"You're afraid."

Hearing this, the calm look on Prince Tsunayashiro's face couldn't help but stiffen.

This is seen? ? ?

Even speaking was a little awkward, and it took a lot of effort to quickly adjust.

"Who... who is afraid?"

"I'm just a kind reminder."

However, facing King Tsunayashiro who quickly adjusted himself, the expression on Narcissus's face did not change at all, and continued to speak with a voice that seemed to have no fluctuations.

"You're afraid."

Being poked at the pain point by Narcissus twice in a row, even the city's seasoned King Tsunayashiro Rei couldn't help being a little annoyed, and his thick eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"It's a joke, even though I, King Tsunayashiro Rei, have stepped down as the head of the family, I still control the entire Tsunayashiro family. As one of the five nobles, I would be afraid of your Zanpakuto? What a big joke!"

"You're afraid."

But Facing King Tsunayashirore's slightly contemptuous words, Narcissus seemed not to understand the meaning, and just repeated lightly.

This time, King Tsunayashirore was really annoyed.

Obviously it was the "spiritual strategy" that he used, why did he become popular in the end?

For a moment, he couldn't help being a little speechless.

"Hey, let me tell you, besides these three words, you have other lines..."

However, this time, before he could finish his sentence, Narcissus, who had been chatting with him from a distance just now and deliberately kept a distance from him for almost the entire battle, disappeared in a flash.


When she showed her figure again, she actually gave up her advantage of medium and long distance, and took the initiative to get close to King Tsunayashiro Rei.

When the visible blade and the invisible blade collided in the air, there was no extra color except for the sound of the Taidao.

However, when King Tsunayashiro's gaze jumped over the blade in front of him and landed on the immature face of Narcissus, his heart beat twice quickly for no reason. It was a kind of heart palpitation. a feeling of.

This crazy batch!

On the immature face that was close at hand, the calmness and breezyness of the past had long since disappeared, and the Narcissus who rushed in front of her had the same fanaticism as Masa Nagasawa.

"I told you, you're scared!"

"That guy Nagasawa once said that once people are afraid, they will unconsciously panic, and even more nonsense will come out of their mouths."

"Although I don't know what you are afraid of, what I know is that as long as you are not allowed to get away easily, the fear in your heart will gradually increase!"

"The more unfavorable things are to the enemy, the more we must do it to the end!"

Listening to the words in his ear, Tsunayashiro Rei's handsome face was immediately covered with haze.

He considers himself a reasonable man.

Reasonable people often don't like idiots who are impulsive and act on intuition.

However, in his eyes, Nagasawa Ya is an extremely contradictory person.

He is organized and measured when dealing with things, but when he does things, he is reckless. Many times, he doesn't even look into the reason, and follows his own instinct to be reckless.

However, the final result of the matter is so beautiful that people have nothing to say.

This kind of thick and thin, informal character is probably one of the reasons why he hates Nagasawa Masa and wants to get rid of it quickly.

As Nagasawa Ya's Zanpakuto, Narcissus perfectly inherited Nagasawa Ya's character.

He obviously didn't know what consequences stopping him would have on him, but he just followed his intuition and erupted with even stronger power than before.

For a moment, King Tsunayashirore had a feeling of shooting himself in the foot with a stone.

After thinking for less than half a second, he made a decision in his mind.

Since "attacking the heart" is useless, then completely defeat her!

Thinking of this, a stern look suddenly flashed in King Tsunayashiro's eyes.

Immediately, a golden long whip appeared out of nowhere by his side, and then stretched and wound continuously. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people were created around him. A dancer in the place of a flower bud.

Accompanied by a pair of batons, giant hands also made of golden long whips emerged behind him.

If Masa Nagasawa were here, she would definitely recognize this ability in front of her.

It is one of the members of the Masked Legion, the swastika "Kinshaluo Dance Troupe" of Fengqiao Rojuro, the former captain of the third division.

Under the command of those giant hands, the dancers formed by long whips seemed to have been injected with life, surrounding Tsunayashiro Rei and the water fairy, performing a strange dance.

Looking at the golden dancers dancing strangely, Narcissus only felt the world spinning, as if he was in a whirlpool, unable to tell the difference between east, west and north.

She waved the blade in her hand, trying to force the golden dancers to stop the weird dance by attacking them.

However, to her dismay, her "ROOM", which claimed to be 100% hit, didn't hit the golden dancer at all.

The unexpected change made the pupils in her eyes shrink slightly involuntarily.

But before she made any further moves, King Tsunayashiro Rei, who was eager to get away, no longer planned to continue entangled with her.

A ferocious look flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand to launch the Jinshaluo Dance Troupe's most powerful killing move!

"Third ring, career of a hero!"

...... cut......

PS. The second season of the Millennium Blood War has been updated. This quality, my God, is so cool!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Third ring, career of a hero!"

With King Tsunayashiro's voice falling, Narcissus suddenly felt that he could not "breathe".

It's a very strange feeling.

Obviously, he is just a Zanpakutō, breathing or something doesn't matter at all, and he has never been injured or bled.

But after being materialized by Muramasa, she experienced all these feelings she had never had before, including the simplest and least caring "breathing".

As a Zanpakutō, Sui Xian never thought that not being able to breathe would be such a painful thing.

Unprepared, she suddenly lost the ability to breathe. In just a few seconds, her face turned blue due to lack of oxygen, and she couldn't even do the simplest action of holding the Zanpakutō in her hand. arrive.

The Zanpakutō in his hand fell helplessly from the air.

Subconsciously covered his throat with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, under the cold gaze of Prince Tsunayashiro, he fell powerlessly from the sky like a bird with its wings broken off.

Looking at the water fairy falling to the ground, Prince Tsunayashiro's eyes were full of coldness.

In the "Jinshaluo Dance Troupe" that he used with all his strength just now, he sacrificed at least the lives of more than [-] branch disciples.

After breaking through the tenth level of spiritual power, every promotion is a hurdle, and breaking through the fourth level of spiritual power to the third level of spiritual power, which symbolizes the captain level, is like a natural barrier.

The captain-level 卍解 is not something that can be dealt with by the number of branch disciples who only have mid-level and high-ranking officials at most. It is just that the lifespan of more than [-] branch disciples is sacrificed, and it is his Zanpakuto "straw doll" The reason for quantifying the lifespan of those disciples.

After tidying up the Narcissus, he just glanced at Jingle Chunshui and others who were fighting fiercely with the Hungry Corridor in the distance.

Immediately, without the slightest intention of killing him, or going to deal with Nagasawa Ya, he walked towards the world-transmitting gate reserved by him without looking back.

For this plan, he did not use any of the world-transmitting gates of the five nobles, including the Tsunayashiro family, and even made some manipulations on the exclusive world-transmitting gates of the other four families in order to be sure.

They are all five great nobles, who doesn't know where the world-transmitting gate is?It's just not on the table.

And at this moment, what he was going to was the evacuation route he had prepared for himself, a one-time transboundary gate that only allowed one person to pass through.

As long as he successfully arrives at the secret door and returns to the Soul Realm in advance to make a plan, even with the testimony of Masa Nagasawa, Shunsui Kyoraku, and Byakuya Kuchiki, Yamamoto will be fine with him!

In case Nagasawa and the others encountered any accidents when the world-transmitting gate returned to normal, and the time axis shifted in the broken world, he would be very happy.

More time to prepare!

However, just as he turned around and was about to walk towards the world-transmitting gate hidden in the dark, a light drink suddenly passed into his cochlea.

"Crescent... Tianchong!"

Immediately, a sword pressure soared into the sky, as if cutting the whole world in half, and stopped in front of him.

The fierce sword pressure continuously twisted and tore the space, releasing one frighteningly sharp sword light after another.

Facing the pressure of the sword that seemed to sever the world, even King Tsunayashiro Rei had to stop his progress.

Looking at the "Wall of Sighs" built by the pressure of swords in front of him, a look of astonishment instantly climbed onto King Tsunayashidai Rei's face.

So fast! ?

Although he didn't see who the releaser was, but only through the perception of the spiritual pressure, King Tsunayashirore knew who the person who released the outrageously exaggerated sword pressure in front of him was.

For a moment, his complexion improved a little because of solving the entanglement of the Narcissus, and he became gloomy again in an instant.

Sure enough, when he turned around and looked in the direction where the Narcissus had just fallen, a tall and straight figure suddenly appeared in front of him under his face twitching slightly, embracing the Narcissus who had just fallen to the ground. In sight.

Garbage, rubbish, useless maggots, sewer bastards, twisted perverts, stinky bastards!

Looking at the figure of Masa Nagasawa, Tsunayashiro Rei had already scolded Muramasa with all the obscenities he knew, some of which had to be forcibly blocked with a mosaic.

The appearance of Masa Nagasawa will inevitably mean the downfall of Muramasa, and he doesn't even need to use Reiatsu to sense it to understand this truth.

This damned Muramasa not only attracted Hirako Mako and others, but he couldn't even delay the time!

Looking at Nagasawa Yana's slightly messy deadly costume, I'm afraid he didn't even hurt the other party!

Fortunately, now, Muramasa and his equally useless master Kuchimu Xianghe have returned to the west, and all the mess has to be cleaned up by himself. If he didn't swear out the foul words in his heart, he was already regarded as Tsunayashi Dai Lingwang's attention Aristocratic etiquette.

However, Nagasawa Ya, who just appeared, didn't seem to notice him at all.

He just lowered his head and looked at the "partner" in his arms who was already blue and purple, still looking at himself with those stubborn eyes full of tears, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something to himself, but couldn't utter a single syllable. .

"You did a good job, go back to the knife first."

"Next, leave it to me!"

Nagasawa Ya's voice was very soft, but when it fell on Narcissus's ears, there was a particularly reassuring feeling, as if the suffocation in the throat was no longer as strong after hearing his words.

However, it was probably really uncomfortable. After hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, Narcissus just nodded in a hurry, then turned into a spirit child, and "got into" the Zanpakuto at Nagasawa Ya's waist .

Watching Narcissus return to Zanpakuto, Masa Nagasawa finally set her sights on King Tsunayashiro Rei.

Muramasa's ability is to make the Zanpakutō break away from the shackles of the blade and materialize, becoming a spirit-like existence.

The materialized Zanpakuto has the same five senses as the spirit body, which is why Narcissus will be injured and feel suffocated.

But once the Zanpakuto returns to the blade, it will no longer appear in a materialized state, and will naturally no longer be bound by the five senses. This is both pros and cons.

Facing the "Kinsara Dance Troupe" performed by King Tsunayashiro Rei, Narcissus can completely decipher the opponent's moves by returning to Zanpakuto.

The reason why she was reluctant to return to Zanpakuto was only because she promised Nagasawa Masa, no matter what, she would not let Tsunayashiro Rei bother him, and she would not let the other party solve the problem in the village. Just half a step away from here!

She fulfilled her promise to Nagasawa Ya.

And next, it was Nagasawa's turn to respond to her contribution!

...... cut......

PS. I said the second season of the Millennium Blood War is "handsome", mainly because I feel that the production level is really good, there is not too much light pollution, it just feels very comfortable, and I look forward to every week of the third season~~~!

The forty-sixth chapter of the so-called continuous fight

Looking at Nagasawa Masa with a cold face, the corners of King Tsunayashiroreo's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He really didn't expect that the other party would have the strength to deal with the runaway Muramasa in a very short period of time after quickly killing Kuchiki Xianghe.

At the same time, he also knew very well that the current situation no longer allowed him to delay any longer.

Without his restraint, Jingle Chunshui and the others were able to quickly deal with the Pac-Man summoned by Hungry Corridor.

Even if the opponent is suppressed by 80% of the spiritual pressure by the "limited engraving" at this moment, the threat cannot be underestimated.

What's more troublesome is Kisuke Urahara and Mako Hirako.

Although because of Muramasa's rampage, a hole connecting the virtual circle was torn in Karakura Town, so Mako Hirako and others had to take action to deal with the virtual group from the virtual circle.

But with Urahara Kisuke's technology, it's only a matter of time before this kind of passage is repaired, not to mention that there is still Akita Bogen, the former deputy ghost priest whose strength is not in Hishitsusai's.

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