"Even though your Zanpakuto can temporarily manifest to assist you in combat because of my ability, but with the high-intensity consumption of Reiatsu and the dissipation of my power attached to her, she After all, it will disappear and return to Zanpakuto."

"If that's the case, why should I choose to abandon Tsunayashiro and help you who are weak?"

...... cut......

PS. Yesterday, I took the opportunity of my mother's birthday to adjust for a day, and I really felt relieved and comfortable.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that Muramasa's answer showed signs of loosening, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but twitched a faint smile.

He didn't intend to continue to entangle with the other party, so he sent out the big move directly.

"Then how about..."

As if experiencing some kind of ideological struggle in her heart, Nagasawa continued to speak slowly after pondering for a moment.

"I'll help you find Kuchiki Xianghe directly. In this way, the agreement between you and King Tsunayashirore will be void, and naturally you will no longer have the obligation to continue to be his thug."

Hearing the words in his ear, Muramasa couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then immediately revealed an expression of disbelief.

"What did you say!?"

As if unaware of the shock in Muramasa's words, Nagasawa just kept the smile on his face and repeated what he just said.

"I said, I'll take you directly to the sealed place of the Rotten Wood River, so you won't think I'm deceiving you, right?"

Saying that, Nagasawa Masa closed her mouth, and didn't care about the Narcissus who was in full swing with King Tsunayashirore over there, but just stared at Muramasa for a moment, waiting for the other party's answer.

This time, it took Muramasa a long time to recover from Nagasawa Masa's words, but the question he asked next made Nagasawa Masa speechless.

"Aren't you afraid that after I release Hibiki, I will still help Tsunayashiro deal with you?"

Nagasawa: "..."

Listening to Muramasa's answer, this time it was Masa Nagasawa's turn to be speechless.

"I'm a little confused whether you're really stupid or just pretending to be stupid."

"Even if King Tsunayashiro Rei is your adopted father, after breaking the seal of Kuchiki Kyouga, as a Zanpakutō, you must also follow Kuchiki Kyouga's will, right?"

"I have some understanding of Kuchiki Kazukawa's character. I don't think he will follow the command of King Tsunayashiro Rei, even if it is based on cooperation."

As if realizing that he had asked a stupid question, a rare blush appeared on Muramasa's pale face.

"If you can really help me find Xianghe...deal."

Seeing that Muramasa agreed to her proposal, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on her face.

So far, everything is going according to his plan.

He continued talking to Muramasa.

"However, I can't take you to the sealed place so blatantly. After all, I still bear the name of the commander-in-chief of the special operations team of the [-]th Guardian Team. I openly lead people to unseal the sealed sinners. You have to bear some guilt."

Although I don't know what method Tsunayashiro Rei used to cut off the connection between the present world and the soul world, Jingle Shunsui and others not far away are still dealing with the Hungry Corridor.

If he just swaggered and led Muramasa to undo the seal of Kuchiki Xianghe, even Jingle Chunshui and others would not know what it was.

When the time comes to return to the Soul Realm, and hand in the report so quickly, even if it is an expedient measure to deal with King Tsunayashirore, he will have to be reprimanded by Yamamoto.

But this time, he wasn't so worried about the censure from Room 46 of the Central Committee.

If he can return to Soul Soul World safely, just the fact that King Tsunayashiro Rei, the former head of the Tsunayashiro family, intends to set off a war between Soul Soul World and Quincy again, and attacks the joint team, will be enough. It was enough for the Tsunayashiro family to walk away without food.

No matter how much support the Tsunayashiro family has in the central 46 room, they have to face the dilemma of reshuffle.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that they get rid of Tsunayashiro Rei and return to Soul Soul World safely.

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's answer, the cold-faced Muramasa couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then asked suspiciously.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Who would have thought that just after his words fell, Nagasawa, who had been standing not far away talking to him, suddenly shot towards him like an arrow off the string.

Facing Nagasawa Ya who came by surprise, he instinctively raised his knife to block.


The crisp sound of the Taidao resounded through the sky again, and the fierce collision instantly burst into flames.

Looking close at hand, the expression on his face was uncertain, a little uncertain whether what Nagasawa just said was deceiving himself so as to lower his vigilance, or it was Muramasa who was sincere.

Nagasawa grinned at the corner of her mouth, and then whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Of course it's not okay to take you to the sealed place of the Rotten Wood River with a big swagger, but... if you hit it by mistake and broke in accidentally, no one will be able to find my fault."

Having said that, Nagasawa pushed Muramasa away abruptly, the smile on her face gradually became wild, and she shouted even more wildly.

"Let's dance together!!!"

"Breaking the Way 63 Thunder Roar Cannon!"

The empty left hand was erected towards the direction of the village, and the golden light in the palm instantly formed a flash of lightning, and suddenly blasted towards the village in the distance.

Seeing the rapid high-energy reaction, Muramasa couldn't help but shudder.

To be honest, until now he was a little uncertain about Nagasawa Masa's true intentions.

Like, it's so similar.

He is so familiar with Nagasawa Ya's frenzied appearance at the moment, he is a fighting fanatic.

His master, Kuchimu Xianghe, also looked like this in the days before he was sealed.

But soon, he waved away the doubts in his mind.

Although Nagasawa Masa's ghost path seems to be attacking him, but if you look carefully, you can see that the opponent is actually forcing him to move and drive him out in a certain direction.

Almost in an instant, he understood what Nagasawa meant.

After narrowly avoiding Nagasawa's "Thunder Roar Cannon", he deliberately slowed down by half a beat and did not rush to attack. It was not until Nagasawa attacked that he raised his knife and frantically fought with Nagasawa. Zeya started fighting.

Seeing that the village was on the road like this, the smile on Nagasawa Ya's face became stronger and stronger.

It's just that, when he kept forcing the village to move and "drive" the opponent in a certain direction, the thundering cannon he just fired was "coincidentally" from The side of Narcissus brushed past and blasted towards King Tsunayashiro Rei who was fighting with him.

The attack from behind really startled the Narcissus, until he turned his head and found that Nagasawa Ya shot the hole, Narcissus immediately jumped up angrily.

"Hey, Nagasawa!"

"You almost hit me just now!!!"

Turning his head slightly, he looked at Tsunayashiro Rei who split the "Thunder Roar Cannon" he shot with a single knife, and then looked at Muramasa's "active" performance, and nodded in satisfaction.

Nagasawa couldn't help grinning, and then, just left a whisper from near to far, and led the village away in a further direction.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, this guy is a little tricky, and I'll leave that old man to you. I'll get rid of him as soon as possible and come to help you."

...... cut......

PS. As usual, I would like to ask for the guarantee blade refreshed every month, thank you for your support!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Old...old man?

Listening to the sound floating in the distance, no matter if it was the Narcissus or King Tsunayashi Dairei, both of them froze, with a look of disgust on their faces.

It's just that what King Tsunayashidairei dislikes is what Nagasawa called him, and Narcissus dislikes him.

But generally speaking, King Tsunayashiro Rei is very satisfied with Muramasa's performance.

Facing the muscular orangutan Masa Nagasawa, Muramasa was only slightly behind when his abilities were almost ineffective, which already surprised him quite a bit.

Next, as long as he gets rid of Nagasawa Masa's Zanpakuto and forms an encirclement with Muramasa, Nagasawa Masa will be defeated!

For a while, he couldn't help but increase his output on Yan Luo Jing Dian, even if it cost more "stand-in dolls", he had to take down Narcissus in a short time as much as possible.

But the lives of some branch disciples and subordinate noble children, in his opinion, are no different from worthless.

Facing King Tsunayashiro's onslaught, Narcissus couldn't help clenching her teeth.

The reason why she attacked Nagasawa just now was certainly due to Muramasa's "hint", but to say that she was not dissatisfied with Nagasawa at all would be a bit of a lie to herself.

Unlike other Shinigami, as Nagasawa Masa's Zanpakuto, she has never been Nagasawa Masa's first choice.

She has been dissatisfied with this for a long time, and Muramasa's "hint" is more of an opportunity.

And although she has got rid of Muramasa's "hint" and surrendered to Nagasawa Ya again, the dissatisfaction in her heart has never dissipated.

However, after surrendering to Nagasawa Ya again, the dissatisfaction in her heart quietly changed.

She no longer complained that Nagasawa did not "use" her, but began to examine her own shortcomings.

As Masa Nagasawa said, in order to exert stronger power, what is needed to become a "king" is to desperately seek to fight, to seek strength, to destroy the enemy without mercy, and to engrave it in the body. The "instinct" on the most primitive basis is fully displayed.

On the other hand, as a "mount", as long as she is strong enough, Nagasawa Masa's "instinct" will subconsciously choose her as the first choice!

It's a relationship.

Narcissus, who understands this, no longer chooses to blame herself, but chooses to prove her worth actively.

And King Tsunayashiro Rei in front of him is the best opportunity to prove it.

She doesn't seek to defeat the opponent, but until Masa Nagasawa's plan succeeds, she will never let King Tsunayashiro Rei go half a step away!

For a moment, the two sides who wanted to make a quick decision while trying to procrastinate as much as possible, with diametrically opposite intentions, burst out the most intense sparks at this moment.


On the other side, like Madara and Hashirama, they fought and walked from the east of Karakura Town to the west of Karakura Town all the way. Although not even the avenue was wiped out, at least the fight was extremely anxious on the scene, and there was mutual mutual interest. The two Nagasawa and Ya went back and forth, but there was no sign of a match-fixing match.

It wasn't until the two came to the top of an island in the middle of the lake that they stopped.

However, rather than saying that this is an island in the middle of the lake, at best it is only the size of an ordinary school surrounded by a 400-meter runway, not to mention that most of the area of ​​this small island is occupied by a towering tree .

If Masa Nagasawa remembers correctly, this should be the place where Kuchiki Xianghe was sealed.

Seeing that Nagasawa stopped her movements, Muramasa's face was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

"Is this the..."

"But why can't I sense anything?"

But very quickly, when his spiritual pressure swept around like the most accurate radar, the joy on his face quickly faded, and turned into a look of surprise.

Because under his spiritual pressure perception, let alone a spiritual body with spiritual pressure, there is not even a single human being nearby.

It was hard not to make him wonder if Chang Zeya had ambushed three hundred swordsmen here, just waiting for him to take the bait.

For a moment, a kind of anger of being deceived rushed to my heart.

Looking at the look of surprise and uncertainty on Muramasa's face, Nagasawa couldn't help curling her lips.

If he knew Muramasa's true thoughts at this moment, he would definitely scoff.

As the phantom god of the civil war in the thirteenth team of the court, Kuchiki Kazukawa is not weak at all. Coupled with Muramasa's ability, if he wants to defeat him while completely closing his heart, the god of death who can achieve this level is not weak at all. There are only a handful of them.

Not to mention the other party's powerful Reiatsu that far exceeds that of an ordinary captain.

If such a guy is sealed in this world, and no means are used to prevent his spiritual pressure from leaking out, the entire Karakura town will become a dead place in a very short period of time.

However... although Nagasawa Miyabi remembered the place where Kuchiki Hibiki was sealed, he had no memory at all of how to unlock the barrier around the sealed place.

It's like he watched Naruto for more than ten years, but others asked him, "How many bowls of ramen did Hinata eat when he won the Big Eater Competition?" What's your mother's name?" Same.

Although there are all the answers in the animation, if there is no Du Niang, he can't remember it at all!

However, although Nagasawa does not have the strongest brain with an amazing memory, it does not mean that he has no countermeasures.

Seeing that he was almost there, he didn't intend to pretend any more. He raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, and under Muramasa's vigilant gaze, he made a dimensional slash towards the island in the middle of the lake below.

The distorted space instantly formed dozens of costly combos, and the Yan Mo Dao, which has the power of "dividing", can be called the nemesis of enchantment.

Under Muramasa's astonished gaze, the island in the center of the lake under the two of them felt like glass was shattered, and cracks like spider webs appeared in the air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Muramasa couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Enchantment! ?

Under his nose, there is actually an enchantment that hides the spiritual pressure! ?

Masa Nagasawa...didn't lie to him!

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