Hearing the panting from his ears, feeling the warmth from his chest and the coldness from the bone mask.

Glancing at the lower body of Nellielu below the waist, Masa Nagasawa felt...

Kisuke Urahara's research on breaking the surface is imminent!

She retracted her gaze, probably to appease Nelliel who couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north due to lack of strength, and didn't even notice that the three figures were galloping from the direction of Xuye Palace.

Nagasawa, who was supporting her, couldn't help saying softly.

"Don't worry, it's my companion."

"Holibel is also among them."

Hearing the voice from beside her ear, Nelliel couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately, there was a burst of nowhere to be found, and a pleasant surprise that took no effort.

At the same time, there were three sounds of breaking through the air.

Helibel, Ulquiorra, and Stark, the three Valstords, instantly appeared in Nagasawa's line of sight.

Just as soon as he appeared, a green-haired girl with a helmet-like mask poked her head out from behind Stark, looking at Stark because of the activation of the instant switch. Lei forgives disadvantages and phantoms.


"Ya, are you...?"

Hearing the question in his ears, and looking at Helibel's cold and strange eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help screaming inwardly.

Made, it seems...was something misunderstood?

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 90 words long, and it is expected to break through 100 million words this month.

From the end of December to the end of June, I wrote 12 million words in 6 months. To be honest, as a part-time writer, I am really quite diligent.

By the way, please ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, blades and so on.

Usually I just follow the fate, just ask for some guarantee blades at the beginning of the month, and I don’t ask for tickets or anything.

It's just that I heard from the brothers in the author group today that readers may not read the data well, so they won't click in to read the text......

It made sense after thinking about it, so I thought about asking for a ticket with the audacity.

Thanks in advance!

Thank you so much for your support, and a kowtow to all the readers.

Bang bang bang!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I see......"

Looking at Nelliel, who had regained some strength but was still unable to stand up, and could only kneel on the white sand with all four hooves under her body, Harribel, who had a dazed look on her face, unconsciously had a soft look in her eyes. Light.

A Vastord-level Daxu who has never met before, and is even stronger than himself before the breakthrough, is willing to risk his life to face the monster Nagasawa Ya for his own ideals.

This kind of trust and recognition made her feel for a moment from the bottom of her heart that the road full of thorns she was walking on seemed not so difficult.

"That's it."

Just when she was a little dazed, Nagasawa Ya, who had activated the automatic repair function of the death tyrant outfit with spiritual power, nodded her head while wearing the clothes, showing the appearance of "revenge of injustice".

However, between putting on clothes, Masa Nagasawa's gaze fell on Heribel from time to time.

It's not because I haven't seen each other for a long time, so I pay special attention to each other, but because the Harribel at this moment has changed drastically from the way she was when they parted five months ago.

Unlike breaking the face by itself, except for the bone mask that is almost like an ornament, and the empty hole in the chest, there is no Stark with empty features on his body.

Although both are Varstord, Harribel has never completed the breakthrough between the void and the god of death, and has not started self-disruption.

Even after evolving into a humanoid Vastord, he still retains some imaginary features, which are the traces of beastization left over from the Yachukas period.

Her previous shark tail hanging from the tailbone and landing on the ground with a "slap" sound is proof.

This point is the same even for Ulquiola and Nelliel, who have half-faced themselves, and both of them have more or less traces of beasts.

But if we put aside the strength and make a ranking of the degree of evolution among the shattered Varstords.

Harribel's level of evolution is far lower than Stark's perfect Arrancar form.

Even compared with the near-perfect face-shattered Sal Apollo, the half-shattered Balegon, and the self-shattered Ulquiorra and Nelliel, they are still far behind.

However, I haven't seen her for five months, but Harribel seems to be a different person, completely different from her previous appearance.

Originally covering the whole body, the iron canned armor like a heavy knight in the middle ages was replaced by a sassy battle skirt and a cool breastplate that exposed half of the northern hemisphere.

The beautiful face covered by the bone mask is also fully revealed after the face is broken.

The only thing that still retains the characteristics of beasts is probably the pair of shark pattern swords in the opponent's hands.

The pair of shark-patterned greatswords in Harribel's hands were tightly connected to her forearms like the lobster claws of the Baltans.

In terms of image, Harribel at this moment is no different from the No. [-] Ten Blades in Nagasawa Ya's memory.

Seeming to have noticed Nagasawa Ya's gaze, Heribel couldn't help turning her head and asked with some doubts.

"Is there something on my face?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa, who had just put on his tie again, couldn't help but look surprised in his eyes.

He is a very pure person, he doesn't like twists and turns, and he likes straight intestines the most.

Seeing Helibel's inquiry, he expressed his thoughts very simply.

"No, it's just that I think it looks good."

What Nagasawa said was very light, as if when meeting a girl he likes on the side of the road, he would just say "Are you on a date"?

Ulquiola felt that there was no problem after hearing it, and Stark only looked sideways when he heard it. Only Lilinette and Nelliel looked back and forth between the two with gossipy faces after hearing it.

When I met Nelliel for the first time, the face hidden under the antelope-like mask flashed a blush instantly.

It turned out... so he and Lord Harribel have that kind of relationship?

This this......

Nelliel, oh Nelliel, what the hell were you doing earlier! ! !

Nellie, who had realized that she had made a big mistake, was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl directly into it.

And after hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, she didn't know what she was thinking of, and a blush suddenly appeared on Heliber's cold face.

However, probably because of the wheat-colored complexion, this blush was not very obvious on Harribel's face, and she quickly dissipated it almost as soon as it rose.

Immediately, she asked Nagasawa Ya with a calm face.

"Ya, you came this time because of Urahara's letter, right?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa nodded slightly.

Kisuke Urahara's letter was very brief, simply saying that a certain research had hit a bottleneck and needed his help, but he didn't specify what kind of research it was.

Seeing Helibel at this time, he couldn't help asking.

"Kisuke told me that a certain research had hit a bottleneck and needed my help."

"Although I feel that the help I can provide is probably very limited, I rushed over as soon as possible."

"By the way, what about others?"

As she said that, Nagasawa suddenly showed doubts on her face.

The battle between him and Nellie broke out on the outskirts of Xuye Palace. Even Harribel and others noticed the fluctuations in his spiritual pressure and rushed over in time. There was no reason to leave Urahara Kisuke as a Shinigami in Xuye Palace, right?

This old boy called himself, but he hid himself, what does this mean?

However, what surprised him was that just as he finished speaking, Helibel, who had just waved away the blush on his face, had flushed again on that cold face.

Even this time, it was more obvious than before, even if he didn't pay special attention, he couldn't escape Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Looking at Harribel, who rarely showed the look of her little daughter, Nagasawa Ya's expression became even weirder.

He first glanced at Stark and Ulquiola beside him, trying to get some answers from them.

I never thought that just after his gaze was turned, Stark quickly shrugged his shoulders, with an expression on his face that I didn't know anything.

And Ulquiorra shook his head lightly, indicating that he didn't know either.

Seeing this, Nagasawa's eyes couldn't help but return to Harribel.

Meeting his confused gaze, Harribel coughed lightly, then pretended to be calm, and responded softly in the same tone as in the past as much as possible.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go back to Xuye Palace first."

As she said that, she ran towards Xuye Palace without looking back.

Looking at Helibel's weird behavior, Nagasawa's mind was full of question marks.

It's just that the other party doesn't want to say it, and he can't force it.

After a while, he scratched the back of his head in some puzzlement, and could only look at Nelliel and asked softly.

"Ni...can I call you Nilu?"

As he said that, he cast a questioning look at Nelliel, seeing that the other party did not refuse, he continued to ask.

"Want to come together?"

Hearing the invitation from her ear, a hint of embarrassment flashed in Nilu's eyes.

Although it is a little unbelievable, from the conversation between Nagasawa Masaki and the others just now, she can vaguely detect that, including the "Master Helibel" in her mouth, these Valstord-level masters seem to be faintly The "monster" in front of me is the leader.

I just launched a "sneak attack" on the other party involuntarily, and even fought.

Can she really join them like this?

As if seeing the hesitation in Nilu's eyes, the corners of Nagasawa's mouth slowly curved into a soft curve.

"If you're sorry because you just attacked me, I don't think you need to worry about it..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was quickly interrupted by Nilu.

"How...how can this be done!?"

"Obviously I made a mistake first, but I pretend that nothing happened, and shamelessly want to join you. I, Nelliel, am definitely not such a shameless person!"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Immediately, he subconsciously glanced at Stark aside.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa's gaze, Stockton scratched his nose in embarrassment.

After fighting with Nagasawa Masa, she shamelessly joined Xuye Palace...

As a shameless person, I am so sorry!

Thinking of this, he suddenly moved his gaze aside with some guilt.

Turn your gaze back to Nilu.

Looking at the firm eyes of the other party, Chang Zeya couldn't help pondering, and didn't speak until after a while.

"Well, if you really feel guilty and want to make some compensation, then don't blame me, Ya, for being ruthless."

"As long as you can meet the conditions I will say next, I will allow you to join the Xuye Palace."

Hearing Nagasawa's response, Nilu immediately regained her spirits.

Having regained some physical strength, she quickly controlled the four hooves under her body, propped herself up, and responded very seriously.

"Yes Yes!"

"I will definitely meet all the conditions you put forward, Nagasawa-sama!"


Listening to the words that came from his ears, not only Nagasawa Masa showed a strange look on her face, but even Lilinette, who was lying on Stark's shoulder, also showed a teasing look on her face.

Immediately, Nagasawa hummed softly.

"Hmph, don't speak too early."

"To tell you the truth, I once served as a high-ranking officer of the Guarding Thirteen Team in the world of souls. Although I seldom appear in the team on weekdays, even after 50 years, my lovely juniors Still secretly and affectionately calling me a 'devil'!"

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