But as he transformed into Kamen Rider·Ghost·Infinite Soul Form, he should have been exhausted, but once again burst out with strength beyond the limit.

The experience card is like an external engine, not only will it not conflict with its original power, but it can even achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than three.

At this moment, Nagasawa Ya, who has activated the [Poros Experience Card], after entering the energy release state of Poros, not to mention consuming the Reiatsu stored in Narcissus, the consumption of herself is almost equal to zero.


Looking at Nelliel with a determined look in her eyes, Masa Nagasawa suddenly felt a bit of a stomachache.

This look was too familiar to him.

When Kuchiki Byakuya faced the rebels, he showed such a look when he protected the seriously injured Kuchiki Sosumi behind him.

During the battle with Kiegashiro Kenpachi, Kuchiki Sojun who was standing in front of him also showed such a look.

It was a look that would not hesitate to protect the "justice" in his heart, even if it risked his life.

In the Two-dimensional world, the eyes of the protagonist group will usually explode, and the eyes of the supporting characters will most likely hit the streets.

Realizing that she is not a supporting role, Masa Nagasawa decided to make a quick decision.

[Poros Experience Card] is very strong. As the overlord of the universe, Poros has two trump cards.

One is to convert the energy in the body into propulsion, thereby obtaining explosive speed and power beyond biological limits, and increasing the destructive power to the maximum "meteor burst form".

The second is the huge energy wave that accumulates all the energy in the body and releases it from the mouth. It is so powerful that it can destroy the strata.

But neither of these two trump cards is suitable for the current situation.

"Meteor burst form" krypton life, he will definitely not use it when it is not a matter of life and death.

"Broken Star Roaring Cannon"...

Nagasawa is afraid that if this cannonball goes on, Nelliel will really die.

But if he is only in the state of "energy release", he wants to completely crush the half-damaged Nelliel without hurting his life and destroying his origin, but he is still a little bit worse.

However, none of these troubled Nagasawa Ya.

As mentioned above, the experience card is like an external engine to the host Nagasawa Masaru.

At this time, he still has one engine that has not started.


As a low cry came from his mouth, surging spiritual pressure surged out from his shoulders and back in an instant, and the expensive-looking special death tyrant outfit was instantly scrapped.

At this moment, Nagasawa Ya, there is a faint flash of light all over her body, coupled with the sudden violent anger, if it is not for the flowing hair that dances in the wind or the original black, I am afraid that it will be misunderstood as a speedy Saiyan two!

However, although there is still a big gap with the speed party Saiyan, after activating Poros's "energy release" and his own "instantaneous coaxing" at the same time, Nagasawa seems to be equipped with a double solar furnace. , a terrifying Reiatsu that far surpassed the previous burst out in an instant.

"I will fight in Gundam form."

"OOGundam, Masa Nagasawa, attack!"

Bathed in the unique golden light of Reiatsu, Nagasawa Ya's mouth curled into an evil arc.

The next second, with a villain smile, he disappeared from Nellie's eyes.

Looking at Nagasawa who suddenly disappeared, Nelliel's eyes hidden under the antelope-like mask instantly shrank to the size of a needle point.

She was horrified to find that Nagasawa's speed was several times faster than before.

So fast!

It's even faster than before!

Her eyes kept searching for Nagasawa's figure, but what made her despair was that, let alone capturing Nagasawa, she couldn't even see the other person's afterimage clearly.

But very quickly, the panic and despair in her heart were replaced by a wave of determination.

Such a dangerous person must not be allowed to get close to Mr. Harribel!

No matter what, keep him here!

In an instant, Nelliel had a desire to die.

In the next second, she swung the spear in her hand and placed it by her side, holding it neither tight nor loose.

The left hand is held in the air, as if feeling the flow of air.

This is not a defensive posture, but more like giving up defense and concentrating all the energy and energy on one point.

At this moment, facing Nagasawa Ya, who crushed her in all aspects of strength, speed, and spiritual pressure, she simply gave up all defenses and focused all her attention on the spear in her hand .

Through the short fight just now, Nili Ellu keenly noticed a weakness of Nagasawa Ya, which is not a weakness.

Indeed, Nagasawa Miyabi is very strong, so powerful that she can be mercilessly crushed in every attribute panel.

But one thing is that Nagasawa doesn't seem to be very proficient in the short game.

Just now when she smashed her long spear with one punch, Nagasawa did not seize the opportunity to give her a fatal blow. Instead, she gave the weaker her an excellent chance to counterattack, forcing back the strong approaching. enemy.

From this point, it can be seen that she is superior in melee combat skills!

Although at this time, Nagasawa Ya burst out with speed and spiritual pressure far exceeding the previous one, but at the moment of launching the attack, she must be close to the front.

At that time, it will be her only chance.

She wants to use this life as a bait to keep Nagasawa here completely!



Nelliel, who took a deep breath, no longer had a trace of confusion in her eyes, and said quickly with unparalleled firmness in her tone.

"bring it on!"

"In close combat, I have the advantage!"

But at the moment when her voice fell, Nagasawa Ya who had just disappeared before her eyes suddenly appeared in front of her.

The evil smile was still hanging on the corner of her mouth. Looking at the powerful enemy so close at hand, Nilielle felt that all the cells in her body were boiling at this moment.

However, just as she was driving her body crazily, trying to use the spear in her hand to pierce the enemy in front of her...

"Ordinary punch."

A gentle voice slowly sounded in her ears.

...... cut......

PS. The Nuggets won the championship, congratulations to Mr. Yue.

Looking at the entire playoffs, I asked the teacher to highlight an invincibility, and then at the Men's Basketball World Cup at the end of August, we will play Serbia...

Great danger!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ordinary punch."

Accompanied by a calm voice sounded in Nelliel's ears.

Under her gaze, Nagazeya slowly raised his right hand in a seemingly extremely slow gesture.

how to say......

In Nelliel's view, this feeling is simply extremely weird.

Obviously, in her opinion, this is an extremely slow movement, even slow enough for her to kill Nagasawa hundreds of times in this instant.

However, facing Nagasawa Ya's extremely slow movements, her body had no time to react.

And in the next second...

When Nagasawa Ya's fist lightly hit her flat stomach, Nelliel finally realized the problem.

It's not that Nagazawa's fists are too slow.

On the contrary, it was precisely because the punch was so fast that the illusion of "slowness" appeared in her eyes.

The moment the punch hit her abdomen, Nelliel seemed to recall a word her father taught her to write when she was still a human being.


In an instant, let alone a counterattack, at this moment, even her strength to hold the spear in her hand collapsed at this moment.


The bone spear fell weakly on the white sand sea, making a dull sound.

The fist strength concentrated at one point seemed to have penetrated her abdomen and protruded from her back through her body.

At this moment, it was as if all her strength had been emptied, and she slowly fell towards the ground in front of her.

What made Nelliel feel a little astonished was that although she lost almost all control of her body except her brain at the moment of being hit, she clearly realized that the other party did not seem to kill her. mean.

Even the punch just now, all the strength of the punch seemed to have defeated her defenses and disappeared into her body with the energy that penetrated her body.


However, just when she was about to plunge into the sea of ​​sand under her feet, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, relieving her from falling down.

Feeling the warm touch from the waist and abdomen, the slightly dull eyes slowly moved up, and what caught my eyes was no longer the corners of the mouth full of evil smiles, but the opposite, gentle smiles. face.

Immediately, a soft voice slowly entered her ears.

"If Harribel knows that a Daxu who has never met before is willing to risk his life to protect her and her ideals, she will definitely feel very relieved."

"After all... If you want to transform the virtual circle into a world that can continue to evolve without devouring each other, it is a road full of difficulties and obstacles. Even if you have absolute strength, you may not be able to succeed."

Listening to the words that came from her ear, Nelliel's somewhat slack eyes seemed to regain clarity at this moment.

Is he... really Lord Harribel's companion?

She is not a stupid person. From Nagasawa Ya's tone, it is not difficult for her to hear the meaning of the other party's words.

At the same time, in her mind, the scene of the battle just now was played back like a projector.

Recalling every detail before, Nelliel's half pretty face hidden under the antelope-shaped mask turned crimson.

What "melee advantage is with me"...

How could I have such naive thoughts...

This man had no intention of killing her from the beginning to the end. He gave in to her at every turn.

Thinking of this, she lowered her eyes subconsciously.

Presumably, it was precisely because the other party sensed his feelings for Harribel that he didn't kill him.

For a moment, Nilielle didn't know how to face Nagasawa, so she simply took advantage of her limp body, lowered her head, and pretended to be an ostrich.

Looking at Nelliel who was speechless, or temporarily speechless, Nagasawa scratched her nose in embarrassment.

how to say......

It feels amazing.

At this moment, Nelliel has not completely broken her face, she still retains the characteristics of the virtual, although she has initially possessed a human form, but......

His eyes moved down slowly, and there were four lamb legs covered in fur, and he was leaning on them weakly. If he hadn't supported Nelliel, the other party would have collapsed to the ground.

But here's the problem.

leg of lamb...

Although the image of the other party in his memory is indeed in line with his operating system, but the current exotic style is temporarily out of his range of acceptance.

However, the embarrassment did not last long.

Just when he was supporting Nelliel, who was limp in his arms like a hangover, three high-energy reactions that were only stronger than Nelliel broke into his body at an extremely fast speed. Perception range, and quickly approached his position.

The sudden change made Niliel, who was trying to get away with pretending to be an ostrich, shocked, and subconsciously wanted to prop up her body.

After all, in Xuquan, a place where the weak prey on the strong, losing combat power is tantamount to death.

Not to mention the terrifying spiritual pressure emitted by those three high-energy reactions, none of which is weaker than her.

It's just that she just tried to support it with her four long legs, but a sense of powerlessness hit her heart in an instant.


The feeling of losing strength made her just support her body for less than half a second, and then she fell into Nagazawa's arms again, and she let out a scream subconsciously.

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