-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to the sound coming from their ears, a look of surprise flashed across the faces of Guangzhi and Meiyi.

They looked in the direction from which the sound came, and found a god of death wearing a death tyrant costume, standing on a bright street lamp, looking at the two of them with a smile on his face.

Some dazzling street lights made the two of them subconsciously narrow their eyes.

As if realizing this, the god of death leaped off the street lamp in an extremely "intimate" way, and came in front of the two of them.

Seeing the belated arrival of the Grim Reaper, Meiya actually felt resentful in her heart.

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than people, not to mention that the death god in front of him has a spiritual pressure that is almost the same as the two of them.

Fortunately, judging from the other party's tone just now, the situation didn't seem to be at its worst.

As far as attitude is concerned, the other party seems to be quite easy to communicate with?

With a friendly smile on his face, the god of death walked slowly to less than two meters away from the two of them, stopped, and continued speaking in a gentle tone.

"My name is Tasho Hiroo, and I am the Shinigami who is in charge of guarding Karakura Town, and I belong to the [-]th Division of the Gotei [-]th Division."

"I know that Quincy has signed a series of treaties with Soul Society to restrict Quincy's behavior."

"However, I don't plan to pursue your violations just now."

Listening to Tiansuo Haonan's words, both Meiya and Hiroshi were taken aback.

In their impression, shouldn't the Grim Reaper be an arrogant, unreasonable, self-righteous image?

When did you talk so easily?

Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the two of them, Tiansuo Haonan immediately showed a natural expression on his face, and even a little grateful expression.

"If it weren't for you, the child just now would have been swallowed by Xu."

"Killing it before it can do more damage really helps."

"After all, if something goes wrong, it's all my responsibility."

Listening to Tiansuo Haonan's words, Meiya's heart that was suspended because of acting impulsively finally let go.

At the same time, an idea came to mind unconsciously.

The God of Death is not always as arrogant as the elders in the family say.

However, at the moment when this idea was born in their hearts, an accident happened without any accident.

With the help of speaking, Tiansuo Haonan, who had already quietly approached to less than two meters away from the two of them, suddenly attacked without warning.

The icy cold light flickered under the moonlight, and the habit of killing the weaker ones first made Tasho Hiroo's Zanpakuto slash at the unsuspecting Miya Kurosaki.

Facing the flickering Zanpakuto, Meiya didn't even react.

Obviously one second they were still speaking friendly words, and the next second they drew their swords at each other and went straight to the vitals.

This is no less than a bolt from the blue for Mei Ya, who is not deeply involved in the world.

Fortunately, there was a person present, but he never let go of his vigilance.

At the moment when Tasho Hiroo suddenly made an attack, Hiroshi, who had been on guard all the time, stretched out his hand and pushed towards Miya beside him in an instant.

If you do mental calculations without thinking, even if you are on guard, you will be slow.

Guangzhi could only try his best to push his wife away, but he had no time to control the strength in his hands.

Mei Ya only felt a huge force pushing against her, but before she could react, she was immediately pushed far away, until she hit the courtyard wall of a nearby resident, and then stopped.

In pain, Mei Ya also recovered from the shock. She hurriedly looked in the direction of Guang Zhi, but just this glance made her pupils shrink to the size of a needle tip.

I saw a broken arm, whirling in the air, and fell to the ground.

Blood sprayed from Guangzhi's severed arm as if he didn't want money.


With a sudden and drastic change, Meiya's face was full of collapse.

However, this is not over yet. After chopping off one of Hiroshi's arms, Tasho Hiroo had no intention of saving the opponent's life at all. The Zanpakuto in his hand instantly intertwined a dense web of death in the air, just in the blink of an eye. , Guangzhi, who was already seriously injured, had numerous scars appearing on his body again.

All the changes happened in an instant.

However, despite falling behind due to the sneak attack, Mei Ya, who has great fighting talent, still adjusted her condition in a very short period of time.

A short ox-horn bow made of spirit seeds appeared in her hand, and the sacred destroying arrow tilted down towards Tadokoro Hiroo as if it was free of charge.

Feeling the attacking Lingzi arrow, Tiansuo Haonan didn't intend to fight recklessly, just a few nimble dodges, then gave up Hiroshi in front of him, and distanced himself from the two of them again.

Seeing Tian Suo Haonan retreating, Meiya did not pursue him.

She walked quickly to Guangzhi's side, and hurriedly checked his injury.

Although she is not a doctor, through Reiatsu, she can feel the breath of life slowly disappearing from Guangzhi's body.

For a moment, Mei Ya, who was about to burst into tears, immediately hissed at Tian Suo Haonan like a wild beast that would choose someone to eat.



"We just want to protect that child!!!"

Its sound is like a cuckoo crying blood.

However, listening to Miya's mournful cry, the expression on Tiansuo Haonan's face did not change at all, and even until now, he still maintains a smile.

"Hehe, because you are Quincy Masters."

"However, thanks to this guy, I originally planned to kill you first, and then deal with him slowly."

"I didn't expect him to be stronger, but because he wanted to save you as a burden, he plunged himself into a place where he could never recover."

"Is this your husband?"

"I have to say that as a man, he is still qualified."

Hearing the teasing from her ear, Meiya felt that her teeth were about to be crushed.

However, what she knew was that Guangzhi's current condition was very bad, and if he didn't receive treatment, he would really be helpless.

Thinking of this, she no longer cared about any irregularities.

She wanted to get rid of the god of death in front of her in the shortest possible time!

Even if it means risking your own life!

There is no need to elaborate on the following matters.

The exploding Meizi successfully wounded Tiansuo Haonan, causing him to lose.

Kisuke Urahara intervened to save Hiroshi who was about to die.

Listening to Mizu's narration, Masa Nagasawa finally understood what happened.

Combined with Ling Tie Zhai's rhetoric, he believed that Mei Ya did not lie to him.

At the same time, he also had calculations in his heart.

In his opinion, although Ukitake was a bit neglected to discipline the [-]th Division because of his health.

But the character of the captain often represents the rules of a team.

Just like the Hiroshi Tansho that Miu mentioned, he directly strikes regardless of good or bad, regardless of the reason.

Just in the next second, a gleam of light flashed across Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Tadokoro Hiroo's unusual behavior suddenly reminded him of someone.

Kamikawa Rennosuke.

...... cut......

PS. I heard from the brothers in the author group today that a big guy passed away because of Eryangjia who often stayed up late...

Ma De, don't dare to stay up late anymore, my life is at stake.

Be sure to finish coding before 12 o'clock starting tomorrow!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although the [-]th Guarding Team seems to be monolithic, under its calm surface, there are actually undercurrents surging.

Take Yamamoto's staunch supporters, the Kuchiki family and the Shifengin family, two of the five nobles, as an example.

Regardless of the fact that these two families control the sixth and second divisions respectively, they may not have planted dark sons belonging to the family in the other divisions of the Goutei [-]th division.

For nobles, family interests and collective interests have always been calculated separately, which is understandable.

And as the only two families among the five nobles who did not join the Gotei [-]th Team at least on the surface, the Tsunayashiro family has no other dark sons except for Kamikawa Rennosuke. won't believe it.

For a time, all the events of the past two days were summarized in his mind, and finally the elements were extracted concisely.

For 150 years, the Quincy Master, who has kept himself safe for [-] years, suddenly attacked the God of Reaper, which triggered an investigation.

The captain of the thirteenth division, Shishiro Ukitake, was unable to take charge of team affairs because of his old illness, and because the vice-captain of the team was vacant, and the group had no leader, the special report was reported to the first division, and the special operations team was ordered to fight.

The middle-level nobles attached to the Tsunayashiro family turned against each other, and for justice in their hearts, they informed the Tsunayashiro family of the conspiracy.

After learning the truth, it turns out that the death party took the initiative to provoke the dispute.

The plan is really not a well-planned plan, but the purpose of all actions points to the same place.

Bring him, the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, into the present world.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa Ya's eyes couldn't help but a gleam flashed.

The Tsunayashiro family is really good at calculating, they endured it for many days, and if they don't make a move, it's all right, but once they make a move, it's like thunder.

Seeing the opportunity, he completed many arrangements in just one day.

But soon, Nagasawa also realized the key to this round.

Tiansuo Haonan.

The focus of the investigation this time is not to capture the Quincy who "shot and hurt people", but to find the wounded God of Reaper, Hiroo Tanasho.

The report only showed that the Reaper stationed in Karakura Town was injured by the Quincy who made a sudden attack, but did not show his whereabouts.

It's normal to think about it, if it is a false accusation, returning to the world of corpses and souls will reveal more flaws, not to mention that there is still a sudden existence in the boundary of returning to the world of corpses and souls.

After being wounded, Tiansuo Haonan may not be able to escape Jutu's purge when passing through the boundary gate.

As long as Hiroo Tadokoro can be found, all problems can be solved.

In addition to the traditional means of the Xingjun, the current Guarding Thirteen Team also has the Frankenstein, Mayuri Nie.

In terms of the means of the two, there are very few mouths in this world that they cannot pry open.

But...seriously speaking, taking down Hiroo Tasho and clearing up the grievances of the Kurosaki couple was just a matter of convenience. What he really wanted was a chance to fight against Tsunayashiro.

It is simply a confession of an ordinary shinigami who actively provokes the Quincy, and it cannot shake the Tsunayashiro family at all.

Even if it proves that the other party was instructed by Tsunayashiro, he can just find a disciple of the branch family to come out to top the tank.

But if during the investigation process, he, the commander-in-chief of the special operations team, did something to himself, the nature would change.

Nagasawa Masa's strength is not weak, at least on the bright side. If you want to take him down, and you also have to consider the presence of Jingle Shunsui and other members of the special operations team, the force you want to dispatch will definitely not be weak. Where is the weakness.

Even just to be on the safe side, Tsunayashiro Rei, the former Patriarch, might end up in person.

And the place where Tsunayashiro is most likely to attack him is where Hiroo Tasho is.

It's really a good idea to use your body as bait.

Nagasawa sneered in her heart.

The initiative is completely in the hands of the Tsunayashiro family.

If he is afraid of war, he brings Jingle Shunsui and others back to the Soul Realm in despair, or directly captures the Kurosaki couple and brings them back to Seireitei for questioning.

Not only has he lost his temper, but he will also make Kisuke Urahara, Mako Hirako and others look down on him.

I'm afraid that even the fact that Kisuke Urahara rescued the Kurosaki couple was calculated by Tsunayashiro.

If he saw through the opponent's plan and still went to where Hiroo Tanasho was, Tsunayashiro would have more choices.

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