Saying that, Rukia, who was bent over, couldn't help raising her head, and looked at Nagasawa Masa with a little embarrassment.

Speaking of which, I don't blame Rukia for being embarrassed.

When Kuchiki Fei really wanted to recognize her before, it was she who said "You recognize the wrong person".

As a result, in just four months, she has developed to the point where she does not return home at night, and she can directly stay overnight at Kuchiki Hima's house.

Although she and Kuchiki Byakuya are here to help, looking at Rukia who blushed slightly because of embarrassment, Masa Nagasawa always felt that her child had run away with someone.

However, although this metaphor is somewhat inappropriate, he still looked at Rukia who was a little nervous, and waved his hand as a signal.

"Change your clothes before you go. It's impolite to go to someone's house with your sweaty body."

Hearing this, Rukia's face suddenly showed a happy expression.

When she first spoke, she was worried that Nagasawa would be angry because of her inconsistent and ever-changing attitude.

Rukia, who was afraid that her father would mistakenly think that she was a vain person and tried to climb the high branch of the Kuchiki family by recognizing her relatives, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, nodded in agreement, and immediately trotted back to the house to change clothes.

Seeing that his partner was gone, Renji also walked to Nagasawa Masa lazily, and asked suspiciously.

"Father, what shall we eat for two nights?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but glance at her adopted son.

I don't know why, but looking at Renji's idle appearance, he suddenly felt angry.

"Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat, give me another practice of empty swinging a thousand times!"

"If you don't take it seriously once, just start over!"

After accepting Renji as his adopted son, Nagasawa Masaru seemed to be able to understand Yamamoto's mood gradually.

Laugh at Yamamoto, understand Yamamoto, and then become Yamamoto.

He was criticized inexplicably, and he didn't know where he provoked Nagasawa Masa's Renji, so he was immediately shocked.

A thousand empty swings is not too heavy a task for him who has gradually mastered how to use Reiatsu to temper his body.

But if you don't take it seriously once, start all over again...

If I make this mistake a few times, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it all day and night!

Renji, who was stunned in secret, dared not bargain with Nagasawa Ya, immediately ran back to the courtyard with his tail between his legs like a defeated monkey, and began to practice hard.

Seeing Renji's fleeing appearance, Nagasawa Masa suddenly became even more angry.

Don't you even know how to resist? ?

If it was someone other than him, if old man Shan dared to make such an exorbitant request, he would have to argue at least a few words.

Let old man Shan know that he is not a vegetarian either!


He doesn't have the spirit of resistance at all, so he's in vain being the son of someone like me!

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 4000+, let’s see if tomorrow’s update code can be released at night, and if there is a manuscript, it will be updated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It doesn't matter if the child suffers, no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer yourself.

Nagasawa has never been a person who would wrong herself.

While Renji was sweating profusely practicing the empty swing, he had already used the ghost way similar to Tian Ting Kongluo to notify the Yatianju main store on Noble Street to send a table of luxurious dishes over.

I have to say that Omaeda Nozomi has a very big advantage.

That is to listen to advice.

After I told him the business model of X Dilao 50 years ago, he followed the order almost without any doubt, and even made it better.

Here, it includes the takeaway service of hot pot.

When Lian Cikong waved to 650 four times, Ya Tianju's takeaway had already been delivered to the door.

What surprised Nagasawa was that he actually knew the "delivery brother" who was in charge of delivering the food.

I saw a man who was more than two meters tall, with an old appearance, a severely upward hairline, a wide face and a fat body, and was dressed in gold and gold. He looked very similar to Nozomi Ohmaeda, with a humble look on his face. He stood outside the door of the small courtyard, holding hot pot equipment and food in one hand, scratching his head with the other, and said to his ingratiating smile.

"That...Mr. Nagasawa, my father asked me to study with you during my rotation, and asked me to respect you as I respect him."

"I know that such an opportunity to follow you to learn is not easy to come by. From now on, I will practice seriously and will never disappoint you. In the future... please take care of me!"

Saying that, Kichiyo Omaeda's huge body like a mountain of meat actually knelt down on one knee and lowered his head towards Masa Nagasawa.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

This guy, seriously?

He also has some understanding of Omaeda Nozomi's character.

It can be said that apart from the fact that his appearance is far from his own, whether it is from being lazy or cheating, he is simply his own version of MAXPLUS.

It was such a person who actually said the above words to himself so solemnly.

He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the setting sun.

No, the sun is still setting from the west today!

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Although there were many doubts in his heart, Nagasawa Masa decided to observe and observe for the time being, seeing Nozomi Ohmaeda's serious appearance.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"I understand. After you put the hot pot on the table, practice air swings with Renji."

"However, you are an official Shinigami after all, so the amount of training naturally cannot be compared with Mao's student."

"Let's do it like this. I'll do it three thousand times. If I don't take it seriously once, I'll start over."

Three thousand empty swings, even the official Reaper, cannot be completed in a short time.

Nagasawa wanted to see how far Kichiyo Ohmaeda, a guy who looked even more lazy than him in the original work, could persist.

However, to his surprise, after hearing his words, Nozomi Omaeda not only did not show any dissatisfaction, but showed a look of surprise on the contrary.

He quickly moved out a square table from the house, and put it on the courtyard, facing the direction of Renji.

Then, after putting the hot pot and ingredients on the table, he took the wooden knife that Rukia had just given to Renji, ran to about five steps away from Renji, and practiced empty swings. It looked like she wanted Nagasawa to supervise them while eating.

Seeing this, Nagasawa opened her mouth slightly in shock.

This...can't be?

What ecstasy soup did Nozomi Omaeda pour into his son?

Or is it that the Great God in front of me is also a time traveler?

Was this taken away?

Apart from this conclusion, it is difficult for him to think of a reason why Omaeda Nozomi and the image in the original plot have such a big contrast.

This unscientific......

With suspicion in his eyes, Nagasawa finally sat down on the chair. While waiting for the water in the pot to boil, he carefully looked at Renji and Ohmaeda Kichiyo's aerial gestures.

It was okay at the beginning, no matter whether it was Nozomi Omaeda who was Shinigami, or Renji who was Mao's student, both of them maintained a very high degree of concentration and practiced air swing meticulously.

However, when Renji swung the knife 8 times, an accident happened.

As the water in the pot boiled, the rich smell mixed with the unique aroma of butter, along with the breeze blowing in the courtyard, got into the nostrils of Renji and Kichiyo Omaeda.



The moment the two of them smelled the aroma, their stomachs rumbled in disbelief. Even Nozomi Omaeda, who had already eaten before coming here, couldn't help swallowing.

For a moment, the movements in their hands suddenly changed.

"Dong dong!"

Nagasawa Ya, who tapped the table twice with her fingers, immediately said softly without mercy.

"Start over."

In a short time, he swung [-] times in vain, and he was about to complete the practiced renji, like a mourning exam.

Even though Nozomi Omaeda was already an official shinigami with the position of chief executive, he couldn't help but glared at the other party with vicious eyes, his teeth itching with hatred.

Call you troublesome!

If you hadn't put Dad's hot pot in front of me, I would have finished training long ago!

Seeing this, Ohmaeda Kichiyo couldn't help but look a little apologetic.

Knowing that there was no other way to do it, Renji had no choice but to take a deep breath, forcibly enduring the hunger in his stomach and the fragrance in the air, and started his empty swing practice again.

Only this time, Renji also failed to complete his practice.

Just when his number of empty swings broke through five hundred again, an anxious voice followed the wind and entered his ears.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

The familiar voice made him immediately recognize that the owner of the voice was Rukia who had just left for less than two hours.

The momentary distraction caused the wooden knife he swung to change its shape again.

"Dong dong!"

There were two more taps of fingers on the table.

Realizing that something was wrong with Renji, he immediately put on a pain mask.

Yep, have to start all over again.

And soon, Rukia, who arrived before anyone came, also appeared in front of him.

Looking at Rukia who was running wildly and a little out of breath, Nagasawa slowly stuffed a piece of fat cow into her mouth before she spoke softly.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

As he spoke, he poured out a cup of tea and handed it to the other party.

It wasn't until Rukia drank the tea in the cup that she continued to speak.

"Speaking of which, didn't you spend the night at my eldest nephew's wife's place?"

"Why are you running back?"

Hearing this, Rukia immediately showed an anxious look on her face, and hurriedly bent down, begging Nagasawa Ya loudly.

"Father, you must help must help Mrs. Kuchiki!"

...... cut......

PS. I’m at the training base, so I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to code after one night of practice. This month’s full attendance is still a lot short, so I’m so young!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Help Kuchiki Feizhen?

Hearing Lucia's request, Nagasawa couldn't help but have a strange look on her face.

In terms of power, as the head of the five great nobles, the Kuchiki family has almost stood at the apex of the corpse and soul world.

In terms of medical skills, the fourth team is the best choice.

No matter what happens, it's not his turn as an outsider, right?

However, judging from Rukia's anxious but not flustered expression, Kuchiki Hima probably didn't encounter any dangerous things.

Slightly relieved, he couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"What happened?"

Seeing Nagasawa's question, Renji, who had interrupted his air swing and was about to start over, simply broke the jar and stopped what he was doing. He also looked at Lucia with concerned eyes. .

"It's such a father."

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