
The thick spear, like the spear used by medieval knights, collided hard with Nagasawa Masaru's Zanpakutō, and burst out with little bits of fire.

What a great speed!

Seeing Nelliel rushing towards him, and feeling the power of the Zanpakuto in her hand, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but fix her eyes.

This is not the first time he has played against Varstord.

Aside from Stark, who is the only one in Reiatsu, although he has not completely broken his face, Nelliel's strength is no less than that of Saar Apollo.

Even compared with the former "King of the Void Circle" Bailegang, she just lacks the "power of aging" that decays everything.

In terms of pure physical strength, he, Nagasawa, would like to call Nelliel the "strongest" in Valstord.

Even Harribel, who is also good at physical strength, is slightly insufficient compared to Nelliel.

After all, one grew up eating grass, while the other ate meat.

Nilielle, who didn't like fighting but was never afraid of fighting, walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood step by step.

Just thinking of this, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help but have a weird thought in her mind.

Obviously it is a shark that symbolizes blood, but it pursues vegetarianism.

On the contrary, it is an antelope that eats grass and produces milk, like a fighting madman.

That is to say, during the time when he was thinking wildly, one person and one Xu had already fought each other more than ten knives.

Gradually, Nagasawa felt a little tricky.

As far as the level of spiritual power is concerned, at this time, he will reach the level of fourth-class spiritual power.

Although it is definitely considered an outstanding existence among the vice-captains, it is still a bit too reluctant to fight against Nelliel, who has evolved to Valstord and is enough to compete with the captain-level death god.

He just realized this after just exchanging dozens of moves.

Not to mention that the opponent's strength is not only reflected in the attribute panels such as strength, speed, and spiritual pressure, but also in terms of fighting skills, which is not inferior to him in the slightest.

It is true that he still has such things as Shijie, Shunji, Tomb Miaoshui, [-] Renbi Zhulao, etc.

If all means are used, it is not impossible to kill Nellie by force.

After all, even Bailegang, who has mastered the "power of aging", can only hate the Northwest under his [Excalibur].

If 【Excalibur】cooperates with Shidou, it will be an invincible combination. Kiryu War Rabbit will scream when they see it.

But the problem is, he doesn't want to kill Nelliel.

After all, Nellielu is rushing to seek refuge with Helibel, and the fundamental purpose of attacking him is to prevent him from hurting Helibel.

This is very embarrassing.

If he wanted to overcome the superior and beat Nelliel with the weak, he had to exert all his strength.

But this kind of creature, Xu, is said to be strong and weak, and once the mask is damaged, the whole Xu will be useless.

If he doesn't use all his strength, the spiritual power in Narcissus will be used a little bit less, maybe after using [Excalibur] once, it will be difficult to make a more powerful second cut.

This degree, to be honest, is difficult to grasp...

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa suddenly became heartbroken.

Mader, labor and management will print the card on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the 2009 Poros VS Saitama...]

...... cut......

PS. Yesterday I got stuck, I didn’t know how to write it, and then I wanted to relax, so I clicked on the shitty elite I haven’t seen for a long time.

It turned out that I happened to watch the fifth episode, and after I played the first episode for more than 2 hours, my heart was broken and I had no intention of typing...

I'm so sorry...ORZ

This chapter is 4000+, I will write a little more and see if I can write another chapter.

Chapter Thirty-seven and Sixth Cosmic Overlord Nagasawa Masa

My name is Nellie Lu Du Odeshovank, a Daxu who has broken through Yachukas, got rid of the desire to kill, and stepped into a higher dimension.

I am ashamed of being human.

I was devoured by the desire in my heart, and I experienced too many killings. When I realized it, there were piles of bones piled up behind me into a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

I hate senseless killing.

I don't understand why, after I evolved into Yachukas, I managed to regain my rationality as a human being, why should I follow the desire in my heart and achieve self-evolution by devouring the same kind.

I don't understand whether the evolution to a higher level is to survive in the cruel virtual circle, or just to satisfy the desire in my heart.

I don't understand why no one has tried to change this in the past for thousands of years.

Xu... Is it possible to continue to survive only by devouring each other?

If this is the case... Will there be only one strongest Xu left in this world?

Until one day, I heard the name Helibel.

That's what I heard from a mutant in a pink skirt...ahem, a humanoid Achukas.

I recognize him, Charlotte Kurufeng, a subordinate of "King of the Void Circle" Balegon.

As the nominal "king" of the virtual circle, Bailegang has tried more than once to bring me under his command after breaking through Yachukas.

I thought this time would be no exception.

However, I learned from Kurufeng that the once invincible Balegon died at the hands of a big man named "Helibel".

Under my questioning, he told me the whole story.

At the same time, from his contemptuous mouth, I also learned about Lord Harribel's great ideals.

Is a world where virtuals don't need to devour each other to achieve evolution...

Isn't this the world I'm looking forward to and pursuing all the time?

I have to admit, I was moved.

I want to create such a world together with Herribel-sama.

So, I embarked on a journey to Xuye Palace for the first time.

However, just when I was about to arrive at the Xuye Palace, a discordant spiritual pressure broke into my perception like a candle in the dark night.

grim Reaper.

Almost in an instant, I recognized the identity of the other party.

And most importantly, this guy is not weak!

Just... just look where he's going.

That is the direction of Xuye Palace!

The god of death went to Xuye Palace... Was it to find trouble for Bai Legang?

If he finds out that the master of the Void Night Palace at this moment has been replaced by Mr. Harribel, will he be disadvantageous to Mr. Harribel?

No, it's hard to find a person who is determined to change the world. I can't let this light of hope that has just been ignited be destroyed. I must stop him!


So strong!

How could this god of death be so strong? !

Didn't it mean that the gods of death are all guys who fight with the Zanpakuto in their hands?

Why did this guy just fight a dozen moves with the sharp blade in his hand, then he dropped the Zanpakuto and switched to fighting with two fists?

The fight at the beginning... are you teasing me?

Or is it that he didn't use all his strength at all?

The majestic punch of a bone, coupled with the burst of energy, is like a punch from a million magnets, and it hits the bone spear that Nelliel is resisting in front of her.


Invincible, even relying on the power of piercing the surface, Neutra's bone spear, which has the highest hardness of ten blades in the history of the steel skin, is like a wafer at this moment. down, crumbling into residue.

However, Nelliel is worthy of being a seasoned warrior.

At the moment when the spear shattered, not only did she not lose her ability to move because of the shock, but she turned around quickly with the impact of her fist and the flexible steps of her feet. The big bone spear stabbed fiercely at Nagasawa's chest through the centrifugal force generated by the twisting of the body.

This blow was swift, stealthy, and extremely fierce.

If stabbed, although it would not cause death, Nagasawa Masaru would undoubtedly lose the ability to resist instantly.

However, just when Nilielu's stab was about to hit Nagasawa Ya, she just punched and shattered the spear in her hand. An action that violates the laws of physics, quickly withdrawing and retreating.

The fierce stab pierced through Nagasawa Masa's chest, but feeling the touch from the tip of the spear, Nelliel's face showed no joy.

The feeling of hitting an empty space with all its strength is like a bubble in a dream, which will burst at the touch of a touch.

As the pierced "Masa Nagasawa" gradually blurred, Nelliel realized in an instant that what she stabbed just now was just an afterimage of Masa Nagasawa due to her extremely fast speed. .

Gaze, looking into the distance.

I saw Nagasawa standing in the sky, her short flowing hair flying in the wind, and the faint electric current floating around her body, making her look like a speeding Saiyan.

However, at this moment, his hands are empty, and the Zanpakuto that was used to resist the attack before has been thrown by him at an unknown place, and the lone scabbard is just casually inserted in his waist.

However, facing such an unarmed enemy, Nilielu's expression was extremely solemn.

The man in front of her was without a doubt the strongest person she had ever met in her long life. Even Bailegang, who had never met before, she reckoned that he was no match for the man in front of her.

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly felt like it fell into an ice cave.

Look at Nagasawa who pulled back and retreated.

To defeat a person, the strength needed is often several times that of killing a person.

This is no exaggeration.

This is also the reason why he did not hesitate to draw the experience card.

He needs an experience card that can increase his combat power, even if it is only increased by [-]%, it is enough for him to defeat the opponent without severely injuring Nelliel.

But to be honest, when he printed... ahem, drew the card, and just heard the first half of the sentence, he was extremely happy.

This is the second time he has drawn a [One Punch Man] world experience card.

Although I didn't draw the Saitama experience card last time, the Hungry Wolf experience card brought me super learning talent, adaptability to combat, and more importantly, a near-death limit breakthrough!

Without these three characteristics, he doesn't even know if he can persist in living in the chasm.

It's a pity that he still didn't get Saitama-sensei this time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a 2009 Poros VS Saitama, a Poros three-day experience card. 】

[It is detected that the energy system stimulated by the experience card is inconsistent with the current world view, and it is automatically synchronized...]

[Ding, the experience card has been successfully activated, please enjoy the host. 】

The overlord of the universe...

He has long been accustomed to using the experience card, and he entered the state of energy liberation of Poros without hesitation.

...... cut......

PS. Fortunately, it is still added, today 6000+, continue to work hard tomorrow!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Masa Nagasawa standing in the air, like a lonely king, quietly looking down at Nelliel standing on the ground.

There are many benefits of the experience card. Apart from the most basic point of the remnant of power, the biggest advantage is that during the use of the experience card, the power he owns can be perfectly superimposed with the power given by the experience card.

In the past, when his strength was average, this was not very obvious, but as his own strength continued to increase, he became more and more aware of the power of the experience card.

Take his battle with Balegon as an example.

After swinging the "Excalibur" that condensed almost all the spiritual pressure, he almost had no strength to fight anymore.

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