This kind of trivial matter is nothing to the current Dong Shilang.

After hearing Nagasawa Masa's request, Dongshiro understood the other party's meaning almost immediately.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, if Renji hadn't stopped him, he would never have experienced that shameful "social death".

In this case, Shiro Dong has almost no reservations.

The field of ice spiritual pressure is fully opened!

Dongshiro, who was quite in the second class in his heart, said silently, immediately took a step forward, came to Renji, controlled his own ice attribute spiritual pressure, and pressed it towards the whole body.


At the beginning, Renji, who was sleeping soundly, only felt cool all over his body.

Although I don't know what an air conditioner is, I really enjoy the good life that modern civilization can only have.

But as time went by, in just two to thirty seconds, white frost had already climbed onto the tip of his hair.

The face that was sleeping soundly and sweetly frowned slightly because of the temperature in the body, but he couldn't help curling up his body and trembling subconsciously.

One minute later, Renji, whose body had already been covered with a thin layer of frost, couldn't bear the falling temperature anymore, sneezed suddenly and shattered the "frozen seal" on his body surface, and woke up with a face of horror Come over and rub your frozen body.

Immediately, under Renji's terrified gaze, Nagasawa Ya said softly with the usual smile on her face.

"Lianji, if you feel sleepy, it's okay to keep sleeping like this. I promise I won't wake you up again."

Recalling the words he heard at that time, Renji didn't know whether he froze his brain or didn't wake up. He didn't realize the danger at all, so he replied subconsciously.


"Well, yes, I will let Shiro Dong build you an Aurora freezer, so that you can sleep without pain, forever."

Masa Nagasawa's words were very light, but when Renji heard the word "forever", the coldness that emerged in Renji's heart instantly overwhelmed the severe cold that his body suffered.

Not only did he dispel the drowsy bugs on his body all at once, but under Dong Shilang's rather regretful gaze, he began to practice Saber Zen very seriously.

Recalling everything he had experienced in the morning, Renji, who had already wiped away the tears from his eyes, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

On his small shoulders, he bears too many burdens that he shouldn't bear at his age.

I really envy Rukia, who can be so carefree and study step by step.

After hearing what happened to me, she must be very sympathetic to me, right?

When she cares about me, do I have to show all my masculinity in a timely manner so that she can't let her look down on me?

Well, that's it!

However, just when Renjiqiang cheered up and was about to pretend to be a "tough guy" in front of Rukia.

But when she saw Lucia's clear eyes widen, not only did she not show the slightest distress for Giegie, but she even showed an extremely exaggerated expression, and exclaimed in disbelief.



"Dad actually secretly turned on a small stove for you!?"

"It's so unfair!"

"What time do you get up every day? I want to participate too!"

Hearing the exclamation in his ear, Renji couldn't help raising his head and looked at the sky.

God, I can't escape the training even if I want to, but someone wants to take the initiative to participate?

Am I wrong, or is the world wrong?

Under Rukia's questioning, Renji still told Rukia the time agreed with Nagasawa Masa, as well as the content taught this morning.

And after hearing Renji's description, Rukia felt extremely itchy.

This is the sword Zen used to awaken Zanpakuto!

Especially when I heard that this method of sword Zen was passed down from "the strongest god of death in the millennium" Yamamoto Genyanagi Shigekuni, I wished to have the ability of the Scarlet King, delete the time directly, and jump to tomorrow in one breath early morning.

But very quickly, she suppressed the excitement in her heart.

There is no other reason, just because today is undoubtedly a big day for all Mao's students.

When she and Renji stepped into Mao's gate, they didn't go to their respective classes as usual.

Instead, he bypassed the central square and the teaching building, and walked towards the big martial arts arena behind Mao.

As the two got closer to the martial arts arena, there were more and more students around them who shared the same direction as them.

What surprised Rukia a little was that she found that there were many gods of death mixed in among the stream of people converging towards the martial arts arena.

...... cut......

PS. I went to training for another two days at the end of May, and I have put in all my strength for the end-of-month update. I suddenly relaxed today, but I started to fish. I haven’t finished writing Chapter 1 until now.

Sure enough, human beings still need pressure to grow...

The thirty-fifth chapter of the villain's success

"Hey, is it true..."

"This battle... Are you kidding me?"

Rukia, who was kneeling and sitting next to the Maotai Martial Arts Field, had an expression of disbelief on her face.

That appearance, as if the futon under the buttocks has sharp thorns, it is difficult to sit and fidget, and looks behind from time to time, as if it is like a light on the back.

However, at this moment, no one would feel that there was anything embarrassing or wrong about her appearance.

Anyone who stepped into the Maou Arena, no matter how relaxed their expression and mentality were before, as long as they stepped into the venue, they would involuntarily lower the volume they emitted to the minimum.

It's just because in the grand martial arts arena at this moment, in the outermost circle of the auditorium of the venue, there are a group of death gods wearing deathly costumes with solemn and serious expressions.

At this moment, the pitch-black Death Domineering costume seemed to converge into a black stream, separating the inside and outside of the martial arts arena into two worlds.

In the beginning, these Mao's students just came here for fame, or out of curiosity, wanting to see what is so great about the legendary Nagasawa Masa.

Never thought that you would encounter such a formation.

Some sharp-eyed students, or some sixth-generation students who have not yet graduated but are good enough to go to various teams for "internships", even recognize the bosses of their respective teams at a glance.

"Look over there, look over there, those are my seniors in the [-]th Division, Sentaro Kotsubaki and Yoshinosuke Kuratani, why are they here?"

"And over there, that's my senior in the [-]th team, Brother Aramaki Makizo, he is the [-]th seat of the [-]th team! Isn't this a special ghost teaching for us students? Why? The seniors from the [-]th squad are also here?"

"I saw it too. That's Togakushi Seven Seats of the third team. I was assigned to his subordinates when I was an intern in the third team. I have imagined countless times that if I could become a god of death like him , What a proud thing to be."

One after another exclamation came from the mouths of the sixth-generation students.

The lower-grade Mao students who heard it were "frightened", wishing to turn into a speck of dust at this moment, so as not to attract anyone's attention.

Humans always have a strange psychology.

When facing the unknown, they will feel fear and fear.

But once there are a few things they are familiar with among these unknown things, the fear and fear will be greatly reduced, and then become calm.

Compared with the trembling juniors, some of the sixth-generation students who have been "internized" in various teams slowly showed a relaxed look on their faces.

Some of them are even bold, and they are going to come over to say hello, and by the way, take the opportunity to get to know the gods of death from other teams, which can be regarded as laying some foundations for the future after graduation.

However, just when these sixth-generation students gradually let go of their hanging hearts and prepared to expand their social circle like qualified social people, a childish voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Hey, senior idiots, don't you understand the situation? Look ahead!"

Senior idiot! ?

Hearing the voice from next to their ears, the sixth-generation students who were just about to go up to say hello froze suddenly, and a look of displeasure appeared in their eyes.

They turned their heads, wanting to see which little bastard dared to be so big or small, but they saw a young man with a pineapple head and a somewhat unruly expression on his face, using a kind of, uh... to say......

On the boy's face, they saw a complex look mixed with surprise and pride.

Probably because Dongshiro's spiritual pressure froze his stomach in the morning.

Just stepped into Mao's gate, Renji couldn't leave Rukia alone, and plunged into the toilet. Until then, he walked into the martial arts arena clutching his stomach that was still aching.

It's just that he is different from those sixth-generation students who have practiced in various divisions. After entering the martial arts field, after the initial daze, he recognized the familiar figures sitting in the front row at a glance, and his eyes instantly bloomed. Shining with pride.

His strange expression naturally attracted the attention of those sixth-generation students, following Renji's gaze, they all looked towards the front row of the crowd.

However, this glance made the heart that had just been put down in their hearts lift up again.

"Then... that's the third seat of the second division, Omaeda Kichiyo-sama!? Why did he appear here!?"

"There are three seats for Totoru from the fourth division, four seats to Hagido, four seats to Kasagi from the ninth division, three seats to Madarame from the eleventh division, and five seats to Ayasegawa!"

"Why do these high-ranking officers of the Guarding Team Thirteen come to Mao to attend lectures!? This is unscientific!"

A cry of exclamation came from the mouths of these Mao students again.

High-ranking officers are no longer the kind of "interns" at their level who can flirt with each other at will.

For a moment, everyone felt that their scalps were numb, and they just wanted to sing a song.

That year was eighteen, standing like a minion!

But at this moment, the somewhat beating voice rang in their ears again.

"Tsk tsk, senior idiots, it seems that you still haven't realized the point of the problem."

"Let's look further ahead, there...but there are my respected and beloved senior brothers."

Saying that, the proud look on Renji's face suddenly became more intense.


Listening to the words in their ears, those senior students no longer dared to underestimate the little devil in front of them with a face of "little man's success", and they moved their eyes forward again.

At this glance, everyone's scalp felt numb, and they immediately hugged their heads and exclaimed.

"Omaeda's vice-captain of the second division and the new vice-captain of the sixth division Gin Yinjiro!? Even the vice-captain-level Reaper is here!?"

"Not only that, but also vice-captain Ichimaru of the [-]th division, vice-captain of the shooting range of the [-]th division, vice-captain Hisagi of the [-]th division, vice-captain Shiba of the [-]th division, and vice-captain of the [-]th division Nirvana ..."

"My God...More than half of the deputy captains of the Guarding Thirteen Team have gathered here. This lineup...even if it is said that only royal spies can deal with it. You have to carry the train all night, right!?"

However, just as everyone was counting the big shots in front of them in fear, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the front row of the death gods in front of them.

"It's so noisy, since you are here for class, please sit in front of me!"

...... cut......

PS. It’s really hard work. May and June are the last two months of the semi-annual award. As a result, I went to training for 5 days last month. Today I received a notice that I will go to party member training for three days next Wednesday to Friday... ...

In the past few days, it can only be updated regularly, 2 updates a day, 2000 updates each, so I have to save manuscripts, otherwise I will definitely not be able to write during training.

After the training is over, there will be more updates, above!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sudden sound of violent drinking interrupted everyone's eager discussion.

However, in the face of this merciless drinking, they dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction.

Even Renji, who had just looked like a "little man's success", retracted his head instantly like a turtle the moment he saw that figure.

It's just because the figure who just uttered the yelling sound is so outstanding among the many official death gods.

Whether it's the unique shape or the white feather weave with the word "Eleven" written on it, all of them show his identity and status.

Captain of the [-]th Division, Kenpachi Zakigi!

There was obviously no spiritual pressure fluctuation, but just a look made Maou's students who were talking about something just now shudder.

That feeling is like a group of Taoist apprentices preparing to listen to the big master's lecture.

As a result, when I went to the scene, I found that it was not only full of formal Taoist priests wearing blue delos, but also a few giants wearing yellow and purple robes mixed in.

For a moment, they even thought of turning around and running away.

The good thing is that although the battle in front of them has frightened their souls away, no one is a "deserter".

However, although Saraki Kenpachi asked them to sit forward, it was like a leader or teacher asking employees or classmates to sit forward during a meeting.

As long as there is a seat in the back row, no one wants to sit under the nose of the leader or teacher, except for a few bold or conspicuous ones.

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