"You have to be mentally prepared."

As he spoke, a devilish smile appeared on Nagasawa's face.

...... cut......

PS.1. I found that I don't deserve to buy NS at all. After buying it, it is a top waste. I have no time to play. It has been on the charger for a month, and it is cracked...

PS.2. Ask for a ticket, thank you for your support!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Listening to the words in her ears, Nilu, who was a little nervous, swallowed her saliva subconsciously.

Nagasawa's strength can be said to be something she only saw in her life.

She even felt that even Bailegang, the "king of the virtual circle" who once ruled the virtual circle, might not be Nagasawa's opponent.

The conditions proposed by such a "monster" must be extremely harsh.

But soon, the tension and worry in her heart were quickly replaced by a wave of determination.

I, Nelliel, am definitely not such a brazen person!

One spit and one nail, since I have said that I will meet all the conditions set by Mr. Nagasawa, I must do what I say!

Poor Stark, every time Nilu says "brazen" in his mind, he will be raped by the Internet.

And just when Nilu was looking at Nagasawa seriously, thinking about what kind of harsh conditions the other party would put forward, Nagasawa over there spoke.

"After joining the Void Night Palace, we will not restrict your freedom, but you must work or train five days a week, and you must seriously spend eight hours a day on this matter."

"Of course, after you join us, you can no longer use virtuality as 'food'. We will only provide you with three meals a day plus snacks, and only have milk in the morning, and the lunch break is only a short one hour, haha , such a high-intensity work, but you can only eat three meals a day, you must feel unbearable!?"

Listening to the words that came from her ear, Nilu not only stood there in a daze, but even replied subconsciously.

"Thank...thank you?"

Just...that's it?

After evolving into Vastod, she no longer needs to devour her own kind to achieve evolution. In addition, the concentration of spiritual particles contained in the air of Hueco Mundo is extremely high, so she does not need to solve the food problem at all. And worry.

In this case, Xuye Palace also provided her with three meals a day...

Did she come to Xuye Palace to enjoy happiness?

As for working or training eight hours a day...

In her eyes, it was nothing at all. She spent more than eight hours in training on weekdays.

But soon, she came back to her senses.

Nilu said quickly with anger in her eyes.

"Wait a minute, this is not a condition at all, is it!?"

"If you think that I, Nellielu, am the kind of shameless person who just gives me a step and borrows the donkey down the slope, you really underestimate me!"

A certain brazen person silently looked up at the sky.

Seeing Nilu's appearance of being extremely humiliated, Nagasawa couldn't help showing surprise on her face.

What you need to know is that when he and Sojun Kuchiki proposed that the Sixth Division pilot an eight-hour work system, the members of the Sixth Division often complained about him in private.

"I didn't expect your endurance and willpower to be so strong. It seems that I underestimated you too much."

"Then, let you feel the real horror!"

As she said that, Nagasawa ignored Nilu's slightly angry eyes and continued talking immediately.

"The change of Hueco Mundo lies in the construction of civilization. If you want to build civilization, you must have rules!"

"Xuye Palace is a place that abandons stealing and plundering, and adheres to earning according to work and exchanging at equal value!"

"In the Xuye Palace, if you want to get something, you must pay the corresponding chips, and the chips are obtained from eight hours of hard work every day!"

"When you work more than eight hours a day, you can only get three times the overtime pay, and after get off work every day, you have to have an hour-long forced sex with Ulquiorra, Stark, Helibel and the others. Combat training!"

"Even if you are depressed due to high-intensity work, you can only get psychological counseling once a week from our research director and psychologist Urahara Kisuke!"

"How about it, did you suddenly become terrified!?"

Saying that, Nagasawa couldn't help raising her chin, looking down at Nilu in front of her with Gilgamesh's haughty eyes.

That appearance, as if looking forward to the timid look in the other party's eyes.

However, to his disappointment, after hearing what he said, not only did Nilu not show the slightest fear, but the unbelievable expression on her face became even stronger.

Xuye Palace has actually established a civilization of equivalent exchange! ?

After finishing the training every day, can he still have an hour-long battle training with Da Xu, who is no less powerful than himself?

When you are depressed, can you still receive psychological counseling once a week?

There are such good things in this world! ?

Just in the next second, the disbelief on Nilu's face turned into stronger anger again.

"Lord Nagasawa, please stop teasing me. If you don't want me to join Xuye Palace, you can just say it. There is no need to humiliate me like this."

"I, who have made mistakes, must be so shameless to accept such generous conditions!"

A certain shameless person couldn't bear to listen anymore.

He subconsciously pushed the eye mask covering his left eye, which was specially made by Kisuke Urahara.

Hey, I just want to make some friends who won't die because of my Reiatsu, is it necessary to keep attacking personally? ? ?

Seeing the more angry expression on Nilu's face, Nagasawa couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He felt that he might have underestimated these virtual people in Xuquan.

Such demands were placed on the Gotei [-] team, and those team members had already begun to complain.

Sure enough, just as Old Man Shan had hinted, the knife of the Thirteenth Guarding Team has become blunt!

For a moment, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

What you need to know is that when he asked Byakuya Kuchiki, who was still sitting at the fourth seat, to organize a picnic, he gave him four times the bonus, but in the end he only got a dismissive snort from him.

Thinking of this, he felt that he had come up with a trick.

Seeing a red light flash in Nagasawa Ya's eyes, she shouted sharply.

"In Xuye Palace, you can only get three bonuses a year, and you only get two months of paid annual leave a year. The most cruel thing is that we will only give you a salary increase every other year!"

"Hehe, what's the matter, can't you bear it?"

This time, Nagasawa Arden felt that he had the chance to win.

However, he probably has forgotten his original purpose, he just wanted to let Nilu join Xuye Palace with peace of mind.

Right now, he only wants to see Nilu immersed in the fear of working from nine to five!

Hehe, man, damned desire to win.

After hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, Nilu was already a little powerless to complain.

Forget about bonuses or something, a salary increase every other year?

For Daxu, who has a long lifespan, she can easily live for hundreds of years as long as there is no fight, let alone one who has evolved to the level of Vastod.

According to this method of increase, she is afraid that in a few decades, she will become a moth in the Xuye Palace.

Thinking of this, Nilu couldn't help feeling heartbroken.

No, I can't let the fire of hope that Xuye Palace finally ignited be destroyed in this sweet happiness.

You have to work and train for 10 hours a day, and you only get regular wages for overtime work. Bonuses are paid twice a year, and wages can only be raised every ten years!

Only in this way can Xuye Palace achieve healthy development!

At this moment, Nilu felt that she had a long way to go.

Be sure to join the reform plan of Xuye Palace as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that personal honor and disgrace were no longer a problem.

Brazens are brazens.

Disdain Stark, understand Stark, and become Stark.

I, Nelliel, can bend and stretch!

In an instant, a mask of pain was put on her face.

"I understand, Nagasawa-sama."

"I, Nelliel, will fulfill all the conditions you mentioned!"

As she said that, she wanted to bend her front legs to show her submission to Nagasawa Ya.

However, just as one of her front legs was bent, Nagasawa, who was full of ambition, waved her hand.

"I'm not in Xuye Palace to kneel down and worship."

"Everyone is like-minded people who come together for various reasons, and there is no distinction between high and low."

"If you think highly of me, you can call me 'Ya' or just 'Nagasawa'."

Listening to the words in her ear, Nilu, who had just bent her front legs, couldn't help but froze.

In the next second, a word that had been buried in the depths of her memory, as if it had been dusted for centuries, suddenly appeared in her mind.


As a battle-tested top master, she has seen too many battles.

Between Daxu and Daxu, one must either be swallowed or surrender.

In imaginary circles, there is no third option.

However, in the center of the virtual circle, the "Xuye Palace" that symbolizes the power center of the virtual circle, "equality" has already begun to be practiced.

This made her feel extremely incredible.

She subconsciously turned her gaze to Stark and Ulquiorra.

As a result, without exception, they saw affirmative answers from the eyes of the two.

For a moment, she didn't know why, but she felt a warm current slowly spreading in her heart.

Immediately, she slowly stood up straight with her front legs that had just been bent, and then said softly to Nagasawa with a smile on her face.

"I understand, Ya."

With this "Ya", she yelled sincerely.

Although she hasn't gone to Xuye Palace yet, at this moment, she is extremely sure.

The man in front of me...

No, it should be said that everyone present, including her, will definitely turn the virtual circle into a new oasis.


Thinking of the favorable terms Nagasawa just offered, she suddenly felt a headache again.

Immediately, she silently crossed out the previously made plan.

You have to work and train for 12 hours a day, there is no overtime pay for overtime work, the bonus is paid once a year, and the salary can only be raised every 15 years!

She felt that she was too "gentle" before.

The development of the virtual circle is inseparable from the joint efforts of all virtual circles, so what treatment should be considered?

I will definitely take the lead!

...... cut......

PS. I’m so sleepy, today is still a day of 6000+, please ask for a ticket, let’s go to sleep.

(?3[▓▓] Good night!

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