Adding up the fate points given by the big and the small, the Balegang army alone provided almost ten thousand points of fate to Nagasawa Ya.

Looking at Bailegang alone, he was rewarded with more than 1000 destiny points, Nagasawa was still a little surprised.

Just thinking about it, just like when he killed Neutra and other Daixu in the past, the fate points obtained by killing important plot characters are usually given at once, and he cannot be given repeatedly like Kuchiki Byakuya. brush".

In this way, it seems a lot more reasonable.

What surprised him was that the fate points he gained for killing Bailegang and his subordinates seemed to be due to triggering the hidden mission, and they were not rewarded at the same time as he killed, but waited until he " After clearing this task, it will be issued in one go.

This can be regarded as an answer to the doubts that have been plaguing him.

However, although he received the rewards issued by the system, he still failed to understand the rules of the system's distribution of fate points.

If he didn't complete the hidden mission of "King of Hueco Mundo", would the system have determined whether his fate would be worth it?

Unfortunately, he doesn't know the answer to this question either.

Then, some familiar or unfamiliar names appeared on the fate panel.

["The Lonely Wolf King" Ke Yatai Stark and Lilinette Jinjieba Ke, in order to find companions who can live together and will not perish because of their existence, after getting acquainted with you, they joined the Void Night Palace , becoming one of the guardians of the "Zodiac of Void Night", slightly changing the fate of Stark and Lilinette, fate value +300. 】

[After Ulquiorra, who wanted to die and only wanted to return to nothingness, met you, the trajectory of his fate changed quietly. He wanted to find the meaning of his existence, so he joined Void Night Palace and became "Void Night Ten" One of the guardians of the Second Palace, slightly changed the fate of Ulquiorra, fate value +400]

[Luo Jia Palamiya was once just a recyclable experimental product on the laboratory table. She longed to be needed by others. Even though she was bruised and bruised, she still never betrayed her former "master", but after meeting you, She gradually understands the meaning of life, she wants to live with her own ideas and choices, the dream of you and Harribel is also her dream, and joining the Void Palace is regarded as a void in her life. The most correct choice is to become one of the guardians of the "Void Night Zodiac", greatly changing Luojia's fate, fate value +700]

[In the beginning, Grimmjow Jakajack, who just wanted to test his "measures" by challenging Harribel, lost to Stark and Ulquiorra one after another after losing to Harribel. Although he is still not convinced, there is a voice in his heart telling him that if he wants to continue to become stronger, Xuye Palace is the best choice. Received Helibel's invitation, became a member of "Zodiac of Void Night", slightly changed Grimmjow's fate, fate value +400]

[Daxu Lelouch D. Hallelujah from the present world is extremely talented. He is a rare Daxu who has evolved to Killian and still maintains self-awareness. Since breaking through to Achukas, although he is not He is good at fighting, so it is difficult to improve his strength, but he has a lot of experience in scientific research. After hearing the concept of Xuye Palace, he resolutely came to Xuye Palace, became a member of Urahara Laboratory, and devoted himself to the "Virtual Possibility" In the great research of "continuous evolution", fate value +168. 】


It is different from the reward given by the hidden mission of the previous "Brotherhood of Death".

Although there are many residents in Liuhun Street, due to their weak individual strength and weak influence, they can basically provide a dozen or twenty points of destiny.

But the virtual circle is different here.

Although the number of entries displayed on the Fate Acquisition Panel is much less than before, it is expensive.

The bottom line is the fate value provided by Yachukas-level Daxu. In terms of "unit price", it far exceeds the fate value that the residents of Liuhun Street can provide him.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Void Night Palace had just been rebuilt, and there were only a hundred or so Achukas who surrendered, the fate value of the reward would probably be even more.

However, thanks to this hidden mission, Nagasawa Ya's fate value account successfully broke through the 22 fate value mark.

For him now, it can be said that everything is ready, the only thing he owes is a "commodity" that suits him.

Finally, his "eyes" fell on the treasure box lying in his inventory.

Like the treasure chest of "Yan Mo" opened last time, this treasure chest still has no other useful information except for the sentence "This is a treasure chest that can produce random quality and random items".

Seeing this, Nagasawa only thought for less than 0.9527 seconds, then turned her head and showed a bright smile to Helibel behind her.

"Xuye Palace, is there a restroom?"

Maybe it's because of something that happened just 10 minutes ago.

When Helibel heard the word "toilet" and the bright smile on Nagasawa's face, countless pictures came to mind, and a blush floated on her cold cheeks.

Obviously, she probably misunderstood something.

Afterwards, she stayed in the bathroom for another hour inexplicably, watching Herribel covering her mouth with the hilt of the shark-patterned greatsword, stepping on the spinning wheel and running towards the laboratory, Nagasawa Ya's eyes were full of inexplicable color.

He just wanted to wash his hands and find a place to draw a treasure chest. Why did Harribel follow him?

What are you watching all the time?

Forget it, it's not a big deal.

The refreshed Nagasawa shook her head lightly, and then cleaned her hands meticulously, not even letting go of a fingertip. She didn't stop until 3 minutes later, and by the way, evaporated with spiritual pressure Water stains on hands.

With a calm mind, he finally immersed his mind into the system again, and ruthlessly "clicked" to open the box.

The treasure chest in the system was just opened in an ordinary way, and then, an ordinary card about the size of the most common Yu-Gi-Oh card in his previous life was displayed in front of his eyes.

Like the unopened treasure chest, this card also recorded a message similar to the instructions for use.

Just looking at the constantly spinning cards suspended in his mind, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately, a look of interest appeared in his eyes, and he whispered softly in his mouth.

"Hmm... It's kind of interesting, but it's a pity to use it now."

As he said that, he never cared about the card floating in his mind anymore, he pushed open the door of the bathroom, and strode away without a trace of nostalgia.


Nagasawa stayed in Xuye Palace for almost three days, then set off to return to Soul Soul Realm.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay for a few more days, but in his current state of "famous in the world of corpses and souls", three days without seeing anyone is almost the limit.

Otherwise, let alone whether Yamamoto will come to him for something, it will inevitably make people suspicious.

As for why I stayed in Xuye Palace for three days...

Mainly Luo Jia told him that experiments are accompanied by risks, and the more samples that can be tested, the better.

Harribel is in the Void Night Palace, ready to collect samples at any time.

He, Chang Zeya, can't run to the virtual circle every day, can he?

Collecting samples in advance is a necessary measure.

When she heard this, Nagasawa, who was rubbing her chin, wanted to express on the spot that it was not impossible to run to the empty circle often.

cough cough...

Far away.

Mainly, it's okay to lure Ye Yi to the world once or twice. If it happens too many times, someone will notice something strange.

Is it true that Ren Yeyi's secret mobile unit commander for so many years did it for nothing?

Recalling the beautiful figure with purple hair, laughing and cursing with me, soaking in the hot spring together thinking about life...

Although he wanted to give every girl a home, he was unwilling to do that deception.

Well, Kisuke Urahara did the trick this time, so it's not his fault!

...... cut......

PS. Or... Guess what the card is drawn?

If there are hints, it can be regarded as an ambush pen.

Anyway, I won't say if I guess right, I'll say it when it's revealed, jie jie jie jie!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Nagasawa returned to Soul Soul Realm, it was already late at night and the moon was high.

Kisuke Urahara's new base was directly arranged in Bafa Street, District 55, Dongliukon Street, far away from Xiliuhun Street, under Nagasawa Masa's suggestion.

When Nagasawa came out of the stronghold, the residents of Liuhun Street in the Baffa District had already fallen asleep. Only a little candle was burning stubbornly, proving that his master was unwilling to end his own night.

Masa Nagasawa, who was wearing a black cloak, moved quickly in the direction of Seireitei by taking advantage of the cover of the night.

Originally, according to the normal plot trend, as long as he can successfully return to the courtyard on Noble Street without being discovered, and successfully complete the exchange with the portable prosthetic body, his trip between the two worlds will be a perfect closed loop. .

But reality often likes to make some jokes at this time.

Just as he stepped into the dense forest between the 2nd block and the 1st block of Dongliukon Street, and was about to return to Seireitei via Dong·Seiryumon, he, who was extremely sensitive to the fluctuation of the spirit, suddenly noticed two The figure hiding his spiritual pressure was chasing him diagonally from behind using extremely agile movements.

When he felt those two figures, he frowned instinctively.

Found out?

But very quickly, Masa Nagasawa denied the idea just born.

The speed of those two figures was quite stable, without any sense of urgency to "pursue".

It doesn't look like it's directed at him.

Coupled with Urahara Kisuke's black cloak, this is a top-level item that even a captain-level powerhouse can't find, and there is no reason to find him.

Combined with this, this is the only way to return to Seireitei, and it must be the god of death who is going out to perform missions...

No, if it was a Shinigami who was out on a mission, there was no reason not to use a teleportation device.

The 320th Division has completed the installation of teleportation devices in the [-] blocks of Rukongai. Once there is an invasion of foreign enemies, or they go to Rukongai to perform a mission, the Shinigami of the Gotei [-]th Division can fully use the teleportation devices to send them to Rukongai as quickly as possible. Speed ​​alert.

Instead of using a teleportation device, he hid his spiritual pressure just like himself, avoiding Rukongai's spiritual pressure monitoring device while walking in an extremely "primitive" way...

A gleam flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Such a sneaky action doesn't look like a serious person.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa Ya, who was moving quickly, suddenly stopped for some reason.

Immediately, I saw him slowly disappearing into the shadow of the trees beside him, and almost in the blink of an eye, he hid his figure.

The master of those two figures didn't make him wait too long, but within three to five minutes, the two figures came to a position less than 5 meters away from him.

The distance of 300 meters, for an ordinary human being, even the top athlete will take at least 30 seconds to run, and it is still the case of going all out.

But for a god of death, especially a top-level god of death, it's just a matter of counting breaths.

In almost just a few breaths, the two figures flew past the shadow of the tree where Nagazeya was hiding.

Seeing the two figures passing by quickly, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help showing a playful look in her eyes.

He knew all the owners of these two figures, and he was an old acquaintance who had known them for more than 50 years.

The captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sousuke.

And Gin Ichimaru, who also belongs to the fifth division and serves as the deputy captain.

These two guys sneakily appeared in Liuhun Street at this point in time, specifying that nothing good happened.

However, looking at the two passing by not far away, Nagasawa Ya has no intention of catching up to find out.

It's not that he was afraid of the two of them, but mainly because he looked at the route of the two of them, and it seemed that he had finished what he had to do and was about to return to Seilingting.

Jumping out to follow at this time, you won't get anything, not to mention, but you will expose yourself.

Relatively speaking, it is a better choice to pretend that nothing happened and wait quietly for the two of them to leave before leaving.

However, since fate made him meet Aizen here, naturally he would not let him go so easily.

Lan Ran, who passed by not far from his side just now, has only taken a few steps, and he is galloping at a high speed, but it is like a Ferrari that has accelerated to the extreme, and is suddenly stopped by half of time, unexpectedly He stopped his galloping figure and stopped where he was.

Looking at Aizen who stopped suddenly, Ichimaru Gin, who was following behind him, couldn't help showing a confused look.

However, before he could ask anything, Aizen who stopped over there put his hands into his cuffs and spoke softly without turning his head.

"Friends over there, it's not a good habit to hide in the dark and spy on others."

Aizen's voice was very soft, almost no different from his usual gentle and refined image.

But whether it was Ichimaru Gin with a surprised look on his face, or Nagasawa Masa hiding under the shadow of the tree, they could hear a fleeting chill from his gentle tone.

Obviously, Aizen will not be merciful to those who discover their secrets.

Hearing the sound coming from her ear, Nagasawa suddenly felt a little headache and shook her head.

Curiosity really killed the cat.

In case you start your hands, relying on the double solar furnaces, is it too late to rush all the way back to Seireitei Call Mountain to help the old man?

Waiting online, very anxious.

Or, simply pretended not to hear, making Aizen mistakenly think it was his own illusion?

Well, Masa Nagasawa thinks the latter is more whimsical than the former.

After almost thinking for less than 0.9527 seconds, he had a plan in his mind.

Under the watchful eyes of Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, a figure was slowly walking out from the shadow of the trees.

Before the two could even see the face of the person coming, a familiar voice came into his ears.

"Oh, oh, aren't these Soyousuke and Gin?"

"It's such a coincidence that I'm also out for a walk."

Looking at the figure walking out from the shadow of the tree, Ichimaru Gin's eyes were obviously taken aback, but it was Aizen who asked softly in a tone like a joke among friends.

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