"It's really a coincidence."

"If I'm not mistaken, are you following us?"


As he said that, he looked at the black cloak that Nagasawa Ya was wearing to hide the spiritual pressure with a playful look.

Hearing Aizen's inquiry, Nagasawa Masa's face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment.


"You have wronged me. You should know, right? The boundary gate of the Shifengin family is in Higashi Rukongai."

"I just want to sneak out and buy a copy of this week's Shonen Jump, that's all."

"Don't overthink it, Sousuke."

Saying that, Nagasawa Ya showed a standard professional smirk not inferior to Aizen.

...... cut......

PS. I saw the news today that Shushu finally got his name corrected and his injustice was cleared up.

So here comes the question, where is the body when there is only the head on the dinner plate?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shonen JUMP?

Listening to Nagasawa Masa's answer that was almost nonsense, Ichimaru Gin's eyes instinctively twitched slightly.

However, unlike him, after hearing Masa Nagasawa's answer, Aizen didn't seem to have doubted Masa Nagasawa's answer at all.

Not only did he not show any strange expression, but the smile on his face became even bigger.

"I didn't expect that apart from the tea ceremony, you would have such a taste for elegance. If it's convenient, can you lend me a look after watching it?"

"Don't worry, I won't tell others about you sneaking away to this world."

With that said, he gave Nagasawa a reassuring look.

Listening to Aizen's childhood playmate, who looked "envious" to borrow books from himself who secretly bought a new comic book behind his parents' back, and said with a loyal face that he would definitely keep the secret for himself.

Nagasawa Ya's face also showed a very timely smile of joy.

"That's really a lot to write about Yousuke, it's a great help."

"If you have a chance next time, you can come to my house for a while, 'Xuanmai Ganju' is enough."

Only this time, the smile on Nagazeya's face was particularly sincere.

Although his current level of spiritual power is only fourth-level spiritual power, with the blessing of the experience card, he is a proper captain level.

Coupled with the quasi-captain-level combat power of Ichimaru Gin, if he fights with Aizen here...

This place is very close to Seireitei, let alone who wins and loses after the two sides fight, once the Reiatsu monitoring device in Ruhun Street is triggered and the attention of the Gotei [-]th Team is attracted, the trouble will be even greater.

After all, on the one hand is the decent captain of the Gotei [-]th Team, and on the other is the commander-in-chief of the special operations team handpicked by the chief captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

If there is no suitable reason to label the other party, neither side will be able to please.

And...presumably it was his powerful strength that he displayed on weekdays, as well as his title of "the candidate for the next strongest death god".

Lan Ran, who has not yet merged with Bengyu, may not be sure that he can quickly win the self who has never been in the mirror, so he chose to use the method of "negotiation", using the not very reliable relationship between each other to keep each other's secret.

Being able to avoid unnecessary battles is naturally excellent for the current Nagasawa Masa.

In the final analysis, he and Aizen didn't have any deep hatred at all. He joined forces with Urahara Kisuke to develop his own power in the virtual circle, and it was more for self-protection under the tide of the times, and to protect what he wanted to protect. It's just people's money.

After hearing Masa Nagasawa's reply, Aizen nodded in satisfaction, and then her mouth froze.

Sure enough, talking to smart people is easy.

Although Nagasawa Masa and Urahara Kisuke formed a united front, he even took down the virtual circle before him and started the layout of the virtual circle.

But in his opinion, there is no way to put this kind of thing on the table.

Even if Nagasawa wanted to deal with him, she would never choose this method of dying with herself.

After all... Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni, the "strongest god of death in a thousand years", is still alive and well.

Whether it's him who framed Kisuke Urahara and the Masked Legion, or Masa Nagasawa who "colludes" with the virtual circle in private.

No one dared to take the lead in jumping into the "Ming Lang" before they were sure to suppress the anger of this "strongest god of death".

This tacit game and tacit understanding between each other made him very satisfied.

The only dissatisfaction is that he will probably never drink the tea handed over by Masa Nagasawa again in his life.

Even the "Xuanmai Ganju" that has recently gained fame in the world of corpses and souls.

Seeing that he and Aizen had reached a certain consensus, Nagasawa didn't intend to stay for a long time, so he immediately spoke.

"Then... I'll take my leave first. If Old Man Shan finds out, he may not believe my nonsense."

"It's Soyousuke, as the captain, you must be very busy with official duties. Is it really good if you don't return to the team sooner?"

As he spoke, he gave Aizen a playful look.

However, as if he didn't hear the ridicule in Nagasawa's elegant words at all, Aizen replied softly without any change in his complexion.

"Yes, it is indeed time to go back earlier."

"However, as a rescue team, the [-]th Division will occasionally help the [-]th Division, which is in charge of patrolling and guarding, to patrol Ruhun Street."

"After all, Captain Shiba's health has not been very good. As a junior, it is his duty to share some burdens for the senior."

For Aizen, Masa Nagasawa really doesn't take a single punctuation mark.

However, since both parties have passed the steps to each other, just go down.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa quickly showed admiration.

"Souyousuke is really a role model for my generation, which is admirable!"

"In that case, I won't disturb your inspection, just take a step first."

As he said that, he really stopped talking, and swaggered towards the direction of Seireitei, and even showed his back to Aizen behind him.

Looking at Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, the two just watched Nagasawa Masa gradually go away until finally disappeared in the dense forest, and they didn't mean to move their feet half a step.

Looking at Masa Nagasawa who had disappeared, and Gin Ichimaru who was a step behind Aizen, he couldn't help asking.

"Captain Aizen, is it really okay to just let him go?"

"This is a rare opportunity for Nagasawa-kun to place an order."

Gin Ichimaru's voice sounded like Satan who encouraged Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, full of temptation.

However, after hearing his words, Lan Ran shook his head indifferently, not only did not show the slightest killing intent, but responded softly in a tone of appreciation.

"Silver, Nagasawa-kun's strength does not depend on whether he has strong enough helpers by his side, but because he is strong enough, so more and more people will gradually move closer to him."

"I have to say, he is really two types of people completely opposite to me."

"Obviously they are walking on two different paths, but they can not lose a cent."

Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin's eyes could not help revealing a look of surprise.

He knew that Aizen had always valued Nagasawa Ya, but he didn't expect that the other party thought of him so highly, and even put him in the same position.

He couldn't help but probe further.

"Hey, is that so?"

"However, people who walk on two completely different paths will usually only survive one in the end, right?"

However, just after his words fell, Aizen, who had been watching the direction of Nagasawa Yayuan, slowly turned his head and responded in a meaningful tone.

"Who said... two people on completely different paths must be enemies?"

Listening to Aizen's response, this time, Ichimaru Gin did not continue to ask.

It's just that under his eyes, there was a look of contemplation.

Yes...the path I walk is also different from yours...

...... cut......

PS. The latest update is really getting late, it's hard to stretch...

I'm asking for a ticket to go to bed, woo woo, please ask for various tickets, thank you for your support~~~!

(?3[▓▓] Good night

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After getting rid of the two of Aizen, Nagasawa went straight back to the courtyard.

Fortunately, this time until he returned to the courtyard, there were no accidents.

However, when he quietly went back to the room and was about to complete the exchange with the portable prosthetic skeleton, he discovered that in his room, besides the portable prosthetic skeleton, there was another wave of spiritual pressure that did not belong to him.

However, after noticing the fluctuation of the spirit pressure, Nagasawa Ya didn't show any strange expression, on the contrary, she felt warm in her heart.

Accompanied by him quietly groping into the room, with short blond hair, who was leaning against the corner and closing his eyes to meditate, the chaotic chrysanthemum suddenly entered his eyes.

He had no intention of hiding his figure, and the moment he stepped into the room, Luan Ju sensed his presence.

However, probably because he was wearing a black cloak and was covered by the spiritual pressure, Chaoju sensed that someone had stepped into the room, but did not perceive any fluctuations in the spiritual pressure. unsheathed.

In just a blink of an eye, the transition from static to dynamic was completed, and he entered a fighting state in an instant.

However, when she saw clearly that the person who came was none other than Nagasawa Ya, who had been away for three days, she regained her usual laziness in an instant.

I saw that she put the Zanpakuto in her sheath, like a beautiful Persian cat, stretched lazily, showing all the curves of Miaoman in front of Nagasawa Ya, and then gently patted Yawned softly.

"Ya, you're back. If it's two days later, maybe you'll reveal your secrets."

As she said that, she patted her plump breasts with some fear.

Looking at the big crack that seemed to attract all eyes, trembling slightly under the slap of Luan Ju, Nagasawa really used great perseverance to break free her gaze.

Immediately, he asked with some doubts while taking off the black cloak on his body.

"Did anyone come to see me these days?"

Naturally, Nagasawa Ya's eyes couldn't escape Luan Ju's eyes.

However, feeling Nagasawa's gaze, Luan Ju didn't show any dissatisfaction, on the contrary, she puffed out her chest proudly.

That appearance seemed to say "If you compare the scale, she will never lose".

Fortunately, when talking about serious things, even the always lazy Ranju put away the joke on his face and replied solemnly.

"That's really a lot."

"Since the influence of that public lecture has spread, and after learning that Rukia and the others live in our house, they can listen to your teachings every day and receive your personal guidance, Principal Sarutobi didn't say much. Some aristocrats who are friendly with the Kuchiki family and the Sifengyuan family came to the door one after another with generous gifts, hoping to host their children with us."

"These days, just rejecting the nobles who come to study is enough, not to mention that Nanao cannot stop giving lectures in Rukongai in order not to reveal his flaws."

"In order to prevent those who are interested in prying, I can only stay here day and night for the past three days, and declare to the outside world that you must concentrate on cultivation and reject all visitors."

Listening to Luanju's response, Nagasawa also felt a little headache.

This thing is like a social animal asking for leave. Usually, I feel that I have nothing to do in the company. Once I ask for leave to rest, it seems that everything in the world is coming one after another on this day.

However, when he said this, Luan Ju, who had just gotten up for less than a minute, suddenly showed a narrow look on his face.

She stood up slowly, walked slowly to the side of Nagasawa Ya who had already taken off her black cloak, folded it, and put it in the bottom shelf of the closet, and bent down until she was less than Nagasawa's ear At a distance of 20 centimeters, Fang just stopped and continued in a playful tone.

"If you don't come back again, those children will probably think we are doing something lewd in this house."

The warm breath accompanied by Luanju's voice gently fell on the ear.

What came into view was the white abyss that seemed to attract all the light.

If Harribel is a beautiful iceberg with a cold appearance but a fiery heart.

Then Luan Ju is the same as the outside, the representative of daring to love and hate.

Regarding Luan Ju's sudden "initiative", it was beyond Masa Nagasawa's expectations.

Especially after the virtual circle has just experienced similar incidents, after sweeping the inventory for many years, it is more or less uncontrollable.

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