No wonder Aizen shaved off his long hair back then.


However, it is clear that some people can't bear to be teased.

Just when Nagasawa Ya finished speaking, a vein appeared on a certain Che Kenxi's forehead. He clenched his fist and said in a cold tone.

"Hmph, try it out if you can!"

"I really want to see what the legendary 'Candidate for the Strongest Reaper' is capable of!"

Seeing how Nagasawa aroused Rokusha Kensai's anger with just a few words, Hirako Mako also helplessly covered her face.

You are already so old, how can you be so easily provoked by others?

"Idiot, don't fall for such a simple aggressive method."

"Eight thousand gods of death... I'm afraid they can't even make up the number if you bring all the gods of death in the thirteenth guard team over here?"

Listening to his companion's complaints, and looking at the "dumb" expressions of other people, Liuche Quanxi couldn't help but blush, realizing that he was ashamed, and after giving Nagasawa a hard look, he stopped say.

However, I don't know if Aizawa left too much shadow on Hirako Mako back then. Seeing Masa Nagasawa ignore Liuche Kensi's provocation, she just stared at her hair fiercely, with a suppressed expression on her face. Looks like a bad idea.

Hirako Mako glanced at Nagasawa Masaru, and for the rare moment he looked a little more serious.

"Idiot, do you believe what you say?"

"Speaking of it, you, the one who sneaks around the virtual circle with Urahara all day, is the one who should be killed the most."

"Or... the current you are strong enough to face at least five captain-level gods of death at the same time?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa just curled his lips without any expression.

When he came to the world with Yushiro last time, although he restrained himself, he didn't deliberately hide his spiritual pressure.

As a rebellious ninja in the Soul Society, he was subjected to a Hollow experiment by Aizen. The vigilance of the Masked Legion was much stronger than Yoruichi, so it was not surprising to find him coming to Karakura Town.

After all, Hakugen Shoda's Kidō strength is no weaker than that of Gritetsei, especially after mastering the ability to blur.

Coupled with the fact that Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke's Reiatsu disappeared in Karakura together with him, any fool could guess that they, who couldn't return to the Soul Realm, definitely went to the virtual circle.

And to be honest, although he is very good at leapfrogging, he only has fourth-level spiritual power after all, and he has not yet mastered the swastika.

With his current strength, not counting the blessing of the experience card, it would be very difficult to face three members of the Masked Legion.

No matter how many words... it is not certain who will tie who.

However, it is true to say so, but in terms of momentum, Nagasawa Masa will never be left behind.

Knowing that he couldn't fight, he responded casually.

"Well, facing all of you at the same time is indeed a bit of a stretch. Although we can win, it's unnecessary. Let's let you go."

Immediately, without resuming the anger on his face, he asked Hirako Mako quickly as if he wanted to come up and have a one-on-one Liuche fist with him.

"By the way, where are Xisuke and Yeyi? Why didn't you see them?"

"Also... Is there anyone missing among you... By the way, where did that crazy girl in Hiyori go?"

Masa Nagasawa discovered just now that although there were indeed eight people in the field, which matched the number of Masked Legion, a certain muscular brother entered it randomly.

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's inquiry, Mako Hirako simply raised her hand and pointed to a small hill not far away.

"Well, it's all there."

Masa Nagasawa looked in the direction of Hirako Mako's finger, but found that under the hill, an inverted triangular translucent cone-shaped defensive formation formed by the condensed ghost way suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The inverted mountain crystal of Tao Binding 73?

In the defense formation of ghosts, on a platform made of spirits, lay a man who looked to be in his early 20s and had already fallen into a coma.

However, the man's condition didn't look very good.

The entire right arm was broken from shoulder to shoulder, quietly "lying" less than ten centimeters away from him, and there were also large and small wounds on his body.

Looking at the traces, it seems to be caused by cutting with a sword.

With this level of injury, if it was put on an ordinary person, it would probably have died long ago.

If it weren't for the fact that the inverted mountain crystal has a similar effect to the spirit-gathering formation, which can replenish the personnel inside the defense formation by absorbing spirits in the air while defending against external attacks, the excessive blood loss alone would be a problem. Could have killed him.

What surprised Masa Nagasawa was that Kisuke Urahara, Hiyori Sarkaki, and Yoruichi were standing around her at this time.

...... cut......

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The thirty-ninth eighth chapter fell into the den of death

The three of Urahara Kisuke gathered around the man, naturally not to observe the man's tragic appearance, but to treat him.

However, the three of them did not use the return path that the gods of death usually used to heal their wounds. Instead, they chose a treatment method that was like Western medicine surgery.

The large and small scars on the man's body all showed signs of treatment.

Obviously, Kisuke Urahara has already finished the work of stopping the bleeding and saving his life, and all that remains is to connect the broken arm.

At this moment, Kisuke Urahara looked like a professional surgeon, seriously performing surgery on his broken arm.

As his former vice-captain, Hiyori Sakinaki, like a nurse, kept handing him various strange props that didn't look like surgical instruments at all.

However, although the thing was a bit strange, the two of them seemed to have an extremely tacit understanding, as if Hiyori could accurately hand Urahara Kisuke the props he needed without any communication at all.

Looking at that appearance, I think that when he was in the [-]th division, Urahara Kisuke should have squeezed her a lot and asked her to help him.

And outside the defensive formation, a girl with long orange hair and a better face who looked a little smaller than the young man clasped her hands and looked at the man lying on the "operating table". The man looked anxious.

Looking at the defensive formation built by Daoshanjing, which looked like an operating room, Nagasawa couldn't help Mosuo raised her chin, with a curious look on her face.

He wasn't curious about the identities of the strange pair of men and women, but rather, what kind of role did Ye Yi, who was standing idly by the "operating table", play in this "operation"?

Only very quickly, the answer was revealed.

I don't know if it's because of the pain caused by the scars on my body, or because of the scalpel that keeps wandering in Urahara Ki's assistant.

The man lying on the "operating table" seemed to be having a nightmare, and there was a look of pain on his face.

A pair of thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if struggling to wake up.

Seeing this situation, Ye Yi, who had been doing nothing for a second, seemed to have entered a fighting state in an instant.

A sharp light flashed across her falcon-like eyes in an instant.

Immediately, she quickly raised her palm, and regardless of whether the man was seriously injured or not, a fleshy palm immediately slapped onto the man with the speed of lightning under the distressed gaze of the orange-haired woman. man's head.

That thunderous movement actually left an afterimage in the air!

In an instant, the man who had a painful face just now let go of his brows that had been wrinkled for a while, like a child who had fallen asleep peacefully, and fell into dreamland again.

Seeing this, Nagasawa Ya and the orange-haired woman had exactly the same expressions, and both of them twitched in unison.

What surprised Nagasawa Masaru was that after Yoruichi knocked out the man, the orange-haired woman didn't show any displeasure on her face. Instead, she gave Yoruichi a grateful look.

Kisuke Urahara, who was busy with the replantation of his severed arm, gave Yoruichi a thumbs up with Hiyori.

Obviously, judging by the skillful technique and self-satisfied appearance, it is obvious that Ye Yi is not the first time to give someone "physical anesthesia".

Looking away, Nagasawa Masa asked Mako Hirako even though she was startled and guessed.

"This is......?"

Hearing this, Mako Hirako just shrugged her shoulders with a disinterested look on her face.

"I don't know, it was already like this when we came here."

"However, one thing is certain, the goal of you and Jingle coming to this world should be the two of them."

Should I say he is worthy of being a former captain?

Although she is a bit lazy on weekdays and has been a bit of a idler, even after nearly 50 years, Mako Hirako still maintains a keen sense of smell, and even her ideas coincide with Masa Nagasawa.

Seeing that he couldn't find an answer, his eyes immediately turned to Kisuke Urahara's good friend, the muscular brother Kisha Ling Tetsusai.

As if he had been waiting for Nagasawa to ask a question, the muscular brother pushed the glasses of the same style as Sadaharu on the bridge of his nose, and then said.

"We don't know the specific reason for the fight, but what we know is that when we arrived last night, the god of death who was in charge of guarding Kuza Town attacked Mr. Hiroshi, and Ms. Meiya shot out with hatred, severely wounding the god of death. That’s what caused the current situation.”

"Speaking of which, the reason why we rushed over was because we sensed that there was a Quincy fighting against Xu, but the Reaper responsible for the garrison had not arrived for a long time. We felt that something was wrong, so we went to see what happened."

The information given by Niryo Tessai was not much, but after hearing it, Nagasawa Masaru fell into deep thought.

After the purge 150 years ago, very few Quincy remained in the world. The remaining Quincy, headed by the Ishida family, were able to continue after making certain compromises with the Seireitei. .

The content of this compromise is very simple, Quincy is not allowed to take the initiative to kill Xu, nor can he attack Reaper.

Even in a life-threatening moment, you must wait until the garrisoned Death God arrives before you can provide assistance in the form of "assistance", and hand over the right to purify to the Death God.

If the garrison Death God dies in the battle, the Quincy Division can let go and destroy Xu.

This condition can be described as extremely harsh, and it can even be said to be extremely unequal, but in order to leave a line of blood for the Quincy, the head of the Ishida family, Ishida Zongxian, still signed this insulting treaty.

In the past 150 years, the Quincies have abided by the treaty without exception, and there has never been an accident.

Of course, it may be to "retaliate" against the Death Gods who almost slaughtered their compatriots, or to protect their own bloodline.

The Quincy took advantage of the treaty.

They don't take the initiative to kill Xu, nor will they take the initiative to provoke Xu.

If you don't encounter a life-threatening moment, naturally you don't need to take risks and cooperate with the god of death.

Even when it is necessary to take action, the non-pure-blooded mixed-blood Quincy will be asked to top the tank, thus preventing the pure-blood Quincy from bleeding during battle and requiring blood transfusions to save lives.

Gradually, the Quincy masters developed the habit of waiting for the god of death to die before cleaning up the mess.

As Giryo Tessai said, it was the first time in the past 150 years that a Quincy took the initiative to fight a Hollow.

He subconsciously asked Gribi Tessai.

"Pure blood?"

"Pure blood!"

Listening to the other party's affirmative answer, Nagasawa felt that he seemed to smell a conspiracy.

However, before he could say anything more, the "operation" over there had already come to an end.

Accompanied by the defensive formation formed by Daoshanjing, it turned into little spirit particles and disappeared into the air. The Quincy standing outside the defensive formation, named Meiya, rushed to the man's side immediately. , grabbing Kisuke Urahara's sleeve, said anxiously.

"Hiroshi... Hiroshi, is he okay?"

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke, who was grabbed by his sleeve, did not answer immediately. Instead, he put down the scalpel and took a long breath before answering softly.

"We are now out of danger. As long as we take good care of ourselves, we will be able to return to normal."

"But speaking of's thanks to the fact that Miss Meiya and Mr. Hiroshi have the same blood type, otherwise..."

Urahara Kisuke did not continue, but the girl named Miu was obviously relieved in her eyes.

His life was saved, and the purity of his bloodline was not destroyed.

For them, who are pure-blooded Quincy masters, this is already a blessing in misfortune.

However, just when she breathed a sigh of relief, a clear voice came slowly from behind her.

"If it's convenient, could you tell me the reason for your conflict with that god of death?"

The sudden sound made the pupils of Mei Ya's eyes shrink suddenly.

when! ?

Although just now because of "concern leads to chaos", she has relaxed her vigilance towards her surroundings, but she wants to approach such a close distance silently like the person who made the noise, she only met one person. been.

The current head of the Ishida family, Ishida Zongxian.

The owner of this voice is very strong, very strong.

If she had malicious intentions, she would have died a long time ago.

Thinking of this, her body stiffened involuntarily, and even a simple movement like turning her head seemed to take a lot of effort.

However, when she saw Nagasawa standing behind her, she had a puzzled look on her face.

The elegant and straight suit looks like a gentleman from England.

His handsome face makes even the most dazzling stars in the world look eclipsed.

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