The battle between Nagasawa Ya and Neutra and the battle of Bailegang are played to show Nagasawa Ya's powerful spiritual pressure.

The purpose of playing Masa Nagasawa's one-shot KO Kenpachi Saragi, and the non-injured slice artificial virtual is to show Masa Nagasawa's superb fighting skills, that is, attack power.

The purpose of broadcasting Oniganjo's night attack on the No. [-] team building and the battle against Rennosuke Kamikawa is to reflect Masa Nagasawa's amazing physical strength and recovery ability, that is, defensive power.

The purpose of broadcasting the battle between Masa Nagasawa and the former monk Yixiu is to highlight Masa Nagasawa's excellent mobility.

So here comes the question...

"What about intelligence?"

"Why didn't I see Nagasawa-kun's intelligence analysis?"

Ichimaru Gin discovers the flower point that Tōsen wants.

However, after hearing Ichimaru Gin's words, Tosen Kaname frowned.

Immediately, he responded softly with an unbelievable tone as if he had heard some stupid words.

"Do you think that a person who can write "Elegant Theory", display the high-level power of low-level ghosts, and lay out in the virtual circle one step ahead of us, does the intelligence need too much analysis?"

"It seems that... the score of 70 points is somewhat overestimated, and I will correct it later."

Hearing the words in his ears, Ichimaru Gin, who narrowed his eyes again, suddenly became hardened.

Fist hardened.

He has known Dongxian for 50 years, and it is the first time he finds out that the blind man deserves a beating.

And after responding to Ichimaru Gin, Tōsenkō seems to have no plans to "take advantage of the victory and pursue it".

I saw him speaking softly while operating the computer in front of him.

"Although the results are somewhat surprising, if my technique is correct..."

"This is the specific combat value after quantifying Nagasawa's various abilities."

As he said that, as he pressed the Enter key, a hexagonal map marked with the words "Nagaze Ya" appeared in front of the three of them.


Unlike Tōsenyo and Ichimaru Gin's large hexagonal map with a small hexagonal map, Nagasawa Masa's hexagonal map is filled to the brim, and there is no gap at all.

Immediately, Dongxian Yao said slowly in a heavy tone.

"Masa Nagasawa is a standard hexagonal fighter. He can be simply regarded as the final form of crushing Ichimaru in all directions. He has a balanced development of various abilities and has no weaknesses."

"Captain Aizan, I suggest to think of a countermeasure against him as soon as possible."

Looking at the perfectly filled hexagonal map and listening to the words in his ear, Gin Ichimaru felt that his stiff face could no longer twitch.

Even in the next few nights, he would wake up suddenly and say something unconsciously.

No, he is sick! ?

...... cut......

One day of PS.6000+, because of the three-day training, I didn't expect to start working hard on the 10th, it's hard...

The thirty-seventh and fifth chapters of Kiryu War Rabbit have to scream when they see each other

The lone moon hung high, and in the endless white sand sea, a figure in a black cloak slowly walked out of the space passage.

Looking at the faintly visible dome of the Xuye Palace in the distance, Nagasawa Ya, who took off the hood covering his head, sighed with emotion.

"While building a passage from Ruhun Street to the suburbs of Xuye Palace, it can also be prevented from being monitored by the equipment of the Technology Development Bureau. Kisuke's technology is really amazing."

There are many masters in Seireitei, coupled with the stalking of some caring people, without the cover of the mirror, he wanted to go to Liuhun Street without alarming anyone, but it really took some effort.

In order to be concealed enough for his actions, when he left Seireitei, he deliberately put on this black cloak that can hide his spiritual pressure under the cover of night, and by the way, placed a portable skeleton in the small courtyard, relying on the portable skeleton The faint spiritual pressure emitted by Muke gave people the illusion that he was still in the small courtyard.

However, although this kind of cover-up can deceive some outsiders, it is tantamount to being defenseless to those close to him.

Fortunately, Nanao made up for this link very well.

At that time, he was playing with the portable prosthetic skeleton that was as handsome as himself in the room, but Nanao appeared outside his room.

For Nanao's arrival, Masa Nagasawa was both surprised and reasonable.

After all, even Luan Ju saw his intentions, and there was no reason why the clever Nanao couldn't see it.

The reason why he didn't tell the truth on the spot at that time was probably because of the presence of Rukia and others.

It's just that Nanao's arrival is not to get to the bottom of it, but to tell Nagasawa that no matter what he wants to do, she will support him unconditionally, just like what Nagasawa did to her.

The implication of Nanao's words couldn't be more obvious.

Just tell him, don't have any worries, do it with confidence, and she will be responsible for helping him cover at home.

At that moment, Nagasawa smiled happily.

This is probably the so-called two-way rush.

In order to find him who was missing, Nanao under great pressure established the Brotherhood of Death.

In order to be able to leave a way for the Brotherhood of Death, who was in an embarrassing situation and almost stood on the opposite side of the Seireitei's dignitaries and feats, Nagasawa Masa simply took over the virtual circle.

At that time, Nagasawa felt that it was almost time to get to the bottom of Nanao.

It is true that he is the nominal leader of the Brotherhood of Death, but in fact it is Nanao who leads the Brotherhood of Death all the way.

Although it sounds a bit like setting up FLAG, he still decided to tell Nanao and the others part of the "truth" when he came back from the virtual circle this time.

Withdrawing his thoughts, the teleportation point set by Urahara Kisuke is still some distance away from Xuye Palace. After all, the person Harribel and others believe in is Masa Nagasawa, not Shinigami.

If the teleportation point is directly set within the range of the Void Night Palace, it may arouse the suspicion of Harribel and others.

Kisuke Urahara is not stupid, he would not make such a low-level mistake.

But if this happens, it will be very painful for Nagasawa.

He knows the reason why Wangshan ran a dead horse, don't look at the dome of Xuye Palace that can be seen from a distance now, but God knows when it will end when he really runs.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry, as long as Yamamoto is not looking for him, Nanao can help him get away with it.

However, when Nagasawa was running quickly towards the Xuye Palace, the figure that was heading straight towards the Xuye Palace changed abruptly as if completely ignoring the gravity and inertia of the earth. In the forward direction, rush towards the oblique side.

"call out!"

But the second after he changed direction, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a shell-like bombardment "coincidentally" struck on his original traveling route.


The sudden attack set off violent smoke and dust. Nagasawa, who dodged the sneak attack, stopped and stood still, looking calmly at the direction of the attack.

Thanks to the spiritual sub-affinity brought by [Super Speed ​​Absorption], he is particularly sensitive to attacks with spiritual pressure.

In the process of galloping just now, he was keenly aware of the high-energy reaction 800 meters away.

It was an unfamiliar spiritual pressure, but in terms of the coercion it exuded, it was no less than Saar Apollo, and even stronger than Helibel.

The unexpectedly powerful enemy made Nagasawa a little confused, but in the next second, the attack of the strange Daxu burst towards him at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound, almost in the blink of an eye. Came to him.

If he hadn't noticed it in advance, and made an emergency evasion action early.

I am afraid that the blow just now is not so easy to avoid.

The smoke and dust dissipated, slowly revealing the figure hidden in it.

In the deep pit that was blown out by the attack, there was a man wearing an antelope-like mask, with a body and arms that resembled a human, but from the waist down, he showed a posture with four hooves like an antelope. Slowly pulled out the double-ended spear stuck in the deep pit, and stared at him coldly.

Looking at Daxu who appeared in front of her eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of surprise in her eyes.

The thick pure white half-body armor tightly wraps the plump upper body, outlining a series of tough yet graceful curves. The antelope-shaped bone mask has appeared broken, like Batman, revealing the hidden Underneath it is a smooth chin and two rosy lips.

Obviously, this is another Vastod who turned into a semi-Arrancar on his own.

However, although there is still a huge gap between the half-human sheep Daxu in front of him and the appearance in his memory, Nagasawa Ya recognized the void in front of him at a glance.

Nellie Lu Duo Dexiufanke, in the original plot, Harribel's previous No. [-] Ten Blades.

That is, at the moment when he recognized the other party, Nelliel, who drew out her spear, spoke first.

"Reaper, why did you appear in the virtual circle?"

Nelliel's tone was very cold, she clearly said a question, but there was an undeniable taste.

Hearing the words in his ears, Nagasawa couldn't help raising his brows, and immediately asked back.

"Hey, you obviously launched the attack first, what's going on with this look that it's all my fault?"

"Also, is there anyone who stipulates that the god of death cannot appear in the virtual circle?"

Facing Masa Nagasawa's answer, Nelliel's brows hidden under the antelope-like mask couldn't help but slightly frowned, and immediately continued to ask questions.

"What are you going to Xuye Palace for?"

"I'm just going to find my friends."

Regarding Nagasawa Masa's answer, Nelliel frowned even deeper.


"If your friend refers to Bailegang, I regret to tell you that he is dead, and the current Void Night Palace is in charge of Lord Helibel."

Listening to Nelliel's answer, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

Although he is not in the virtual circle, Urahara Kisuke will use encrypted means to give him some recent information about the Xuyue Palace, including the progress of his experiment, and Helibel's reform of the virtual circle.

If Valstord as powerful as Nelliel joins the Void Night Palace, there is no reason not to tell him.

He couldn't help but continued to ask with some doubts.

"Why do you think my friend will be Balegon instead of Lord Harribel as you said?"

Hearing this, Nelliel's eyes could not help flashing a cold light, and the spear in her hand was raised high, assuming a gesture of preparation for throwing.

"Death, I advise you not to try to lie to me."

"The news of Mr. Harribel's entry into the Void Night Palace has not yet spread. Even the big ones in the Void circle don't know much about it, let alone the God of Death who is far away in the world of corpses and souls."

"What is the purpose of your trip to Xuye Palace?"

"If it's aimed at Lord Harribel, I, Nelliel du Odeshovank, will crush you here!"

Listening to the passionate response of a knight in the middle ages who sacrificed his life to stop the invading enemy for the princess he was loyal to, the expression on Nagasawa Masa's face became even more strange.

"Tsk...I've made it very clear just now, haven't I?"

"I'm just looking for my friend, and Herribel is my friend."

"Speaking of... are you familiar with Harribel?"

If the other party is really Harribel's new subordinate, even if Kisuke Urahara didn't report to him, he shouldn't be ignorant of him.

This is not logical.

Who would have thought that he had just finished asking, but Nelliel responded softly with a calm face.

"Although I don't know Mr. Harribel before, I respect the philosophy he pursues."

"XuBen is the product of the fall of human beings. It finally evolved into Yachukas and regained the rationality of the past, but they still have to fight each other, constantly devouring the same kind in order to evolve..."

"I hate meaningless battles. If this world can really become a world where Hollow no longer devours each other and can evolve and become stronger, as Lord Harribel described, I will not hesitate." Raise the spear in your hand and guard it in front of him!"

Nagasawa: "..."

Listening to Nelliel's speech, Masa Nagasawa finally knew what the problem was.

The half-sheep lady in front of Ganqing shares the same ideals with Harribel, and she voluntarily follows the other party's footsteps, so she will attack him who may hurt Harribel.

The only problem is that the other party has not joined the camp of Xuye Palace at all.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya couldn't help being a little speechless, and she didn't know where to start to spit out the old trough.

He could only respond in a calmer tone as much as possible.

"If you still don't want to believe me, go to Xuye Palace with me and you will see..."

However, before Masa Nagasawa could finish her words, Nelliel interrupted directly.

"grim Reaper!"

"I've had enough of your lies. If you really want to go to Xuye Palace to prove your innocence, it must be after you lose the ability to fight!"

As he said that, Nilielle, who was holding a spear in her hand, shook her head and immediately rushed towards him with four hooves.

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