Because she wasn't wearing the regular death costume, Meiya didn't recognize Nagasawa Ya's identity as "Reaper" for the first time, but asked softly with a puzzled expression.

"you are?"

"Commander of the Seireitei Special Operations Team, Masa Nagasawa."

Listening to the answer that came from her ear, Meiya's face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment, but in the next second, the astonishment on her face was replaced by anger.

She saw a short horn bow made of pure spiritual seeds appearing in her hand. With the bow and arrow set, she aimed at Nagasawa Masa with the spiritual seed arrow, and glared at him.

"grim Reaper!?"

"Are you here to avenge your comrades!?"

Hearing Meiya's angry voice, Nagasawa Masa didn't feel any displeasure, even if she was pointed at with an arrow by the other party, she responded calmly and softly.


"It doesn't count, I just want to know the truth."

It's just that when he said this, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"But speaking of it, why were you so surprised when you heard that I was 'Death'?"

"This place is full of gods of death."

As he spoke, he pointed at Hirako Mako behind him, who was lying down again and continuing to flip through fashion magazines.

And after hearing his words, Meiya's eyes widened in an instant, with an expression of disbelief in her eyes.

"What did you say!?"

...... cut......

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Miya Kurosaki's almond eyes widened.

Immediately, he looked at Kisuke Urahara, who had just completed the surgery for his newlywed husband Hiroshi Kurosaki, with a blank expression.

As a Quincy Master, the education she received since she was a child told him that the God of Death is an extremely dangerous existence.

No matter how powerful a Death God is, you should stay away from him as much as possible and avoid any interaction with him.

When you encounter a Hollow in your living area, don't mind your own business and leave it to the God of Death. Even if the God of Death is killed in battle, there is no need to take action unless it is a last resort and endangers your own life.

This is the education that the remaining pure-blooded Quincies in this world have received since they were young.

And her newlywed husband, Hiroshi Kurosaki, was in such a miserable state precisely because of the sneak attack of the god of death.

Based on the education she has received since she was a child, coupled with the injuries suffered by her close relatives, if she wants to say who she hates the most at this moment, it must be the god of death.

However, when she was most at a loss and didn't know what to do, the person who saved her husband who was hanging by a thread was precisely the god of death she hated...

For a moment, the two emotions of hatred and gratitude were crazily intertwined in her mind, which made her not know how to face these people in front of her.

As if seeing the blankness and vague hostility in the other party's eyes, Nagasawa Masa didn't care, but continued to speak in a meaningful tone.

"For a hundred years, the Soul Realm and the Quincy have lived in peace, and the well water does not violate the river water."

"This time, the sudden conflict between the two sides was the first attack launched by the weaker Quincy..."

However, before he could finish his words, Mei Yao, who was still in a daze over there, came back to her senses in an instant.

As if she had been greatly wronged, she interrupted Nagazawa's words with an incredible look in her eyes.

"Launch the first attack!?"

"Obviously that god of death took advantage of our unpreparedness and attacked Guangzhi. I had no choice but to fight back!"

Looking at the excited girl in front of him, a faint smile appeared in Nagasawa's eyes.

He had already obtained this answer from Gridry Tessai before.

I just want to go further and learn more about the truth. Before gaining the trust of the other party, it is better to use some methods more efficient.

A person who is eager to prove his innocence is much more anxious than a person who harbors hatred.

Seeing that the other party had taken the bait, Nagasawa's face showed a look of surprise at the right time.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"But think about it. Although there is a difference in strength, in terms of human nature, the death gods are not much different from humans. It is normal for there to be a few aliens among the seven or eight thousand death gods in Selingting."

"If possible, can you tell me what happened?"

"To tell you the truth, the Seireitei attaches great importance to the attack on the stationed Shinigami, especially the fact that the Quincy was involved in it."

"This time, besides me, the ones who came to this world to conduct investigations are my senior brother, the captain of the Eighth Division, Jingle Chunshui."

"Maybe you haven't heard of his name, but in the world of corpses and souls, his ferocious name is enough to stop children from crying at night. Even in the Thirteenth Guarding Team, everyone is afraid of him, just like a ghost seeing sorrow." general existence."

"He also has a nickname in the team, called 'Tyrant'. If you meet him, you probably won't even have a chance to explain it. You'll just be killed on the spot, and humanity will be ruined."

"It means that you are lucky to have met me. As long as you can explain what happened clearly, I promise in the name of the commander-in-chief of the special operations team that I will definitely return your innocence."

Nagasawa Ya's voice was not loud, but everyone present was an expert from the vice-captain, and even at a short distance, they could still hear clearly.

After hearing what Nagasawa said, very similar words emerged in the minds of several people in a tacit understanding.





And after hearing Masa Nagasawa's "bewitching", Meiya was obviously moved.

Although she had not had much contact with the Shinigami, she had heard about the power of the Gotei [-], especially the "Captain".

If that Jingle Shunsui is really such a terrifying existence as Nagasawa Masa said, it seems that the man in front of him looks a little more kind.

Thinking of this, Meiya couldn't help asking softly with some hesitation.

"How can I trust you?"

Seeing that the other party has already made a move, Nagasawa Ya did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but shrugged slightly.

"You don't have much choice."

"Unless you want to bring down all the Quincy masters in this world."

"And... the commander-in-chief is older than the captain, isn't that reasonable?"

"Don't look at him as a senior brother, he is not a man in front of me."

"Besides... I'm a partner of justice. If you don't believe me, ask Kisuke."

As he said that, he also pointed to Urahara Kisuke who had just rescued Kurosaki Hiroshi over there.

Suddenly caught by Nagasawa Masahiro, Urahara Kisuke's eyes flashed a flash of understanding.

Immediately, I saw him unfolding the folding fan in his hand, covering his mouth and laughing softly, and opened his mouth to respond.

"That's true. Mr. Nagasawa has a pivotal position in Seireitei. If he helps to explain, I believe you will be cleared soon."

Hearing the sound coming from her ear, Miya fell into silence.

Kisuke Urahara was the savior of his own men, so he naturally had an extra level of trust. In addition, as one of the few remaining Quincy members in the world, Miyo really didn't want to drag down her compatriots, so she finally decided to tell the truth.

After pondering for a moment, she spoke.

"My name is Kurosaki Mizu, and he is my husband, Kurosaki Hiroshi."

Listening to Meiya's self-introduction, Masa Nagasawa raised her eyebrows subconsciously.


Immediately, his eyes fell on the opponent's big orange wave.

Could it be that they are Kurosaki Ichigo's mother's parents?

"Last night, on our way back to our residence from the Karakura-cho shopping street, we witnessed the birth of a head."

"At first, we didn't pay much attention to this. The Shinigami stationed in Karakura Town are not weak. It is not difficult to deal with this kind of soul that has just fallen into a Hollow. We don't want to cause trouble, so we directly bypassed the Hollow. , returned to his residence..."

Meiya didn't give Nagasawa too much room to think. After calming down a little, her thoughts seemed to return to yesterday.


After returning to the residence, although they had already made up their minds not to meddle in other people's business, the Meiyao couple still kept paying attention to the head.

Under the surveillance of the two, that Xu has already started to attack "Zheng" in Karakura Town who has not been extradited to Soul Society.

"Is the garrison death god asleep?"

"Why haven't you arrived yet!?"

"Looking" at that head as if it was playing with prey, chasing a child-like "Zheng" not far or near, Meiya immediately patted the table angrily.

Similarly, his husband Guangzhi also looked anxious.

Their Herosaki family is not prosperous, and in his generation, both parents died, leaving only his only son in the world.

Fortunately, he met Mei Ya, a pure-blooded Quincy like him.

The 32-episode love story of the two will not be listed for the time being. All in all, he was conquered by this kind girl who dared to love and hate, and had a true temperament, and fell in love with her deeply.

The reason why he showed an anxious look was not because he was worried that the child would be swallowed by Xu, but because Miya was anxious, so he felt anxious.

But even so, he still only comforted him softly.

"Don't worry, in order to ensure the stability of the world of corpses and souls, the god of death is much more active than us in the extradition of souls and the purification of degenerate souls, and he will definitely take action soon."

"And... before the god of death arrives, we, the Quincy Masters, are not allowed to kill Xu. This is a rule."

Listening to her husband's comfort, although she was very dissatisfied with the bullshit rules in her heart, the grown-up Meiya managed to control her emotions well.

At least it was a little more at ease.

What surprised them was that almost 20 minutes had passed, but the God of Reaper who was in charge of guarding Kuza Town still hadn't appeared.

They didn't even notice each other's spiritual pressure.

Seeing that the child who kept dodging Xu's attack was showing fatigue due to exhaustion, Meiya couldn't bear it anymore.

She couldn't stand by and watch an innocent soul die tragically under Xu's claws.

If that's the case, what's the use of learning this skill?

Thinking of this, she ignored her husband's obstruction, and stepped on the scythe to rush in the direction of Naxu.

Seeing that the dissuasion was ineffective, Kurosaki Hiroshi simply turned into a wife-protecting madman and followed him without hesitation.

The process of the battle doesn't need too much description. Two pure-blooded Quincy fighters hit a Void who had just transformed, highlighting an instant kill.

The two of them didn't even have time to use any means to seal the actions of the head Xu, and the "fragile" Daxu turned into nothingness under Miya's holy killing arrow.

Impulsive behavior often requires paying a corresponding price.

After getting rid of that Xu, Mei Ya also knew that she had violated the rules and couldn't help but whisper to her husband in an apologetic tone.

"I'm sorry, Guangzhi, for causing trouble to you. I will explain to him when the Death God stationed here comes later, hoping to gain his understanding."

Hearing his wife's apology, a soft light flashed in Kurosaki Hiroshi's eyes.

"Fool, you are my wife, how can I blame you?"

"Let me explain later, you have been wronged by marrying me, the lone star of the devil, but please don't drag your family into trouble."

The tragic history of 150 years ago seems to be right in front of us.

Obviously, Guangzhi, who is the only one left in the family, is ready to bear everything.

However, just as he finished speaking, a gentle voice suddenly entered the ears of the two of them.

"The two of you don't need to make such a life-and-death look. It's my fault that I didn't arrive at the scene in time."

"To be serious, it's too late for me to thank you two."

...... cut......

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