLEACH", strength always comes first, but the thing about worldliness is to highlight one thing that comes and goes.

He is a certain person, and he is not an ungrateful person.

However, just when he was about to agree.

As if seeing him showing a thoughtful look, Sarutobi Musashi hurriedly hit the railway while it was hot.

"Originally, I wanted to come to you a few days ago, but because you were building that Liuhun Street defense system, I didn't dare to disturb you."

"No, I'll come here non-stop as soon as you finish your work."

"And ah, this is not just my own idea."

"The group of sixth-generation little guys are about to graduate. During the time they were studying in Mao, they heard a lot of legends about you."

"When you first came back, they were all clamoring to come to me, insisting that I invite you out. They said they wanted to listen to your class while Mao was here."

"What else to say, Mao's student life is incomplete if you haven't listened to Mr. Nagasawa's class, you see what's going on."

I have to say, Sarutobi Musashi has really become more tactful.

Hearing the compliments from her ears, Nagasawa expressed that she was very comfortable being photographed.

However, it is probably because of my image all the time, and I am about to take up another post soon to become a glorious people's teacher.

Nagasawa Masaru didn't want to be too exaggerated in front of Sarutobi Musashi, so he just smiled slightly and said in a rather decent tone.

"Haha, I've got a lot of praise."

"I'm just contributing my modest efforts to the cause of education, that's nothing!"


However, just when he was about to agree, Sarutobi Musashi didn't know if he had misunderstood something, but the other party seemed to be afraid of being rejected by him, and immediately made a grimace on his face, but he was about to agree again. Before that, he spoke first.

"Brother! My brother is suffering! You should help my brother!"

"You don't know, since Ise's group of students graduated, the quality of Mao's graduates has gone from bad to worse."

"Although Ise and the others occasionally come back to give lectures as alumni and provide guidance on the students' practice, their focus is more on teaching new students."

"As a vice principal, I am under a lot of pressure. I have more than a dozen children to raise at home, and I also have a mortgage on Noble Street."

"Don't look at me now, but I don't even dare to go to the flower street veranda once!"

Saying that, Sarutobi Musashi raised one finger and immediately patted his thigh, showing a distressed expression.

"If the position of vice-principal is abolished because of the low quality of teaching, my brother will really have to sleep on the streets with his family."

"Just be a helper, okay?"

At the beginning, Sarutobi Musashi was still able to speak in a good voice, but later on, as if he remembered something sad and sad, the more he talked, the more sad he became.

Although he didn't drink alcohol, Sarutobi Musashi seemed to burst out the pressure that had been suppressed for a long time.

Later, it even developed to the point of crying.

Even Rangiku, who was instructing Renji and Rukia's slashing technique in the courtyard, couldn't help casting surprised glances into the room.

Hearing Sarutobi Musashi's tearful cry, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but twitch slightly.

I didn't say I would reject you...

Sure enough, no matter which world it is, the mortgage is the last straw that crushes a man.


You are too capable of giving birth to more than a dozen children! ?

Dare to love me for nearly 50 years when I was missing, you just took care of having children, right? ?

Finally, Nagasawa couldn't help but sigh.

People, it's too easy to get what they want, but it makes them feel uneasy.

You have to put on a show yourself...

Thinking of this, his complexion immediately changed, he took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on, then with an expression of "I really can't help you", he took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said softly.

"Well, since that's the case, the deity promises you."

Although I don't understand why Nagasawa put on the glasses and then took them off.

But after hearing his answer, Sarutobi Musashi burst into laughter like a 180-jin child.

He kept saying words of thanks, not to mention, but even more so, the time for the first public class was set in three days, so don't let him go.

It wasn't until he delivered it all the way to the door and watched the overjoyed Sarutobi Musashi disappear around the corner of the street that Nagasawa Masakata shook his head helplessly.

what's the matter...

"Ya, what's the matter with Principal Sarutobi coming to see you?"

It was at this time that Rangiku, who had finished instructing Renji and Rukia and asked them to practice on their own, came behind him and asked softly.

Hearing this, Nagasawa didn't seem to take it seriously. He hid Sarutobi Musashi's tears just now and simply told what happened just now.

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's narration, Luanju couldn't help showing surprise on her face.



"I'm not calling you."


Hearing the shout in his ear, Nagasawa subconsciously responded.

Unexpectedly, Luanju didn't mean that at all, thinking that Luanju had changed his temper, and Nagasawa Ya, who suddenly began to respect his teacher, couldn't help raising his eyebrows in embarrassment.

Immediately, Luanju's face was slightly darkened, and the expression on his face, as if he was thinking about some important matter, became serious in an instant.

Nagasawa Masa was also a little surprised to see Luan Ju, who had never been upright, suddenly become serious.

"Ya, I have some important things to go out with Xiao Qixu, we won't come back for dinner tonight, um, probably won't come back tomorrow either."

As he said that, before he could open his mouth to ask, Luan Ju in front of him seemed to remember something important, and just greeted him, and disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye without even waiting for his reply.

Looking at Luanju who left quickly and disappeared after just a few dodges, and Nagasawa Ya who hesitated to speak, the expression on his face couldn't help but become weird.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Luanju's gourd, but based on his knowledge of Luanju, he reckoned that there must be something good.

But after thinking about it, if Luanju went to Nanao to discuss something, with Nanao around, there shouldn't be any troubles.

On this point, Nagasawa is quite relieved.

The only thing that was more difficult to bear was probably that he had to figure out a solution for dinner by himself.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help rubbing her chin, thinking to herself.

Well, Renji doesn't need to think about it, she is clumsy and has nothing but brute strength, but Rukia, I remember her cooking skills seem to be...

It's a pity that before he had time to arrange for his two adopted sons, he was arranged first.

I saw that Rukia, who was still practicing the chopping technique with Renji just now, immediately put the wooden knife in Renji's arms after seeing Ranju's tutor leave. Arriving in front of Nagasawa Ya, he bowed slightly and said.

"Old...Dad, um...I made an appointment with Mrs. Kuchiki to go to her house for dinner tonight. I may not be back at night. I will go directly from Runlin'an to Mao's class tomorrow morning. You Look at the sky..."

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