"What do you think?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, scanning the Mao students sitting under the stage, including those active Shinigami sitting in the back row.

"It's so powerful! It would be great if one day I could learn such a powerful Kidō!"

"This is a No. 80 ghost way! My God, I haven't even fully learned the No. 31 red cannon until now. How long will it take to reach the level of Nagasawa-sensei and Kuchiki-sama?"

"This level of ghost way...is it really possible for us who are still in Mao to learn it? I'm afraid even if it is an official Shinigami..."

"The juniors are still too naive. Let alone them. Even among us active Shinigami, there are only very few who can master the No. 80 or above Kidō, let alone use it in battle."

"Yes, if you can perform the NO.80 or above Kidō, you must be at least a Shinigami above the vice-captain level. And to be honest, it's not that we don't want to use it, it's just too difficult. Instead of letting me fight in the battle, It is more convenient to fight with this kind of high-level ghost path, it is better to just draw the sword and strike."

Listening to the buzzing responses from my ears, there are praises, shocks, exclamations, and even some voices of doubt.

But when Nagasawa heard these responses, there was no expression of dissatisfaction on her face.

Because these are exactly what he wanted to hear.

I saw him raise his hand and press down on the sky.

Accompanied by his actions, everyone in the audience slowly fell silent.

"A high-level ghost path, isn't it practical?"

"Although it is powerful, it is also extremely difficult to learn."

"Especially in the face of high-level binding, you can only deal with high-level breaking. If you don't have the corresponding means, you can only sit and wait for death."

Listening to Nagazawa Masa's words, the Mao students in the audience may still be a little ignorant.

But for the active Reaper who has graduated and has experienced countless battles, he can no longer agree.

Qiqi couldn't help but nodded.

"'Broken Way No. [-]: Bai Lei', I think...even a shinigami who is not good at the ghost way, must have learned it when he was still in his first life?"

"If I say that I can break through the defense of No. 81 Binding Dao 'Duan Kong' with just the 'White Thunder' of No. [-] Dao-Breaking Path, do you think it is possible?"


Nagasawa's voice was very soft, but when he finished speaking, it was like causing an uproar in the crowd.

All of a sudden, including the ignorant teenagers who were still studying in Mao, everyone was in an uproar.

Everyone was wondering if there was something wrong with their ears.

Break through the No. 81 binding road with the No. [-] breaking road? !

Is it Nagasawa Masaru who is dreaming, or am I dreaming?

If it is not because of etiquette, they really want to ask, Mr. Nagasawa, are you sober?

For the doubts in everyone's eyes, Nagasawa naturally had a panoramic view.

He didn't refute anything, just continued.

"I know it's a pretty incredible thing."

"Well, instead of explaining too much, the actual demonstration should be more intuitive."

"Bai Zai, is Duan Kong's words still useful?"

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa turned her gaze to Byakuya Kuchiki.

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

Feeling the numbness coming from his arm, he actually wanted to refuse.

But soon, the look of hesitation in his eyes was instantly replaced by a look of determination.

How can the dignified heir of the Kuchiki family give up lightly?

For the glory of the Kuchiki family!

"Of course I didn't ask..."

However, just when he was about to respond to Nagasawa Ya's words, a voice that sounded a little frivolous, or rather cynical, interrupted his next words.

"Wait a moment."

The sudden interruption immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, including Masa Nagasawa, who all looked in the direction of the sound.

In the next second, a figure that surprised him appeared in his eyes.


I saw Gin Ichimaru, who was wearing the armband of the vice-captain of the [-]th Division, and this Zanpakuto that was only slightly longer than Wakizawa on his waist, came to the stage in a short step, and spoke softly to Nagasawa Masa.

"That blow just now, Deputy Kuchiki... Kuchiki-kun must have suffered a little injury, right?"

"If it's just Duan Kong, I will too. How about I replace Kuchiki-kun for the next demonstration?"

...... cut......

PS.emmmm, I watched Black Panther 2 at home, and I always feel that it’s hard to say...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ichimaru Gin's intrusion was somewhat beyond Nagasawa Masaru's expectations.

Even when he looked at Ichimaru Gin, a complicated expression flashed in his eyes.

50 years ago, in his task waiting list, there was a task called "Change the fate of Ichimaru silver".

At that time, he had tried to think, if he took the lead in winning Rangiku's heart when the emotional state in Rangiku's heart was still in its infancy, would it be possible to make him give up revenge on Aizen and change the fate of Ichimaru Gin.

However, 50 years have passed, as long as he is not blind, he should be able to see what Luanju cares for him.

But even under such circumstances, Ichimaru Gin still did not give up his revenge plan, and continued to lurk by Aizen's side.

For this result, Masa Nagasawa has only two inferences.

Or, the other party is the ultimate licking dog, and the love for Luan Ju has transcended worldly desires and greed, and has reached the point of a selfless, pure and beautiful love.

Or, it is that he always upholds the innocent childhood friendship in his heart, and vows to uphold justice for Luanju and get back what he lost.

From the current point of view, Ichimaru Gin's feelings for Rangiku seem to be more inclined to the latter.

And seriously.

Although he knew that Ichimaru Gin was very good at disguising, but judging from his old-fashioned eyes, the other party did not show any hostility towards him.

After all, it is difficult to hide the look in someone's eyes when someone wants to knife someone.

As the target of Ichimaru Gin's revenge, Aizen even guessed the other party's purpose on the first day he took refuge.

It was just because he was curious about when and how the other party would attack, and because Imaru Gin was indeed a capable subordinate, so he kept him by his side all the time.

However, just as he was thinking about these things, Byakuya Kuchiki, who was one of the protagonists on the stage, had a cold face and responded softly in a tone without any emotional fluctuations.

"No, it's not a big injury."

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's refusal, Ichimaru Gin looked indifferent, and even thought of making fun of it.

"Ala, Ala, Kuchiki-kun is still so indifferent, I'm doing this for your own good."

Hearing the teasing words in his ear, Byakuya Kuchiki frowned instinctively.

"I said, no..."

However, before he could finish his refusal, he was interrupted by Ya Nagasawa.

"Since you have spoken, Yin, I will trouble you."

Masa Nagasawa's answer instantly aroused Byakuya Kuchiki's dissatisfaction.

With a stronger personality, even though he has suffered enough injuries to affect his performance, he still frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, Nagasawa, let me tell you, I don't need to replace..."

"Byakuza, I know you have always been proud of the Kuchiki family's glory, but learning to protect your body is also an important lesson for a warrior."

Only this time, Nagasawa did not agree to him again, but directly rejected his request, and stared into his eyes with an extremely sincere and serious expression.

It seemed that she could see something in Nagasawa Ya's eyes, or maybe she was convinced by Nagasawa Ya's words.

After staring at Masa Nagasawa for 0.9527 seconds, Byakuya Kuchiki compromised.

"I understand."

With that said, he stopped insisting and jumped off the stage without hesitation.

Seeing that Byakuya Kuchiki had left the stage, Masa Nagasawa sorted out his thoughts a little, and then he took out a marble-like object with a metallic glow from his pocket, and continued loudly.

"This is a special projectile I asked the Ohmaeda family to make for me."

"Its whole body is made of high-density metal structure, which is not only extremely strong, but also has excellent spiritual pressure conductivity."

"And its biggest advantage is that it is cheap. Even residents of Rukongai can easily buy a few and give them to their children as small toys to play with."

As he spoke, he also pinched the metal bullet in his hand with his thumb and index finger, and showed the object in his hand to everyone in the audience with a gesture that could kill the stick.

In an instant, a series of question marks appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

It feels as if Yu Qian, the Shaobao of the Ming Dynasty, was teaching you one second, and then suddenly it was Uncle Yu who gave you an impromptu cross talk the next second.

Looking at Chang Zeya who suddenly switched to the "carrying goods" mode, everyone tilted their heads in unison, not understanding what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Only Ichimaru Gin, who was standing on the stage with Nagasawa Masa at this time, showed a cautious look on his face.

To be honest, if he was the only one, he wouldn't want to come up and be this conspicuous bag.

It's not that he is very low-key.

Mainly because in his memory, every time he gets involved with Nagasawa, things will always become extremely troublesome.

But in the next second, thinking of Lan Ran's entrustment before leaving, he could only sigh in his heart.

It's not easy being a subordinate.

After showing a circle of metal projectiles in his hand, Nagasawa did not immediately explain its use.

He just showed a slightly mysterious smile to everyone in the audience, and then gestured to Ichimaru Gin.

"Silver, you can start."

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa gave the signal, even though he knew that the other party used only No. [-] "Shirai" this time, Gin Ichimaru didn't dare to show the slightest look of contempt in his eyes.

It is directly a full chant spellcasting.

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

His strength is indeed much stronger than that of Kuchiki Byakuya. Not only did he successfully learn the swastika a while ago, but he also raised his spiritual power level to a level close to third-class spiritual power, making him a proper captain-level powerhouse.

But what's more ridiculous is that in order to cooperate with Aizen's plan, he can't reveal his full strength for the time being.

Not to mention that the current situation is not a real battle, but a living target.

His greatest reliance is his spiritual pressure, which has reached the peak of the fourth-level spiritual power.

Looking at the "fragile" defensive wall in front of him, he was a little worried. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of Kuchiki Byakuya, he didn't feel ashamed. Later, I added two full chanting ghosts.

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan!"

"Binding Dao 73: Inverted Mountain Crystal!"

Looking at the defensive wall that looked like a triple Rashomon in front of him, Ichimaru Gin finally had a look of "security" on his face.

Then, his eyes fell on Nagasawa Ya who was not far away.

However, this glance made his face slightly stagnant involuntarily.

Nagasawa placed the metallic-glossy projectile between the thumb and index finger of his right hand, assuming a posture that a child would use when playing marbles.

In the next second, the fingertip holding the projectile was actually surrounded by a white lightning.

...... cut......

PS. Ahhhhh, yesterday I asked if there were any good movies. Why do so many people recommend The Little Mermaid==? ? ?

Are you serious?

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