Maybe those Mao students sitting in the front row haven't realized how precious what Nagasawa Masa is about to teach.

But when they heard what Nagasawa said, their eyes lit up instantly, even the Shinigami who had awakened the Zanpakuto and became the chief executives showed excitement.

What they didn't expect was that after so many years of graduation, they could still learn new things from their teachers.

At the beginning, Masa Nagasawa just demonstrated some of the ghost ways that she had taught, such as "Benglun · Gai", "Red Cannon · Air Bomb Version" one by one. The new students gain a lot of experience.

The power was nearly three times that of the original version, and it captured the admiration of Mao's students almost instantly.

For a moment, even Renji, who was the least interested in the ghost way, had a look in his eyes that yearned for nai... ahem, eager for knowledge.

Seeing that everyone has accepted the content he taught to a certain extent, Nagasawa decided that it was time to do some small work.

His eyes immediately fell on Byakuya Kuchiki, who was sitting in the corner and had tried his best to avoid meeting his eyes since entering the venue.

Feeling the gaze from Nagasawa Masaru, Kuchiki Byakuya felt something was wrong!

...... cut......

PS. Spider-Man's new animation, Fast and Furious 10, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and the recent blockbusters, that's all.

Because of writing a book, I haven’t seen a movie in the cinema for a long time. I haven’t watched many movies even when the online version is released. I want to go to the cinema to watch one. Do you have any recommendations for the above three?

Chapter 362 Kuchiki Byakuya: Nagasawa Masaru, you are despicable!

As one of the few three members of the special operations team, plus the team he volunteered to join, Kuchiki Byakuya should not miss this special lecture due to emotion and reason.

And don’t say it yet, don’t say it yet.

Listening to Nagasawa Masa's teaching, Kuchiki Byakuya was a little disinterested at the beginning, but as the course progressed, he unconsciously followed the steps taught by Nagasawa Masa and stretched out his hand to make gestures in the air. got up.

As a balanced fighter, Kuchiki Byakuya can be described as moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic...ahh, it can be said that he has developed in an all-round way in "Slashing Fists and Walking Ghosts", and he has not fallen behind in any discipline.

Especially when he simulated the effect of changing the way of ghosts in his mind, he immediately had a refreshing feeling.

Although he knew long ago that Masa Nagasawa was not an ignorant person, but Byakuya Kuchiki couldn't connect that scumbag in his heart with the figure on the stage that radiated the light of "great virtuous teacher".

For a while, there was a feeling of getting to know each other again.

However, it is probably because of the vigilance in my heart.

When Nagasawa looked at him and their eyes met in the air, he couldn't help but "thumped" in his heart.

It's over, it's worse!

Although Nagasawa Miyabi hadn't spoken yet, Kuchiki Byakuya had already instinctively realized that something was wrong.

It's a pity, when you realized something was wrong, you had already crawled under my sharing eyes, hum!

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya's evasive eyes, Nagasawa directly let out a soul torture.

"Byakuya, I need your cooperation in the following teaching."

"I think, among those present, there should be no more suitable candidate than you, the outstanding heir of the Kuchiki family."

Masa Nagasawa, you are despicable! ! !

Byakuya Kuchiki, who had just changed his mind about Masa Nagasawa, instantly overturned his previous thoughts.

Helpless, it's about the glory of Kuchiki's family, he will get it if he doesn't.

After taking a deep breath, Kuchiki Byakuya with a cold face came to the center of the field in a single step, and asked Nagasawa Masa in a cold voice.

"How do you need me to cooperate?"

As if he didn't hear the dissatisfaction in the other party's words at all, Nagasawa didn't answer his question immediately, but just asked back with a smile on his face.

"Duankong, you should know it, right?"

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya's expression couldn't help but froze slightly.

Duankong, this is the number 81 high-level binding path.

Its effect is to form a huge defensive wall to defend against Reiatsu attacks including ghosts.

In terms of strength, it can completely defend the broken roads below No. 89.

It can be called one of the strongest defensive bindings.

Not everyone can master this level of Binding Dao, let alone the vice-captain, even among the captain-level Shinigami.

But luckily, Byakuya Kuchiki knows how to do it, and he can even be said to be proficient.

Hearing this, he immediately lifted his chin slightly, as if what Nagasawa Ya asked was just a low-level Taoism, and he responded softly in a calm tone.

"Of course it will."

After hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's affirmative answer, Masa Nagasawa also showed a satisfied look on her face.

"That's good. Next, please do your best and don't be careless."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee the consequences."

Kuchiki Byakuya:"???"

Listening to the words that came from beside his ear, a series of question marks suddenly appeared on Byakuya Kuchiki's face.

What does this person mean?

Are you going to use me as a target?

Is it too late to quit now?

Captain Yamamoto, I would like to apply to return to the Sixth Division!

It's a pity that Nagasawa didn't intend to give him any chance to repent.

He raised his hand lightly and gave the other party a "I want to go up" look in the eyes, and the surging spiritual pressure instantly gathered in his palm.

Looking at Nagasawa Ya's actions that didn't seem like a joke, Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes twitched suddenly.

Immediately, he quickly raised his right arm, with his palm facing outwards and his five fingers slightly spread.

To be on the safe side, he quickly chanted the chant.

"The proud son of heaven, the iron city wall, the dragon's walk, the lion's roar, the tiger's roar, the wolf's run, cut off the world before it collapses..."

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

With the end of the chant, a translucent defensive wall instantly formed in front of him.

At the same time, seeing that Byakuya Kuchiki was ready, Masa Nagasawa also instantly released the ghostly way that had been condensed in his palm.

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon."

With a soft drink coming from Nagasawa Masaru's mouth, a huge beam of light like an electromagnetic gun spurted out from his palm in an instant.

Seeing that the two on the stage came up with a No. 80 or more attack and defense on the ghost path, let alone those Mao students sitting in the audience opened their mouths wide open.

Even the gods of death in the back row had expressions of shock on their faces.

In the hearts of everyone, some even couldn't help thinking.

What kind of enmity between Mr. Nagasawa and Byakuya Kuchiki?

Do you want to be so cruel?

However, it was different from the crowd who were sitting under the stage with shocked expressions on their faces.

After seeing Nagasawa "merely" using No. 88 Break Road, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was standing behind the defensive wall, was obviously relieved.

It's not without reason that Duankong can be called the strongest defensive bound way.

Especially when he casts all spells with chanting, but Nagasawa Ya gave up chanting.

In this situation, unless the opponent who casts the "Flying Dragon Smash Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" is his father, Kuchiki Cangchun who is best at this skill.

Otherwise, even in the face of the "Flying Dragon Smash Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" released by the captain-level Reaper, he is confident that he will take this blow at the cost of minor injuries.

The duel between masters only takes a moment.


Nagasawa Ya's No. 88 breakthrough bombarded the "duankong" defensive wall almost in an instant.

At this time, "Flying Dragon Attacking Thieves Shocking Thunder Cannon" and "Duankong" are like the strongest spear meeting the strongest shield.

The huge impact even set off smoke and dust all over the sky in an instant, making people unable to see the scene clearly for a while.

Looking at the dazzling beam of light bombarding the defensive wall, Kuchiki Byakuya's mouth slightly raised a triumphant arc.

Hum, a great and wise teacher is nothing more than...


However, this feeling of pride did not last for more than half a second.

A crisp sound, like glass breaking, suddenly entered his cochlea.

"Wait a minute, what kind of tile is this!?"

"This power, no..."

Looking at the cracks on the defensive wall like spider webs, the pupils of Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes instantly shrank to the size of a needle point, and he could no longer maintain his indifference on his face.

At the same time, in the next second, the defensive wall that was supposed to be indestructible instantly shattered.


Accompanied by an extremely hard muffled hum.

Although "Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" has been offset by "Duan Kong" for most of its power, and Nagasawa Ya deliberately withdrew his strength at the last moment.

But under the impact of the aftermath, Byakuya Kuchiki, who had taken the blow head-on, was still violently thrown away by the blast from the explosion.

...... cut......

PS.emmmm, I saw some friends asking for the book friend group number in the comment area.

To be honest, I am the ultimate sociopath. I only dare to talk to myself at the end of chapters. I am embarrassed to speak when there are many people...

Therefore, the book club has always randomly placed the chapters that require payment after 20 words.

I have written three books and have exactly one hundred group friends.

Come to think of it, this book seems to have only been posted to the group once, so I’d better post it again.

Penguin colony: 961745436

If you are interested, you can add it, the author who hit the street doesn't have any benefits, the main thing is just a chatter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I have to say that Kuchiki Byakuya is really much tougher than a general commander who doesn't want to be named, who is beaten and screams embarrassingly every time he fights with Yamamoto.

Even if the aftermath of the impact flew from the stage to the auditorium, and he was caught by Kenpachi Saragi with one hand, he just let out a dull moan.

Then, as if nothing was wrong, he patted his somewhat torn sleeves and returned to the stage in a flash.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was blown out just now, the calm appearance seemed to say that even if there were ten more rounds, he would still be able to eat them all, Nagasawa frowned. pick.

Unfortunately, Kuchiki Byakuya's slightly trembling hands behind his back betrayed him.

Although Nagasawa himself knew how to use this "flying dragon to strike thieves and shake the sky with thunder cannon", after he completely changed Kuchiki Sojun's fate, he received a gift from Kuchiki Sojun from the future.

It's like going to school at the same time, different students will have different degrees of partiality because of their talents and preferences.

Every god of death who is good at the ghost way has his own unique understanding of the ghost way.

With the addition of Kuchiki Cangchun's unique understanding, the power of Nagasawa Masa's No. 88 Breakthrough move has increased exponentially.

Although Kuchiki Byakuya sang "Broken Kong" all the time, he responded hastily after all. Coupled with his inherent qualitative thinking, he inherently underestimated Nagasawa Masa This hit.

This led to the immediate result.

If Masa Nagasawa hadn't pulled back after breaking through the defensive wall of "Duan Kong", I'm afraid Kuchiki Byakuya wouldn't have been able to get away with such a slight injury.

Seeing that Kuchiki Byakuya was "no problem", Nagasawa Masaru had no intention of exposing him.

He turned around and spoke softly to the Mao students who were already looking messy.

"Bound Road No. 81 'Break the Sky', and Road No. 88 'Flying Dragon Attacks Thieves Shocking Thunder Run'."

"The demonstration I did with the Kuchiki team just now can be regarded as the ghost way that will only be used in the top battles."

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