When Nagasawa said this, he raised his hand and suddenly grasped the sharp blade that was handed to his throat by the water fairy. Even if his palm was cut by the ripples of the sharp blade, even if the technique was reversed The scar between his palms was repaired and scratched again, and he had no intention of letting go.

The blood slowly flowed down the blade until it crossed the blade and touched the immature palm of the Narcissus.

Feeling the warmth from the palm, for some reason, Narcissus' body trembled slightly for no reason.

She wanted to say something, but Nagasawa in front of her didn't seem to intend to give her any chance to speak.


"How long do you want to be willful?"

"If you've had enough fun, come back to me obediently!"

I saw Nagasawa staring angrily, as if a switch in his body was turned on at this moment, and an invisible arrogance spread out with him as the center.

That is an energy that is different from Reiatsu... No, it is not so much energy, but rather a manifestation of "bravery".

Everyone present is a master, even Muramasa, who is a Zanpakuto, has the strength comparable to the captain-level Shinigami.

However, the moment that arrogance passed over his body, he actually felt a "shudder" from the depths of his soul.

Even Jingle Chunshui and the others, who were fighting the Pac-Man summoned by the Hungry Corridor in the distance, showed surprise.

Because they found that when the invisible flame passed by their side, although it didn't have much impact on them, at most they trembled uncontrollably, but it did great harm to those thoughtless Pac-Man.

Pac-Man, who was originally furious and only knew how to eat, eat, eat, and would never stop until he devoured them all, seemed to be frightened at this moment, and even his actions were slowed down.

They, who are experienced, would not let this opportunity go, and immediately reacted from surprise.

For a moment, Jingle Chunshui took the lead in gaining an advantage on the battlefield.

As for Muramasa, Tsunayashiro Rei, who was sandwiching cheese with two breads, even had a more intuitive feeling than Muramasa at this time.

It's too dangerous, this man Nagasawa is really too dangerous!

This guy has to take advantage of the time...

This man must be completely eliminated here!

Thinking of this, a cold light appeared in King Tsunayashiro Rei's eyes.

He knew that it couldn't be delayed any longer!

Taking advantage of the stalemate between Nagzeya and Narcissus, he decisively held the Yanluo Jingdian in his hand, and rushed towards Nagzeya, whose back was facing him, with extremely concealed footwork.

However, Nagasawa Ya, who turned his back to him, made an unexpected move at this moment.

Nagasawa, who was holding the long knife, let go of the sharp blade in her palm, and the moment she let go of the blade, she rushed towards the village standing behind the Narcissus without hesitation.

At the same time, Narcissus, who had regained the initiative of the long sword, also launched an attack on King Tsunayashiro Rei who was quietly touching behind Nagasawa Masa.

For a moment, two figures, one person and one sword, crossed each other in an instant.



There were two sword sounds in succession.

Masa Nagasawa and Muramasa.

Narcissus and Tsuna Yadai Rei.

The unfavorable situation of three against one turned into a two against two evenly matched in an instant!

Seeing the Narcissus not far away who had fought with King Tsunayashiro Rei, Muramasa's eyes were full of astonishment, and he whispered to himself unconsciously.

"Has this been taken back..."

This is probably the first time in his long life that he has seen Zanpakuto subdued by his master after such a short "rebellion".

Surprised, even the speed of waving the sword in his hand slowed down by half a beat.

For a while, he was beaten by Nagasawa Ya, and fell into a disadvantage.

Facing the obviously distracted Muramasa, a carefree smile appeared on the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth.

During the 50 years when he was floating in the rift, he once drew [Monch D. Luffy Experience Card].

When I was trying to escape Narcissus just now, it was probably because I was really angry.

In an unconscious state, he activated the remaining power of the Luffy experience card that had remained in his body, and awakened the domineering domineering look.

What you need to know is that before he crossed over, he had already seen Mr. Kai teaching in person, teaching Luffy how to use the overlord's color entanglement.

For him, domineering aura is not only a means of deterrence, but also can be transformed into the most practical combat power.

Of course, it is still unknown whether he can successfully use the overlord's color entanglement when he first awakens and has no further practice.

But one more hole card is always a good thing.


Due to the blessing of Narcissus' rebellion, he not only awakened the domineering look and arrogance, and subdued Narcissus again, but also thought of a strategy to break the situation.

And has a very high grasp.

I saw him whispering to Muramasa who was fighting with him in front of him in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"It's because of the rotten tree, that's why you reached the cooperation with King Tsunayashiro Rei, right?"

"What if I say... I can also help you achieve your purpose?"

...... cut......

PS. Another month of 15-word full-time completion!

This month is really not easy. It is militia training and party member training. The pressure to update is really great.

The good news is that I finally made it through, and it can be regarded as realizing the goal I set for myself. Not only did I complete full attendance, but I also completed full attendance of 15 words per month for six consecutive months.

Tomorrow, that is, July 7st, happens to be my mother's birthday in the lunar calendar. After being busy for so long, I also want to take this opportunity to celebrate my mother's birthday and give myself a day off.

So there will be no update tomorrow, let me tell you in advance.

In the end, another new month has begun, so ask for guaranteed blades as usual.

If you can, please vote for me, thank you for your support! ! !

Thanks thanks!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The only purpose of Cunzheng's wandering around the world is to save the sealed Rotten Wood Xianghe.

Apart from Kuchiki Kaikawa, Nagasawa Masa really couldn't think of any other reason for the other party to cooperate with King Tsunayashiro Rei.

Coincidentally, he also has this bargaining chip.

However, in the current situation, it is much more difficult to win the trust of Muramasa than it was when Tsunayashiro Rei reached a cooperation with him.

Sure enough, after hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Muramasa who came back to his senses couldn't help frowning slightly, and the dissatisfaction of being deceived instantly appeared on his face.

"God of Death, if you want to use deception to divide the alliance between Tsunayashiro and me, I advise you not to waste your efforts anymore."

Listening to Muramasa's answer, Masa Nagasawa kept moving her hands, and her moves were even more deadly. She didn't seem to be negotiating at all, but she continued to ask.

"Why are you so sure that I'm deceiving you, instead of really knowing the sealed place of the Rotten Wood River?"

"Maybe...... Tsunayashiroreo is the one who really wants to use you?"

Facing Nagasawa Ya's slashing, Muramasa was at a disadvantage, but there was no panic in his eyes.

Don't look at the fact that now because Nagasawa Masaru has conquered the water fairy again, the situation on the court has formed a two-on-two stalemate.

But as the chief culprit who made the Narcissus materialize, Muramasa knew that as long as Tsunayashiro Rei worked harder, his power residing in the Narcissus would soon be exhausted.

When Narcissus returns to Zanpakuto, the situation on the court is still dominated by his side.

Therefore, he wasn't worried at all because of the short-term disadvantage, but he still had enough energy to ask back in a slow voice.

"Compared to the former head of the Tsunayashiro family, who is one of the five nobles with the Kuchiki family, why should I believe in an ordinary Shinigami like you?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a strange look suddenly appeared on Nagasawa's face.

"Ordinary Death?"

"Do not you know me?"

Muramasa: "Should I know you???"

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's rhetorical question, and the surprise on his face that didn't seem fake, Muramasa also felt confused.

Is this guy... famous?

He re-materialized through some means not long ago, and he doesn't know much about the development of the corpse soul world in the past hundred years.

At first, when he heard the news of the seal of Kuchiki Xianghe and one of the insiders who knew the location of the seal, Kuchiki Yinling, he was going to gather together and gather strength in secret. Unearthed the sealed land of Rotten Wood Ring River in his memory.

But before the plan was implemented, with a sliver of hope, he tried to sneak into the Tsunayashiro family, who was also one of the five nobles, who was in charge of managing the corridor of the Great Spirit Book, and who knew all the history and information of the soul world. Collaboration with King Yashiro Rei.

It's just that, when discussing cooperation matters, Tsunayashiro Rei's introduction to Nagasawa Masa was just an "obscure but powerful Reaper". Muramasa, who didn't care, almost just couldn't think After half a cup of tea, he agreed.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Chang Zeya's question, and after pondering for a moment, he replied slowly.

"Your strength is indeed very strong, even compared to the captain-level god of death."

"I don't know why you are still just an ordinary god of death with your strength, but there are some things that don't just depend on strength. If this is the case, I have already got the answer from the other captains, and there is no need to work hard. Collaborate with Tsunayashiro."

Hearing Muramasa's answer, the Zanpakuto in his hand collided with the sharp blade in his hand, and Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

This made him a little embarrassed.

He thought that his name was famous enough, but he forgot that the village just ran out of a corner, and he hadn't had much contact with the outside world at all.

Seeing this, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"It seems... King Tsunayashirore really didn't explain my identity to you."

"It's also my fault. It seems that my reputation is not loud enough."

As he said that, he violently pushed the Muramasa who was fighting with him with a knife, and after a certain distance, he was not in a hurry to attack again, but pointed at Muramasa and shouted softly.

"In that case, you should prick up your ears and listen!"

Immediately, Nagasawa took a deep breath, like a rapper reporting the name of a dish, and started his performance like a cannonball.


"Chief of the Gotei [-] Team Shigekuni Yamamoto's close disciple and the commander-in-chief of the special operations team of the Gotei [-] Team, the former head of the Kutei family Kuchiki Yinling's right-hand man, the current head of the Kukiki Aojun's life-and-death friend, heir Kuchiki Byakuya My life mentor, Nagasawa Masa, the strongest candidate for Death God!"

"Handsome to the point of dregs, dregs, dregs, dregs!"

"One day, I will become the strongest in the Three Realms, no matter whether it is notoriety or reputation, I will let Old Man Shan hear my name even in heaven!"

Muramasa: "..."

Can you tell me something that young people can understand?

Also, if I remember correctly, Yamamoto doesn't seem to be dead yet?

Muromasa felt a little dizzy, and he didn't even hear Nagasawa Ya's last sentence clearly. The word "scum" in his mind was like a microphone popping, and it couldn't stop echoing in his brain.

"Cough cough..."

Probably also realized that her teacher had not passed away in this life, Nagasawa could not help coughing lightly to cover up her embarrassment.

"Although the title is a little longer, it should not hinder your understanding of me."

"I know that it's old man Shan and old man Yinling who sealed the Rotten Wood River."

"As the direct disciple of Old Man Shan and the closest brother of a different surname in the Kuchiki family, no matter what, you should choose to trust me instead of an outsider like King Tsunayashirorei?"

"After all... From a certain point of view, we are one-eighth of our own, aren't we?"

Muramasa "..."

What the hell is one-eighth of us?

This person, can you say something that the knife can understand?

After pondering for a while, it seemed that Nagasawa had persuaded him to some extent, and Muramasa, who was a little shaken in his heart, no longer refused to enter into it like before, but spoke softly in a negotiating tone.

"Well, even if you really know the sealed place of Xianghe and kill you, I can still get information from Tsunayashiro."

"I have witnessed the whole battle between you and Tsunayashiro. With your current strength, it is very difficult to get cheap from him."

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