Although the spiritual power in this world is not as abundant as that of the Xu circle, the huge population base is Xu's favorite and the easiest food to hunt.

When the village ran away due to spiritual pressure, and unconsciously resonated with the void circle, after opening a passage in the Great Void Forest, countless Kirian scrambled to escape from the torn hole come out.

The thinking is chaotic, and only the most instinctive desire to devour is left. They are like sharks that smell blood. They can't wait to rush into the world and feast on it.

Seeing that the situation was going in the worst direction, everyone couldn't care less about staying on.

Yoruichi, who was surrounded by the virtual group, suddenly burst out with a high-density spiritual pressure, and the clothes on his shoulders and back were instantly shattered.

The instant switch is turned on, and it is possible to use it in a timely manner.

"I can't let that guy continue to tear the gap, stop him no matter what!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Masked Legion couldn't help but nodded heavily.

Don't talk about Ye Yiyi's life-saving grace to them, and don't talk about being the god of death, you must protect innocent people from Xu Xu's harm.

The morality in their hearts alone will never allow these virtual groups that only devour desires to do whatever they want in this world.

However, just when everyone was preparing to use all their strength to prevent Muramasa from further inflicting damage, a figure was like a supersonic fighter jet flying close to the ground, accompanied by a burst of roaring sound, and headed towards Muramasa at an extremely fast speed. It's shooting away.

Seeing this, everyone who was just about to make a move couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Through the spiritual pressure, even if they didn't look specifically, they all recognized the identity of the person who came.

It was Nagasawa Masaru who was fighting fiercely with Kuchiki Hikawa just now!

Looking at Nagasawa Miyabi who was rushing towards him, Rokusha Kensai couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face.

"He... isn't he still fighting Kuchimu Xianghe?"

"So soon..."

Hearing this, Fengqiaolou Juro also had a look of astonishment on his face, but soon, as if he realized something, the astonishment on his face instantly turned into shock, and immediately exclaimed in an unbelievable tone.

"The Reiatsu of Kuchiki Xianghe disappeared!?"

"How long has it been!?"

The words of the two immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even the movement of preparing to charge forward was delayed by half a beat.

Although Liuche Kenxi and Fengqiao Rojuro were the former captains of the [-]th and [-]rd divisions respectively, Kuchiki Kazukawa was a strong man at the same time as them, even more geniuses than the two of them.

When Kuchiki Kazukawa was the third seat of the Sixth Division, they were just ordinary middle seats.

And don't look at Kuchiki Xianghe is only the "mere" third seat, but just like Nagasawa Masa, who once served as the third seat of the Sixth Division, is a complete monster.

He mastered the swastika fusui at a young age, and his ability is considered the nemesis of all shinigami.

From their point of view at the time, Kuchimu Xianghe's becoming the captain was a sure thing.

Even after he committed a felony and was sealed by Yamamoto and Kuchiki Yinling together, and they became captains successively, recalling the strength of Kuchiki Kabuki, they were still shocked, and they dared not say that they were sure of victory .

Even though Kuchiki Xianghe's body functions have declined due to years of sealing, his high spiritual pressure, which is even stronger than at his peak before the seal, cannot be faked.

However, how long has Masa Nagasawa been fighting against the opponent just now?

Is there 5 minutes?

In such a short period of time, not only was Kuchimu Xianghe quickly eliminated, even the spirit pressure on his body was not weakened at all...

An idea suddenly appeared in the minds of these veteran gods of death.

The three seats of the Sixth Division... are they all monsters?

However, just when their faces were filled with astonishment, Nagasawa Masaru, who was about to rush to Muramasa, shouted quickly.


"Leave this guy to me, you guys find a way to plug that crack for me!"

Saying that, Nagasawa Ya, who had already rushed in front of Muramasa, pressed her palm the size of a cattail fan on Muramasa's face in an instant!

...... cut......

PS. The second season of the Millennium Blood War will be aired tomorrow~~~

I hope that the new TV can save me from the street rushing woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------




Heavy breathing came from the Narcissus' throat, and his eyes revealed endless exhaustion.

The old man in front of him was really difficult to deal with.

The omnipotent "ROOM" hit the opponent like a stone sinking into the sea. Obviously all the attacks hit, but it failed to cause even a little damage to the opponent, making her emo.

After several attempts to no avail, she saw an opening and prepared to reward the opponent with an "Excalibur".

But to her surprise, the other party seemed to have guessed her intentions, and grasped her extremely short power storage time very keenly, and controlled hundreds of sharp blades like cherry blossoms, directly interrupting her. the casting of spells.

If she hadn't reacted fast enough to dodge in time, the blow just now would have been enough to severely injure her.

Even so, one of her arms was also scarred by the Senbonzakura imitated by Yanluo Jingdian. It was bleeding and hanging weakly by her side.

However, although Prince Tsunayashiro Rei had the upper hand in terms of the situation, only he knew in his heart that at this moment, he had quietly retreated.

He is very afraid of Nagasawa Ya's Zanpakuto.

It cannot be imitated, and its true ability cannot be known, let alone targeted.

This is also one of the reasons why he has been holding back since Nagasawa returned to the soul world, and has not taken any action for a long time.

Until he accidentally discovered Muramasa who touched Tsunayashiro's house and tried to steal his memory.

As the former head of the Tsunayashiro family who was in charge of the Great Soul Scroll Corridor and could use the Yanluo Mirror Code "without injury", how could he not pay attention to Kuchiki Hibiki, who was known as the "Civil War Phantom God".

It's not that he hasn't tried to use Yanluo Jingdian to imitate Muramasa's ability, but it's a pity that the prerequisite for Yanluo Jingdian's imitation is that the holder must know enough about the Zanpakuto it imitates.

Even though King Tsunayashirore knew about Muramasa's strength and the function of his ability, he never understood the principle of his power.

As a result, he has always been in a half-understood state of imitation of Muramasa, unable to apply it to actual combat.

Fortunately, in order to find the seal of Kuchiki Hikawa, Muramasa was the first to contact the Tsunayashiro family who knew the history of Soul Society, and also targeted him.

This is really dozing off. Someone sent a pillow, and it happened to be home.

Although he doesn't understand the principle of Muramasa's power, he has learned everything from Yamamoto and Kuchiki Yinling how to deal with Muramasa's ability.

After reaching an agreement with Muramasa, he decisively formulated a killing plan against Nagasawa Masaru.

And Muramasa is his biggest trump card!

What he didn't expect was that the battle between Masa Nagasawa and Muramasa would "accidentally" release the Kuchiki Hibiki who was sealed in Karakuza Town.

This can't help but cast a haze in his heart.

The sealed land of Kuchiki Xianghe is the only way he can restrain Muramasa. Without this trump card, Muramasa will never work for himself again.

The only thing he can give hope is that after the release of the seal, Kuchimu Xianghe's brain twitched, and he rattled and killed Nagasawa Ya.

Fortunately for him, Kuchiki Xianghe didn't know what kind of madness he had after the unblocking, and he actually got into a fight with Nagasawa Ya.

This immediately gave him a sense of pleasure from sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight.

Kuchiki Xianghe's strength is clear to him, and with the cooperation of Muramasa and Muramasa, even if they can't kill Nagasawa Masa, they will definitely inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

At that time, he only needs to be the fisherman who makes the profit, and everything is still under his control.

However, the next scene made him feel extremely Cao Dan.

In his perception of spiritual pressure, not only the spiritual pressure of Kuchiki Xianghe quickly fell like a meteor, but Muramasa also ran away inexplicably!

Countless virtual groups emerged from Muramasa's body in groups.

Seeing this scene, King Tsunayashiro Rei was stunned.

The reason why he has never used the swastikas of Liu Ren Ruo Huo and Hung Le Corridor to cover Nagasawa Masa and others is that he is worried that the safety of the world will be involved, and Kisuke Urahara, Yoruichi Sifengin, and the wielder will be blown up. The three captain-level battle strength of Ling Tieshai.

Even with the addition of these three, with his strength, coupled with the cooperation of Yan Luo Jingdian and the "stand-in doll", he is confident that he can still hold the audience.

But the price to be paid would be too high.

It is estimated that the entire Tsunayashiro family branch, together with all the senior officials of all affiliated families, must be sacrificed to be able to do so.

Moreover, even though all the descendants of the Tsunayashiro family are still alive, without the support of branch families and affiliated families, even if they will not fall out of the ranks of the "Five Great Nobles" for the time being, the Tsunayashiro family will be completely devastated. Losing the qualification to compete with the Kuchiki family.

This is a difficult decision, even if it is as decisive as him, it is difficult to make such a determination.

However, what was even more unexpected was...

He didn't expect that Muramasa's rampage would actually explode a group of "dead souls" such as Hirako Mako. He was so shocked that even he, who had been in battle for a long time, was briefly distracted because of this unexpected situation.

Even in the battle with Narcissus, he was slashed more than a dozen times by the opponent because of this short-term stupor.

If it weren't for the "stand-in doll" to divert the damage, the battle would have ended long ago.

King Tsunayashiro Rei, who swung his sword to force the Narcissus back, already retreated in his heart.

The appearance of Hirako Mako and others disrupted his overall plan.

If it was just Urahara Kisuke and the three of them, he would still dare to grit his teeth and bet all his chips on it.

But all of a sudden, there are 7 more captain ranks, and it is still in the absence of the former great ghost Taoist leader Ling Teizhai...

To be honest, he wasn't sure at all.

Fortunately, the matter has not yet reached the worst point, and there is still room for mediation.

He did not use Yan Luo Jing Dian to launch any means capable of destroying the world.

Although Muramasa is his partner on the surface, he can fully explain that he accidentally discovered the unstable factor of Muramasa, in order to solve it under the premise of ensuring that the damage to Seireitei is minimized. It was a ticking time bomb, so without notifying anyone, the situation was set up quietly.

As for what to say about pretending to be the god of death to attack the Quincy, re-starting the battle between the soul world and the Quincy, and taking action against Jingle Chunshui and others...

Relatively speaking, these are much easier to explain.

Unlike Yamamoto, the reason why he can live for so many years is not because he is strong enough.

It's because he knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and he can handle the weaknesses of the high-level officials in the soul world, and he will never give up when it is time to shrink his head.

He understands that compared to the lingering Quincy Masters, those nobles who are sitting on a vegetarian diet are more afraid of the village and the rotten trees.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

"You are really hardworking, little girl."

...... cut......

PS. I went to bed at 8 o'clock last night with a headache, thinking that it hasn't been updated yet, so I quickly sent a leave note when I woke up.

Almost recovered, get up in the morning and code it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You are really hardworking, little girl."

"I heard... if the Zanpakutō materialized by Muramasa is not defeated by its own master, but by someone else, it will never be able to return to its original form."

"Aren't you worried?"

Although King Tsunayashirore had thought of retreating from the bottom of his heart, he, who was cunning and calculating, did not show it on the bright side.

Once a person shows his fear, he will have a weakness, and the situation will fall into a passive position. Compared with this, he prefers to hold the initiative in his own hands.

At this moment, he no longer plans to trouble Nagazeya anymore. He just wants to return to Soul Society through the world-traveling gate, clean up the mess first, and at least seize the moral high ground first.

What just gave him a headache was that although Nagasawa Masaru's Zanpakutō couldn't cause much damage to him, and his side always had the upper hand in the situation, the headache came from the opponent's fearlessness in death, as if She tried her best not to let him take a step away.

Nagasawa Masa over there has already cleaned up the dead wood Xianghe. In his perception of Reiatsu, after Nagasawa Masa's Reiatsu collided with the berserk Muramasa, it seemed to be integrated with it. It's time for the most intense fighting.

It only took less than 5 minutes to clean up the rotten wood, and it took even less time to deal with the out-of-witted Muramasa.

If he continues to be entangled by Narcissus, his situation will only get worse.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but plan to find a breakthrough from the Narcissus, and immediately resorted to a trick of "attacking the heart first"!

However, what made him speechless was that, facing his scheming, Narcissus not only did not respond, but whispered three words in a rather calm tone.

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