Like a drowning person struggling to grab something to be rescued, these Mao students who stepped into the venue, without exception, looked for the empty seats behind the gods of death.

However, what made them "desperate" was that the gods of death in front of them seemed to have vacated the front row seats specially for them.

Looking past the group of dark gods of death in front of them, they almost didn't cry when they looked at the vacant seat in the front row, which was so close but seemed like the end of the world.

But just when they were hesitating and no one dared to take the first step, Kenpachi Saragi, who looked sideways slightly, yelled again.

"Dawdling, you have no backbone at all!"

"Don't forget, this is your class, sit forward for me!"

This time, there was a clear hint of anger in his voice.

The sound waves mixed with Reiatsu shook the ears of these Mao students even more.

There is no way, seeing that the moment has come when the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, someone finally took the lead and took the first step forward.

It's Renji Asanjing.

The first to recover from Saraki Kenpachi's scolding were not the sixth-generation students who were already qualified to go to various teams for internships, but Renji, the transfer student who had gone through the "back door" and entered Mao through supplementary enrollment.

Human psychology is often conformity.

When someone opened the head, the head sheep effect would be produced, one after another, immediately followed the pace of the last Renji, like a torrent, merging into the black ocean.

However, even though the group of gods of death in front of them controlled their spiritual pressure well.

But the students in the red and blue Mao uniforms still seemed to have gone through 81 hardships, tremblingly crossing this black ocean under the watchful eyes of these "seniors".

When Renji, the leader, managed to pass through the crowd, he found that the clothes on his back had already been wet with sweat from his back.

However, just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief and walk in the direction of Rukia, the voice that made him subconsciously feel a little afraid just now suddenly rang in his ears.

"You kid, you're not bad."

Different from the previous scolding, this time, Saraki Kenpachi's voice sounded extraordinarily "gentle".

Looking at Saragi Kenpachi with a calm face, he just glanced at himself indifferently, and then stopped talking.

To be honest, although his respect for Masa Nagasawa became stronger and stronger, to be honest, he always felt that his father was not cruel enough.

In his inherent impression, a strong person should be cold, domineering, fearless, and invincible. This is a qualified strong person.

Although Masa Nagasawa trains him very severely on weekdays, Masa Nagasawa's character is too "gentle".

On the other hand, Saraki Kenpachi perfectly fits the image of a strong man in his mind.

Feeling the strong aura emanating from the other party, Renji felt that Thai pants were so hot!

He even thought that if one day he could become the vice-captain, or even the captain, he must be a ruthless and tough guy like Zaraki Kenpachi!

Well, it's best to get some tattoos on your body at that time, so that you can better reflect your masculinity.

For a while, Renji, who was beaming with joy, almost had his thoughts written on his face.

Looking at Renji who was a little excited, Xiubing and the shooting range, who are senior brothers, subconsciously looked at each other.

This little junior brother of mine seems a little not sober?

Captain it cool?

Hmm...probably it's because of IQ...

Fortunately, although the two belonged to the youngest group among the vice-captains, their years of social experience had allowed them to learn how to hide their emotions well.

They didn't want to be chased and hacked by Zaragi Kenpachi who was waiting impatiently.

As the last student passed through the crowd, expressions of amnesty immediately appeared on the faces of everyone.

Only this time, they no longer competed for the back seat, but sat as far forward as possible.

There is no way, the aura exuded by the high-ranking officers headed by Saragi Kenpachi is so strong that they subconsciously want to keep a certain distance from each other.

For a moment, starting from the position where Saraki Kenpachi was, until the last Mao student, there was a vacuum.

Mao's students would rather sit tighter, and keep a certain distance from Zaragi Kenpachi and the others.

Fortunately, Nagasawa Masa, who was the protagonist, didn't make everyone wait for too long.

Accompanied by two sounds of breaking wind.

Nagasawa Masaru and Nanao appeared in the center of the martial arts arena with Toshiro and Hinamori Momo respectively.

With the talents of Toshirō and Himori, it is almost a certainty that Mao will be admitted to Mao after one month.

Although I have never studied systematically, it is a good experience for the two to get familiar with the familiar environment in advance.

Rubbing Shiro Dong's frizzy short silver hair, Masa Nagasawa asked Nanao to take the two of them to find a seat first.

Immediately, his eyes scanned in surprise a circle of students and gods of death who almost filled the martial arts arena.

Especially after seeing Luanju mixed in the crowd and making a "2" sign to him, he just sighed helplessly like Mr. Zhou.

"A lot of people."

And at the same time as he was expressing his emotion, apart from Saraki Kenpachi, the gods of death who had just been sitting at the outermost edge of the arena all stood up.

...... cut......

PS. The dart animation is really good, but I am a little worried that it will be reported...

Chapter 359 The Swordsman of the Spirit Spirit

The movement behind him immediately attracted the attention of the Mao students sitting in the front row.

However, when they turned their heads to look, they found that apart from the captain Saragi Kenpachi, the Shinigami who had just been sitting at the outermost edge of the arena had all stood up in unison.

This action directly frightened the Mao students who were sitting on pins and needles, and their backs were so frightened that they were stunned.

I haven't waited for everyone to react to what's going on.

I saw the gods of death who stood up in unison, including Saraki Kenpachi who was sitting cross-legged, bowed their heads in unison, as if they had returned to their school days, facing the standing martial arts master. Nagasawa Ya in the middle of the field shouted in unison.

"Sir, oh hi Goose-Mass!"

Today, it was originally a public lecture attended by all Mao's staff, and being able to surround thousands of Mao's students in the middle meant that there were at least twice as many Shinigami in the venue.

The sound of uniform shouts is like a sea formed by trickling streams, and the deafening sound seems to turn the entire venue upside down.

Listening to the shouts coming from all directions, Mao's students felt their scalps tingling and their eardrums about to burst.

However, this time, they didn't feel too much timidity in their hearts. Instead, a feeling called "curiosity" gradually grew in their hearts.

Subconsciously covering their ears, they looked at Nagasawa standing on the stage with curious eyes.

Even Toshiro and Momo Hinamori, who lived under the same roof, and even Renji and Rukia, who had been together day and night for four months, looked at the man carrying the bag with eyes as if they were meeting Nagazawa Masaru for the first time. A man standing in the middle of the martial arts arena with his hands in his hands and an indifferent look on his face.

What kind of man is this.

Although because of the Reaper Brotherhood, the number of standing Reapers in the [-]th Guarding Team has reached more than [-], and it will soon break through the [-] mark.

But more than a quarter of the gods of death can gather here on non-public holidays.

This kind of appeal can only be compared to the captain of the Gotei [-], His Excellency Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, right?

This is the real powerhouse!

For a moment, the Mao students who put down their hands covering their ears looked at Nagasawa Masaru with expressions of excitement and admiration.

Even Renji, who just thought Zaraki Kenpachi was extremely cool, and Toshiro, who had experienced "social death" from Nagasawa Masaru many times and had never been too cold towards him, had two small faces. He also turned red instantly because of the passion in his heart.

But at this moment, as the center of the storm, the absolute protagonist on the "stage", Masa Nagasawa's face looked quite calm.

Looking around, at least half of the gods of death in front of him have deep or shallow impressions.

Some of them are students who have listened to his open classes during the half a year he taught in Mao.

Others are members of the Brotherhood of Death.

There are also some, he really doesn't have much memory, presumably they are residents of Liuhun Street who came here for fame, or because of the support of the Brotherhood of Death, and thus embarked on the Road of Death.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at Luan Ju who was among the crowd and winked at her with eyes like "asking for credit", Nagasawa felt a little helpless in her heart.

Presumably these people must be the reason why Luanju disappeared for two days.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Qi Xu would also mess around with her.

Nearly a quarter of the gods of death and half of the deputy captains of the thirteenth team of the guarding court gathered here. Not to mention whether the captains of the various teams would have any objections, it is already difficult for Old Man Shan to explain.

If someone with a heart does something else, he will probably only be able to speed through the "Central Room 46 Copy".

But at this moment, a voice similar to sound transmission into secret, was transmitted to his ears in an instant.

"Ya, don't worry about other people, you just need to concentrate on doing what you want to do."

“This gathering was not only approved by the Captain, but he also ordered that each squad must ensure that at least a quarter of the team members come to attend your monthly public lectures during non-wartime situations. "

"Although I didn't say it clearly, I think you should be able to guess the intention of the captain."

Listening to the sound coming from his ears, a look of astonishment briefly flashed across Nagasawa's eyes.

He glanced at Qi Xu who was sitting next to Shiro Dong, nodding at him with a gentle smile on his face, but a flash of enlightenment flashed in his heart.

At the same time, the executive room of the first team.

In the executive room located halfway up the mountain, Yamamoto overlooked most of the Seireitei, but his gaze was always in the direction of the Shinou Academy of Spiritual Art.

The millennium of peace not only increased his age and gray beard, but also continued to wear down the will of the Thirteenth Guarding Team.

It's not that he cares more about the past than the present, if it were the thirteenth team of the first generation of the court, he believed that just relying on the strength of their 13 people would be enough to destroy the Seireitei at this moment.

The knife of the Guarding Thirteenth Team has become blunt.

Realizing this, he saw everything in his eyes, but he couldn't change anything.

He can only put all the burdens on the shoulders of himself, the "strongest god of death in the millennium", and continue to move forward with the decayed body of Seiritei with his own strength.

Although he didn't want to be old in his heart, whenever he saw the picture of hell hanging in the bedroom, he would always think about it unconsciously.

If he meets that man again, will he be able to continue to protect the peace here like he did a thousand years ago?

And the appearance of Nagasawa Ya and Brotherhood of Death gave him a glimmer of light.

The growth and changes that the Gotei Thirteen Team has achieved in the past 50 years have even surpassed the sum of the past 800 years.

Not only have more talents from Liuhun Street been excavated, but even the death rate of each team has been decreasing year by year.

This discovery strengthened his thoughts even more.

He wants Nagasawa to be the one who sharpens the knife.

The old knife of the thirteenth team of the guarding court has been covered with mottled rust under the baptism of time. He needs to make this sharp blade that has made countless people fearful, rejuvenate, and even surpass the past. brilliance.

Then, he will personally hand over the knife to Nagasawa.

He believes that under the leadership of Masa Nagasawa, the world of souls will move towards a brighter future.

Just like what he said to Jingle Chunshui.

How could he allow someone in this world to be more optimistic about Nagasawa's future than him?

Just as if he and Yamamoto had a tacit understanding, Masa Nagasawa understood the thoughts in the other party's heart very tacitly.

That being the case, let me be the one who holds the knife.

In the next second, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Facing the people who were bending down to salute, as if they would not straighten up without his permission, he chuckled softly.

"Good morning. Although everyone should have heard my name more or less, please allow me to introduce it here. My name is Nagasawa Masaru. As you can see, I am an ordinary Shinigami."

...... cut......

PS. Wuhu, I heard that the fourth son of Meiyi Liya sings the blue bird, is it true or not?

Chapter 3 Saragi Kenpachi: I suspect you are targeting me, Fat Tiger

Nagasawa Masa's voice was very soft, but it was enough for everyone present to hear.

And after hearing his words, those gods of death who bowed their heads, as if they had received some signal, knelt down again with uniform movements.

But after sitting down, they didn't stop their movements.

Those pairs of "nuclear" eyes seemed to have turned into invisible sharp knives, which were inserted fiercely into the backs of Mao's students sitting in the front row.

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